Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (30 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates
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Returning to his car he continued to ponder the situation. As much as he didn’t like Hasaan being with Tariq and especially continually using drugs around him, Roderick wasn’t in the position yet to do anything about it. Closing his eyes and sighing deeply his mind began to replay all the events of the last three days. All the things he’d been through, learned, faced, were all fighting for air time in his mind. Roderick as usual thought about Hope, his resolve almost leaving him as he fumbled with the phone in his hand needing to hear her voice. Instead he called his friends and asked about his daughter.

Hi,” he greeted the little girl.

Hi Uncle Roderick,” she replied as they went on to chatter pleasantly for the next few minutes.

Getting her parents back on the phone, Roderick explained everything that was going on with him at the office.

What are you gonna do,” his friend asked.

Roderick sighed deeply and told him right now he didn’t know, but he had to decide and soon.

Take good care of her,” Roderick said softly concerning his daughter.

His friend of course assured him they would and bid him goodnight. Swallowing hard, Roderick started his car and headed back to the airport. He’d finally made his decision and there was work to do.



Meredith’s mouth hung open as the Warden continued to speak, completely unemotional.

What the hell are you trying to pull,” she yelled, the vein in her neck standing up.

I’m not pulling anything Ms. Shale,” he returned, still emotionless. “Your record has been less than stellar since you have been employed here and we are simply making personnel changes,” he informed.

Truthfully, Carlo had ordered Meredith fired before he and Cartier left. It was his going away gift to her.

So that’s it, you’re just firing me,” she continued to question trying hard to fight the tears that were threatening.

Meredith needed this job. It was already hard enough to make ends meet on the meager salary and keep a roof over her and her daughters head. After her appointment this morning, staying employed took on a whole new meaning.

I’m not firing you,” he replied. “You’re being furloughed, you will receive unemployment until it’s exhausted,” he added, leaning back in his chair and folding his arms, letting her know the meeting was ended.

Stunned, Meredith rose and meekly left his office going directly to Carlo’s cell. She needed him to give her some money now more than ever. She knew that even though he was in prison, Carlo Cisneros was nowhere near broke.

What,” he barked seeing her enter his cell.

He was feeling considerably better with the new medication that Cartier had ordered the prison doctor to find and obtain for him. They were leaving this place in two days and even though he knew he would eventually die, Carlo was going to enjoy every moment of the time he had left.

Carlo, please, I’ve lost my job,” Meredith begged.

And,” he replied, unmoved.

And I need some money to help me take care of your daughter,” she got out before he slapped her hard, knocking her down.

I told you to never say that bullshit to me didn’t I,” Carlo raged.

His face was contorted in the contempt he felt toward the woman and the child she kept trying to say was his blood.

She is your child you bastard, help me,” Meredith screamed from the floor where she remained.

Carlo kicked her in the stomach as a reply.

Kneeling he got right in her face and spoke. “I will never claim that damned brat you gave birth too, how many fucking times do I need to tell you that,” he hissed. “My daughter is beautiful, and she is her father’s child, I claim her with everything in me,” he added as Meredith continued to endure.

I made sweet love to her mother and loved her into conception,” Carlo began anew. “I fucked you Meredith, there was never any love, I dumped cum in you because you allowed it,” he went on as she sniffled miserably. “But I did not, ever, impregnate you,” Carlo finished, rising and moving away from her.

Carlo, please don’t do this, Carlita is a beautiful child and she deserves you just as much as Lauren,” she ventured, rising and standing before him again.

Carlo raised his hand and she flinched.

Don’t you ever use my daughter’s name in the same sentence with that bitch again, do you hear me,” he told her coldly.

Carlo, please,” Meredith continued to endure.

Fuck you,” he said simply and turned away.

You callous bastard,” Meredith spoke finally getting the message and stepping outside of the cell.

I hope you rot in hell,” she threw out as he turned to her again, the smile adorning his face.

I probably will, but my daughter, my real and true daughter, will always know her father loved her,” he told her, never taking his eyes from her.

What will dear Carlita know, hmm, that mommy was the prison whore and got knocked up from one crazy inmate or another,” he taunted, as Meredith burst into tears and ran from the cellblock.

Satisfied, Carlo returned his attention to their leaving and the things he needed to get in order before his death.


Cartier was still reeling from Carlo’s confession. He was trying hard to deal with the anger and fury that boiled inside him recalling the things his friend and partner had shared. For the briefest of moments, Cartier had considered leaving him here and letting him rot in the hellhole they called home for the last seven years. In the end he couldn’t. Whatever Carlo was, and whatever demons drove him to the heinous things he’d done, he was Cartier’s friend, partner, and family. He’d already made inquiries into private hospice facilities once Carlo reached that point. In the meantime they would enjoy the estate purchased in the rolling suburbs far away from prying eyes.
My poor goddaughter,
Cartier continued to brood concerning Lauren. She had to be an absolute wreck emotionally all those years with Carlo having sex with her on a nightly basis. He semi understood the man’s state of mind. No one knew how very deeply Carlo loved Auriel; almost to the point of an unhealthy worship of the woman and the fact that she’d been untouched by any man but him. Still the thought of his friend touching the child turned Cartier’s stomach.

It would seem however that God had the final say and the ultimate judgment, as the disease Carlo carried ate him alive. He’d given Cartier all his final instructions and wishes and his friend fully intended to carry them out.
I want to find my goddaughter,
he continued to brood. What Cartier really wanted was to connect her with his sons. He needed know that Lauren was safe and cared for. He knew that Ryan would protect her and Ian keeping them both on a level plane. Thinking of his sons brought a small smile to his lips. Cartier knew all about the new club Ian had opened as well as their growing reputation in the game. Ryan was scheduled to visit him the day after they left this place. He’d never introduced his son to Carlo and he was still struggling with whether he would or not.

Everything’s ready,” Horse told him, walking into the cell and disrupting his thoughts.

Good, I’m on my way,” he told him as Horse nodded and headed his own way.

Cartier made his way to Carlo’s cell, finding his friend awake and alert, writing furiously on paper before him.

Are you up to this,” he asked, giving him a look.

Chuckling, Carlo told him he wouldn’t miss it for the world, rising and following his friend.


Rait wasn’t sure why he was in the small therapy room, but he had a bad feeling. That feeling was solidified when both Carlo and Cartier walked inside, flanked by another inmate and guard.

Good afternoon doctor,” Carlo greeted him pleasantly.

Cartier said nothing.

Hello Carlo,” Rait returned amiably.

His insides were quivering like jelly as the men continued to regard him.

Is something wrong Carlo,” Rait finally ventured when no one spoke.

Sighing slightly, Carlo sat up and put his hands on the table.

I’m afraid there is doctor,” he said calmly. “You see my partner, Socrates,” he began, nodding toward Cartier who continued to stoically watch the psychiatrist. “He doesn’t think we can trust you to keep our little secret,” he threw out as Rait frowned slightly.

I don’t understand,” he replied as Carlo chuckled.

We’re leaving in a couple of days,” he told Rait as the man’s expression turned to bewilderment, garnering a full out laugh from Carlo.

Yes doctor, we are leaving Leavenworth and returning to our lives,” he added as Rait finally understood what he’d meant earlier.

There’s nothing I can do about that,” Rait offered, praying they believed him.

That’s what I said doc,” Carlo told him. “But Socrates, he’s not exactly sold on it,” he added as Rait turned his attention to the big man.

I am not a threat to you,” Rait told him as sincerely as possible.

Cartier’s expression remained unchanged.

Please, just let me be,” Rait began again. “I’m in this prison, everyone believes I’m dead, just let it stay that way.”

Finally, Cartier spoke. “That would be the problem,” he said simply.

Rait again frowned slightly.

Times change,” Cartier began again. “The men here, they will be leaving, retiring,” he continued to speak and walk toward Rait. “The warden will leave, and a whole new contingent will emerge,” Cartier explained patiently. “You won’t stay quiet Rait, let’s be honest here,” he told him point blank. “You will see the changes and you’ll bide your time, then you’ll tell your story, and someone just may see enough reason to actually begin investigating it,” Cartier supplied.

No, I won’t do anything like that,” Rait tried, undone that the man made so much sense.

Without a word, Cartier nodded as Horse and the guard yanked Rait up and threw him onto the small table, cuffing him spread eagle to it.

Please Socrates, you don’t have to do this, please,” he screamed as Carlo calmly placed the gag securely in place and added the duct tape the guard supplied.

Rait continued to pull against the cuffs, shaking his head furiously.

Honestly Rait, this is your own fault,” Cartier told him diplomatically as he produced the small crudely crafted scalpel, with the toothbrush handle.

Rait’s eyes grew even bigger.

Sometimes, no is the proper answer,” Cartier told him calmly.

Carlo chuckled as Rait turned his attention to him seeing the large handmade knife he held as well. The tears flowed freely as Rait pleaded behind the gag with the madmen present not to kill him.

Handle the outside,” Cartier told the guard, barely glancing up.

The man turned and left them to their business. As soon as the door closed Carlo used his knife to cut open the prison uniform, exposing Rait’s chest and stomach.

No,” he managed scream behind the gag still crying and shaking his head.

You know, the old adage about minding one’s own business,” Cartier began. “It’s actually one more people should adhere too, it would definitely keep them out of bad situations,” he continued as Rait regarded him fearfully.

Rait, you should have left well enough alone when they sent you here to dissect my partner,” he told him as Rait nodded yes, still praying. “I do however have one question, and it just may save your life if you answer it correctly,” Cartier posed.

Rait immediately shook his head yes and Carlo removed the gag.

Who sent you here, and why,” Cartier fired.

Rait wasted no time supplying the answer to both.

Wait a minute,” Carlo growled. “Who the fuck is Aarick Taylor and what the hell does he have to do with me,” he fired.

Rait again answered the questions without delay.

So this muthafucker was undercover, fucking my sister and using her to get to me,” Carlo raged.

Rait nodded yes and waited for the next question.

Where is he now,” Cartier asked.

Rait gave him the last known location he had and fell silent once again. Cartier processed the information knowing the man was being truthful. Nero had also supplied them with Roderick Aames as the man working for the DEA.

Thank you Rait for being so cooperative,” Cartier told him amiably.

Do you believe in God, Rait,” Cartier began anew.

I, I’m not really into religion,” he replied carefully.

Hmph,” Cartier returned. “That’s not what I asked you,” he told him.

Rait swallowed hard hearing the tone and softly answered that he didn’t believe in God.

That’s a pity,” Cartier told him, shrugging slightly.

Carlo chuckled as Rait again frowned slightly.

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