The Millionaire Falls Hard (20 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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She felt her body heating up at the memory of Jake making love to her. She could feel his hands as they explored every inch of her body. She could feel his mouth as he kissed and sucked her breasts and her most private part. Her body juddered as she imagined his tongue thrusting into her slick heat, sucking and pinching until she screamed her release.
Her hand reached out as if reaching for his shaft and shrank back as she realised the scene was in her head. She'd become brave in their short time together and had delighted in exploring his manhood. He was well endowed - thick and long and rigid in arousal, jutting proudly up towards his stomach. The tip had felt silky and so smooth when she'd swirled his own juices around it. She smiled as she remembered the look of sheer unadulterated joy she'd seen on his face when she'd finally gone down on him with her mouth and licked and sucked him to climax. She'd loved the taste of him, the feel of him in her mouth.
She felt the release of her own juices as her memory sharpened. Jake had dragged her up his body after that, turned her round and lifted her off the bed so she was on her hands and knees facing away from him. She groaned as she remembered him leaning over her back, taking her breasts into his hands. She subconsciously caressed her own breasts now, caught in that moment of visualising her breasts heavy in front of her and Jake lifting their weight, teasing her throbbing nipples to hard buds. As she'd groaned loudly with pleasure Jake had taken her from behind. The surprise had had her calling out his name. He'd grabbed her hips and thrust her onto his shaft hard and fast. She'd shattered around him as he'd emptied himself into her and they'd both collapsed onto the bed.
She jerked her eyes open as she realised she'd just brought herself to climax, her juices flowing out of her and her nipples tight little buds. As she calmed her breathing she wondered if she'd ever be free of his hold over her. She felt herself redden as she realised what she'd just done - behaved like a hormonally rampant teenager.
Only Jake and the memories of their time together could cause such wanton behaviour - she hardly recognised herself just now.
Carrie went off to change and break her thoughts; her mood.
She changed into a pair of red lounge pants and white cropped tee. As she was closing her wardrobe doors her eye caught a yellow halterneck dress. One of the items Jake had had delivered to the suite. She'd worn that dress the day she'd disposed of her ex-husband's house. With no other family and a Will still siting herself as next of kin, she'd had to deal with the unpleasant memories it had evoked when she'd first opened the front door. She'd recruited a cleaning firm and then a decorating firm before she'd left Scotland. Thank heavens she had.
The first day back in Miami, she'd stopped off to have a look at the progress and couldn't believe the mess she'd found in the one room still to be gutted and restored. It looked as if no-one had been in to clean it up in all the time Pip had been in prison. All sorts of suspect packages and bottles had been found by the cleaning company she'd employed.
She recalled the day she'd got rid of it. Jake had gone with her. He couldn't understand why she'd signed it over to a charity for abused women instead of selling it and doing something useful with the profit.
Over the evening meal they'd shared in their suite, she'd given him all the sordid details about her ex-husband. How his assumed suicide note had actually been a letter he'd intended sending to the Miami Herald, and that his 'suicide' had actually been nothing more than drug abuse mixed with one too many bottles of vodka. It seemed he'd had his way of feeding his habits inside. He'd died before he'd had the chance to post the letter and exact maximum embarrassment on Carrie.
She'd had to take a really deep breath to admit that Charlie had been conceived in rape - how Pip had always blamed his hunger for prostitutes on her for being frigid and unresponsive.
For much of their meal, Carrie had found it difficult to look at Jake. As she'd struggled to get the words out about her sex life, or lack of it, she'd risked glancing up. She'd seen such disgust, disbelief and anger in Jake's eyes that she'd broken down at that point. Jake had whisked her into his arms, fighting off her instinct to get away.
'My feelings are aimed at that scum of an ex Carrie. That sorry excuse for a man. If he was alive now I'd be tempted to beat him black and blue for what he put you through.'
As Carrie had continued to struggle, not hearing his words but believing that the emotion she'd seen was aimed at her, Jake had tried again.
'Carrie. Carrie!' He'd sat down with her on the sofa and pulled her face round to look him in the eye.
'Carrie, no-one should ever have to put up with what you went through. No-one. I admire you for getting out, for building a successful life for yourself. And no matter how Charlie was conceived, he's a wonderful little boy. He's a credit to you. He's your son Carrie, no-one else's. There isn't an ounce of badness in that little boy.'
Carrie had hardly dared believe Jake, sure that he'd see her differently now. Sensing the moment that Carrie started to close down, Jake had kissed her. A brutal kiss, filled with hatred for what she'd endured. A kiss that had gentled and coaxed a response. Jake had placed her away from him slightly while he drove home the truth.
'Carrie, you are the most passionate, responsive woman I have ever held in my arms and made love with. The short-comings were all his. His attacks on you were about his own lack of performance, not yours.'
To prove his point Jake had released the halterneck from the dress and worshipped her body. Every inch of her body had been touched and caressed by his fingers and his tongue and she'd bucked and thrashed underneath him, begging for release.
It had been another night when a meal had lain forgotten and sleep had been set aside for making love.
Hot love that had conveyed so much, and yet eight weeks on now seemed to convey nothing at all. And yet she still relived it.
Standing with her head against her wardrobe door, Carrie recalled that beautiful night again when Jake had made her feel so special. So loved. In between kisses he'd told her how honoured he felt to be her first real lover, the first person to bring her to orgasm. How her words before about not realising it could be that good made sense to him now.
As he'd thrust into her, bringing her to yet another climax, he'd vowed to always make her feel desired and cherished and beautiful.
Later, when they'd shared a bath, Jake had decided that all the ugliness needed to be out in the open so they could move on. So he'd told her about Roderick Gemmell's comments and accusations when Jake had bought the Estate. Jake's apology for doubting her goodness and integrity had been so sweet. The bath water had been decidedly cool by the time they'd both come down from the orgasmic haze he'd sent them to.
Carrie moved away from the wardrobe. In a daze she thought about the legacy of Miami and experienced a moment of panic that she'd done it again. She felt the anger rise through her body.
Anger at herself for being so stupid. Anger at Jake for being party to it and leaving her high and dry.
'How could I have let this happen again. How COULD I? Stupid, stupid! Only now it's worse. This time I love the fa…'
Carrie stopped berating herself and jumped as the gate buzzer sounded.
She continued down the stairs, determined to ignore the sound. Whoever it was would get the message and go away.
Instead of going away though, the buzzing continued, and continued……..
Jake crashed against the back seat of the car, flung his head against the head rest and closed his eyes.
He'd done it!
Eighteen hour days.
Seven days a week.
Eight long weeks.
But he'd done it. And now he was back in Scotland. For a while, he'd thought he'd never see Scotland again. Irrational thinking but that's how tired he'd become.
Despite being dog tired and feeling a hundred years old, all that mattered was that he had restructured the business - turned America round, merged the two businesses into one, sold it off, sold off Australia and the Middle East and was now on his way home.
Six months work achieved in two.
Two months of concentration, of networking and of negotiation to sell off all the far flung offices.
Two months of leaving Phil to run the rest of the business and taking only brief daily calls to ratify decisions.
Two months of pouring over page after page of figures and reports.
Two months of jetting between America, Australia and the Middle East.
He sighed. All that had kept him going was his vision. His vision of returning to Carrie and starting the rest of his life, with her, and Charlie, and hopefully a brood of other kids. He wanted a large family.
During those blissful days with Carrie in Miami, he'd reached the decision to sell. Not to expand as was his original intention, but to concentrate business closer to home. Closer, so that he wouldn't have to be away for long periods of time. He didn't want to be away for a moment, but recognising there would be times when he would have to be, at least he could now be back within hours, rather than days.
He winced as he recalled the conversation he'd had with Glenn, Carrie's future step-father. He'd taken the shouting and muck chucking and kept silent until Glenn had calmed down. He'd understood Glenn's anger when he'd thought Jake was going back on his word to protect the employees' jobs.
Once he'd calmed down and listened to Jake's reasons, he'd worked with him - had worked his way through his extensive diary of business contacts.
Glenn was one of the reasons the merged american outfit was now on its feet and successfully sold on to another business, one that was actually a better fit than Jake's had ever been. In fact, although Glenn wanted to cut back on his business and spend quality time with Suzanne, he'd agreed to work for Jake two days a week once he was relocated to Scotland.
He squirmed in the seat as he remembered admitting the strength of his feelings for Carrie to the other man. He'd sworn Glenn to secrecy. To his knowledge he hadn't even told Suzanne. Jake wanted Carrie to find out his vision for the future from him, not via her mother. He was certain Carrie would share it. Was certain she felt as deeply for him as he felt for her. But as he couldn't recall telling her that bit, he couldn't be a hundred percent certain.
The motion of the car as it journeyed along the motorway towards home, had him dozing off. His dreams returned to Carrie and their stolen days together in Miami. He felt himself harden at the memory of her in his arms and adjusted his coat over his lap to hide it. With the privacy partition in place, his chauffeur couldn't see, but he wasn't taking any chances.
He let out a satisfying sigh as he remembered how good Carrie had felt in his arms, in his bed and by his side when they'd ventured out.
She was beautiful, inside and out. Never more so than when she'd been naked and coming apart in his arms. He'd never been with a woman as responsive as Carrie was to his touch. Once she'd lost her inhibitions she'd been as adventurous as him in making love. On one beautiful occasion, he recalled how she'd crept under the desk and knelt at his feet as he'd been on the phone. She'd gently stroked both his legs from his ankles to the top of his thighs, reaching under the bottom of his robe. They'd not long been out of the shower where they'd made love and hadn't dressed. Her fingers had teased his hairs at the juncture of his thighs and stroked his balls. He'd put his hand down to stop her but she'd brushed it out of the way.
As he'd done something similar to her when she'd been on the phone to her mother, he couldn't blame her for getting her own back. He couldn't recall ever responding so strongly to any other woman's touch, he just seemed to go up in flames when Carrie touched him. Which had made the phone call exceedingly difficult to concentrate on!
He'd gasped when Carrie had touched his erection. She'd used both her hands to stroke it up and down. Then her tongue had licked his juices, sucked his tip hard as her hands had continued their journey up and down his pulsing shaft.
The call had been with Phil, so there was no-one out there questioning his professional integrity, no-one spreading rumours about him. But given the joshing he'd had from Phil when they'd met in New York, another colleague or business associate may have been the lesser of two evils.
How Phil had ragged him about what he thought was going on given the noises he'd heard. He didn't know who the woman had been though. Jake had been noncommittal about Carrie since the shooting so Phil may well have thought it was someone he'd picked up. Although, given it was common knowledge that Carrie was also in Miami, Phil might have put two and two together. He hadn't asked though and Jake hadn't shared.
Thinking back to that phone call, he still couldn't remember it ending. Phil had assured him in New York that a coherent, sensible decision had been agreed but that was only after a pretence that Jake had agreed to buy out two other european businesses. Jake was so absorbed with his relationship with Carrie that for a moment he'd believed him.

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