The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes (5 page)

Read The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Online

Authors: Nzingha Keyes

Tags: #love, #drama, #fantasy, #demons, #high school, #love triangle, #teenage

BOOK: The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes
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middle school…he doesn’t know as much as he
assumes. I HATE THAT!!! He acts

like he knows absolutely fucking
everything…well he’ll see one day. Oh yeah I saw

adorable little girl today but I don’t know
what she was saying. PS: I got a bunny!!!

He’s hardcore adorable!!!

Amethyst Lyell Alexander

It was getting later now. She had not noticed
it before, how long they played soccer. How long she trained and
played the wii and how much time she had spent thinking before and
after writing the journal entry. Looking up at the clock she knew
that the boys were probably making dinner. She decided to go and
help. She walked down the steps and into the kitchen and saw they
were almost done with dinner.

“Okay, since you guys did this…I want to make
dessert!” she said happily.

“You mean sugar shock?” Alex asked

“But of course!!!” She said.

“Awesome!!!” All three boys said in

“Oh yeah, this should be fun!!!” she said.
She looked in the freezer and all around the kitchen and saw they
had what she needed already.

they ate and talked about…everything that
happened today.

“So how was your walk today after the soccer
game?” Alias asked.

“It was good, I talked to this little girl
today while I was coming back…well she talked to me because I don’t
understand Romanian,” she said with a laugh.

“Aw, you don’t understand anyone here,”
Christophe said.

“Uh…” She said feeling her cheeks turn red
and instantly tried to hide it.

“How adorable, do you know what she said
like, repeat it?” He asked.

“Uh fata de demon…I forget the rest but she
was smiling and then ran away,” she said. They all continued to eat
and then Amethyst looked out the window.

“I’ll be back,” she said. And got up and ran

She ran to the park and phased up into a
The sunset from up here is absolutely beautiful,
The colors of sunset, the reds the yellows, oranges and
purples. Like spectacular finger-paint.
It’s like a movie
scene, so romantic like it’s just the way a fairytale ends.
“And then the prince and princess run off into the sunset and they
all lived happily ever after,” she said out loud with a laugh. She
could imagine the whole scene and wanted to stay there, until the
stars came up.

“Are you enjoying this sight as well?” A
voice said from behind her. She shifted her weight enough to see
that it was Christophe flying behind her…and that his t-shirt was
on the ground.

“Um, which sight?” she said too quickly
before she could realize that she had said it.

“Uh, sorry I should…leave” she said unable to
stop the blush that was taking over as she was about to phase down
from the tree.

“Stop that please,” his hand was on her
shoulder. “You keep trying to hide or run every time your- never
mind,” he said softly. She turned around and was slightly confused.
Christophe was in her place, blushing and trying to cover it

“You going to finish your sentence?” she said
quietly as well.

“Um…sit under the tree with me, if you don’t
mind?” he asked as he landed on the ground, retracted his wings and

“Okay, hi,” she said. The sight was serene;
the sunset colors still in the sky and not much time had passed. It
almost seemed as if it had stopped.

“Can I ask you a question?” Christophe

“Sure, why not?” She responded.

“If I told you a secret would you keep it?
And understand what it means?” He asked. “Will the secret be in
English?” She asked.

“It’s kind of universal…” he said

“Ok then, I promise,” she said with a

“Don’t laugh…okay?” he said sounding shy.

“Okay,” she said moving in close to hear the
secret that he was making such a big deal out of. Hr reached and
turned her face to his and they kissed.
Oh my god,
thought. And once it was over and they had both realized what they
had done they stayed that way, cuddled underneath the tree. The sun
had finally gone down, sunsets were for kisses.

Chapter 8:

Talking In Whispers? Now what have I

“Don’t you wonder where they went?” Alex
Of course I wonder, where could they have gone?

“No, I’m sure Christophe went out took look
for her, she must’ve gotten lost or something,” He said calmly,
trying to keep the concern from his voice.

“Yeah I guess that your right, I’m tired, I’m
going to go to bed,” Alex said getting up.

“Um alright, me too, good night Lex,” he

He walked up into his room looking out the
window. The sun was gone and it was dark. “Where the hell are
they!?” He was yelling. He didn’t like this. This feeling of
knowing the Amethyst was out there possibly by herself or the idea
of Christophe….It was too much. He pulled out his I-pod and started
the song “Dance Floor Anthem” By: Good Charlotte. “Everybody, throw
up your hands. Say I don’t wanna be in love, I don’t wanna be in
love. Feel the beat now; don’t be afraid to get down say I don’t
wanna be in love, I don’t wanna be in love-“He sang along with the
music, falling asleep.

“You like Good Charlotte? Shocker,” A voice
chimed in, Amethyst. He looked up slowly at her,

“where were you?” He asked dazed.

“I was outside climbing trees and watching
the sunset. I forgot about dessert though,” She said smiling.

“It’s all good but where was Christophe at?”
He asked with a yawn. She giggled and then shrugged her shoulders

“Don’t know dude, didn’t even know he left,”
she said.

“But you laughed, why?” He asked sounding
slightly more awake.

“I’m being stupid, I can’t have a moment?”
She said.

“I uh guess so, later Amethyst,” he said
placing his head back on the pillow barely hearing her exit. Twenty
minutes later, Christophe walked upstairs and instantly got Alias’s
attention with a whisper so quiet his super sensitive ears barely
even heard it,

“I went to candy-fucking-mountain…and I
didn’t even lose a kidney”.

“Christophe…are you….fucking high?” Alias
said not fully opening his eyes of even sure if he was

“What?” Christophe asked sounding very close
to laughter.

“I said, are you high. ‘Cause you just walked
in here talking about Candy Mountain,” Alias said slurred with his
face against the pillow.

“Uh yeah little bro, high as fuck,” he said
laughing. Alias opened his eyes to study his brother

“Nah you’re not, I just remembered, you’re
Straight-edge,” Alias responded.

“If you know that, then why ask?” Christophe
pointed out.

“Cause common sense and Candy Mountain don’t
cross paths,” he said staring at his brother.

“Okay, later,” he said quickly. Alias noticed
that Christophe had a little bit of glitter on his lips and
reluctantly remembered Amethyst’s Charlie the unicorn t-shirt. It
said “let’s go to Candy Mountain”.

“Fuck me sideways, you’re not fucking
serious!!!” He yelled into the pillows.
It can’t be, she
wouldn’t I warned her and said that and…he isn’t going to win this
time…It can’t happen.
He got up and walked into Amethyst’s
I just wanted to sleep,
he thought.

“Have you not heard
I’ve told
you?!” He said loudly as he pushed the door open.

“Have you
heard of knocking?
What’re you yelling about anyways, weren’t you sleep?” She said
looking up from her book while lying on her bed in boxers and a
tank top.

“Why is my older brother wearing your lip
gloss?!” He yelled.

She laughed,

“uh dude, I think that’s a loaded
question…maybe he’s playing dress up?” He stepped back a bit,

“why did he come home talking about him going
to Candy Mountain?” He asked.

“Fuck if I know, he could’ve been stoned or
daydreaming, why are you asking me shit about your brother, I’ll be
damned if you didn’t wake up Alex with you yelling,” she said

“What’s wrong with me is that he-shit…I’m
sorry…I-”. He closed the door and left.
What’s wrong with me is
he has you. Even if you won’t say it…it happened and I can’t deal
with it.

Midnight again, it seem that no matter how
it’s sliced or pointed out everything is going wrong or strange or
just corrupt. Yes, she’s learning and half demon goes to my school,
gets along here has her own life and her own friends…she has to
love Christophe, figures. Alex can see it and he is a child. I am
fourteen and he is sixteen but I fail to see what is so much better
about him. He is a troublemaker and I guess that that’s it…but I am
not “Cute little brother anymore” because now that I know what it
feels like…it’s time for things to change…especially with what is
soon to happen.

He couldn’t ignore the way they looked at
each other the next morning. Maybe it was always there and he just
noticed it because Alex seemed oblivious. He couldn’t understand
why he had this feeling that something bad was going to happen.
Something that none of them were fully prepared for. He couldn’t
explain why though nothing much had happened to them ever since he
and his brother had been placed back on earth.
I should ask
Christophe and Alex if they think something is going to happen
soon…I mean it can’t be just me, can it?

After breakfast everyone knew how it went
now. Get dressed for training. He saw how strong they all were.
Amethyst learned how to fly now.
That should come in handy, and
shes having fun here…it’s all good,
he thought. “Can we play
soccer now?” She asked impatiently.

“We’ve been out here for like three hours;
can we do something else now?” She stated.

“It’s just that I want to know for sure that
in case anything happens that were all prepared for it and able to
fight…and there’s still things you can’t do yet,” Alias said.

“Well there’s going to be things I don’t
know…It’s only been a few days and I can do a lot of things that
you can’t, Im not weak so don’t treat me like it. “Now anyways I
can prove it to you later but right now…we play!!! Pick teams!!!”
she yelled excitedly.

They played and trained some more. They were
all in the living room again and Alias was playing Mario kart with

“I’m going to win!!!” Alex yelled.

“Quit talking and drive, little boy,” he said
jokingly. Then the was a crash sound as a…rock flew through the
window. “What the hell?” Amethyst said while picking up the rock
that had words etched onto it. It said,
we will get
all of you, no, matter what.
Alias had been right; things were
soon to happen, and from the looks of it, very soon.

Chapter 9:

I stumble, stutter, trip on words…and welcome
to the breakdown

Three days later…

“But everything’s fine, don’t cry,”
Christophe said compassionately, sitting on the foot of her bed
listening to her crying through the pillow.

“D-don’t l-lie,” she forced out in between
the tears. She looked up at him slightly and then felt even worse.
He’s being so fucking sweet and I’m here crying and- fuck.
She couldn’t complete the thought.

“You didn’t do anything wrong he’s just
frustrated with everything,” He said softly.

“Can you leave please?” She said in a voice
just above a whisper. He hugged her and then left wordlessly.
Amethyst hated crying as it was pointless and it didn’t make you
feel better at all, just empty. And she wouldn’t have been crying
in front of Christophe as she had the door locked, however he
phased in because he was worried. Crying, it was a sign of weakness
she would rather not have at all. She reached her arm out for her

Dear Journal,

it’s my entire fault and Alias is right…I’m a
problem child. “I got here and made

everything a fucking mess. Now there are some
psychotic people trying to kill them and me

he blew up at me and I don’t even know what I
did. Like I didn’t do anything weird with

Christophe Around him or Alex, we’ve been
neutral then. But he like bit my head off and

called me a nightmare and destroyed my
feelings and, I want to go home. I never asked to

be kidnapped anyway so if Alias hates me so
fucking much he can take me back home. If

I’m not wanted then fine I’m gonna go back to
MY life with MY friends and He can stay a

fallen angel/asshole for the rest of
eternity. PS: Christophe is soooo sexy and such a

good kisser!!! Hahaha, I’ll take him with me
when I leave, Alex too.

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