The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes (2 page)

Read The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Online

Authors: Nzingha Keyes

Tags: #love, #drama, #fantasy, #demons, #high school, #love triangle, #teenage

BOOK: The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes
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“Where am I!? Where have you taken me!!!?”
She yelled.
I expected…whining, not as much rage,

“Romania, welcome Amethyst,” he said

“Are you mentally deficient?! Have you lost
what little brain you originally possessed? I am calling the
police!!!” She yelled getting up to reach the phone.

“What have you done!!!?” She yelled. She was
unaware of the tears she had put in the mattress and the bedside
table that she had broken in her rage and he was very certain that
what he thought from the beginning was true.

“You don’t know the number for the
authorities here and besides that you need to listen to what I need
to tell you,” Alias said.

“What I need to do is go home immediately you
damn stalker! What did you do? You were flying!” She yelled. He
didn’t know how to deal with this. He hadn’t thought things through
this far.

“Okay, were in Romania,” he started off.
“You’re here with me and my two brothers,” He continued.

“Okay why?” She asked calmly.
Okay I guess
the shock is setting in and she won’t yell at me,

“Have you ever seen Dracula?” He asked.

“Please tell me you didn’t take me here to
reveal that you’re a vampire and I’m your next meal,” she said.

“No, of course not but well there is a
problem,” he responded.

“Get to it then,” She said.

“Me and my brothers and a few others here are
what’s known as fallen angels,” he said. She studied his expression
and then started laughing,

“this is…the dumbest dream…I’ve ever had in
my life,” she said in between bursts of laughter.

“I’m not joking Amethyst, this is serious,”
He said.

“Well prove it!!!” She said laughing. Alias
focused and then wings ripped through the back of his white

“THAT’S INSANE!!!” She yelled while backing
up against the closed window.

“I’m not going to hurt you, just listen,”
Alias said.

“Why am I here Alias?” She said sounding

“I’m getting to that, hold on,” He said.
“Well fallen angels are usually synonymous with the word ‘demon’.
We don’t strive for that, the way you are a fallen angel is if you
do something wrong in a previous life and a supposed to be sent to
hell are sent to earth again trying to correct whatever you did
wrong,” Alias said.

“What did you do?” Amethyst asked.

“I would rather not talk about it. The
problem at hand is the Calibers. They are like us except they are
full demons, they use their reprieve to destroy us, they think they
are better,” he said. “We think that if we can destroy them we
won’t have to wander the earth for all eternity,” He finished.

“Okay…where do I fit in here?” Amethyst

“If suspicion is correct you as well are half
demon/ fallen angel,” He replied.

“No way, that isn’t possible,” Amethyst

“What makes you so sure?” Alias asked.

“I wasn’t banished from heaven, I’ve never
been there!” She said.

“I know, you would remember that. The thing
that tipped me off was your eyes and you like ripped through the
mattress and broke part of the table next to you,” Alias said.

“So I’m strong and my eyes are purple, big
deal,” She said.

“Yes, big deal you can’t be born with purple
eyes. Besides that, It is said that is a full demon has a child
with someone with blue eyes the genes don’t decide and they combine
to purple,” He finished.

“Mom has blue eyes, I don’t know about my
dad,” She said going quiet. “I did have a habit of breaking things,
but still…” she continued. Alias left her to think.

He walked into the living room.
That went
relatively well,
he thought.

“How did she take the news so far?”
Christophe asked while moving to sit next to him on the couch.

“I don’t know, how do most people respond to
being told that their half demons? Christophe, what if done
something wrong?” Alias asked. He was in need of some of his older
brother’s wisdom at the moment and Christophe never failed to

Relaxa fratele
ai facut ceea Ce
corect,” He said
messing up Alias’s hair as he went back to his room. He reapeated
what Christophe had
said in his mind. ‘
Relax little
brother, what you did was right’,
he thought.

He heard talking coming from his room where
Amethyst was at and walked toward the room. “You get to be special,
like a superhero,” He heard Alex talking and then heard Amethyst

“Is that how you see it Alex? Can I ask what
you did?” She asked.

“Uh, I would tell you but it’s up to Alias
and Christophe because it’s all related,” Alex said with a smile.
“You seem like a good person Alex,” she said.

“I always have been…I just messed up, by they
way don’t be sad anymore…your eyes are pretty and superheroes are
awesome,” He said sliding off the edge of the bed noticing Alias
was standing in the doorway. “I didn’t mess up anything in your
room, it just that she was crying and you-“he was hushed. “I
understand, thank you Alex,” Alias said and Alex left.

“Okay well, what am I supposed to do here
exactly Alias?” She asked him.

“Help us fight the full demons that get many
fallen angels framed,” He responded with slight bitterness. “But I
can’t do that, I don’t know how to,” She said.

“Me and my brothers will teach you for the
time being, call your parents and tell them that your sleeping at a
friend’s house for the week off,” he said passing her the

“Why did we have to come to Romania?” She
asked while picking up the phone.

“Because that way me and my brothers aren’t
being lectured by our parents and you can’t call the police, this
is our parent’s house and they told us to stay with our grandmother
for the week while they vacation and then go back to New York over
the weekend,” Alias said.

“Hello, Mom?” She said and Alias walked

Chapter 3:

I don’t understand or believe what I see

After a moment of reasoning her mom was
convinced she was sleepover at a friend’s house that she
conveniently enough didn’t have the number to.
So, I’m in
Romania convinced I’m a half demon, in a house with 3 boys…for a
she thought.
Well this sounds
safe. Well I’m definitely in for a very interesting midwinter
break, that’s for sure.
Alias walked in interrupting her
thoughts. “Okay well this is my room, yours is the spare down the
hall,” Alias said.

“Okay that’s cool, and very good to know,”
she responded.

“I should probably introduce you to my
brothers properly,” He continued. Alex walked in,

“Hey there,” he said.

“Hey Alex, I believe we have met,” She said
with a smile.

“I’m almost certain,” he responded in the
same joking tone.

“Don’t be fooled, he’s not as sweet as he
seems,” Alias said.

Alex is absolutely adorable,

“Hey, let me figure that out on my own,” she
responded. Alex stuck his tongue out at his brother and waved to
Amethyst as he left.

A tall dark haired boy walked into the room
without a shirt on.
Oh my god he’s hot,
she thought.
staying in a house with him in it!!? Oh yeah this will definitely
be fun.
“Oh, um sorry!!!” He said pulling on a t-shirt he had
been carrying quickly. The dark haired boy said something in a
different language.

“That’s what you get, dude” Alias said and
the boy smacked him in the head.

“This is my older brother Christophe, excuse
his shirtless-ness,” Alias said.

“It’s n-nice to meet you Christophe,” she
said smiling.

“My brother was correct, your eyes
absolutely dazzling,” Christophe said, sounding absolutely adorable
with his accent. “If you would excuse me, I have to continue
helping Alex, A

,” he said as he

“What was he saying?” Amethyst asked.

“First he said, ‘you couldn’t warn me she was
up?’ and just then he said, ‘it was a pleasure to meet you,’ Alias

“Nothing personal dude but…you’re brother is
insanely hot,” Amethyst said.

“You know you really shouldn’t-“she tuned
Oh my god, the hotness,
she thought.
He likes my
eyes!!! Well since I’m stuck here part of whatever mission thing
I’m doing is to get to know him better.

“Hey, are you listening?” Alias was

“Huh? Yeah, yeah I shouldn’t do whatever, got
it,” She responded.

“You didn’t hear a thing I said did you? I
know that look, I’ve seen it before,” Alias said. “What look?
Amethyst said completely unaware of what he meant. “Never mind,
just…don’t think that way. I know Christophe, he’s trouble.”
Amethyst got up to go to her room down the hall,
undeniably hot trouble,
she thought with a smirk.

She walked into the room with her name on the
door and it was absolutely amazing.
It looks like my
she thought. She was right, same bed spread same
dresser, same clothes in the dresser. She looked up at the posters
on the walls.
The Used, AFI, Tokio Hotel, Blink 182, I Set My
Friends on Fire, Paramore, Alexisonfire,
All the posters were
there. The only thing that changed was the organization, there were
no clothes on the floor and the view out her window was different.
“Amazing,” she said.

“You like it? I tried to make your room as
comfortable and familiar as possible for you,” Alias said.

“How did you do it?” She asked.

“Simple, your clothes we just took because
you would have had to pack anyways we bought some posters and a
dresser and a bed spread and the paint color was just lucky,” he
said smiling.

“Thanks, maybe you’re not as horrible as I
thought, maybe,” she said.

“Thank you,” she added.

“Can I sit here?” Alias asked.

“Yeah sure,” Amethyst responded. “Hey well
what am I going to do while I’m here?” She asked.

“Were going to train you to fight and control
your powers better,” he replied.

“I’ve never seen any angel wars in New York,”
Amethyst said.

“No, you have you just didn’t know it. Like
if you’ve met any other purple eyed kids, or kids that were like
me,” Alias said.

“You mean they look at the world with an
‘I’ve seen it before’ glare?” she asked.

“Uh, yeah okay,” he said. “But wars have been
there, just out of your sight,” Alias said.

“And you needed my help because?” she

“You are powerful and I want you to realize
the potential you have and…” he stopped.

“And what?” Amethyst asked.

“Uh nothing…come down stairs and eat
breakfast,” Alias said changing the subject.

She walked into the kitchen and everyone was
seated, “wow…a lot of food,” she said looking at the round table
with eggs and sausage and chocolate chip pancakes and cereal all
spread out.

“Yeah, three demon guys, were always hungry
but at least there’s always something you like to eat on the
table,” Alex said. She took a seat in between Alex and Christophe
and then everyone reached food to put on their plates.

“Yum, chocolate chip pancakes,” she said

“Those are Alex’s favorites too,” Alias said.
“You like your breakfast?” Christophe asked. “You made all of
this?” She asked.

“I made half and Alias made half, I made the
pancakes,” Christophe said.

“Awesome,” she said.

After eating she walked back up to her room
and noticed the iPod dock plugged into the wall by her bed.

“Hmm,” she said aloud while getting her iPod
out her striped hoodie that she must’ve had put on her when she got
here. Plugging in the iPod and quickly scrolling through her

“So testosterone boys and harlequin girls,
will you dance to this beat and hold a lover close? Dance to this
beat, dance to this beat, dance to this beat,” She sang while
jumping around the room.

“Let’s get these teen hearts beating, faster,
faster,” Alias said the hallway as he opened the door to come

“Ahhh!!” she yelled falling backwards.

“Ha, how cute” he said with a smirk. “It’s
not funny!” she said laughing while she got up. “What do you want?”
she asked turning off the music.

“Lessons begin now, your first lesson is in
the park with Alex, get to it,” he said closing the door.

“What up Alex?” she said once at the

“Okay well, Alias said I had to help train
you ‘cause your new and all,” Alex started.

“No offense but that’s sounds really boring,”
Amethyst interrupted.

“I thought so, were gonna do speed training
my way, alright?” He said. Amethyst nodded.

“TAG, YOU’RE IT!!!” Alex yelled and ran away
at an astonishing speed.

“Wait, what!!!” she said trying to chase
after him.

“That’s all you got? You run like a-Ahhh!!!”
Amethyst jumped him.

“Ha, got you!!!” She said. “Yeah, it only
took 20 minutes,” he said teasingly.

“Shut up,” she responded. “Okay lets chill
for a minute,” Alex said.

Chapter 4:

It makes no sense…or does it?

It was astonishing and absolutely amazing how
little and unimportant everything and everybody seems to be when
you have your own personal soundtrack playing in your head just
loud enough that the voices of outsiders and their words are left
muted and unheard.
She doesn’t know what I know,
thought. He was lying on his bed with his ear buds in his ears but
couldn’t care less about the lyrics to the song the he wasn’t
really listening to. They weren’t important right now.

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