The Perfect Candidate (12 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: The Perfect Candidate
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“Oh, don’
t worry about it,

Ashley sighed, as she returned her attention to her iPad. 

I don

t suppose it will happen again.


Michael grunted something, and tried not to sulk as she went back to writing his speech.  She would have to stop playing around with the thing for at least a while when they arrived at the airport.  He would just have to hope that he could focus her attention on


Consequently, Michael sat in brooding silence and let Ashley work for the rest of the car ride.  Unfortunately, Ashley didn

that he was brooding, and so she assumed that he was
she was working away on his speech, and that he
her to work tirelessly, to give up every second of her day to help with his campaign!  She sat there getting crosser and crosser, until the limousine finally stopped.


“Are we-” Ashley stopped speaking when she saw where they were.  She blinked at Michael.  “We’
re at the airport?


“We are,” he nodded, and then he took her hand and helped her out of the car.  “We’
re flying to D.C.,

he informed her,
hold of her hand, even as Ashley tried to tug it back.


“D.C.?” she gasped.


Michael couldn

t help but smile at her surprise.  He took the opportunity of her lowered guard to urge her forwards by placing a hand at the small of her back.  It was a wickedly intimate gesture that he probably should have avoided, because he made his pulse jump and his body tingle.


“Norm forgot to inform you of that little detail?” he asked, smugly.


“I think
might have told me!

Ashley gasped accusingly.


Michael shrugged his shoulders innocently. 

I was hoping it would be a surprise,

he confessed.


“Well I can’
t imagine why!



Ashley didn

t sound really upset however, and once she was settled on Michael

s private plane, she actually seemed to be rather enjoying her surroundings.


“I was going to offer you a drink earlier, but you didn’
t seem in the mood,

Michael murmured, a touch of amusement in his voice. 

Would you like something now?


ll have-

Ashley hesitated. 


ll just have an ice water, thank you,

she smiled at the air hosted.  She was determined to keep her wits about her this evening!


The flight was
pleasant.  Ashley refused to drink anything stronger than water, but Michael refused to leave her in peace, so she didn

t have a chance to work on the speech at all.  He kept up a steady stream of conversation for the whole journey, mostly about the election campaign.


“So it’
s really important for us to make a favorable impression on these business men?

Ashley asked. 

Norman said it was vital for the campaign.


Michael frowned. 

Well it would certainly make funding a lot easier,

he admitted. 

Still, I would rather not have to pander to these men.  Unfortunately the campaign won

t pay for itself,

he growled.


“Careful, Michael, you’
re starting to sound like an idealist,

Ashley giggled.  She placed a reassuring hand on his hand knee. 

I know you wouldn

t make a deal with anyone completely unprincipled,

she said warmly, and then became aware that Michael was looking at her hand, which was still resting on his leg.



s palm prickled.  She was suddenly
away of the powerful muscle that had tensed beneath her touch, but she didn

t seem to be able to pull her hand away!  Her pulse picked up speed and her breathing became shallow as she lifted her eyes to meet his



s gaze was hot and inviting, almost daring her to smooth her hand higher up his leg to see what she would find...  She was exceedingly tempted to do so, breathless with anticipation

except, just as Ashley

s fingers flexed, the airhostess walked over and informed them both that they would be landing very soon and so could they please fasten their seatbelts?


Ashley snatched her hand away from Michael, sanity returning with a vengeance,
what had she been thinking? 
She couldn

t bring herself to so much as look at Michael as they landed in D.C. and disembarked.  Michael didn

t seem to suffering any similar signs of embarrassment.  When he spoke, it was as if nothing at all had happened on the plane.


“The restaurant isn’
t far,

he informed Ashley, staring at her pointedly when she began rummaging in her purse. 


re not going to have time to work on that before we get there.


“Work on what?” Ashley asked innocently.


“Ash, forget about finishing the speech by tomorrow morning, would you?  Just enjoy tonight?  I was an ass earlier.”


Ashley didn

t contradict him, but she did sigh heavily. 

You were right about it being my job though.  I really can keep taking time off to have my nails done,

she muttered.


Michael grinned. 

Well if it makes you feel any better, I think your er- nails look lovely.  You can

t have a First Lady who does have pristine nails,

he said, keeping and admirably straight face.


Ashley giggled. 

Thanks, it doesn’t

t really, but thanks anyway,

she laughed. 

Ooh?  Is this the place?

she asked, gasping when their car pulled up outside a building that looked even more lavish than the restaurant Michael had taken her to two nights before.


“This is it,” he nodded.  “One of the men we’
re here to see owns this whole hotel chain,

he told her, helping Ashley out of the car.


“Really?” Ashley murmured, she was sounding a little too impressed for Michael’
s liking. 

Now you did say that all of these guys are single, right?

she teased, taking his arm.


Michael tried to force a smile, which was tricky, given that he was also clenching his teeth. 

Just remember that you

re not single, sweetheart,

he whispered, slipping a possessive arm around her tiny waist.


Ashley giggled. 

I thought I was
to flirt with these men?

she laughed. 

I thought that

s why you brought me along?  You know, I can just go back and sit in the car, and work on your speech, if you don

t need me to stay around,

she teased.


“I need you,” Michael said slowly, huskily, trying not to think about all the ways in which he needed her… just how was he meant to concentrate on business when all he could think about was getting Ashley on her back?  “I’
m just rethinking this scheme you and Norm have come up with,

he murmured.


“I didn’
t come up with anything!

Ashley started to argue, but she couldn

t continue, because the
maitre d

had just spotted them and was hurrying over to greet them.


“Monsieur!  Mademoiselle!  Monsieur Rousseau is expecting you.”


Michael and Ashley were lead in the direction of a private room, away from the hotel

s other clientele, where the
maitre d

announced their arrival to four very smartly dressed businessmen.


“Monsieur Reese!  It is so good to see you again!” cried Monsieur Rousseau, speaking with a slight hint of a French accent.  Michael had never been able to determine if it was real or simply put on.   Monsieur Rousseau got up from the table where he and his other guests were already seated.  “But I have not met your beautiful lady friend before!”


Michael placed his hand on the small of Ashley

s back and forced himself to smile as he introduced her.  He frankly didn

t like the look in Rousseau

s eyes, as the Frenchman looked Ashley up and down, before sweeping forwards to kiss her hand. 

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