The Perfect Candidate (14 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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“Just that- only that- everyone thinks we’
re a couple,

she squeaked awkwardly. 

And what couple- I mean, what
couple, would stay in a hotel like this- in a room like this and sleep in separate beds?


“An interesting question,” Michael agreed, his voice had dropped to a low rumbling purr.  “Is there an answer?”


“Well- I mean, it doesn’t’
t apply to
” Ashley gasped, a little desperately.  “We’
re not really a- not really a-

but she couldn

t finish, because Michael had just pulled her into his arms and crushed her lips beneath his mouth.


Ashley gasped in surprise, and, given an opening, Michael

s tongue surged powerfully between her teeth.  Ashley hadn

t been prepared for the kiss- and so she was even more unprepared for the hungry, practically ravenous, way that Michael plundered her mouth. 


what he wanted from her without being terribly concerned about giving anything in return.  His mouth was harsh, almost cruel, bruising in the force with which it moved against the plump bow of Ashley

s lips.  Instead of wanting to pull away from him, however- Ashley gave herself up completely to Michael

s control.  She let him kiss her until she was literally breathless and weak-kneed (pretending that she had a choice in the matter)

and then his hands began to move.




t talk,

he growled, his voice had deepened to a low velvety purr that hummed through Ashley

s body. 


but he didn

t finish speaking.  He covered her mouth again, and let his hands and lips tell her want he wanted


Ashley whimpered, as Michael palms swept heavily over her curves.  There was nothing gentle about his touch, it was sure and greedy, just like his kisses, and Ashley was both shocked and aroused by the certainty with which he was assaulting her body.  She wasn

t sure that she would be able to stop him from taking what he needed- not that she wanted to!


“You feel amazing,” Michael rasped, moving from her lips to place a line of heavy kisses all the way along her jaw and down her throat.  That was where his mouth moved at least, his hands were busily involved in groping Ashley’
s breasts.  They kneaded the sensitive flesh roughly, making Ashley gasp and moan in wanton pleasure. 


She knew that she shouldn

t let him treat her like this- like an object at his sexual disposal- but she couldn

t help it.  She liked it!


Ashley was far more tentative in reciprocating than she was in allowing Michael to have his way with her body.  A part of her couldn

t actually believe this was happening, and didn

t quiet trust where it was all leading


Although when Michael started to steer her toward the bed she had a pretty good idea!  He hadn

t even undressed her, as he tumbled her down onto the mattress, but he soon set about putting that right.


“I want to see you naked,” he growled, slipping his hands under the hem of her dress and pushing it up her thighs.


Ashley wasn

t sure why he asked, because all she could do was nod mutely, and besides, it obviously wasn

t a request, but an order.  A shiver skated down her spine.


“Fucking hell,” Michael swore gutturally, as he revealed the tiny scrap of black silk, edged with red ribbon, which passed for Ashley’
s panties. 

Who were you wearing these for?

he growled, running a finger over the damp material, and causing Ashley to arch up off the bed. 


Michael whispered, when Ashley only mewed incoherently.


“I don’
t- I didn


she gasped, moaning more loudly when Michael pushed the fabric aside and began to rub her sex.


“I think you did it for me,” he breathed into her ear, pressing his body down on top of hers so that she could feel the jutting hardness of his cock.  “I think you want me as much as I want you.”


Ashley shivered again, but she couldn

t quite bring herself to answer Michael and admit the truth. She couldn

t answer him with
at any rate, but her body clearly didn

t want him to be in any doubt that this was what she wanted.  She couldn

t stop the desperate little whimpers that were trickling over her lips, her hips kept arching up off the mattress- out of her control, and the wet that had pooled between her legs was making a sinfully delicious crackle, as Michael

s fingers continued to roughly fondled her sex.


re so wet,

he growled approvingly. 

How long have you been aching for me?


she managed to groan.



s free hand pushed Ashley

s dress higher up her body, revealing her flat belly just before uncovering her silk clad breasts.  The groan he made on seeing her, coupled with the lust that was so blatant on his face, made her muscles clench involuntarily.


“Sit up,” he panted, withdrawing his hands from her body.


Ashley gave a frustrated moan, but she obeyed, and the moment she did so her dress was whipped off over her head and tossed onto the floor. The raw male appreciation on Michael

s face couldn

t possibly be feigned.  His eyes moved over her figure hungrily, but soon they seemed fixated on the heavy, swollen mounds of her breasts.


“I need to-” he started to say, but didn’
t finish explaining what he needed before he simply took it.  His hands were suddenly on Ashley

s breasts, cupping the luscious swells through the silk of her bra.  They were the sure, certain hands of a man who knew exactly want he wanted- of a man who had no intention of stopping until he
want he wanted.


Michael lowered his head, and Ashley gasped with pleasure, as the hot wet center of his mouth latched onto her nipple and he began suckling her through the fabric.  His hands slipped under her back, seeking out the clasp of the bra, while his mouth worked at melting Ashley

s bone.


“God, you’
re gorgeous,

Michael hissed, for a second when his mouth was free. 

I always knew you were beautiful, but I didn

t know you

d do this to me,

he grunted, grinding the huge bulge in his pants against her belly. 


Ashley starteed to tremble.  He felt enormous!


“You did that,” Michael rasped.  He stripped away Ashley’
s bra, leaving her lying behind him in just her panties and stockings.  She felt small and vulnerable, pinned beneath the powerful weight of his still clothed body. 


“I want to see you too,” she gasped, as Michael buried his head between her breasts again. The shock of feeling his tongue on her naked skin made her body jerk and shudder.  “Please…” she begged, twisting her fingers in his hair.


Michael pulled back enough to look at her flushed face. 

What do you want to see?

he asked, a smug smile tugging on his lips.  He captured Ashley

s hand and drew it to his crotch, pressed her fingers against the tented material, urging her to explore the stiff, pulsing shaft that lay beneath.


“Oh God,” she panted, squirming around as she traced his length and width.  She couldn’
t stay still; her body was quite literally throbbing to be possessed by his monstrous sex. 

I want to see-

she gasped greedily, reaching with shaky fingers for his belt.


For a second, Ashley thought that Michael was going to stop her, but after a pause he simply nodded and began to unbutton his own shirt, while she struggled with his belt.  Her fingers were so clumsy with desire and excitement that Michael had his shirt off before she had even mastered the buckle.  She couldn

t help but gasp distractedly when she looked up and saw that muscled expanse of skin in front of her.


“Oh my…” she practically purred, lifting one hand, and raking it through the crisp, black whirl of hair that covered his chest. 


The heat of Michael

s skin, the masculine scent of him, and the beat of his heart behind her palm were almost too much for Ashley to bear.  He had the kind of movie star body she had only ever imagined being able to touch

and she had only seen half of it!


Michael obviously didn

t have the patience to sit and wait for her to finish admiring him however.  He grabbed her hand again, and reminded her what she had been in the middle of doing. 

I want to feel your hands on my cock,

he growled crudely.


“Only my hands?” Ashley whispered provocatively.


“Well, we have to start somewhere,” Michael growled, helping Ashley with his belt, as soon as it was unbuckled Ashley’
s eager fingers darted for his fly.  She quickly eased down the zipper, and popped open the one button on the waistband of his pants. Then she made a noise that she hadn

t even known she was capable of making!


Michael wasn

t wearing any underwear

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