The Perfect Candidate (3 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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That question was answered quickly. 


She would get to spend a lot more time with Michael Reese
… because despite his rather overbearing behavior that morning, Ashley did have a great deal of respect for the man.  Of course, it wasn’
t respect that made most women swoon whenever they saw him


“Stop it,” Ashley muttered to herself under her breath, as she slipped back inside her own office.  There was no point her making a fool of herself over a man who saw her as a useful tool in his campaign!  “Well that’
s all you ever have been,

she pointed out sensibly, moaning when she saw that she had half a dozen messages on her answer phone.


Buckling down to work, Ashley determined to banish
that man
from her thoughts completely

that was easier said than done though- particularly when, midway through the afternoon, a stylist arrived to help her get ready for dinner!


“But I don’
t need any help!

Ashley wailed.  She still had so much work to get done before she would be anywhere near finished!


“Oh believe me, you do,” contradicted the woman, who had introduced herself Shannon (just Shannon, like Madonna) when she barged straight into Ashley office.


“Look, I don’
t have time-

Ashley tried desperately to explain, but the other woman clearly wasn

t listening; she was talking loudly about what colours would suit Ashley best, how they absolutely had to get her out of black and how her severe hairstyle was doing nothing for her face and delicate bone structure.


“And those glasses
to go!

Shannon declared, as if they were a crime against humanity.


“I have contacts too!” Ashley cried in her own defense.  It was simply that people (men actually) seemed to take her more seriously when she was dressed well femininely. 


“Just relax,” the stylist soothed.


Ashley sighed and finally relented. For the second time that day she realized that she didn’t have a choice.








“I can’
t decide if you should meet Miss Kendall at the restaurant or leave with her from here,

Norm mused, as if this was a matter of national importance.


“Does it
make any difference?

Michael growled.  He had a dozen things left to do before he could even think about leaving.  He really didn

t need this now!  He had known this scheme of Norm

s would cause nothing but trouble!


“Well, if you
seen leaving together people might think that

s rather unprofessional, but similarly if-


ll pick Miss Kendall up on the way to the restaurant,

Michael interrupted sharply. 

I have to go home and get changed anyway.  Now can we
talk about the crime bill?


They talked, but Michael had to admit that he wasn

t giving a hundred percent of his attention.  His thoughts had skipped ahead to dinner

dinner with Ashley.  He probably shouldn

t be looking forward to it, not as much as he was doing, it was just another part of the job after all.  He should keep that in mind. 


been like a breath of fresh air though!  Michael wondered if she would be as fiery over dinner as she had been in his office?


Michael managed to get everything finished, although it took longer that he had hoped.  He only had a very short amount of time in which to have his chauffeur drive him home, have the worlds fastest shower once he was home, throw on a clean suit, and hurry back outside to the waiting car.


Fortunately for Michael (who was embarrassed to realize that he hadn

t actually thought to ask Ashley where she lived) his driver seemed to know where he was going.


They pulled up in front of a nicer house than Michael had been expecting (clearly speech writing paid pretty well) and he got out of the car.  He walked up the drive to the front door, wondering if he should have thought to bring flowers as he pushed the doorbell.  He felt much more nervous than he would have expected!  Really this was just a business dinner after all.


Or possibly


Michael almost made the mistake of asking the absolutely
women who opened the front door if Ashley was in, until he realized a second later that she


“I wasn’
t sure what time you were coming,

she said, smiling shyly. 

Come in, I just need to grab my purse and coat.


Michael stepped into the hall after, unable to take his eyes of the woman in front of him, and also unable to put his finger on exactly how she had changed

he cleared his throat, realizing that he hadn

t actually said a word yet.


“You look beautiful,” he said, smiling at the way Ashley’
s cheeks grew pink and flushed, although what she said next dampened his good humor.


“Well, I didn’
t want to let you down, Mr. Reese,

she said innocently.


“Michael,” he murmured, taking Ashley’
s arm once she had slipped into her coat.  She looked a little surprised by his familiarity.  Michael pretended to mistake the look in her eyes. 

I think we

re liable to draw suspicions if you continue to

Mr. Reese



Ashley smiled. 

All right


she nodded, testing the name out on her tongue, and finding that she rather liked it. 

So where are we going?

she asked, as Michael led her towards the chauffeur driven car that was waiting at the end of her drive.  He gave the name of very exclusive restaurant that Ashley had never ever been to, but knew of by reputation.


“Will that be okay,” Michael asked with a smile, obviously pleased with the appreciative gasp that Ashley gave when she heard the restaurant’
s name.


“Very okay,” Ashley laughed, getting gracefully into the car, while the chauffeur held the door open for her.  “But… don’
t you think it

s a little


she asked Michael, once he was seated beside her. 

I mean, when you consider that this is just a- a business dinner really?

she added nervously.


Michael frowned at her. 


s hardly your typical business dinner, Ashley,

he pointed out slowly. 

Our relationship needs to look believable, or else no one is going to be fooled,

he pointed out.


Ashley nodded her head and bit her bottom lip, wishing she hadn

t brought it up at all.  She just had to sit back and relax, and enjoy being wined and dined by one of the most eligible men in the
.  Really, what was so hard about that?


“Sorry,” she apologized, as the car pulled away from the sidewalk.  “I’
m guess I

m still getting my head about it all,

she confessed, casting Michael an uncertain little smile that banished the frown from his own face.  When he smiled back at her his eyes crinkled at the corners in a manner so attractive that it would have made any woman swoon.


s nothing to be nervous about,

he assured her, reaching to take hold of her hand.  Ashley tingled all over when Michael

s fingers touched her skin. 


re just two people going out to dinner.


Ashley couldn

t help but be amused by Michael

s description of himself. 

I hate to remind you, but you
possibly going to be the next President of the United States,

she said wryly. 

I don

t think that allows you to be just another person going out to dinner,

she laughed.


Michael made a face. 

This is a good restaurant.  We won

t be bothered too much,

he assured her.


“No?” Ashley looked suspicious.  “But isn’
t the whole point of going out like this so people notice you and see us together?

she asked bluntly.  Beside her, Michael shifted uncomfortably.  Ashley couldn

t believe that she had actually made him squirm!


“Well yes,” he was forced to confess.  “But I thought we could have a nice private meal together tonight, so we can get to know each other a bit better.”


“And work out the dynamics of our ‘


Ashley asked dryly- immediately wishing that she could just sew her mouth together and stop being so prickly!  It wouldn

t be hard for Mr. Reese to find another woman to play this game with!  Did she really want to give up her role?  Because that was the thin ice she was jumping around on!

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