The Perfect Candidate (19 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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“Hi beautiful,” he murmured.  “I was watching you,” he purred.


Well, at least he didn

t sound angry

that was good. 

Were you?

Ashley bantered back, glancing around at the bustle going on all around her, disappointedly aware that she wasn

t alone. 

Where are you?

she asked, having forgot his exact schedule for the day.  Those weren

t the kinds of details that Michael liked to keep her up-to-date on


“In bed.  I wish you were here with me,” he chuckled wickedly, managing to bring a flush to Ashley’
s skin.  She would have thought that she would be immune to all of this by now!


“Michael!” she hissed, but he only laughed.


“We could be working on those babies that you say you wanted,” he continued playfully.


“Beast!” Ashley cried.  “You know I only said that because I had to!” she sniffed, praying he wouldn’
t be able to distinguish the lie








It happened just a couple of days before Michael was due to head back to Chicago.  He was in New York a day later than planned,  and he knew that Ashley was also in the city; she had come to give a speech on women

s rights.  Michael had originally thought that he was going to miss her (and was annoyed with Norman for making sure their schedules were slightly out of sync) but someone upstairs obviously liked him, and was willing to give him a break, because now he had the perfect opportunity to see her and

recharge his batteries!


Michael informed his driver that they wouldn

t be going straight to his hotel from the airport.  First, he wanted to stop off at the university where Ashley was giving her talk... He sat patiently in the limousine and waited for one of his bodyguards to find Ashley.  He had asked the other man to bring her to him once the conference was over.


He didn

t even have too long to wait!  Michael was left linger just long enough to stoke his already overexcited libido before the car door swung open and Ashley

s face appeared.


“Michael?” she gasped.


“Come here!” he grinned, patting the seat next to him.  He thanked his bodyguard and dismissed him to the following car.


re- you

re not supposed to be here!

Ashley blurted, staring at him as if she couldn

t quite believe her eyes. 

I mean you-


“There was a change of plans,” Michael murmured, unwilling to waste another second explaining himself when he finally had her all to himself and within arms reach!  “Come here,” he growled, tugging her against his chest.


Ashley squealed, and then anything that she might have been going to say was squelched under Michael

s demanding lips.


It felt so impossibly good to be kissing her!
Michael had been dreaming about this moment for
.  Ever since D.C. he had been waiting for his next hit, wanting to discover if Ashley was really was special as he remembered. All the evidence so far seemed to scream yes!


Their lips seemed to spark against one another as they met, creating a throbbing pulse of sensation that Michael found was impossible to pull away from.  He wanted to consume Ashley- to devour her!  A kiss was never, ever going to be enough


“I want you,” he panted, moving his lips against the sensitive skin of her throat.


“I want you too,” Ashley puffed, practically melting in Michael’
s arms. 

But not-


Michael growled, before she could make her protest.


The limo was perfect for what Michael had in mind.  The windows were tinted and they were sealed away from the driver (who had been paid a little extra to get


on the way to Michael

s hotel).  Michael pulled Ashley onto his lap and captured her mouth again, kissing her until they were both breathless and panting.


“Okay… here,” Ashley whimpered, nodding her head and admitting defeat.


Michael groaned as she pushed him back in the leather seat and straddled his lap.  She was wearing a knee-length skirt that he quickly pushed up around her bottom.  He gave a little grunt of displeasure when he saw that she was wearing a little lacy pair of panties today.


“These have to go,

he growled, using both hands to literally rip them off her body.


Ashley squealed. 

They were part of a matching pair!

she cried, but Michael soon had her moaning, as he toyed with her now exposed sex.


Unsteady, because of the attention she was receiving, but determined nonetheless, Ashley fumbled with the fly of his pants, pausing for a moment to stroke his steely erection through the fabric, before quickly tugging down the zip.


“I see
underwear won

t be a problem,

she gasped, delighted as his cock spilled out into her waiting hands.


“Damned nuisance,” he growled, twisting his fingers in Ashley’
s hair and dragging her mouth back down to his for another soul-stirring kiss. 

But maybe my bad habits will rub off on you?

he murmured thickly.


“You never know,” Ashley sighed, reaching down between his legs.  Michael watched her face as her dainty little fingers tried to encircle his large, aching cock.  He couldn’
t help but be very smugly pleased when she couldn

t quite manage it. 


d forgotten how large your are,

she whispered, awed, her voice catching, causing an urgent throb to pulse through Michael

s body.


“I want to be inside you,” he growled, lacking the patience to deal with any further preliminaries.  “Please, Ash,” he groaned.  His hands grabbed at her hips and tried to force her to mount him.


“Wait-!” Ashley gasped, but Michael

wait, he thrust up and pushed her down, forcing her to impale herself on his hungry sex.


She gasped, there was a thread of pain in the sound that tore at Michael

s conscience, but he hadn

t even managed to tell her he was sorry before she started to move- and once
happened, Michael was utterly lost.


He was sure that sex had never felt like this before. The way she fitted around his body was nothing short of heaven.  It was a cliché Michael that had snorted at on countless occasions, but he was suddenly learning that, with the right woman, it was true.  


Michael grunted, clutching at her hips, trying to steady her frantic movement. 

he growled, although he didn

t really mean it.  


“Fuck!” she swore, throwing her head back as she rode him.  She hissed the obscenity each time she brought their bodies crashing together.


“Come on baby!,” Michael rasped, groping at her breasts, and giving up any half-hearted attempt to temper her enthusiasm. 


Ashley didn

t know if that was possible, but she threw everything into trying to give Michael what he wanted- and taking what
needed.  She almost couldn

t believe that this was real- that it wasn

t just another delicious fantasy!  Nothing could have felt
real that the invasion of Michael

s flesh though.  He filled her so completely that she moaned with the pleasure of it.


Ashley worked their bodies together, moving desperately, frantically, as she felt her release drawing closer.


“Oh God,

she sobbed, needing just one extra little push to send her over the edge.


He must have understood her, because he slipped a hand between their bodies and pinched the sensitive nub of her sex between his thumb and forefinger.  Ashley cried out in sudden ecstasy, as her senses finally exploded.  At almost exactly the same moment, Michael joined her in release.


Ashley laid her head against Michael

s shoulder, and curled her arms around his neck; she felt suddenly kittenish and weak.  He stroked unsteady fingers through her hair and murmured endearments into her ear.


ve been needing to do that for so long,

he groaned, wearing the relaxed smile of a sated man.


Ashley smiled against his chest, and then tilted her head so that she could kiss his throat and the underside of his chin. 

Mmm, me too,

she sighed, and then she tried to gently ease herself off his lap, but Michael caught hold of her and held her where she was.


“I want to keep you with me,” he murmured thickly.


Until he tired of her
… Ashley thought to herself, unsettled by the gloomy realization.  He would keep her around just as long as he lusted after, but then…?  Then she would be left alone to nurse a broken heart… she already feared that Michael was much more to her than just a job or a way to scratch an itch.


“You know I can’
t stay,

she whispered, pulling away from him again, and this time succeeding. 

You know it would damage the campaign.

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