Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates (10 page)

BOOK: Thin Ice 6 - Hangman & Socrates
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Hello,” Roderick answered amiably.

We have a lead,” the caller told him as Roderick nodded and told them to elaborate.

Good, I’m going over there now,” he told the party as they acknowledged his direction and disconnected.

Grabbing his keys and his coat, he headed out into the lightly falling dusk, encountering the beginnings of snow and cursing softly. This was yet another reason he wanted to hurriedly leave Chicago for his new assignment. The weather definitely promised to be a 180-degree turn. Driving, he eventually found his desired location in the hood, K Town, not far from Cisero. Roderick parked the car and got out deciding to walk the block a bit and get a feel of the atmosphere before directly approaching his target. He immediately began to get distrusting looks from the residents walking the block, taking him in. He supposed he did stand out, but Roderick wasn’t really concerned with that at the moment. He was on a mission with a deliberate goal in mind. His stomach reminded him he was hungry as he stopped in front of the Italian beef eatery and decided to go inside. Ordering his food, Roderick’s mind continued to race. His superior had given him just five more days to do his notes on the case and stamp it closed. The girl behind the counter called out that his order was ready and Roderick retrieved it, heading back to his car and getting inside. He enjoyed his dinner as he watched the entrance to the business he was headed for when he was done.


Other than being locked in a cage nightly, Carlo was enjoying prison life just fine. He still got everything he requested from drugs to liquor; even sex was no problem for him as he quickly worked his magic and found a lover in Meredith Shale, a guard at the prison. She managed to get herself assigned to his cellblock on the regular and of course knew just where they could go to have sex. He’d also had to learn how to shoot his heroin instead of smoke it. That was one thing that bothered him also, the sharing of needles. They just couldn’t seem to smuggle in enough that he got a clean one each time. Carlo tried to be careful and make sure he sterilized it before each hit, using the vein between his toes to shoot up. It left no marks and no one would know what a junkie he’d become. He and Cartier were right next to each other and their circle of new Association members kept them well covered and protected. Carlo smiled thinking about Razor’s death the day of his arrival two months ago. They were in the eating area when Hank or Horse as he preferred to be called, slipped up next to him in line and stabbed him several times with the homemade shank. Because he was surrounded by others under Cartier and Carlo’s ranks, no one even knew he was stabbed or dying until everyone walked away and Razor collapsed onto the sandwich cart.

The cover had been equally well orchestrated with the payoff of two guards who they knew would be on duty that day. Meredith he took care of later in the evening for her role of disposing of the weapon, when he had sex with her. There was still the matter of his missing child however, and that kept Carlo on a constant downward spiral that only being high relieved. Cartier told him they’d found the foster family but Lauren had already run away and disappeared.
Damn, I taught her too well,
he brooded as he thought about his blood. He told Cartier to send men to Hope’s house and find out what she knew. They reported she was at a loss and still looking herself trying to locate the young woman.

Hangman,” Cartier addressed, walking into the recreation room and sitting down beside his partner.

What’s going on Socrates,” Carlo replied.

I spoke with our contact today,” he began quietly making sure they weren’t overheard.

He says they’re asking for half a million apiece.”

Nodding his understanding, Carlo told him that wasn’t a problem. They had a couple million still stashed. Cartier grunted his agreement as they changed the subject, ensuring no one intruded on their conversation or plans.

This place is hell personified,” Cartier remarked.

Carlo chuckled and agreed with his sentiment.

We’ve been through worse,” he added as Cartier nodded.

Heard they found Maxine dead in some alley, doped up, raped, cut up,” Cartier told him almost emotionless.

Carlo frowned slightly but didn’t speak. She’d been in and out of rehab and jail since her father, Dillinger, was dethroned and killed by one of his second lieutenants three years earlier. Cartier had broken up with her almost immediately after hearing the news.

You heard from your boys,” Carlo asked instead.

Cartier brought him up to speed on Ryan and Ian as he nodded and remarked how well they seemed to be doing.

Hey, you remember Cal,” Carlo remarked, chuckling now.

Cartier smiled as well recalling the man. “Yeah, he was such an asshole,” he replied as they both began to reminisce.

What you two punks want,” Cal threw out cockily. He was linked to Dillinger and thought that made him just as powerful and untouchable. Carlo and Cartier were still in their early years, but they had far more power and money than even Dillinger was aware of yet. “We want your hoes,” Carlo replied calmly. The man was a known pimp and his stable was extremely profitable. Cal began to laugh before telling them both to kiss his ass. “Quita,” Cal called out as the shapely sexy cocoa brown sister immediately appeared, clad scantily, sticking out in all the right places. “I wanna show you a pair of jacks,” he told her laughing again as she returned a confused look. “See them two fools right there,” Cal began as Quita nodded silently. “Those are two jacks,” he paused for a moment. “Asses,” Cal finished, doubling over in laughter. Quita didn’t crack a smile seeing the deadly look on the two men’s faces.

Carlo was on him before Cal could recover from his laughter, hitting him in the face with the full bottle of scotch, breaking both the bottle and Cal’s jaw. Quita screamed shortly and jumped out of the way. “Go get the rest of the bitches and bring them in here,” Carlo barked. Quita didn’t hesitate, immediately calling out for the rest of the girls to come into the main room. Cartier walked over to Cal and looked him over distastefully. Cal was trying to talk and finding it extremely difficult. Finally in frustration he held the lower end of his jaw with his palm so he could form words. “You just bought a bullet,” he threatened Carlo who responded with a punch to his gut. “You’re not Dillinger stupid,” he told him calmly as Cal started getting the picture. Turning to the women, Cartier addressed them. “We’re about to kill Cal and become your new pimps,” he told them frankly. “Anyone has a problem with that, please speak up right now,” he added looking at each woman individually. His gaze fell upon the last girl in line as she bit her lip, eyes filled with lust as she slowly looked him over. Smiling slightly Cartier walked up to her.

You want to fuck your new daddy,” he asked looking into the smoldering brown eyes. “Yeah daddy,” she replied without hesitation. “In a minute,” Cartier replied, kissing her cheek softly as he squeezed her butt, hand inside her underwear. The woman shuddered lightly as Cal cursed and called her a slut. “No dumbass, she’s a whore, there’s a difference,” Cartier told him calmly, finding his way back to both men. “Any last requests,” Carlo asked. “I’m telling you, you’re both going to die,” he tried again, forcing himself to sound confident. “You know,” Cartier began as Carlo gave him a look. He had that tone. “I’ve always wanted to know what makes a pimp tick,” he said as Carlo’s grin widened. “That’s a good question,” he replied, knowing where they were headed. “Bring me some of the handcuffs I know you hoes got,” Carlo barked as two of the women quickly ran into the back, returning seconds later with his request. Carlo snatched Cal out of the chair he sat in, literally throwing him onto the large kitchen table in the adjoining room. They cuffed Cal to the table spread eagle. “Drink,” Cartier asked politely addressing Carlo. “Yes please,” he replied as they both laughed again and turned the bottles they were holding up. The women were still watching quietly, terrified and intrigued with the two men present.

Now, let’s see if we can find the true essence of the inner pimp,” Cartier began as he removed the small black case from his inner jacket pocket. “Who has the straight razor,” Carlo questioned the women once more. In response, six of the items fell at his feet. Chuckling he picked them all up. “If any of you screams, pukes, or runs, I’ll kill you where you stand,” Carlo said evenly, producing the .45 and holding it in his free hand. The other he easily opened the straight razor and regarded Cal. Cartier took another drink from his cognac bottle and blew the liquor on the gleaming, razor sharp scalpel he held in his hand. “Safety first,” he remarked as Carlo roared with laughter. “Hey wait a min,” Cal tried to say, but his jaw made it sound more like a bad Jamaican accent imitation. “Shhh, we’re conducting a scientific experiment here,” Cartier told him as he cut Cal straight down the middle opening up his chest and stomach. Cal let out a loud guttural scream causing his intestines to push upward, threatening to spill from their tenuous perch in his open cavity. Carlo glanced the women to find them all either averting their eyes or desperately trying not to vomit.

Hmm, not on the surface it would seem,” Cartier remarked as they both laughed again. Showing no mercy Cartier stuck his hand inside Cal’s innards pulling the intestines forward and slicing them open, bile and feces running rampant. Cal went into shock at this point and felt nothing more. Carlo and Cartier dissected him piece by piece, cutting out and tossing each organ carelessly to the floor. Their anger and bloodlust finally satiated they turned back to the women. “Now, each of you needs to go get your shit, the cars will be here in a few minutes to take you to the new house,” Carlo told them. No one argued. “You,” Cartier called out to his admirer. “You come with me, I need some pussy right now,” he told her as she smiled and walked over to him and stood at his side. “Quita,” Carlo called out. She looked up at him finally, tearing her eyes away from the gruesome sight still cuffed to the kitchen table. “I’d like some pussy too,” he told her. “Would you care to share yours with me,” Carlo asked as Quita told him she would and he smiled, just as the knock came to the door and the evening began.

Hangman,” the feminine voice called out, disturbing the conversation and breaking their memory.

Yeah,” he replied semi irritably.

Come on,” Meredith replied simply as he sighed lightly and threw Cartier a look.

Chuckling, his friend told him to go ahead and drill her, making Carlo laugh as well. Alone once again his mind went to Lonette. She would be on duty in another hour. He couldn’t wait to get inside her tonight, Cartier thought as he smiled and went back to his musing of yesteryear.


Lauren was still making plans to leave, even with the time she spent with Blue being calm and without complication. She knew she couldn’t stay with him forever like he wanted. She wanted out of Chicago and the death sentence of being Hangman’s daughter. The time had given her the opportunity to plan a lot better however, even deciding where she wanted to go. She still needed one last piece before she left though. A fake ID, a good fake ID. The time with Carlo introduced her to a lot of people who could do a lot of amazing things. Unfortunately most of them were either dead or in jail just like her father and Socrates. After some serious searching and rock turning, Lauren had finally gotten whispers in the street of one of the old gang still around and in business. Wheezer had been glad to see her the day she slipped into his store and greeted him. She’d changed her appearance now, dying her hair a light brown and wearing hazel contacts. She also wore glasses, with no prescription of course, but they changed her look tremendously. He asked how she was, if she needed anything and Lauren assured him she was fine. She told him what she needed and how quickly she needed it.

Wheezer didn’t take her through drama, simply gathering the information and telling her the ID would be ready at the end of the week. Today was her pickup day. Dressing she left Blue a quick note telling him she would be back shortly and walked out of the door. She thought of him as she rode the train. Blue was wonderful and he had been beyond good to her. Lauren knew he loved her and while she loved him back to a certain degree, business was business. Carlo taught her that. It was never good to allow your heart to overrule your head. It made you lose your edge and in their business losing your edge meant losing your life. Sighing softly Lauren arrived at her destination finally clearing her mind of all other thought and concentrating on completing her business and going back to the apartment.

Hey, how you doing,” the young man inquired as Lauren walked back.

She nodded slightly but said nothing as she continued on. She knew enough to acknowledge the man even if she wasn’t interested. To not do so would definitely bring about excitement she neither wanted nor needed. Lauren arrived and walked inside the small everything you need store. She chuckled thinking of it that way, but that’s what it was. Wheezer stocked any and every conceivable gadget to man she thought to herself taking in the shelves lined with various unnecessary and useless item ever advertised.

Hi,” she greeted him softly taking in the man standing inside the store with them.

She’d never seen him before and from Wheezer’s demeanor he wasn’t a regular so Lauren played it cool.


Roderick almost stopped breathing when she walked inside. He’d been questioning Edward Hill aka Wheezer for the last half hour, firing question after question only to continually get the same lies and pretense of knowing nothing. Even with the hair coloring, contacts and glasses, Roderick knew Lauren Cisneros when he saw her and right now she was standing less than ten feet from him. He had to play it cool and not spook her. Roderick turned his attention back to Wheezer seeing the nervousness showing in his face.

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