The Perfect Candidate (35 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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Ashley sniffed, and stared out of the plane window glumly.  She couldn

t see anything, just her reflection in the glass, and she didn

t make a particularly cheerful sight.


She sighed heavily, and tried to tell herself that it was for the best.  If she weaned herself off Michael gradually maybe it wouldn

t be so bad when the final wrench came?  She didn

t really believe that argument though. Frankly, it
that he hadn

t wanted her to stay around for the party that evening!


Even if she hadn

t been his


, she was an important member of his team, and she deserved to be there, celebrating with everyone else!


It was ridiculous that Norm had arranged her final dress fitting for first thing the very next morning!  Ashley didn

t even know why
had arranged it for her.  Didn

t he trust her to take care of things herself?  It wasn

t as though it couldn

t have been postponed for an hour or two, or even an extra few days!


But Ashley

s attempt to argue this angle with Norm had fallen on deaf ears.  He had seemed quite desperate to get her on the plane and out of the convention, which- as Norman worked for Michael- could only mean one thing.  Michael had wanted her gone!  She had almost served her purpose, and now he didn

t want to have anything to do with her if he could avoid it.


Ashley bit down on her trembling lip and told herself that she had too much self-respect to cry over him!  In public anyway. She was going to have a good old wail when she got home!


Ashley was appalled with herself for following through on this self-threat.  She cried herself to sleep that night, and woke up feeling miserable the next morning.  She had expected to have a message from Michael waiting for her on her phone or in her email inbox at least, but there was nothing.


“Well, that proves it,” she sniffed.  He obviously couldn’
t be bothered with her any more!


Ashley almost burst into tears again while she was having her dress fitting.  The woman dealing with her kindly handed her a tissue, and chatted sympathetically about last minute nerves, and how she would look back on this and laugh in few weeks.  Ashley highly doubted that that was the case!  In a few weeks she would have lost Michael forever


Ashley took herself back to her office after the fitting.  She still hadn

t heard a peep out of Michael, and she
for a fact that he was back in Chicago now!  There had been a story about him on the radio in the taxi to the campaign headquarters.


Ashley wasted an hour staring into space before she plucked up the courage to go and find Michael herself.  Maybe by doing so she wasn

t showing a lot of respect for herself, but all Ashley could think about was the time that they were wasting by being apart.  She rapped sharply on Michael

s office door, and then waited for him to call and tell her to come in, which he did a few moments later.


Ashley drew a deep, rallying breath and pushed open the door.  She and Michael stared at one another awkwardly once she had stepped inside the room- well, Ashley felt awkward.  Michael, she noted miserably, looked horribly cool and aloof.


“Did you want something?” he asked, his words clipped and hard.


Ashley gasped as though he had struck her, but she

about to be dismissed by him.  He was like a drug, and she had thought that she had a little longer to feed her habit!


ve done something to make you angry with me?

she demanded baldly, striding towards his desk, deciding to face the matter head-on in the hope of getting to the bottom of it.  They didn

t exactly had time to waste!


Michael avoided her gaze by shuffling some papers around. 

Of course not,

he said smoothly,


“Michael!” Ashley whimpered.


“I have a meeting in half an hour.  I need to prepare for it, Ashley,” he said distantly.  “So, if you don’
t mind I-


“I do mind!” she blurted, before she could stop herself.  Something dark and dangerous flashed in Michael’
s eyes.  He pushed himself out of his chair so that he was standing, towering over Ashley, who suddenly felt very small and vulnerable

and excited. 

I- I wanted to talk
she whispered feebly.


“I have to go, darling, I have that meeting, remember?” he said, hardly evening mustering a note of apology.  He saw her eyes flash.  “I shouldn’
t be long though.  

Wait for me.”




Ashley sank down into Michael large leather chair. She was barely settled before there was a rap on the door. It flew open before she could answer.


was Norman. He looked surprised see Ashley sitting behind the desk.


“Michael asked me to wait for him here,” she explained.


“I- I see, well… I had something to discuss with you too, Miss Kendall,” Norm said, shuffling through the papers he was holding.  Ashley’
s heart sank.  She had hoped that he would just go away once he saw that Michael wasn

t here. 

We can wait for Mr. Reese together,

Norm added, drawing a chair up to the desk and sitting himself down opposite Ashley.


“Ooh, oh okay,” said Ashley uncertainty.  She kept her knees pressed tightly together and tried very hard to look composed.  “What- um what did you need to discuss with me, Norman?” she asked, trying to some calm and casual, but she was obviously failing.


Norm frowned at her curiously. 

Are you quite all right, Miss Kendall?

he asked, staring at her over the top of his glasses. 
“You don’
t seem to be acting like  yourself.


“Oh, no, I’
m fine- I

m fine,

Ashley assured him instantly. 

Just- you know- feeling a little run down and tired.  The campaign takes it out of everyone I

m sure,

she mumbled.


Norman seemed to buy this excuse, because his nodded his head with feeling and smiled at her kindly. 

Well, it will all be over soon.  Of course, once we know the election result then the
work will start- we hope!

he chuckled.


Ashley smiled, and tried to laugh along with him, knowing all the while that it

start for her- this was the end of her road.


“So what did you need to discuss?” she asked him for a second time.  “Was it about one of the speeches that I left on your desk, because-?”


“No, no, they’
re all fine,

said Norm, dropping his voice and glancing around.  He actually got up and went to the door, making sure that it was firmly shut before he retook his seat. 


s about

the wedding,

he whispered. 


he cleared his throat,

I also have a few things for you to sign.


“Oh?” Ashley breathed shakily.  Her heart seemed to drop low into her stomach.  “I- I see.”


Norm shot her another fortifying smile and continued. 

On the day of your wedding everything will go exactly according to the established plan, until you get into your limousine and start your drive towards the church-


“Should I behave differently?” Ashley blurted, wanting to delay hearing Norm speak the inevitable.  It was ridiculous, but she couldn’
t help herself.  She didn

t want the words spoken aloud!


“Should you-?” Norm looked confused.


“Should I be upset that morning?  Do anything in particular to let people know I’
m having second thoughts?


Norm scratched his head thoughtfully. 

If you think that would be best.  I really don

t think it will matter too much though.  Anyhow, as I was saying, you

ll get into the limousine and start on your way to the church, let the driver take you about ten minutes or so in the right direction before stopping him, then I want you to tell him to take you to the airport.


“The airport?” Ashley murmured.  This was a new little development.  How far away was Norm planning on sending her?


“I thought you could take a flight back to Kentucky, to your home town?” Norm suggested.  “Of course, you don’
t have to, you can go wherever you want.

  He rummaged through the papers he was carrying and pulled out one with a brand new credit card attached to it. 

There should be more than enough money in that account for a few trips around the world if that

s what you want to do,

he said, with a short laugh that Ashley couldn

t share.


“I can get my own plane ticket,” she insisted quietly, but Norm shook his head and pushed the card towards again.

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