The Perfect Candidate (15 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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If Ashley had lifted her gaze and looked at his face, she would have noted the very smug, very satisfied smiled that dawned there, but as it was, she was far too transfixed by the sight of his cock to drag her eyes away. 


“This isn’
t a spectator sport, sweetheart,

Michael panted, alerting Ashley to the fact that she hadn

t moved for several seconds.


She licked her lips, and reached for him.  She was instantly gratified by the way that Michael

s whole body shuddered at the first fluttering touch of her fingertips.  She

quite wrap her fingers all the way around his shaft, but that didn

t seem to dim Michael

s appreciation of her efforts, not judging by the look on his face.



she purred approvingly, making enthusiastic little murmurs and whimpers as she stroked him with one hand.  Her other hand dropped down between his legs to lightly caress his balls. 


Michael groaned thickly, and struggled not to thrust his hips into Ashley

s soft, silky palm.  His own hands reached for her, cupping her breasts and fondling her ass, as she continued to explore him.  He couldn

t know it, but she was growing wetter with every heavy pass of her hand. She squirmed uncomfortably, and her agitation seemed to capture Michael

s attention.


Ashley squealed as Michael pushed her down onto the mattress, tipping her over onto her back without warning.


“I want to be here,” he rasped, pressing his knuckles against her sodden panties. 


Ashley nodded her head desperately, and sighed with relief when he stripped her naked.  He stroked her a few times, and then thrust a finger into her sheath.  Ashley whimpered her frustration.


“I don’
t want to hurt you,

Michael growled, pinning her hands to her sides when she tried to reach for his cock and guide him inside.


“I don’
t care!

she moaned, thinking that he might very well split her in half, but she was past the point of caring.  She was
achy and empty!  She just needed him to fill her!


Ashley rolled her hips towards him, spread her legs a touch wider, and Michael was undone.  Growling something she couldn

t decipher, he settled into the cradle she had created for him.  He tangled one hand in her hair, angling her mouth for kiss as he dragging his shaft through the wet that glistened between Ashley

s legs.  He repeated the movement, once, twice more, before finding her opening and pushing inside. 


He thrust shallowly at first, sucking on Ashley

s bottom lip, as he eased just the head of his sex into her hungry body.


“You want more?” he whispered, his voice rough and unsteady.


“I want it all!” Ashley cried, mindless with the need that he had created inside of her.


Michael hesitated just for a second, but then thrust forwards as deeply as he could manage- impaling her.  Ashley gasped from the shock of being possessed so completely.  Her muscles struggled to accommodate him, as Michael touched places that no other man had ever reached before.  It wasn

t the
of his entrance that made Ashley lose her breath, although there was a sharp sting of soreness as he forced her to take virtually the whole length of his sex, it was the sheer intensity of being so completely filled.


Michael didn

t immediately rear back.  He stilled inside Ashley

s sheath, giving her a moment to get used to his length and girth.  What that cost him, she would next know, although the strain on him was visible to see in his face.  His eyes were clenched shut and the tendons in his neck were straining.  Ashley gave her hips and experimental wriggle, gasping again, when she realized how impossible sensitive she felt.


“Are you trying to fucking kill me?” Michael growled, when she increasing the movements of her hips.


m trying to get you to- OH!


finally started to move.  Ashley had thought that she was ready for him, but the first few plunges of his cock still brought with them a raw stab of pain.  Quickly though, so quickly that the initial bursts of pain were almost completely forgotten, the slick juices of her sex
and made his thrusts nothing except pleasurable.


“Oh God

Ashley began to whimper.  She was shocked to realize how close she already was to breaking.  Her hips were lifting off the mattress, meeting each one of Michael

s thrusts, and her hands were clutching at his body, her nails leaving red crescent marks on his back, as she tried to drag him closer.


“Fucking hell,”
Michael cursed, groaning as the already tight walls of Ashley

s sheath continued to tighten as she neared her release.


“Michael!  Please!” she begged.  “
I can

t- I

m going to-

and then she
coming, erupting in spasms of pleasure.


He didn

t stop.  He didn

t even slow his tempo.  If anything, the speed and force with which he was taking her increased, so that he was powering Ashley

s orgasm, propelling her to a new, and even more intense sphere of feeling.


“Oh my

she sobbed, her back arching against the mattress and Michael forced her body to endure the continuing bursts of pleasure.  She knew why the French called it
la petit mort
now!  She couldn

t possibly stay conscious and withstand such pleasure




s body shattered again.  Her hips kept rising, still throbbing with satisfaction, but the rest of her was limp with ecstasy.  Michael hadn

t quite finished yet though, he kept grinding forward her, rutting like an animal as he chase his own release, until finally, he jerked to a stop.


The groan that was torn from his lungs touched something ancient and feminine inside Ashley.  With her last morsel of energy, she wrapped her legs around Michael, binding him to her, as his body shuddered .  The hot eruption  was just enough to prove to be Ashley

s undoing.  She had never felt so close to passing out from pleasure in her


“Fuck, fuck,
oh fuck

panted Michael, just before his legs and arms gave out.


Ashley murmured at the weight of him.  He was almost crushing her behind his large body, but she was too dazed to care.  If she died right here and now she would die a very happy woman.


“I think you’
ve ruined me,

she sighed, slurring her words as if she was drunk.



s eyes snapped open, bright with guilt and concern- both of which Ashley failed to notice. 


he demanded roughly.


“I had
no idea
sex was meant to feel like

she purred.


Michael couldn

t help but smile at
remark.  He grinned, very broadly and rather smugly.  It
been utterly sensational.  He kissed Ashley

s cheek, and eased a little of his weight off her, although he was reluctant to pull away completely.  He liked the feel of her  body tucked under him.


“Obviously you haven’
t been having been with the right man,

he murmured thickly, dabbing a kiss against her swollen lips. 


Ashley smiled up at him softly, her skin was still beautifully flushed and her hair was in disarray. 

No, obviously not,

she sighed, looking absolutely drugged with pleasure.


m sorry if I hurt you,

he apologized quietly, rolling onto his side and taking Ashley with him.  He had
to be gentle, but the temptation before him had been so immense that he wasn

t sure he had managed it all the time!


t be sorry!

Ashley laughed, it was a wicked, naughty little giggle that made the hair on the back of Michael

s neck stand on end.  She curled up on top of him, laying her head on his chest. 

It was perfect,

she whispered, drawing nonsensical patterns on his skin with her fingertips.


“Mmmm,” Michael agreed sleepily.  He shut his eyes and yawned deeply, wrapped his arms around Ashley waist and settled down to sleep for the rest of what was left of the night.






Michael groaned at the sunlight that was pouring through a crack in the curtains and hitting him square in the face.  It was far too early to be awake!  He felt like he hadn

t slept for more than a couple of hours. Then he suddenly remember the reason
he felt like he hadn

t slept for more than a couple of hours- she was sleeping beside him. 

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