Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (22 page)

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Need some help,” Carlo asked softly, kissing the back of her neck as the water ran down on them both. “Where is Lauren,” Auriel asked as his hands found her breasts and the nipples hardened. “She’s with cook,” he replied turning his wife to him and kissing her deeply. “Mmmm, okay,” she murmured softly as his other hand ventured between her legs. Carlo loved the custom designed shower with the strategically placed hand and footholds, as well as the small bench he’d put in. “Are you going to give me a son,” he asked kissing her lips again, lifting Auriel and placing her against the shower wall. “Yes,” she returned hoarsely as Carlo slid deeply inside her and they began making love. He loved the feel of her. He also prided himself on being the only man to ever touch her. “Auriel, so sweet,” Carlo murmured as he kissed her neck and his rhythm increased. “Carlo, yes, you feel so good,” Auriel cried out as the orgasm shook her and she coated him with her satisfaction. Carlo began thrusting into her with renewed vigor, coming hard moments later. The both chuckled silently hearing the cook’s voice calling out that lunch was ready now.

Carlo sat straight up in his bunk breathing hard, eyes blinking rapidly as he recovered from the dream.

Why the hell am I dreaming about her now,” he groused quietly.

Carlo didn’t want to deal with Auriel, not even the memory of her. He didn’t want to think about the night she died or anything surrounding it. He loved her with his whole heart and she’d betrayed him.
That damned doctor,
his mind told him, answering the why of his dream. Every day for the last three months he’d made him talk about some facet of his relationship with Auriel.

I need a hit,” Carlo mumbled getting up and wandering out of his cell.

He headed to the infirmary knowing the doctor would have what he needed.

I need something,” he told the man simply upon finding him in the makeshift clinic.

The doctor knew well enough not to question Carlo, simply acknowledging his understanding and telling him to follow him.

Arriving Carlo sat on the doctor’s desk while the man unlocked the drug cabinet. Glancing down, he saw his name and his interest was piqued. Picking up the folder Carlo read the notes with interest, the frown deepening with each line. The doctor turned to give him the drug, only to meet with Carlo’s intense glare.

When were you going to tell me about this,” he asked, dropping the file back onto the desk.

Swallowing hard the man gathered his courage to speak.

When we met later this week Hangman, I swear,” he replied, terrified of the look in Carlo’s eyes right now.

Who else knows,” he asked calmly, climbing down off the desk and standing right in front of the doctor now.

No one, I haven’t told a soul, I swear,” the doctor pleaded.

What does it mean, and how long,” Carlo again asked without emotion.

The man swallowed hard again. Delivering bad news to Hangman Cisneros was never a safe occupation and the doctor had a very bad feeling right now.

You can still treat it right now,” the doctor hedged.

Carlo sighed slightly and told him to enlighten him. The man quickly gave him a rundown of everything that could be done, as well as how discreetly it could be handled; knowing Carlo valued his privacy and his image.

Hmph, fine, when does it begin,” he asked, taking the smack as the doctor visibly relaxed and answered his question.

Carlo again gave his understanding and left with his drugs as the doctor thanked his fates for still being alive.


How’s it going Ernie,” Stefan greeted the man as he joined them in the diner. Ernie introduced Spank, using his legal name, Jerrell.

How you doing Jerrell,” Stefan spoke amiably.

Stefan Clay was a decorated Captain with the Chicago Police. He was also as dirty as a nuclear waste polluted pond.

We need some serious set up and movement,” Ernie told Stefan calmly.

The captain nodded as he called the waitress over and gave his order. Spank looked the man over as he and Ernie talked. Stefan was a big man, standing at least 6’6” he was sure. He wasn’t fat, but he was thick, a little soggy around the midsection but Spank had no doubt he was deadly when he had a mind to be. The ferret like eyes gave away the veiled danger that lurked deep in the man’s psyche.

What is it you need from me exactly,” Stefan asked at the end of Ernie’s explanation.

Sighing softly Ernie spelled it out in plain English, praying this wasn’t the one time Stefan decided to actually do his job. The man sat back in his chair, arms crossed and eyes closed for a few moments. Ernie and Spank exchanged looks but said nothing.


Stefan opened his eyes moments later and addressed them both.

I’m in, and my price is 300K,” he told them as Spank nodded and Ernie asked when and where.

The three men talked on for the latter part of the next three hours with Stefan warning them that no one could afford to make a mistake.

If the shit goes wrong, I’m going to save my own ass,” he said simply as Ernie and Stefan told him they could respect that, while assuring him nothing would go awry.

How is Hangman’s sister,” Stefan asked Ernie out of the blue.

Spank frowned slightly but didn’t comment. He could tell the man had a crush on the woman from the way his eyes took on the far way look when he inquired about her wellbeing.

She’s fine as far as I know, still in the same place,” Ernie returned as Stefan murmured but said nothing more.

We’ll bring the first 75k tomorrow when we meet,” Ernie told Stefan who mumbled his understanding and told them he was looking forward to the lucrative arrangement.

Ernie and Spank rose moments later, leaving the Captain alone as he continued to enjoy his meal and think about the woman he been secretly in love with for the last five years.


Carlo walked into the therapy room, high and feeling no pain. Rait took in his demeanor and immediately was on guard. The man was extremely volatile when he was high. The smallest things seem to set him off.

Hello Carlo,” Rait greeted calmly.

Carlo actually smiled and returned the greeting, settling himself in the chair across from the psychiatrist.

I suppose you want to talk about Auriel again, hmm,” he asked, giving the doctor a look.

Rait swallowed uncomfortably and told him yes.

You have quite the hard on for my wife, doctor,” Carlo began, his tone and demeanor changing.

I only want to know what went wrong in what you yourself have said was a beautiful love the two of you shared,” Rait quickly combated.

Carlo seemed to weigh his answer for a few moments, remaining silent and staring at him.

We don’t have to talk about her though, let’s talk about your parents instead,” the psychiatrist quickly switched gears.

What about them,” Carlo returned nonchalantly.

How did their deaths affect you Carlo,” Rait asked quietly as his suspicions were confirmed.

He was a punk,” Carlo said calmly and coldly.

Your father,” Rait ventured. “No Carlo,” the reply came.

Hmm, I see,” Rait returned. “I thought I was talking to Carlo,” he baited.

The laugh was almost instant.

Yes, most people do, I fool them so easily,” he chuckled as Rait nodded.

So who are you then,” he asked, not sure if he would get a reply.

I’m Hangman idiot,” he snapped irritably.

I thought you and Carlo were one in the same,” Rait continued to try and draw out.

He’d suspected in addition to Carlo being schizophrenic that he suffered from a personality disorder.

No, he’s weak, soft, loving,” Hangman returned distastefully.

Why, because he shows emotion,” Rait asked.

Hangman sighed deeply and gave Rait another look.

He was going to cut him down that day,” he murmured, his eyes glazing over.

Who,” Rait asked. Hangman regarded him again before speaking.

His father,” he replied. “He was going to actually cut the sonofabitch down and save his life,”

Hangman went on as Rait continued to listen and record the session.

I had to hurry and take over,” he explained as Rait nodded but said nothing.

Carlo’s always been weak, he used to let them bully him, push him around,” Hangman told the doctor.

So you just watched him die,” Rait asked concerning, Antonio, Carlo’s father.

I made sure he died,” Hangman returned. “Kicking that chair out from under him was hilarious,” he began chuckling before breaking into all out laughter.

Rait had to admit he was more than just a little uncomfortable with the man right now, knowing the guards would offer little to no help if Carlo decided to attack him again. Hangman finally gathered himself, simply smiling now at the memory.

How do you feel about your sister,” Rait ventured.

Hangman’s smiled vanished and he regarded the doctor coldly.

She’s his sister,” he spat acidly. “Just another bitch that got what she deserved that day,” he continued.

What do you mean,” Rait asked. Hangman explained the notes he’d written and given to the neighbor saying Hope had a crush on him and that she wanted him to be her first.

Rait was appalled. “Why would you do that,” he asked, trying to keep the disgust from his voice.

Because they loved her more than me,” Hangman replied without emotion.

Rait left the subject alone deciding that he wanted to end the session for now.

Okay Hangman,” Rait began. “I think we’ve covered enough for today,” he tried as Hangman rose and walked to the door closing it and turning to him.

We’ve only gotten started doc,” he replied calmly, putting his chair behind the door and sitting down in it.

Rait’s pulse began to race and the knot in his stomach tightened.

I enjoyed watching him fuck her that day, I jacked off while he did it,” Hangman told him.

Rait felt the bile in the back of his throat. This was a can of worms he was truly regretting opening.

It was the first time I’d cum like that ever,” Hangman continued still holding Rait’s stare.

He raped her twice that day, and I loved every moment of it,” he went on still smiling slightly as he recalled it.

Carlo, he wanted to stop him, kept trying to get out so he could call the police or something stupid like that,” he told Rait who again nodded and continued to pray silently.

I guess it messed her up,” he told Rait who saw just the slightest bit of pity in the man. “She was never quite the same after that,” he murmured almost to himself.

She really freaked when saw them hanging that day,” Hangman began anew, chuckling once more. “I had to slap her hysterical ass to get her to stop all that damned screaming,” he added as Rait snorted slightly.

You feel better Doc,” he asked giving him yet another look. “You wanted to know the real Hangman, well how do you like me now,” he asked and burst into laughter, getting up and removing the chair, walking out of the door and leaving Rait stunned, terrified, and intrigued.


Hope wondered who would be visiting her as she answered the knock at the door.

Good afternoon Miss Cisneros,” Stefan greeted smiling.

Good afternoon Officer,” Hope returned, only vaguely recognizing the man. “Please come in,” she offered, praying he was here about Lauren.

Can I get you something to drink,” Hope asked pleasantly.

Stefan asked for water if it wasn’t too much trouble. Hope assured him it wasn’t as she went into the kitchen to get it. Stefan was quick. He unscrewed her phone receiver and placed the tiny bug inside it. He quickly placed two more, one under the coffee table in her living room, and the other inside her bedroom, behind her dresser. Thankfully he’d gotten the layout of her house from the files on the case from back in the day and she hadn’t seemed to change anything.

Thank you,” he told her, sitting once again when she returned. “I wanted to stop by and see how you were, and to tell you that we are still working on leads about your niece,” Stefan lied.

That case had been cold and discarded for as long as Carlo Cisneros had been in prison.

Hope smiled and thanked him for the concern as well as the update on Lauren.

I really need to find her,” Hope told him as Stefan smiled slightly and assured her he was doing all he could to help her.

I’m sorry, you look so familiar,” Hope finally told him, her curiosity getting the better of her.

Stefan smiled and reminded her of who he was during her brother’s trial.

Oh, I see,” she returned, shutting down slightly.

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