The Perfect Candidate

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

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The Perfect Candidate






By Stephanie Sterling




Copyright ©2012 by Stephanie Sterling


All rights reserved.












“You know that now is when the real work starts?”


Michael Reese, still celebrating his nomination for President, sipped his whiskey and pretended
he hadn

t heard a word that Norm, his campaign manager, had said.  When Norm
his comment, however, it seemed to Michael that some response was required.


m sure we can take a couple of days off to relax and enjoy our victory,

he said dismissively, sinking down onto a large black leather sofa to take the weight off his feet.  He felt like he had been working himself into an early grave these past few weeks.  Surely he deserved a
time off? 


Obviously Norm didn

t think so.


“Please tell me you’
re joking?

he choked, tugging at spectacles. 

NO!  We cannot take a few days off to relax!

he cried, when Michael remained silent. 

Do you think the Vance Campaign is going to take a few days off to relax?



“Yes, if they have any sense,” Michael muttered, under his breath.  He mentally retracted that statement.  These were people who supported Walter Vance after all. 


Norm perched his amble backside on the arm of one of the chairs that was part of the sofa suite.  He had a certain look in his eye

it was a look that Michael had come to know, and dread. 


“So…” Norm began, once he had worked up the courage to broach whatever particular topic was on his mind.  He shuffled a stack of papers that was clutched in one hand and cleared his throat: “I think we need to revisit the topic of your love life.”


Michael frowned, which caused his aching head to pound even more violently that it had been doing.  He glanced at his glass- still half full.  He really hadn

t had that much to drink, despite Norm

s fears he wasn

t completely irresponsible, but that begged the question- if he wasn

t drunk, what the hell was his campaign manager talking about?


m too busy to have a love life,

Michael grunted.


“Well, this is something you have to make time for- or at least pretend to make time for.  It’
s got to be part of the campaign,

Norm argued.


“What are you talking about?” Michael growled.  “The campaign is about my politics!”


“No, Michael, the campaign is about your image,” Norm snorted, as if he was talking to a particularly dim-witted child.  “And the state of your love life, or rather, the current non-existent state of your love life, will play a big part in that.  It’
s the one area where you can really be attacked.


Michael groaned, finished his whiskey and dragged a hand through his hair. 

Norm, I have two ex-wives. I

m a cynical bitter guy.  I think it

s best if we just package me as a bachelor and leave it at that.


“The voters won't be satisfied with that.  They love Mrs. Vance.  They love the idea of having a First Lady.”


“Well, I don’
t have a First Lady!

Michael snapped. 

I don

t want one, and I certainly don

t need one!


Norm, rather wisely, let the subject drop for the rest of the evening, but it was brought up again a few days later.  Michael and his team were sitting down having a meeting when Norm cleared his throat and resurrected the topic.  He had a newspaper with him this time to back up his point.  On the cover Michael was getting a little too friendly with a young woman that he had met at a bar several years earlier- who turned out to be a stripper called Tallulah.


“I was at a friend’
s stag party!

Michael exclaimed in his defense. 


It was typical that the one night, in what felt like a decade, that he had relaxed and had some (harmless!) fun was now splashed across the tabloids. It wasn

t even recent!  However, even he could see that, while the men around the table where nudging each other and looking amused, each of the women looked highly affronted.


Michael glared at his campaign manager. 

What do you suggest?

he growled.


“We need a First Lady to keep you out of trouble and to appeal to the electorate,” Norm said simply.


Michael groaned, but he sensed this was a losing battle. 


he sighed, to the apparent relief of the man sitting beside him. 

Go and find me someone then.


“Hrm, well I don’
t know it will be as easy as that,

Norm said thoughtfully. 

I mean we would need to vet-


“Oh God!” Michael swore.  “You mean to tell me you’
ve been going on about this for weeks and you don

t even have someone lined up? You pick out my
for Christsakes!


“Well, I-” Norm spluttered, looking insulted.


Michael pushed himself up out of his chair to indicate that the meeting was finished.  Everyone started shuffling papers and reaching for bags. 

Never mind, I

ll find someone myself,

he said to Norm. 

In fact-

a thought had just struck him.  He glanced around the room again

looking carefully at his
members of staff.


Kim was too young.  Barbara was too old.  Laura was too

pregnant.  Ashley was

Michael paused as his eyes ran over his speech writer.  She was attractive, smart, single, about the right age, not pregnant

she was perfect!


Michael glanced and Norm, and then, when he had the man

s attention, looked meaningful at Ashley.  Norm looked surprised, but not disapproving.  Michael took that to mean he had the go ahead.  He walked after Ashley as she hurried out of the room.


“Miss Kendall!” Michael called, when Ashley began to pull away from him.  When she head her name she stopped and turned around, flashing him a smile as he drew nearer.


“If this is about the speech for the women’
s institute I

m almost finished, sir,

she assured him confidently.


“And I’
m sure it

s wonderful, but this isn

t about that,

Michael said smoothly, donning his most charming smile.


Ashley looked confused. 


s not?

she frowned.


“No,” Michael said simply.  He started to wonder how he was meant to go about this proposition… and then he decided that the best way was just to say what he had to say.  “Miss Kendall, how would you like to be my First Lady?”


She blinked up at him.  Michael couldn

t quite determine the look on her face but it was somewhere between amusement and alarm. 

are you talking about, Mr. Reese?

she demanded.


Michael sighed and glanced at his watch.  He didn

t have time for this now. 

Look, Norm will explain everything to you, I

m afraid I have to go and take a very important phone call.

  And without any further ado, he left Ashley to talk to his campaign manager, confident that Norm would be able sort everything out.






Norman Winters, Mr. Reese

s campaign manager explained the whole ludicrous scheme to Ashley.  She  listened to him; she didn

t really have a choice.  She was so stunned by what he was saying to her that she momentarily lost the power to speak.  It truly was an absurd plan!  Unhappily, she didn

t seem to be able to convince Norm of this fact! Ashley determined to go and see Mr. Reese himself during lunch and appeal to his common sense!

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