The Millionaire Falls Hard (10 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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'Carrie, please, calm down. No we haven't, and Charlie is perfectly alright with Moira. I spoke with her a short time ago.'
The lift arrived at their floor and Alan led Carrie past a bodyguard. At a nod from Alan, the other man left. A guard had been arranged to ensure no-one broke into the empty room. Now Alan was back and the room would be locked and bolted from the inside, the guard was safe to step down.
Once they were in the privacy of the sitting room Alan guided Carrie to one of the sofas and briefly left her to pour her a brandy.
'Here, I think you'll need this.'
Alan passed her the brandy and watched her take a sip. He wondered how she would respond to what he had to tell her.
He took a deep breath and told her what he knew.
Jake had returned to his suite, his thoughts in turmoil. He wished he could work out why Carrie got to him so much. No-one had ever stirred his body or had exclusivity of his thoughts like she did. He felt bereft that the man she had gone off with might mean something to her. There must be an explanation but he was too tired to work it out.
She felt the pull of the attraction between them as much as he did, he would stake his life on that.
He had blindly wandered out onto his balcony and was staring out at the moonlit night sky when he heard the scream. He jerked round to where the sound had come from and saw the man with Carrie pull the drapes across their balcony door. The sound was now muffled but he could still make out what he thought were racking sobs. Without thinking he dashed over to her suite. He gave no thought as to why he made that dash from his suite to hers, across the top floor, it just seemed right to instinctively want to protect her.
'Carrie! Open up!' Jake hammered on the door. 'Carrie! Are you alright?'
He tried the knob and continued to bang on the door. Just as he was thinking about putting his shoulder to the door, it opened from the inside.
'Mr Calderwood, please come in before you damage hotel property and wake everyone up.'
Alan was drily amused at Jake's reaction, but also uncomfortable at letting him in. Jake had come up clean when they'd run checks on him, then so had everyone else they had checked so far.
'How do you know who I am?' Jake demanded whilst looking round for Carrie.
He saw her huddled up on the sofa, hugging her knees into her chest, and without waiting for an answer, he rushed over to her. He got down onto his knees beside her and gently asked what was wrong. Carrie continued to sit there staring past the top of her knees, tears rolling down her cheeks. She was quieter now but still seemed inconsolable.
'Carrie, what's happened? Is there anything I can do to help? I want to help if I can.' Jake spoke so gently, his voice so full of concern that Alan instinctively felt he was someone Carrie could trust.
'She's received some sudden and shocking news.' Alan spoke for her.
Jake turned towards Alan, remembering that he was there.
He saw red and rushed at him.
'And just who the hell are you? What have you said to her?'
Alan quickly deflected from Jake's lunge, captured his arm and managed to keep him upright.
'Detective Inspector Alan Macintosh, here in an official capacity, but also as a friend.'
He went from sounding officious to genuinely caring in the space of a few words. His message sank in to Jake's brain.
Jake looked from Carrie to Alan and back again. 'Just
is going on here?'
He returned to Carrie's side and placed his hand on her arm. Carrie jumped slightly at his touch as if she'd only just realised that he was there.
She recognised him as a friend, someone she could trust but she didn't understand why when she didn't think she knew him that well. She let Jake take her gently into his arms and relaxed for the first time since she'd heard the devastating news.
'Look, I've got some business to attend to with the manager, I can't leave Carrie on her own, would you stay with her until I get back? I won't be long.'
Jake nodded.
Alan thought to check with Carrie too that that was OK. He didn't think she was emotionally stable enough to stay with someone she wasn't comfortable with. Carrie gave a slight nod to her head and with that Alan left the suite, with his last remark of 'don't let anyone in under any circumstances' hanging in the air.
Jake turned his attention to Carrie. She'd stopped crying now. He cupped her face with both hands and wiped away the last of her tears with his thumbs.
'Do you want to talk about it?'
Carrie numbly shook her head. She didn't seem to trust herself to speak just yet. Jake reached for the glass of brandy.
'Here, take a sip of this, it's good for shock.'
He held the brandy to her lips, and brushed her hair away from her face as she took a drink.
As the warming liquid hit the back of her throat, Carrie coughed and spluttered and pushed the glass away. She looked at Jake and really saw him properly this time.
'What are you doing here? Where's Alan gone?'
Jake let out a sigh, he hadn't even realised he'd been holding his breath. She seemed to be consciously back in the room with him, that must be a good sign. Carrie stared at him.
He realised she was waiting for an answer.
'Oh, I heard you scream. I didn't think, I just came straight here. Alan said he had something to sort out, he'll be back soon.'
Jake settled more comfortably into the sofa and gathered Carrie close to his chest. Relief had flooded through him when he found out who Alan was. There must be an explanation for the other two men. He pushed the thought away, for now he had to win her trust enough to find out what was going on.
Her right arm rested across his chest, her hand against his heart. She could hear his heart beat and the gentle rhythm of it had a soothing effect on her. They sat there together, he the comforter, she the comforted, for what seemed to be forever. Her breathing slowed until Jake thought she may be sleeping.
'Carrie?' he whispered.
'Hmm?' Carrie responded, feeling at total peace.
'Carrie, you can't go to sleep here. How about you go to bed. I'll stay with you until Alan returns.'
Carrie slowly raised her face to his and sleepily looked into his eyes. Jake had to fight the urge that rose within him. Now was not the time to talk about the attraction between them never mind act on it. He gently brushed his lips to her forehead, and brought her to her feet.
'Go and get into bed, let me know when you're there and I'll sit with you.'
'Promise? You won't leave me?' For a moment, fear sounded in her voice.
'I promise. I'll stay with you until Alan returns.'
Carrie couldn't believe the state she was in when she looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Suddenly she felt embarrassed that Jake had seen her like that. It had a similarly sobering effect to a cold bath and brought her to her senses.
She couldn't understand why she'd reacted so violently to Alan's news.
Her ex-husband was dead, so now perhaps the threats would stop. There was something missing from that logic though. It couldn't be that simple, and besides she couldn't be grieving over the news. She'd long ago realised that she didn't have any feelings left for him, and even when she had had feelings, it hadn't been love.
Her mind was too exhausted to remember what else Alan had said. Her thoughts returned to Jake. He couldn't have any idea what was going on and yet he'd rushed to her side. A warm feeling came over her until she realised she owed him an explanation and once he had that, he probably wouldn't want anything else to do with her.
That thought made her sad but she didn't understand why. God, but she felt emotionally raw and hung out to dry.
She moved into her bedroom and got into her silk pyjamas. She left her dress in a pool on the floor where it dropped from her body. She was too tired to pick it up. She called out to let Jake know she was in bed.
Jake quietly entered the room and stopped dead as he saw her lying there in a revealing royal blue top edged with delicate cream lace. Carrie seemed to have no idea the effect she had on men. All evening men had stared at her in the dress that had draped over her wonderfully proportioned body. And now she was here, in the privacy of her bedroom, wearing a top that left nothing to the imagination. He couldn't help but notice the rise and fall of her breasts and her nipples straining against the silk. He quickly sat at the bottom of the bed, hoping to hide his reaction to her. Offering to sit with her in her bedroom had been a bad move. If he succeeded in not jumping her, he would need a cold shower before he would find sleep tonight.
Carrie noticed his glance to her breasts. Suddenly, this was all too intimate and she felt shy, but she couldn't bear to be alone just now. One part of her wanted him to take her in his arms and make love to her until her mind could think of nothing else, but it had been such a long time since she'd been with a man, she wasn't sure if she could please him. Her breathing increased as her thoughts went wild with longing.
Jake noticed the change in her breathing and thinking she may be getting upset, rushed to comfort her. He gathered her close, caressing her hair.
'It's OK, you're safe.' He breathed in her hair and felt the silkiness of it through his fingers.
'You're hair is so soft, so beautiful,' he whispered.
Carrie could no longer deny what she desperately craved.
'Kiss me Jake. I need you to kiss me,' she whispered.
Jake looked into her eyes. He saw longing there but also fear. His mind knew this was the wrong time - that it was a bad idea, but he could no longer stop himself any more than he could stop breathing.
Gently his lips brushed hers. Carrie's arms came up round his neck and she opened her lips to him. His tongue caressed her lips, tasting a heady mix of brandy and toothpaste. His erection pressed hard against his trousers as he captured her mouth with a barely controlled urgency and his tongue sought the inner sanctuary of her mouth.
Carrie responded with her own pent up longing, and moaned softly as their tongues mated. She felt the liquid heat of her own desire between her legs and whilst one hand caressed the soft curls of his hair, the other one moved to his chest.
The rapid beat of his heart kept time with hers as they both lost themselves in the heady sensation of passion. The drugging kiss, the dancing of their tongues was intoxicating. After what felt like an eternity they paused for breath.
Jake caressed her cheek with his finger tips and gazed into her eyes. The intense desire he saw reflected his own.
But he drew back slightly. He'd never stopped before. He'd never refused to take a coupling to its natural conclusion.
But he respected Carrie and knew that this was the wrong time. When he took her, and he was now certain that would happen, he wanted her to be totally focussed on wanting him and not just wanting to be comforted.
'Carrie,' he whispered against her lips, 'we need to stop. You're in shock, it's late, and you need to get some sleep.'
Carrie blinked as she came to her senses, shocked to realise what she had nearly allowed to happen. More shocked that she had wanted it to happen. But Jake didn't seem to want it quite so much.
She pulled away and brought the quilt up to cover her. Jake felt her emotional withdrawal and was disappointed that he had caused it but there was nothing he could do to recapture the moment.
He stroked her hair back from her face, and smiled warmly at her, trying to communicate why he'd drawn away.
'I want you Carrie, but just now would be taking advantage. I want it to be more than that.' He paused to let her absorb his comment.
'I meant what I said earlier. About wanting to help, if I can.'
With a jolt Carrie remembered now what had brought him to her in the first place. Her sexual longing was doused quicker than a flame being snuffed out.
Just as well, as the door to the suite opened and Alan called out.
'Be here for breakfast tomorrow morning and I'll tell you. I guess you deserve to know. Thank you for being here tonight.'
Carrie suddenly sounded exhausted and empty and there was nothing Jake could do to change that.
He brushed his lips against her forehead, wished her sweet dreams and quietly left the room.
Chapter 7
Carrie had her emotions back under control by the time Jake joined her for breakfast the next day. She was sitting at the dining table, waiting for the suite's butler to serve her breakfast.
'Good morning Jake. Please, join me.' Jake did as she bid, and waited for the butler to leave.

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