The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes (4 page)

Read The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Online

Authors: Nzingha Keyes

Tags: #love, #drama, #fantasy, #demons, #high school, #love triangle, #teenage

BOOK: The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes
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“It’s one of my powers Amethyst,” he

“Okay cool…I think,” she said blushing

“Don’t worry I only hear certain thoughts,
and never listen for more than I am welcome to hear…never
intrusive,” Christophe said with a smile.

“Whatever happened to that expression ‘never
say never’?” Amethyst asked.

“The same thing that happened to the cat,
curiosity killed it,” he said with a laugh.

“I remember that commercial!!!” She said

She felt a nudge in her hand and remember why
she had come into his room to begin with.

“I found a bunny and I was wondering…” she
trailed off.

“Aw how sweet!!!!” Christophe said as he got
off his bed and reached out to pet the bunny. The bunny moved
closer to Amethyst and Christophe laughed, “He likes you,” he

“Yeah, and Alias said to make sure it was
okay with you and I could keep him…” she said.

“You sound like such a little kid,”
Christophe laughed softly.

“Oh,” she said blushing.

“It’s adorable,” he added. Christophe stated
at her for a second, still petting the bunny. “Would keeping him
make you happy?” He asked.

“Yes,” she responded anxiously.

“Then I don’t see a reason why you can’t keep
him,” he said smiling.

“Yay!!!” she yelled while hugging Christophe
with one arm. “Thank you!” she said. “Guess what Geliebt-Dämon, I
get to keep you!!!” she said before phasing into the living

Chapter 6:

Bunny ears and unavoidable feelings of

“He can stay!!! Let’s go get him stuff!!!!”
Amethyst yelled. “You made it sound so difficult…he likes Dämon
too!!!” she continued.

“Yeah, and since the little fuzz ball makes
you so happy I couldn’t possibly say no,” Christophe said walking
into the living room.

I wish he wouldn’t do that, but I can’t
change it,
he thought with a glare directed at Christophe.
“Okay let’s go then,” Alias said holding the door open for

Alias wasn’t over the thought or over the
truth that he had realized so recently, that was evident. However
he did wish there was something more for him to think about.
way her hair falls, her shirt fits, they way her eyes seem to light
up with such childlike wonder when she notices something or is
He thought while walking. “Little kid,” Christophe
said while messing with amethyst’s hair.

“Hey, I’m a happy little kid if that counts
for anything,” She said while catching his hand.

“No, it doesn’t count for anything, it counts
for everything,” He replied with a smile.

Let it go,
Alias thought impatiently.
They all walked into the pet shop.“Look, bunny toys!!!” she said
running over holding the bunny carefully.

“Uh, hey superhero, don’t you think he needs
a cage first?” Alex said laughing. They got the baby bunny a cage
and snacks and an obscene amount of toys,
as long as she’s
he thought.

And now it was dark out, dark enough to see
the stars. 12:11 the clock flickered. Usually now he was the only
one awake. Just listening to the quiet of the house while Alex
slept and Christophe…did whatever. His parents gave Christophe no
rules while in charge. He did good at that and there were never any
problems in the house. In knowing that, he could go out wherever as
long as he was home when Alex was awake, meaning around ten in the
morning. The house didn’t have its usual quiet. He heard
scribbling, writing? Having super hearing does that sometimes. The
writing stopped and it was quiet for a moment before soft singing

He walked into Amethyst room after knocking
softly on the door.

“Uh hey Alias,” she said looking kind of

“You look comfortable,” he said. She had on
baggy white candy heart pajama bottoms and a black tank top.

“I am…do you need something?” she asked still
looking confused.

“Just wanted to see what was up. What wrong?”
He asked.

“Nothing it’s just I was writing a song
and…it’s almost twelve thirty and I’m not the only one awake,” she

“Sorry to bother you, one last question
though…why are you up at midnight?” He asked.

“Cause that’s when I can stay calm, midnight
is for dreamers. Why are you awake?” She asked. “I…don’t…know” he
said as he closed the door and walked back to his room.

He fell back on his bed, pulling his t-shirt
and jeans off.

“Ugh, tired,” he said to himself. He wriggled
under the blankets. He heard his phone vibrate on the table next to

“Uh…hello?” he said sleepily. He barely
registered the voice,
It’s mom,
she must have forgotten
the time difference,
he thought with a yawn.

, e
dimineata,” he said while glancing at the clock.

!!! Se
She yelled.

buna,” he said as he hung up.
Gotta remember to tell them mom
he thought as he fell

“So don’t let go, oh. Don’t let go, no. Don’t
let go,” he heard the music playing and singing from Amethyst’s
room. It was eleven thirty in the morning. He walked into the
hallway before realizing he was in his underwear and went back in
his room. He pulled on his jeans and walked back out. “Morning,
bro,” Alex said laughing.

“What’s so funny?” Alias asked.

he heard before
he was tackled.

” he said flipping
Amethyst so she was pinned.

“Wha- how did you do that!!!?” she asked

“Ha, that’s lesson two, how to fight,” Alias
said smugly.

“But I know how to fight,” she said.

“Not with full strength you don’t
” He challenged.

“I’ll take your word for it,” she said while
sliding from underneath him and walking toward the bunny’s

,” she said cheerfully. He watched as
she put hay and fresh water into his cage.

“You can’t catch me!!!” Alex said tauntingly
and then took off running.

“Prove it!!” she yelled as she closed
Geliebt-Dämon’s cage and ran after him.

Walking into the kitchen he ate his breakfast
and then pulled on a clean shirt.

“We can train now?” Amethyst said from the
kitchen doorway.

“You want to train?” Alias asked.

“Well yeah, yesterday was fun and beating you
should be even more fun,” Amethyst said with a smirk.

“You shouldn’t be so sure of yourself,
chick,” Alias replied. Amethyst stood there for a moment,

“funny, I was going to tell you the same
thing.” She left the kitchen and went back outside.
Now she has
on a Charlie the unicorn t-shirt,
he noticed.

“Okay wonder woman, try and fight me. Use the
powers if you can,” Alias said tauntingly. They were in the park
“I’ll go easy on you,” he said. Amethyst disappeared.
She must
think I’m stupid, I know she’s going to appear behind me,
thought. He braced for the impact and then…nothing? He turned
around, she wasn’t there. Looking around everywhere-Whoosh!!!
“Ouch!!! Where the hell?” He said trying to get up.

“I phased into a tree and waited until you
didn’t expect it, and now you’re pinned,” she said with a laugh.
She was right…he was pinned, this was awkward.

“Rematch?” He asked.

“Sure,” she said.
The power works through
her so naturally, she is a born demon…and a most angelic one at
he thought while getting up.

“This time, no phasing because you’re good at
that,” Alias said.

“Whatever Chicken-boy,” she said. Alias
jumped into the air and wings sprouted from his back. He had her in
a hold, in the air, not tightly but enough that was good for
I don’t know the way to teach her without hurting her.
I just hope that...should anything happen she can know what to do
and the things she is capable of,
he thought. Spikes…his
hands….his arms and the longer he kept that grip the more intense
the pain was. Then it was like a jolt, electrocution that shot
through him that got him to let go and then…she didn’t fly. She
landed gracefully and if confused him looking down on how high up
they were. Above the trees, a true mystery she was.

“You okay? You look sort of dazed out,”
Amethyst asked.

“I’m fine…how do you do that?” Alias

“I think about the person whose trapping me
and think about what I want to do and the more I concentrate the
more powerful it is,” she said plainly.

“Hey alias, this is cool and we can do this
later but…I want to play soccer so can I go?” She asked.

“Yeah, me and Alias against you and Alex!!!”
Christophe yelled throwing the soccer ball on to the field.

“Christophe!!!!” She yelled

“You are so dead, right Lex?!!” Amethyst

“You guys are beyond buried!” Alex said in

“Only one thing left to do then, huh
Christophe?” Alias asked tauntingly.

“Yeah, game on!!!” he said kicking the soccer
This will be
Alias thought

Chapter 7:

If blue is for nightmares, what’s purple?

Soccer games over, Christophe team won and
I’m still outside,
she thought. Nothing was wrong, it was a
nice day but then why did she feel like something was soon to
I’m being paranoid,
she thought. But the feeling
wouldn’t shake from her. She walked along the building through the
streets. It was silly, she was being stupid. She wondered around
for a moment before noticing there was a little kid that seemed to
be following her. Every corner she had turned for the past ten
minutes the child had been there. She walked toward the little girl
that looked about four with curly blonde hair that covered her
eyes. “Are you lost?” she said to the child. The girl moved her
hair out of her face to reveal freckles and a wide smile and eyes
the flashed from…bright green to dark red once exposed fully to the
sun. She said something in Romanian and then waved goodbye and ran
away. “What was wrong with her eyes? At least she was happy
though,” She said while turning back to go to the house.

“We were just about to go looking for you,”
Alex said. “And I’m certain that Dämon thinks the same,” He said
putting the bunny on his head.

“Aw, he likes you Alex!!!” She said

“Yeah but he hates me,” Christophe said

“That’s okay, I don’t hate you. Is that a
good compromise?” She said softly.

“A very good compromise, you are adorable,”
He said smoothly.

Such a flirt…ha ha, s
he thought.
he thinks I’m adorable he would love to know what I think about
him…super sexy demon boy.
“What are you thinking about?” Alex

“Uh, nothing now…let’s play Mario Kart!!!”
She said quickly.

“Cool, I’ll set it up,” Alex responded as
Amethyst went to go put Geliebt-Dämon back into his cage and feed
him some food.

Hotness, a sexy demon boy that makes me
think of hotness,
she thought.
I don’t act right it’s like…
he as a force field…he’s dangerous. He looks dangerous and talks
dangerous but I’ve never been the type to fear danger. Always the
challenger…competitor, why should this be any different? He seems
to like me as well. But how do I go about it? I can’t just randomly
blurt out ‘I like you’. That so childish and he is sixteen, I want
to act fourteen like I am, not four.
“I’m thinking too hard,”
she said aloud. Putting the rabbit in his cage so he could eat.
“What would you do Dämon?” She asked the little bunny jokingly as
she put a piece of carrot in his food bowl for a treat. The bunny
wrinkled it’s nose adorably and looked up at her innocently after
nibbling at the carrot bit. “You don’t care do you?” she asked
laughing. “You’re just thinking, “Take me with you!!!” she said
with a smile. “Sorry cutie, I have to go kick Alex’s butt at Mario
Kart before I play with you some more,” she said closing the door
to the cage and leaving the room.

“Okay let play!!!” she said walking back to
the living room. She started playing the game and was in
place at the moment before feeling eyes burning into
the back of his neck.

“Alias, dude, stare at the screen,” she said
before getting into first place.

“How did you know it was…” his voice trailed

“That’s how I met you dude, chill out with
the X-ray eyes would you?” she said right before winning the game.
“Yeah!!! Got you Alex!!!” she yelled.

“Rematch!!!” He yelled back.

“You got it Lex, pick the place,” she said as
she watched him pick the next location.

Dear Journal,

I don’t know what to think… like being here
and I really shouldn’t and didn’t expect to.

Like I’m in a cool house with my own room and
its awesome and everything, it’s so pretty

here. I’m live here with like three boys,
Alex who’s 11, Alias he’s my age, 14 and the

undoubtedly…uh never mind =D. But yeah theirs
also Christophe, he’s sixteen. He

looks like a living daydream. Which reminds
me the three of them are fallen angels

and evidently I’m half demon. It used to
sound like bad news but it’s actually really

cool. I think that Alias thinks that I’m
weak. I just hope he doesn’t make me mad.

I know what happens when I get really mad.
That’s how I got expelled from my first

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