Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (27 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates
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Is everything ready,” Cartier questioned the woman standing in front of him. “Yes,” Quita answered softly. “Good, give me thirty minutes,” Cartier replied as she nodded and left him alone in the room. Rising from the chair he’d been sitting in Cartier began lighting the various candles encompassing the room. He lit the incense waiting for the aromatic scent of Egyptian musk to fill the air. He poured two glasses of wine and set them on the nightstand, adding three condoms. Cartier sighed softly looking at himself in the mirror, checking his reflection one last time as the hesitant knock came to the door. “Come in,” he called out and waited. The door opened shortly afterward and the young woman walked inside. “Hello Sapphire,” Cartier greeted her, smiling. “Hi,” she replied nervously. “Come over and sit beside me,” he told her, all the while taking in the snow white mini dress she wore.

Sapphire was their latest addition to the family. Quita and Lynette, another girl in their stable, found her at the local transit station fresh off the bus from Toledo. Quickly assessing she was a runaway the women befriended her and brought her to the house. They’d spent the next two months programming and grooming her for the life. Cartier always wanted to know the women’s histories that he dealt with and she was no exception. Sapphire confided to Quita she ran away because of her stepfather and his unwanted attentions. She told Quita that even when she told her mother of his advances, the woman chose to take his word over her daughters. Cartier showered the young woman with gifts, money, and attention, achieving his goal of manipulating her emotions. She had a huge crush on him and he knew it. Cartier supposed her being only fifteen should have deterred him, an almost thirty year old man, but this was the game and she was a potentially profitable commodity.

Here,” Cartier told her sweetly, handing Sapphire the glass of wine. He took her in again as she sipped it gingerly. She was fine as hell, fifteen or not. Her body had curves upon curves, beautiful breasts, round and full. Cartier was getting an erection just thinking about sucking them. Her hips were perfectly formed and the ample butt she was blessed with sat perfectly between them. Cartier allowed her to finish the wine before turning her to him and kissing her softly. “Are you sure you want this Sapphire,” he asked, kissing her neck now. “Yeah Socrates,” she returned, already breathing hard as his hand gently caressed her breast. “I wanna be with you and make money for you,” she told him as he kissed the top of her breasts, unzipping the dress. “That’s what your sweet daddy likes to hear,” he told her kissing her lips, tonguing her deeply as he stripped the dress from her, laying her back onto the bed, gripping her breasts as she breathed hard and moaned softly.

I promise to make it good for you Sapphire,” Cartier told her honestly. He had no intention of hurting the girl. He knew she was a virgin, which was the main reason he, not Carlo, was breaking her in. Cartier was patient and he knew the situation called for that tonight. “I know daddy, I know,” Sapphire breathed as Cartier’s mouth now found her nipple and she moaned louder. Cartier’s hand slid down her smooth stomach, disappearing under the silk panties she wore, finding her clit. Sapphire’s legs opened widely loving his touch as she saturated the underwear and felt an orgasm quickly approaching. Cartier knew she was close as he continued to suck her nipples and finger her. Sapphire came hard, crying out her pleasure and drenching his fingers. She’d only cum like that when she played with herself. Sapphire didn’t think it was possible for someone else to make her feel that good, but obviously Cartier could.

He kissed his way down her stomach, removing her panties and putting his mouth on her, sucking greedily at her still swollen clit. “Mmm, daddy, mmm,” Sapphire moaned, touching her own breasts now. Cartier put her legs on his shoulders, using his tongue to dig her out as she screamed her pleasure now. Bringing her almost to completion again he stopped and pulled her up to him. “Show me how much you want your sweet daddy,” he told her hoarsely, helping her undress him. Sapphires eyes grew big as she saw his erection free of his boxers. “You can handle it baby,” Cartier coaxed. “You’re a woman, and I’m about to make you my woman,” he continued kissing her neck again. Sapphire smiled and returned the kisses. “Lick it first,” Cartier told her as she went down on him. He taught her to suck his balls, lick the hardness and finally take it in her mouth. “That’s it baby,” he told her as she pleasured him. Cartier had to admit she was doing a good job, unlike some he’d had.

Pulling her away gently, he pulled her back to him, kissing her deeply once again and rolling her onto her back. Sapphire couldn’t describe the euphoric sensations Cartier’s taste and touch were giving her. He was once again fingering her hard clit and she was flowing like a river all over again. “Put this on for me,” Cartier whispered in her ear, handing her the condom. Sapphire opened the package, hands shaking, and managed to get it out. Cartier helped her as she began rolling it onto his massive girth. She wasn’t surprised when they ran out of condom with plenty of Cartier left. “It’s fine baby,” he told her, seeing the expression on her face. “You never, ever, let any john inside you without one of these, do you hear me,” he told her sternly as Sapphire immediately nodded yes. Cartier grunted and kissed her again, laying her down gently once more and opening her legs. He guided himself to her entrance, still kissing her deeply as he pushed gently and broke her hymen.

Sapphire tensed slightly. “No baby, relax, let me love you,” Cartier told her in her ear, kissing it as he spoke. She took a deep breath and allowed herself to relax as he continued to slowly make his way inside her. Cartier began to thrust into her, slowly and carefully allowing her to fully relax and enjoy the act between them. “It’s so good baby,” Cartier told her as Sapphire began to move in rhythm with him, moaning softly now. “I’m yours daddy,” she told him as he assured her she was. “My beautiful Sapphire,” Cartier told her as he pushed even more of himself inside her. “Mmm, daddy, it’s so good,” she moaned completely enjoying the sensations now. Cartier began thrusting into her earnestly, enjoying every sensation her tightness was bringing. Sapphire came hard again, arching her back as he hit her throbbing clit with each thrust. “Daaaddddddyyyyy,” she screamed as Cartier went even deeper and held her tightly. His own orgasm was looming but the condom was annoying him. Stopping for a moment, he broke his own rule and removed it, going back inside Sapphire and thrusting into her again. “Mmmm daddy,” she purred loving the things he was doing to her. Cartier thrust into her again and his damn burst. He came hard, his seed exploding inside the young woman as she continued to moan softly.

Cartier sat up in his bunk, manhood still hard, sweating profusely as he struggled to compose himself. He hadn’t thought about the sexy young girl in years. Sighing deeply he fell back onto the bunk wondering what in the world brought that on.

Are you all right Socrates,” the soft feminine voice queried.

Glancing over to his immediate left, he saw Cookie giving him a concerned look. Debra ‘Cookie’ Morgan was a new guard and he’d already let it be known he wanted her; Cookie had in turn let him know he could have her.

Crazy dream,” Cartier replied calmly as she walked inside the cell and sat next to him.

Oh okay,” she said as he reached up and stroked her face.

Cookie smiled, rising and taking his hand. Cartier smiled as well knowing they were heading for the conjugal room and he would get blessed release from the throbbing erection that Sapphire had inspired.


Stefan stepped out of the bathroom, clad in a towel, walking into his room to dress. He was getting socks and underwear out of one of his drawers when the soft click caught his attention.

What the fuck,” he mumbled looking down the barrel of the .40 caliber Roderick was holding and calmly pointing directly at him.

Have a seat Captain Clay,” Roderick told him.

Stefan was furious. Not only was the man sleeping with the woman he loved, he was now in his home, holding him at a distinct disadvantage.

What the hell do you want Aames,” Stefan barked using the undercover name.

He didn’t know it was simply another cover used.

Shut up,” Roderick growled angrily.

He had more than enough issues going on right now.

Being here dealing with the drama Stefan was causing was the last thing Roderick wanted to be doing. Rait getting killed in that auto accident months ago had turned his world topsy turvy. His superiors had been up his butt with a microscope examining each and every decision, request or report he’d made. The hell he’d caught explaining the why of sending Rait to the prison as well as the reports on Hope had taken their toll. Roderick was on a very short leash and his temperance was even shorter. Now along comes this moron who was threatening to destroy several lives with his nonsense.

You are too nosey for your own damned good,” Roderick told him, leaning back on the dresser now, still holding the gun and eyeing the cop.

Stefan said nothing, waiting for the man to make his intentions known.

You going someplace,” he inquired, seeing the clothing lying out.

I have a function,” Stefan returned, offering nothing more.

He hoped it would somehow push Roderick toward letting him go.

Hmph,” he returned. “Where is it,” he asked as Stefan supplied the information.

Chuckling slightly Roderick told him that wasn’t what he meant. Stefan gave him a confused look now.

Where is the information you gathered, that I’m sure you’re planning to share with Hope,” he clarified his voice eerily calm.

I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Stefan tried.

He and Roderick were about the same size and if he could get him to put the gun down or relax, he was going to take his chances with fighting the man hand to hand.

Tonight is not the night to fuck with me Stefan,” Roderick growled, popping the safety off the gun.

Where is it,” he asked again a little louder.

Behind you,” Stefan replied, praying Roderick would turn to get it. “Is that all of it,” he asked without moving.

Grumbling Stefan nodded that it was.

Hmph okay,” Roderick returned regarding him again.

His mind was racing. This was well outside the scope of his job. He was here to commit a crime; something he’d spent his whole life bringing men and women to justice for.
Dammit Rait,
he thought of the shrink. If he’d still been alive, a simple chemically induced coma would suffice, and Stefan would never be an issue again. “Why would you lie to her and hurt her like that,” Stefan ventured, seeing the man deep in thought and sensing some inner turmoil.

You had to care about her to be with her,” he went on as Roderick regarded him without reply. “She’s in so much pain, don’t you think she deserves to know her child is alive,” he finally spit out, letting Roderick know he did indeed know the truth.

Hope is better off living her life like it is,” he finally replied.

Stefan gave him an incredulous look.

What kind of life would the child have with Carlo Cisneros as an uncle,” Roderick told Stefan as the man shook his head slightly.

But it’s her child,” he replied.

She’s my daughter too,” Roderick snapped angrily.

She won’t ever know,” he said simply as Stefan swallowed hard. “Hope is a sweet woman and I love her,” Roderick told him.

Surprised,” he asked, seeing the expression on the other man’s face. “But she and I can never have a future, and I will not subject my daughter to a broken home, and a psychotic uncle’s legacy the rest of her life,” he told Stefan.

So, that brings us to right here and now,” he began anew.

Why the hell are you so adamant about telling her anyway,” Roderick asked. “Are you in love with her,” he drilled.

Stefan grudgingly admitted he was.

That will never do,” Roderick replied jealously.

Listen to yourself,” Stefan yelled, angry now himself. “You took her child, you’re playing with her heart, in a few damned weeks you’ll be gone again,” he railed. “And you’re jealous that someone else wants to be with her and actually give her the shit you keep dangling in front of her.”

Roderick’s eyes narrowed. “You’re slime,” he told him calmly. “Not nearly good enough for a special woman like Hope,” he continued cocking the gun now.

Like I said, that will never do, and you will never tell her the truth,” he spat as he fired the first time, hitting Stefan in the center of his chest.

The Captain gasped, falling back onto the bed from the force of the bullet. Roderick walked over to him, shooting him three more times point blank. Turning he gathered the folder and all the information it contained, walking out of the man’s front door, a murderer, a fraud, and a disgraced hypocrite to the oath he swore to uphold.



Hope couldn’t describe the emptiness she felt today. The last three months had been a kaleidoscope of emotional peaks and valleys for her.
Everyone and everything I ever loved or cared about is gone,
she thought as she entered the church once again. Hope still had a hard time accepting Stefan’s death and subsequent burial, even being in attendance of the service. Roderick had disappeared almost immediately afterward again without so much as whispered warning or a quick goodbye. Kneeling in front of the altar, Hope begin praying holding her rosary and repeating the familiar litany, wishing desperately for some sense of peace in her life. She had another doctor appointment this afternoon. Her symptoms had returned and she was almost positive her cancer had returned.
Why am I being punished,
Hope mused as her tears flowed. She was still looking for Lauren on a daily basis, scouring the internet as much as she knew how in her limited knowledge. Calling the police detective assigned to the now cold case, Hope discovered the Stefan hadn’t been honest with her, and there were no new leads.
I guess he just didn’t want me to give up,
Hope decided not wishing to think ill of the dead.

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