Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (21 page)

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Cartier sighed slightly, giving him as look as he began to speak.

Horse, since the day I arrived you have been loyal,” he told him. “You have seen us through many storms, and just as we desire to be free, I know you do as well,” Cartier told him, looking the man directly in the eye.

You will have employment when we leave, working for me personally,” he began anew. “So there will no further discussion, just be ready to move when the blocks are put into place,” Cartier finished as Horse thanked him for his generosity and told him he understood.

Hangman and the doctor had a run in,” Horse began anew, filling in all the blanks for Cartier.

He doesn’t get it,” Cartier returned, referring to Rait. “There are some things that simply should be left alone,” he added, speaking almost to himself.

Horse understood. He was still recalling the ritual he’d attended at Carlo’s demand and all the things that happened. It still shook his core to this day.

Tomorrow the wheels start to turn again,” Cartier said again aloud as Horse agreed and bid him goodnight just as the guards informed them it was lights out in ten minutes.



Hope was reeling from the news her doctor had given her.
Cancer, I’m too young to have cancer,
she was still thinking numbly as she arrived at the church and went inside. Sitting down on the second pew, Hope closed her eyes as the tears finally came and she began to weep.
He’s punishing me,
she thought, continuing to sob silently. Hope felt that her condition was bought on by the nights of blasphemy at Mama Sease’s with all the rituals and paganism she contributed too and participated in.
It’s because of what you did to your brother and your niece too,
her mind continued to torture. Hope held herself fully responsible for Carlo’s downfall and Lauren’s subsequent displacement.
He would still be abusing her though,
Hope’s wellbeing tried to interject. If nothing else she had to be glad that Carlo’s reign of terror in Lauren’s life was ended.

But at what cost,” Hope whispered softly, the tears finally subsided.

The search became even more urgent in her mind. She had to find Lauren and tell her the truth, settle things between them, and find peace with her niece before she left this earth.
What about Roderick,
her mind pestered once again.

Sighing deeply Hope tried to figure out how she felt about the man now after almost six years. She had loved him deeply at one time. They shared the loss of a child together.
He left you though, without as much as a goodbye,
her subconscious brought back to her remembrance. Hope supposed if she really wanted to find him she could. She just wasn’t sure she wanted too just yet. Opening her purse, Hope removed the letter from Carlo. Even with their hate filled parting at his trial, he wrote her often in the beginning. Now however, he only wrote on occasion, perhaps one or twice a year. Hope turned the envelope over in her hands again and again, toying with the idea of opening it. She didn’t know what exactly Carlo could possibly have to say to her.
How can he justify being the monster he was to Lauren, killing Auriel,
she thought as she ripped the letter in half, just like all the rest, and rose heading for the trash to dispose of it. Hope returned moments later and lit a candle, kneeling at the altar and beginning to pray. Her doctor wanted to begin chemotherapy in a week. Hope prayed for healing, but she also prayed if she was going to die, that she be allowed to see Lauren one last time before she did.


Cartier was enjoying his smoke and the slight morning sun that filtered into his cell as his mind whirled. Spank was doing everything they’d asked, but of course as with time, people change. A lot of the old contacts were gone, leaving some in their place that wouldn’t play the game. Detoured, they weren’t deterred. Cartier quickly gave Spank names of Association members who were still loyal, even while doing their own things. Ernie was among that small, elite group. He was still hanging onto his job at Erlanger Institute, and running diminutive dope runs for Dizzy; the new kingpin since his and Carlo’s departure. Ernie was working with Spank securing new people to put the plan into action, but it was moving slowly. Cartier was worried about Carlo. His health was starting to visibly deteriorate. He suspected it was from the rampant drug use with his friend shooting up three or more times a day. The visits with the shrink didn’t seem to be helping either. Carlo was always on a short fuse these days, going off without warning or provocation. Cartier was the only person continually immune from the outbursts and tantrums.

Spank was coming to see Horse later today and give him information on how things were going. They were only allowed visitors once a month, and Cartier’s were already taken with Ryan coming to give him reports. Thinking of his sons Cartier smiled again. The boys were doing very well. He had people in Alabama who kept him up to speed of the things Ryan didn’t disclose during his visits, like the much older woman his son was seeing. Ryan liked the ladies and Cartier couldn’t hold it against him, as he himself enjoyed plenty of female company. He just didn’t like this particular woman, especially with the reports from his lieutenants there. She was looking for a meal ticket and she assumed she’d found herself one in the impressionable young man. Cartier had plans for her though. He was also going to suggest to Ryan he date younger women; perhaps make a few babies with one.
You already know his stubborn ass won’t listen,
his mind told him as Cartier smiled again. Ryan was definitely himself when it came to attitude and being headstrong. Ian was his mirror image, well years ago anyway, Cartier continued to brood.

Hard time, fights, accidents, had disfigured him slightly. The resemblance was harder to catch now. His hand involuntarily went to his face, tracing the scar that adorned it from one of the last takeovers he and Carlo did together.
“Let’s not waste time talking to this fool,” Carlo told Cartier as they walked into the tightly spaced dive that was passing for a club this month. They were looking for Juke, the man who ran the dive and almost 100 kilos of pure cocaine every month without detection. He was rumored to be heavily armed and protected at all times, except when he came home to his hood and the dive he called, Heaven. Cartier took in the sick green tint of the walls slathered with the cheap outdoor latex paint. The light bulbs were bare without shades, hanging in various intervals in the club as people danced to the loud blaring of oldie after oldie. Carlo’s eyes were flitting furtively across the club trying to spot their target. He didn’t like close spaces and wanted to get this done and gone as quickly as possible. “How you doing tonight handsome,” the woman greeted Cartier as he regarded her silently.

She was fine and the scant clothing she wore left little to his imagination. Reeling his thoughts in quickly, Cartier returned her greeting and once more focused his mind on business. The woman however didn’t want to be dismissed just yet. She boldly stepped to Cartier, grasping his manhood and kissing his neck. “Don’t you wanna fuck, big man,” she growled drunkenly in his ear. Cartier tried to push her away, but her grip on his now hardening member was firm. “Later baby,” he tried as she looked into his eyes now. “Why not now, my pussy is hot and wet for this dick,” she told him still smiling and caressing his now fully erect member. Glancing around, Cartier spotted Carlo having basically the same issue as the woman in front of him was caressing him and kissing his lips softly. “NO,” he yelled forcefully pushing the woman away. It was a set up and he needed to get to his partner and warn him. Right before he reached Carlo all hell broke loose. Gun fire erupted and Cartier saw the woman with Carlo go down. His friend hit the floor gun in hand firing back at the unseen assailant.

Muthafucka,” the woman screamed as the straight razor came down across Cartier’s face. Only moments earlier he’d entertained screwing her, now he aimed the .45 at her and blew a hole in what was once her face. Scrambling to their feet he and Carlo caught the back of Juke as he scampered out of the club. Bleeding profusely and furious, Cartier gave chase, Carlo right behind him. They caught him as he mistakenly ran down an alley with a six foot high chain fence blocking the exit. Carlo snatched Juke down and began kicking him as Cartier stomped him the two men hell bent on killing him. “Wait, stop,” Cartier finally managed to bring himself back. They wanted to know where his stash was before they killed him. Snatching him up, they half dragged, half carried him back to the now empty club, forcing him into the small back room where he’d obviously been hiding earlier. “Where the shit at, who supplies you, where is the money,” Cartier fired at him all at once. Juke gave them a defiant look and said nothing. Carlo gave him a backhanded pimp slap and cursed him. Cartier’s face was throbbing and his anger was still at full tilt. “You better try to talk you sonofabitch,” he growled as Carlo gathered the long extension cord from the same outlet the lone lamp was plugged into.

Juke again defiantly said nothing. Cartier grabbed the lamp, sticking it directly to the dealers face, the bulb burning his skin as he finally cried out. “Talk bitch,” Cartier again barked. Juke’s eyes scanned the room as Cartier paid rapt attention and Carlo finished his makeshift noose. “Asshole,” Cartier mumbled getting up and going over to the cabinet resting against the opposite wall. Kicking it in the stacks of cash began tumbling out. “Tithes and offering,” Cartier chuckled as Carlo howled with laughter. Juke regarded them both as insane. Opening the cabinet completely they saw everything they’d come for. “Who is the supplier,” Cartier asked once more as Juke said nothing. Tired of being bothered and his face throbbing, he yanked the man out of the chair and put the noose around his neck, forcing him up into the chair he’d only moments earlier sat in. “I’m not going to give you a chance to repent for shit,” Cartier growled as Carlo’s eyes glowed with glee and satisfaction. “Fuck you, go straight to hell,” he spat and kicked the chair out from under Juke, watching his body drop, hearing the familiar pop of his neck and watching him kicking and flailing wildly until death consumed him.

Socrates,” the guard called out, breaking his memory and returning Cartier to the now.

Ryan’s here,” he told him calmly as Cartier grunted and thanked him, heading down to the small private room where they talked.


Roderick was half listening as Rait droned on over the phone. He was tired of the all the experimental jargon talk. Roderick wanted results. He wanted to know just what exactly was wrong with Carlo. His daughter was quickly approaching her sixth birthday. She was such a beautiful little girl, looking very much like both him and her mother. Thinking of their child always brought Roderick back to Hope and how she was now. He’d stopped getting reports on her last year when his contact was promoted to a new position. He could only access Carlo now and he knew that Hope had no words for her brother.
Why do you care anyway, you’ve devastated her life,
his conscience began. Sighing deeply Roderick admitted how very much he did care for the woman at one time. He’d been ecstatic to learn she was pregnant with his child, feeling that at least his lost son was being given back to him. He was even happier to learn the child was a girl, the one thing he and Faatin always wanted together.
So you took her, lied to Hope, and gave her away why,
his conscience began to wail again.

Rait this all sounds well and good, but when are you going to give us something we can use,” Roderick asked rather testily.

He needed to take his mind off Hope and the feelings he still had for her.

I should have a concrete diagnosis by this week’s end if everything goes according to plan,” Rait returned.

He hadn’t told anyone about the incident with Carlo almost three months ago. He was happy to be alive, and of course, that much closer to being published and respected.

Hmph, well if we don’t get something worth reporting by the end of the month, the project is scrapped,” Roderick told him.

The powers that be saw no reason to continue to fund the experiment, especially with minimal results being returned.

I’ll have something for you, I promise,” Rait returned as Roderick heard the desperation in his voice.

Again stating his understanding he disconnected and sat back in his chair brooding. The phone rang and interrupted his thought as he answered.

Hello,” Roderick greeted the caller. “That sounds like fun,” he answered smiling now.

Talking a little while longer, Roderick disconnected and rose heading out of the door. He needed to find a special gift for his daughter and the birthday party he’d just been invited too.



Carlo, don’t let her get that close,” Auriel was telling him as he smiled watching Lauren teeter toward the pool. She was almost three now and the joy of his life. “She’s fine, I won’t let her fall in,” he assured Auriel who continued to watch worriedly. Carlo chuckled and rose, grabbing the chubby toddler right before she stuck her hand in the sparkling blue water. “No you don’t,” he teased, kissing her cheek. Lauren squealed with disappointment her big brown eyes filling with tears. “Aww, daddy will take you in later, okay,” Carlo promised as she continued to pout for a moment, before nodding slowly and hugging his neck tightly. Still carrying her Carlo went into the kitchen where the cook was preparing their lunch and put her on the counter. Lauren was immediately engrossed in watching the food preparation and enjoying the tastes the cook slipped her at regular intervals. Assuring Carlo she would be fine, the cook told him to leave Lauren with her. Carlo smiled and did as she asked, heading into the bedroom where Auriel was now showering.

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