The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes (9 page)

Read The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes Online

Authors: Nzingha Keyes

Tags: #love, #drama, #fantasy, #demons, #high school, #love triangle, #teenage

BOOK: The Truth Lies Beneath Your Eyes
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“Why are you so mean?” Alias asked Kristen
who still was smiling.

“She’s not mean, she’s brainwashed. She
doesn’t really understand what she’s saying,” Alex said playing
with her hair. This was too much to handle and that was well known
already, so was there any use complaining about it? No. So Amethyst
stood up,

“Less bitching, more action,” She said
reaching toward the touch panel on the door. “Let’s go,” she said
and they all walked out.

For an underground building, this place was
clean and huge.

“Christophe, any idea where anything is or
how to get out of here?” She asked. Christophe stayed still trying
to listen, smell or see any sign of an exit, She figured out it was
another half demon thing that she hadn’t learned yet.

“Were about…thirty feet underground…cloaked
by some shield meaning that I can barely find you guys if I had
to,” he said sadly.

“Brilliant, should’ve seen that one coming,”
she said. Kristen looked up at her with a smirk.

“Listen kid, you and your smirk and comments
aren’t helping me, do you have anything useful to say at all?”
Amethyst snarled impatiently.

“Daddy!” Kristen yelped happily and they all
spun around to five strong looking men with equally malicious looks
on their faces which only triggered one thing from them all,

“Oh shit,” They said in unison.

One of them had light skin and light gold
hair with golden yellow eyes that reflected light because they were
so yellowish they were almost neon. His muscles were faintly
visible though his black button down shirt and he looked like he
was around twenty three years old; he stood on the far left of the
silver hallway. The one next to him was dark skinned with orange
eyes that stood out against his dark skin. His was in a red baggy
sweatshirt and jeans and looked twenty. The girl on the far right
had dyed hair neon blue and was Puerto Rican looking with the
almost neon eyes as well and had on a pink baby-doll-looking-dress
and black leggings an looked sixteen or so. Next to her was Asian
boy with black hair that went down his back a white t-shirt and
baggy grey jeans that were barely held up by his belt and didn’t
look much older than the girl and had silver eyes with a charcoal
rim. The one in the middle of them all had light brown wavy hair
that stopped at his shoulders and a black and red polo shirt and
dark blue jeans. He was caramel colored and looked around thirty
with freckles on his checks and…crimson red eyes. She suddenly saw
a memory flash though her head from when she was a baby, he was
sixteen holding her saying “Baby is bound to be trouble, she’s some
monster”. She could recognize her mom at sixteen sitting on the
couch half asleep, “Amethyst Lyell Alexander”. Yeah, that’s

“Well look at our little prisoners, or should
I say escape artists,” The blue haired girl said.

“It’s not much of an escape with the door
wide open,” Amethyst replied. All the guys stared them down and
Kristen ran toward the guy in the middle.

“Look it’s my sister!” She yelled. The girl
with the blue hair sauntered over to Christophe,

“And who might you be?” she asked
flirtatiously while reaching her hand out to his bare chest and
Amethyst caught it.

“Mine, he’s mine so don’t fucking touch him,”
she said fiercely.

“Fine,” The girl said still staring at
Christophe. She wouldn’t have thought much of the staring if
Christophe hadn’t had this vicious and annoyed look in his eyes.
Amethyst knew her powers were stronger because now she could read
minds quicker. She looked toward the girl to read her.
But why
be with her anyways? I’m so much better and hotter and more
experienced…like imagine the things that we could-

“You fucking whore!!” Amethyst yelled as she
pushed the girl back. She didn’t think that’d she push the chick
through a concrete wall though.

“You’re so cute when you get mad,” Christophe
mumbled under his breath. The girl charged toward her and she knew
that pushing the blue hair girl meant that it was a battle to be
fought, better now than later.

Punches flew that were directed at her and
she knew they were enough to send the normal fallen angel through
the walls but she couldn’t feel them. She noticed they were only
fight four of them and if confused her but she couldn’t dwell on
that. Her body hurt, her friends were hurt and it felt like her
body was on fire, like flames were ripping through her skin and
then she yelled and snarled a noise louder then the entire scene
combined and her sight flashed purple and she was moving without
feeling and no thinking she didn’t know what happened until one of
them grabbed her by her neck and all the blood was rushing to her
head and she bit something, someone and then there was darkness and
her head hit metal.

She felt numb, until she could feel
Christophe pinning her into a kiss.

“Mhmm you shouldn’t do that, babe,” she half
moaned against her will.

“Why not?” He asked laughing as she opened
her eyes to see that he still had no shirt.
All it’s going to
take it unbutton and unzip and if it gets to either of those…
she thought.

“That’s inevitable trouble,” she said.

“You know you want me,” he said laughing even
That’s for damn sure,
she thought. Noticing that
Kristen was sitting in the corner of…what used to be a room.

“Uh hey, kiddo,” she said and then Christophe
moved from being on top of her, “Yeah hey,” he said awkwardly.

“Ha ha, what were you doing?” Kristen

“Uh do you need something?” Christophe asked
avoiding the question.

“Dad wants you in his office so I have to
take you, your brothers are there already,” she said. Then she took
them in an elevator and then to a room.

“You destroyed all four of them…In blind
fury. That’s my girl,” The guy said. She knew he was her father but
that wasn’t something she felt like acknowledging.

“Can I leave now? And what do you mean blind
fury? The last thing I remember is a girl with blue hair.

“You screeched and then moved so fast and so
dangerously and, and amazing,” Alex said and Alias nodded.

“Now I was going to keep you all here, I
underestimated my child. If I separate you, you can find each
other. If one of you die then you come back so at the moment I will
release you all.

“What’s the catch?” Christophe asked.

“That is for me to know and for you boys to
fear,” he said with a smirk.

“How’s your mother, Ami?” He asked.

“She’s good, I’m nothing like you, dad,” She

“More than you know,” He countered.

“Well I’ll contact you more often Amethyst,
and just so you know all the rooms in the building have cameras you
two,” He said.

“What do you mean by that?” She asked.

“What exactly were you doing before you were
in here?” He asked smiling. Both Amethyst and Christophe blushed.
Alex and Alias had already gotten up to leave and since they all
knew how to fly they decided that’s how they would get back to the

Thirteen Hours Later…

Dear Journal,

was crazy, A fight that I can’t remember at

my dad just showed up out of thin air and

wanted to threaten my boyfriend and my

I just want things to be someone normal. I

If that’s possible at all? Oh well besides
all the crazy

That’s going on, I’m happy. Christophe is

Absolute best…and I am so in for trouble. And
now it’s

So close to Valentines Day. Later journal,

Christophe is hovering by the window, I
should let

im inside

Amethyst Lyell Alexander

Chapter 16:

She’s Topic A-Z with Me, If Only She Could

And now it was February 10
Alias was wandering around the apartment with no idea what to do
with himself. He could Alex playing “Miss Murder” on Rock Band and
he could hear Christophe on his cell phone, talking to Amethyst. He
sighed, “Amethyst”. He knew that she was taken, knew he couldn’t
win and as much as he hated to admit it, couldn’t get over her.
Well what am I going to do? Confess It to her? Bullshit,
thought. “She didn’t like me from the first day, not that I made
the best first impression,” He said regretfully.
She would
probably laugh at me anyways, not that I would blame her
, he
thought. He wanted an escape from his thoughts because It plagued
him to even whisper it, thinking it hurt and drove him crazy, “But
what if we were?” He whispered aloud as he collapsed onto his bed.
Why does this have to happen?
He thought.
He could have
anyone he wants, girls fall at his fucking feet and…and the one he
picks has to be…this sucks.
“I shouldn’t get so worked up over
a girl,” He said weakly. “But she’s not a girl, she’s
girl,” he mumbled. He heard a knock at the door,

“Hey there baby brother,” Christophe said
with a smirk.

“Please get out,” Alias replied briskly.

“Fine, check your phone though,” Christophe
says while he pulls the door close again. He looks at his phone and
sees that he has five missed text messages from Amethyst, he opened
the most recent one.

Can you come and play with me?

Play what?

The wii or soccer, with me and sunny?

You and sunny?

She wants’ to like, chill with you too, come

Is Christophe coming with us?

Nah, that would be rude, and lovesick


She can explain later if she wants to, are
you coming or what?

Be there in 2 minutes, open your window

K, later

“Sunny, you remember Alias right?” Amethyst
asked as he sat on the chair in her room.

“Yeah, hi,” She said.

“Hey you guys brought coats and like bus fare
with you?” Amethyst asked them both.

“Yeah why?” They asked in unison.

“Don’t worry about it, just bring it with you
or your going to end up freezing and stranded which I’m sure that
neither of you want lets go,” she said happily as she grabbed he
stuff and dropped food into the rabbit’s cage.

“Are you sure she always this hyper?” Alias
asked in disbelief. Sunny laughed,

“Always, watch when she has Monster”.
Amethyst looked back at them as she picked up her phone and keys by
the front door,

“C’mon, let’s go!!!” She said excitedly.
Alias wasn’t sure what to think but he knew that he shouldn’t have
been staring at her like that, staring usually ended with
conversation and if he was right, that would be an uncomfortable
conversation to have. He knew for sure though that anyway he tried
to think about it, knowing Amethyst that wherever they were going
was bound to be interesting.

“Moonlight, where are we going?” Sunny asked
while we all followed Amethyst to…wherever she was taking us.

“The seven train,” she answered calmly.

“But you don’t take trains! And you can’t see
where were going! And you can’t remember any directions! Where are
we going!?” Sunny was freaking out. Amethyst glanced at me and we
both laughed.

“The seven train, don’t worry, I brought my
phone,” She answered nonchalantly.

“Alias, you trust ne, right?” She asked

“More than you can imagine,” He answered

“Yeah, hugs for you!” She said and hugged him
laughing in his ear.
Uh…maybe she doesn’t hate me so much as I
“Just trust me, “Amethyst said as she swiped her metro
card through the turnstile.

“Fine,” Sunny said as she swiped in behind


“How did you find this place!?!” Sunny yelled
and I didn’t know what to think.

“I looked it up on the internet, see I told
you I knew where I was going!” Amethyst said while pulling off her
favorite striped hoodie to pull off another purple hoodie to toss
at sunny.

“Here, you’re going to need this,” she said
putting her striped hoodie on again along with the gear. “You’ll be
okay, right?” She asked.

“I should’ve warned you that we were going

“Yeah, I’m good,” Alias replied.

“Well don’t just stand there, put on your
gear,” she laughed.

“Since there are only three of us, it every
person for themselves, If someone gets hurt, like seriously hurt go
and stand by the entrance, okay? Go!!!” Amethyst yelled and ran
away. The paintball field was huge and reminded alias of a level in
mortal kombat. He had to stay alert and try not to get shot at.


He heard Amethyst yell and then he got shot
three times in the back of the thigh.

“No way!” And he aimed at her and shot
wherever at her. Then he was being shot at from both angles and he
could hear the two girls laughing.

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