The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes (3 page)

Read The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Online

Authors: Nzingha Keyes

Tags: #love, #drama, #fantasy, #demons, #high school, #love triangle, #teenage

BOOK: The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes
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“Ugh and it’s my problem,” he mumbled. “I
can’t explain why this bothers me so much but it’s something.

His bed smelled like amethyst. Like lavender
and clean, the smell was pleasant but slightly unfamiliar. He
walked into the hallway to see Alex and Amethyst walking inside,
drenched and just after that Christophe greeting them both.

“Well it’s only been about two hours,”
Christophe said.

“Yeah, it started pouring rain and we decided
to come inside,” Amethyst said.

“Ah, of course,” he said smoothly. He could
feel himself begin to seethe watching Christophe.

I need to relax,
he thought. Then
Alias caught the look in Christophe’s eyes and felt himself getting
angry all over again. He had seen that look before too. For a
moment he focused on the music still playing through his
headphones. “Escape to the stars. Feeling so free, just you and
me,” he listened and sang softly.

The look in Christophe’s eyes irritated the
hell out of him. He knew what it meant and he knew that it worked
always in Christophe’s favor.
It means I know what I want. What
I want is you,
Alias thought. He knew his brother well.
Christophe wasn’t a player and he was a good older brother but he
also knew girls and he knew what girls saw in his brother. He
He’s magnetic and usually girls get their hearts
broken…well looks like she wont,
he thought some more. That
thought burned him but he wasn’t sure why, the only thing he was
sure of was a truth he didn’t want to hear.
Christophe always
wins, that’s just how it is.

“Alias what’s wrong?” Alex asked.

“Huh, nothing Alex, I was just thinking about

Alias responded.

“Was it something or someone? You sure your
okay bro?” Alex asked.

“Nothing Alex, um how was training?” He asked
changing the subject to something more important.

“Fun, very damp however, she’s getting
faster,” Alex said.

“I’m gonna go change,” He said. As Alex left
Alias still stood there, watching. He studied both of their
expressions not caring about what was said.

Once back in his room his brain was in a
tirade and he wasn’t prepared for it at all.
I’m not this type
of person
Usually so calm and collected…now was so
dangerously angry? No that will cause a switch;
he thought.
Being an enraged half demon was not something he wanted to
experience. He pulled his headphones from out his ears and grabbed
the soccer ball from under his bed and headed toward the door.

“Alex a
de tare,” Christophe said.

“I know that, I don’t care,” Alias responded
grabbing his raincoat.

In the rain, on the grass soccer field, by
himself. He didn’t care and the rain didn’t matter. The only thing
he concentrated on was the soccer ball and the goal and not
falling. 10 minutes later he kicked the ball into the goal with his
eyes closed…or it should’ve been the goal until someone kicked the
ball back at him. Opening his eyes he saw Christophe.
Alias mumbled and the words echoed in his head in English,
He thought. Before he thought about it he had kicked the
soccer ball flying toward Christophe’s head. Christophe caught it

de a

rău,” Christophe said with a laugh.

“How about you just let me suffer?” Alias
asked with a slight smile.

When he got back in Alex and Amethyst were
playing the Wii.

“What happened to training?” Alias asked.

“Why, you already know she’s super strong
anyway” He said.

“And she’s better at guilty gear than you
two,” he said with a laugh.

“Really now?” Alias asked doubtingly.

!!!” Christophe yelled.

!” Alias
yelled right after.

“What did they just say?” Amethyst asked.

“Their arguing over who’s next to fight
you-you just killed me!!!” Alex yelled. “Rematch!!” Alex

“No mine!” Christophe yelled pulling the
wrist strap off Alex and remembering to speak English so Amethyst
could understand him.

“Ready?” she asked.

“GO!!” he yelled. The battle was awesome and
really close but in the end of it.

“Annihilation!!!” Amethyst yelled.

“Good game, Jewel,” Christophe said.

“Yeah…good game,” she said with a smile. “Uh,
hey you still want to play me?” She asked Alias.

“Yeah!” he said. After a good eight rounds
they both decided to call it a tie…for now. There was a knock on
his door.

“Come in,” he said. It was Amethyst.

“It’s cool here so far,” she said.

“I’m glad you think so,” Alias responded
turning from the window.

“You never told me that other part of why I’m
here,” she said.

“What other part?” Alias asked.
“You said that I’m here to help with wars and reach potential and
then you stopped talking and told me to go eat breakfast,” she

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he
said at a monotone.

“Don’t lie to me you liar, you’re a bad
liar,” she said quickly.

“Temper, temper,” Alias said.

“Fuck you, it doesn’t matter,” she said. “Oh
yeah do you have like stalker vision?” She asked.

“What the hell?” he asked.

“You were staring at me for a while, with
some weird look, what the hell?” She said.

“I don’t know what you mean sorry,” he

“Whatever,” she said.
Alex was right, I do
have a look…but why are mine always so…obvious,
he thought.

The rain had not let up yet so outdoor
training was temporarily postponed as it seemed and that was fine.
Everyone was having fun. Alias had calmed down some but there was
still something wrong and he was still unsure what it was. He
didn’t know who his problem was with and wasn’t sure what it was
but he knew for sure he needed to deal with it before things got
out of hand with his temper which he was usually good at
controlling. Lunch was fun and amethyst still seemed amazed at all
the food they had to eat.

“Your chair Madame,” Christophe said smoothly
as he politely pulled out Amethyst’s chair for her.

“Thank you,” she said taking her seat.

Lunch was full of laughter and once that was
over Alias rushed to his room not from anger at someone but anger
at himself for knowing the problem and knowing that there was
absolutely nothing that he could do about it. He knew earlier but
tried to avoid what he had seen coming. “I’m falling in love with
her…” he said with his voice muffled by his pillow. “But Christophe
always wins…why must I want what I can’t have?” He thought aloud.
“This sucks,” he finished putting in his headphones, making sure to
skip over any song related to love or any such mater.

Chapter 5

Talking upon deaf ears, does your throat hurt

Alias left quickly, I wonder why?
He’s been acting weird all day-.
Her thought was
cut off when she noticed Christophe staring at her.

“Uh, what do you need Christophe?” She asked

“Oh nothing, sorry…it’s rude of me to stare,”
Christophe replied with a smirk.
Stare if you want,


“You seem concerned? About my brother I
presume?” Christophe said.

“Yeah, how did you know?” She asked.

“He’s weird, that’s how, want to come with me
and see what’s wrong with Alias?” Alex Interrupted.

“Sure,” Amethyst responded.

“You forgot I was sitting there, didn’t you?”
Alex asked laughing.

“What, no…why did you ask that?” Amethyst
asked confused. Alex laughed again,

“It never fails, me and Alias both have seen
that look before”. Amethyst stared at him.

“What is it with you two and some look that I
haven’t seen. You both keep saying that.”

She said. They were standing in front of
Alias’s door when Alex mumbled with a smirk,

“you are so taken”.

Knock, Knock,
Alex knocked on the

“Go away,” Alias yelled from inside.

“Open up,” Alex said calmly. Alias didn’t

“What’s the matter?” Amethyst said through
the door and then stood back as she heard the click of a lock and
the door open.

“Nothing’s wrong,” he said blowing some of
his hair out his eyes.

His face is flush…and he seems not angry,
but…bothered? He’s radiating heat…to keep his reactions calm, but
Amethyst thought as she looked at his expression.

“Liar,” she said while keeping her tone
light. “What’s wrong?” she asked again.

“Um I don’t want to talk about it, not now at
least,” he said while directing his gaze at the floor. “Later,
then?” She asked with a smile.

“Much later,” Alias mumbled.

“I wouldn’t want to bother you-“she said
turning away.

“Never going to happen…you have immunity,” He
said looking up at her to return the smile and then closing the
door back, without the lock.

Amethyst looked down at Alex who had a
distressed look on his face now.

“What is it, are you guys taking turns being
in moods or something?” Amethyst said poking him in the side. Alex

“No problems with me, just my brothers. Hey,
no problems with you for now either…remember, you’re a
superhero!!!!” He added while tickling her.

“Hey no fair!!!” she said chasing Alex
through the house.

“Hey look it’s sunny outside!!!!” Alex yelled
while still running and ran out the door in the direction of the

How did I- Alex!!!
She thought quickly
realizing Alex was on the ground.

“I’m sorry!!! I don’t know how I did that!!!”
she yelled while helping up from off the grass.

“THAT WAS PERFECT!!!” Alex yelled.

“Lex, did you hit your head that hard? How
was that perfect?” Amethyst asked staring at Alex with a confused

“You phased in front of me, that’s why I was
running so fast,” Alex said.

“What?” she asked.

“I told you, you have powers you just don’t
know how to use them. To get you to phase I guessed that if I ran
fast enough you would figure you couldn’t out run me and focus on a
speed ahead of mine to get in front of me automatically, it
worked,” Alex explained.

“So I thought about being in front of you
while I was running and then disappeared and reappeared in front of
you?” She said barely understanding her own sentence.

“Exactly,” Alex said. “Can you do it again?”
Alex asked moving further back from her.

“Um, I think so,” she said as she closed her
she thought as she felt a wave go
through her and opened her eyes again. “Eep,” she said. She was
standing dangerously close to Alex as opposed to how far away he
had been.

“Good we can work on this,” he said

“What so funny?” she asked. “Eep,” He
imitated and laughed some more and then ran.

“Hey!!! Moving target!!!” she yelled.

When they got back to the house they were
laughing and joking.

“What’s new, you two?” Alias asked from the

“Go inside first, please?” Amethyst whispered
to Alex. Alex walked in smiling.

“It was so much fun!!! We played tag
and-“Alias gave Alex an amused look.

“I told you we were
her Alexander,” Alias said.

“I did!!! I taught her how to phase!!!!” He
said still excited.

“Really? Prove it,” Alias said.

Amethyst closed her eyes and felt a wave and
then opened them and was behind the couch smiling. “Fine, one, two,
three,” Alex counted.

“CAN WE KEEP HIM!?!” Amethyst yelled.

“AHHH!!!” Alias screamed.

“Score!!!” Alex said and then he and Amethyst
starting laughing.

“Impressive,” Alias said with his face
slightly red.

“Hello, Can we keep him!?” Amethyst said

“Keep who?” Alias asked. Amethyst moved to in
front of the couch so Alias could see the small black bunny rabbit
in her arms.

“Geliebt-Dämon,” Amethyst said.

“What does that mean?” Alias asked.

“Beloved Demon…” she said innocently. “It’s
German,” she added.

“You taught her how to phase…and bought her a
bunny?” Alias asked confused.

“No, she kept getting distracted by the bunny
so she kept phasing to wherever the bunny moved instead of catching
me,” Alex explained.

He’s so cute!!! How can he say no to a
bunny!? The bunny likes me…aw he’s sleeping!!!
She thought not
hearing the conversation.

“See what I mean, it’s that easy,” Alex said
gesturing toward amethyst who was still staring intently at the
rabbit. “It was either let her hold the bunny or…all focus is
gone,” Alias laughed.

“Can I keep him please Alias…I’ll take care
of him, look at him!!! How can you say no…” She asked while holding
the sleeping bunny up to his face.

“You got my vote, but make sure it’s Okay
with Christophe and then we can go and buy some stuff for the
little guy,” Alias said laughing.

Amethyst phased to outside Christophe’s door
so she got practice and because walking seemed far too slow.
Phasing doesn’t seem to hurt him,
she thought. She knocked
on Christophe’s door impatiently. “Come in,” he yelled.

This room is cool. It had black and red
walls and a lot of band posters and a Ps3 and-
she stopped.
“You can phase now, good,” Christophe said from on his bed.

“How did you know that?” Amethyst asked.

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