The Myth of Monogamy: Fidelity and Infidelity in Animals and People (48 page)

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Darwin, Charles, 6, 26, 57 Davies, Nicholas B., 106 Demosthenes, 152 desertion, 45

"Dionysian" vs. "Apollonian" cultures,

Diplozoon paradoxum,
4 disadvantages of extra-pair

copulations, 104-107 divorce, 45,101-104,119 DNA fingerprinting, 7-9,12, 23, 33,


Dobuan people, 151-152,156 dominance status, sexual attractiveness

of, 74,100 double standard, 2,152 Drosophila, giant sperm of, 20 Dryden, John, 155 Dumas, Alexandre, 186 dungflies, mate-guarding by male, 29 dunnock mating systems, 44, 97-98,


eastern bluebirds, 103,108 Eberhard, William, 36, 85 Eens, Marcel, 121 egalitarianism, 127-128,136-138 egg dumping, 110-112,118 ejaculations, multiple, 22 Ellis, Havelock, 184

emotional attachment style, 77 Engels, Friedrich, 132,152 Ephron, Nora, 10 Espy, Willard, 145 estrous swellings, 66 European smooth newts, 67 external fertilization, 29

fairy-wrens, 12, 71-72

fathers, genetic vs. purported, 12-13

female-enforced monogamy, 116-119

female quality, 115-116

female sexuality, theories of, 14

fertility insurance, 59-62

fertilization, effectiveness of, 25

Fisher, R. A., 78

Flaubert, G., 3

"floaters," 24, 111

"flowback" of seminal fluid, 164

Ford, C. S., 147,148

Freeman, L., 184

Freud, Sigmund, 13,154-155,181,

187,188 "friendship" among baboons, 93 furtive copulations, 105-106

Galapagos hawks, 39 gallivanting, 29-37, 49 game theory, 33

garter snakes, coitus interruptus in, 66

geese, rape among, 54

gene diversification, 65, 69-71

genetic compatibility, 69

giant sperm, 20

gibbons, EPCs among, 25-26, 34,

101-102 goldeneye ducks, 111-112 Goldilocks criterion, 64 "good genes," female preference for,

69-86 Goodall, Jane, 41,178 gorillas, 25-26, 41,141 Gowaty, Patricia, 131 Gray, Elizabeth, 105 gray tree frogs, 72 great apes, 4, 25-26 group marriage, 149-150 guppies, 115-116


Hadza people, 135 hamadryas baboons, 141 Harcourt, Alexander, 169-170 Hart, Gary, 189 Hawkes, Kristen, 135 Hawthorne, N., 3 Helen of Troy, 188 "helpers at the nest," 47 "helpful coercion" by males, 131 Herrick, Robert, 155 hoary marmots, 32, 50, 126 "home-wreckers," 118-119 Homer, 2

Horton Hatches the Egg,
112 house sparrows, 79-80,118 Hrdy, Sarah, 95-96,175 hunter-gatherers, 136

The, 2 inbreeding, 64 indigo buntings, 49, 99 indirect female choice, 66 Industrial Revolution, 137 infanticide, 95-96, 99, 118,158 intentional childlessness, 157 intruders, sexual appeal of, 38-39 irradiated male technque, 7

jacanas, 20 James, Henry, 3 James, King, 139 James, William, 116 Japanese macaques, 176 Jerome, Saint, 182 Jesus, 2,182 John of Damascus, 182 Johnson, Samuel, 113 Joyce, James, 187

Kaingang people, 149-150 "kamikazee sperm" hypothesis,

165-166,169-170 Kempenaers,. Bert, 109 Kennedy, John E, 185 kestrels, 89 Kgatla tribe, 21 kin selection, 47 Kinsey, Alfred, 21,158

Kissinger, Henry, 74 kittiwake gulls, 102 Knipling, E. E, 5

LaBarre, Weston, 147 Lack, David, 12 lapwings, 127

"last male advantage," 24, 29, 42, 68, 162

Lawrence, D. H., 3, 90 Lear, King, 139 lekking species, 3, 40 Lepcha, people, 150 Lopez, Sylvia, 115 love, 186-192 Lucian, 155-156

major histocompatability complex, 63 male genetic quality, female preference

for, 27-28, 35, 70-86 male-female differences in sexual

preference, 16-23,143-145 Malinowski, Bronislaw, 146-147 mallard ducks, 26, 39, 52,100 mammals, monogamy in, 11-12,

124-125,157-161 manucodes, 127 marmosets, 124 Marx, Karl, 132 masturbation, 167 mate assessment, 90 mate copying, 79

mate-guarding by females, 116-124 mate-guarding by males, 29-37, 49,

125,174 mate sampling, 102 Mayzie bird ("lazy bird"), 112,119 Mead, Margaret, 1 menstrual synchrony, 123 Merman, Ethel, 139 migrating birds, cloacal sperm in, 11 Mills, J. A., 92 Milton, John, 155,184 "mixed" fatherhood, 162 "mixed" reproductive strategy, 15 Mafller, Anders, 76, 82 monandry, 88, 108, 141, 170 Morgan, Lewis, 146


mountain bluebirds, 48,106-107 Mozart, Wolfgang A., 187 Murdoch, G. P., 147

nest parasites, 110-111 nest site limitation, 117 New Testament, The, 181 nuptial gifts, 128-129

The, 2 offspring protection, 93-96
107 Old Testament, The, 136,153, 181-183

older males, crafty behavior by, 34-35 orange-rumped honeyguides,

importance of resources

among, 93 orgasm, 164,172-173,175-177 ospreys, provisioning among, 38 Othello, 106 outbreeding, 63 Ovid, 188

parasite resistance, 72, 76

parental care, 45-51,

124-127,133,135,157-161 parental investment theory, 17-19 Parker, Dorothy, 116 Parker, Geoffrey A., 5-7,15,165 partible paternity, 135 passion, sexual, 186-187 "paternal discrepancy" among human

beings, 162 Paul, Saint, 182

penis, role of, 43-45, 82,167-168 pheromones, 93 pied flycatchers, 64, 98 Pinxten, Rianne, 121 Plato, 140-141,191 poison-arrow frogs, 123 polyandry, 4,14, 37-39, 41, 88,138, 149-155

polygyny threshold model, 124-125 pornography, 171 Pound, Ezra, 2 prairie dogs, 61

primate polygyny, 146-148 promiscuity, 145 property rights, 132 prostitution behavior in hummingbirds, 92

Protestantism, 183-184 Proust, Marcel, 157 provisioning, importance of, 38,

91-93,127,135 proximate causation, 22 pseudoestrus, 95, 99 pseudoscorpions, female preference for

new males among, 68-70 Pueblo people, 150 punishment, 45 Puritan guilt, 2 Puritans, 184

purple martins, 34-35, 51,109 pygmy chimps.

raffle competition for fertilization, 170

rape, 39, 45, 51-55

"ratcheting up" as a female strategy,

67-70 red deer, 25 red jungle fowl, 66 Red Queen hypothesis, 131-132 red-billed gulls, fidelity among, 91-92 red-winged blackbirds, EPCs among,

11, 23, 57, 60-61, 74,105,

108-109 reed warblers, 27 Reich, Wilhelm, 154 reproductive success, apparent vs.

actual, 11 reversed sex roles, 19-20 Rice, William, 129 ring doves, 43 rock ptarmigans, 33 Rougemont, Denis de, 185-187 "rough sex," 100 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 179 Russell, Bertrand, 182

saddle-backed tamarins, 174 sand lizards, 63 scorpionflies, 128-129


scramble competition for fertilization, 170

screw-worms, 5

secondary sexual traits among males,

26-28, 50-51, 53, 69-80,

100-101 Selous, E., 30 serial monogamy, 134 sexual bimaturism, 142 sexual cannibalism, 93 sexual dimorphism, 26, 73,141-143 sexual harrassment among spiders, 100 sexual interference, 120-124 sexual jealousy, 30,110,150-157,

177-179 sexual partners, numbers of, 9-10 sexual selection 58-59 sexually transmitted disease, 105 "sexy son" hypothesis, 78, 80, 90,


sexual swellings, 95 Shakespeare, William, 106,155 Shaw, G. B., 2 short-beaked echidnas, 142 Siriono people, 148 Smith, Susan, 74 Smuts, Barbara, 96,119 social stratification, 147-148 sociobiology of sex differences, 16-19,

57,71,87 song repertoire, sexual importance

of, 75

sperm competition, 5-6, 40-42, 80-86,

125,161-172 sperm depletion, 169 sperm displacement, 6-7 sperm heteromorphism, 42,165-166 spermatheca, 44 spermatophores, 93 Spotnitz, H., 184 starlings, 118,120-121 "sterile male technique," 5 stitchbirds, 23-24 stranger, sexual appeal of, 63-64

Sutherland, W. J., 82

symmetry and asymmetry, 75-78

Symons, Donald, 175

Talleyrand, C M. de, 169 testicle size, 40-42 Tolstoy, Leo, 3

traumatic insemination, 44-45 Trivers, Robert L., 17 Twain, Mark, 149

ultimate causation, 59 uniqueness of each species, 3 Updike, John, 3,185

vagina size, 168 vaginal pH, 83-84 van Valen, Leigh, 131 vasectomized birds, 57 Veblen, Thorstein, 132 Veiga, Jose, 118

violence, 55, 99-100,142,156-157,

178-179 virginity, 130

vocalization as a sperm competition tactic, 163

Wales, Prince of, 183 Welch, Allison, 72 Westermarck, Edward, 146 wheatears, 33-34 Whitehead, Alfred North, 87-88 Williams, George C., 17 winter hardiness vs. winter wimpiness, 73

yellow warblers, 66

yellowhammers, the advantage of being old and colorful among, 28

zebra finches, 24, 70, 80 zebras, 37-38,170-171 "zipless fuck," 106 Zuni people, 151

About the Authors

David P. Barash, Ph.D., is a zoologist and currently professor of psychology at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has written more than a dozen books, including
Making Sense of Sex
with Judith Lipton,
Revolutionary Biology,
The Mammal in the Mirror,
as well as popular articles in
Playboy, Psychology Today,
The New York Times.

Judith Eve Lipton, M.D., a psychiatrist specializing in women's issues, is the recipient of many honors, including a fellowship in the American Psychiatric Association.

Married since 1977, Barash and Lipton live in Redmond, Washington. Together, they have produced two wonderful children, and four books.

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