The Perfect Candidate (20 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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Michael frowned at her.  He looked disconcerted by her dismal. 

You don

to stay with me?

he asked, almost pouting.


“Michael!” Ashley sighed.  “Of course, I-” she tried to explain, but the limo had just rolled to a stop.  Ashley gave a little squeal of horror as she looked down at her rumpled clothes.  Michael was calmly trying straightening his own appearance as best he could, looking amused at her horror.


“You can relax,” he promised.  “There shouldn’
t be anyone here to meet us apart from Norm,

he grinned.


Oh, how very wrong he was






The second that Michael and Ashley stepped out of the car they were caught in an explosion of camera flashes.  Ashley couldn

t quite stop herself from pressing against Michael in a desperate bid to hide her flushed and disheveled appearance.  Even if she could fool people into thinking that she didn

t look thoroughly shagged there was no way they were going to believe that she hadn

t just been very thoroughly kissed!


She stared up at Michael desperately, wondering how on earth he was going to fix this mess.


He reached for her left hand, held onto it tightly, and then turned to the shouting reporters with a dazzling smile.


“Well, obviously we didn’
t know you guys were going to be here to meet us,

he acknowledged with a boyish shrug.  There were a few laughs, and several more questions were yelled at him. 

planning to tell our families the good news first, but seeing as you guys are here now, it will save us the trouble of arranging a press conference in a few days,

Michael continued cryptically.



s attention, including Ashley

s, was riveted on Michael, waiting to here what he was going to say next.


“Ashley- Miss Kendall and I are-” he paused and shot a heart-stopping smile down at her “-we’
re getting married.



s heart lurched as she heard Michael make the announcement.  There were a few cheers, and then cries of,

kiss her then, Michael!


show us your ring, Ashley!

filled the air.


Michael kept a tight hold on Ashley

s hand.  He paused for a few, a very few, more photographs, and then he practically dragged Ashley after him into the hotel.  His bodyguards kept the reports outside.


“What the HELL was that about?!”


Ashley and Michael both turned to see Norm standing the foyer looking pale and irate.  Ashley had never since the campaign manager look so furious before

although, she supposed that he
had a pretty good reason.


“I think we need to talk.  Somewhere private,” Michael murmured, his voice was so cold and silky that Ashley shivered.  She could understand what was wrong with Norman, but Michael…?  Was he angry with her?  She bit her lip anxiously.  Surely he couldn’
t blame
for what had happened?  Not completely.  He had been the one to collect her from the university!


Michael, Norman and Ashley walked through to a private conference room that had been set aside for the use of the campaign members.


“Well?” Norm demanded.  “Would you like to tell me what the hell you’
re playing at, Michael?


“What I’
m playing at?

Michael echoed icily. 

Why don

t you tell me what

playing at, Norman?  I assume it was you who organized for those reporters to be waiting to mob me
checking with me first?


Norman went a nasty shade of red. 


s your point, Michael?

he growled.


“My point,” said Michael slowly, “is that you are not in charge of this campaign.”


Norman went an even darker shade of red, and drew himself to his full height, which was still several inches shorter than Michael. 

Well, if that

s how you feel perhaps you should start looking for a new campaign manager!

he barked, and then stormed out of the room.  Ashley held a hand over her mouth and didn

t dare speak.


It took a few minutes, but a little of the tension leaked out of Michael

s shoulders, and he turned back to Ashley. 

I guess this means we need to find you a ring,

he mused, running a hand through his hand.


“But- Norman!” Ashley croaked.


“Will calm down,” Michael sighed.  “He’
s a good man, a good friend, but this was just the last straw in a long line of little offenses.


“And if he

calm down?

Ashley asked doubtfully.


d rather know I have to find a new campaign manager now than later.


“Michael, I’
m really sorry,

Ashley whispered nervously.  She was afraid that some of the anger that he was obviously still feeling was directed her, but he frowned down at her in obvious confusion.


“What are you talking about?  What have you got to be sorry for?” he murmured, tugging her into his arms.  “None of this is your fault,” he assured her, kissing the top of her head.


“But if we hadn’


“I think that was more my fault than yours,” Michael chuckled.  “And just so you know, I would do it all again in a heartbeat,” he assured her, smiling wickedly.


“Even though we got caught?” Ashley asked, flushing as Michael tugged her against his body.


“Especially because we got caught,” he laughed.  “Surely I’
m allowed to keep my fiancé with me a lot more than my girlfriend?

he grinned.


“But Michael, I’
m not-

Ashley started to argue, a little unbalanced by the way the lie was running away with them.  It was still a lie, wasn

t it?


“We need to go out and get you a ring,” Michael said, ignoring the beginning of her half-hearted protest.  He glanced at his watch and frowned.  “I haven’
t got time to go out now
he sighed apologetically. 

I need to clean up and then I

m due to meet up with some people for dinner.


“And I have to go back to Chicago!” Ashley reminded Michael.  She got the feeling that he thought she was going to stay here with him…  The way he frowned when she pointed out that she

would have confirmed it, even if he hadn

t gone on to voice his displeasure.


“But I want you to stay here with me,” he whined, kissing her neck hungrily, before moving his mouth back to her lips.


Ashley gave herself to the hot, drugging kiss, but she knew that it couldn

t continue.  She had a flight to catch, and even if Michael had stopped thinking with his brain, she wasn

t going to let him cause any more trouble for the campaign by keeping her around.


“Think of your approval ratings!” she gasped, breaking free of his mouth, and trying to disentangle herself from his arms.


“My approval ratings don’
t keep me warm at night,

he growled, reaching for her again.  He was far too strong to be denied.  Ashley lost her breath and she collided with his chest. 

What are you doing to me, Ash?

he groaned, moving his hands possessively over her body.


“Michael!” Ashley gasped, laying her hands flat against his chest.  “Michael, you have to stop!”


He finally managed to let her go.  Ashley stared up at him, watching him closely.  There was a hot flush coloring his cheekbones.  His eyes looked faintly dazed, and he dragged a shaky hand through his gorgeously mussed hair.


“Fuck,” he swore under his breath.  “Fuck.”  He didn’
t say anything to Ashley until he had caught his breath.  She was glad of the reprieve; she didn

t understand what was happening between them! 


ll have my driver take you to the airport if that

s what you want?

he said at length.


Ashley nodded her head, and couldn

t explain why she was fighting back tears. 

Thank you, Michael,

she whispered quietly.


“But I’
ll be back in Chicago in a few days.  The campaign trip will be over.  And then we

re going to go and find you a ring,

he declared forcefully.




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