The Millionaire Falls Hard (23 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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'Are you telling me that you're…'
Carrie cut him off. 'Yes, I'm pregnant.'
Jake gave her a swift kiss.
'Darling, that's wonderful! Are you happy about it? Oh God, I'm going to be a father. I'm going to be a father!' He brushed his hand through his hair.
Carrie laughed at him.
Jake calmed down and asked her seriously if she was happy about it.
'Now, yes. Yesterday when I thought I'd been taken for a fool, no.' She gazed into his eyes and stroked the side of his face. 'Now I know we have a future together, I'm very happy about it.'
Jake looked down and reverently stroked her belly. 'Our baby. Subconsciously, I must have wanted you pregnant. I've never forgotten before.'
He splayed his hand out across her tummy. 'Did I hurt you earlier, when we made love? Should we be making love?'
'No, and yes. I'd like a large family too Jake. After the experiences of my first marriage, I'd settled for it just being me and Charlie, but meeting you has reawakened my dreams of family.'
Jake threw himself out of the chair and told her to stay there. Staggered at the speed at which he seemed to have changed tack and taken off Carrie never moved.
He came back and went down on one knee in front of her.
'Carrie, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife and the mother of my children?'
Recovering slightly she managed to squeeze out the one word that mattered. 'Yes.'
Speechless, she sat there and gazed at him. Tears of happiness slid silently down her cheeks.
He took hold of Carrie's left hand and on her third finger placed the most delicate eighteen carat rose gold ring. Diamonds were studded on each of the slim shanks, and proudly standing in the centre was the most exquisite asscher cut diamond.
It fit perfectly, suiting Carrie's long, slim fingers. Carrie looked at it as it sat on her finger.
Her tears fell faster. Jake gently wiped them away.
'Jake, I…..' Still lost for words, Carrie cleared her throat and tried again. She looked up at Jake.
'It's beautiful. Beyond beautiful. Thank you. I didn't need a ring.'
She stared at it again and touched it with her right hand, as if making sure it was real. 'But I love it. Thank you.'
Jake stood and pulled Carrie up from the seat. He put his arms around her and kissed her, gently, lovingly.
'I never imagined putting a ring on anyone's finger. Until I met you. You're beautiful Carrie. When I saw that ring I knew I had to have it for you. It symbolises your strength and your beauty and also your femininity.'
Carrie stumbled slightly as they pulled apart. Jake's strong arms stopped her from falling.
'Are you OK?'
'Yes. I'm just overwhelmed I think. Can we get some fresh air?'
While they strolled around the garden they talked about when they would get married, what size of a wedding it would be and where.
'I arranged for the chapel on the Estate to be renovated while I was away. Do you want to see it?'
Carrie smiled at him. 'Thank you Jake. You're learning already. Can we go now?'
Laughing, they walked hand in hand across to the chapel.
'Oh, they've done a wonderful job Jake.' She pointed up. 'Look at the art work on the ceiling.'
She walked around some more and stroked the pulpit.
'And the wood carvings are so intricate.' Carrie was excited. 'I think it would be perfect to hold the service here!'
They both sat at the back of the chapel and pictured their wedding day. Jake phoned the local vicar and asked if he could marry them as soon as possible.
As they made their way back to Carrie's house, Jake's thoughts turned to the baby. He stopped and turned in to face her.
'Have you seen your doctor yet?'
Jake seemed surprised. 'How long have you known?'
'Not long. I can be quite irregular. In times of stress I don't have a period. I had a slight spotting a few weeks after I got home and put it down to stress.'
Jake pulled her in to him and they put their arms around each other's waists.
'I'm sorry for the heartache I put you through sweetheart.'
'I know.' Carrie smiled. 'Don't ever do that again!' she teased. 'Anyway, I started feeling tired, my breasts were sore and I felt queasy - today's the first time I've actually thrown up. I did a test a week ago and then buried my head in the sand over it.' She gave a self-mocking smile.
'You shouldn't have had to face that alone. I should have been there for you. Next time you have my word that I will be.'
Carrie groaned. 'Good! But let's get through this one first!'
'I plan to. And we'll just practice making the next one! I love you Carrie. I love our child. And I love Charlie. Do you think he'd be happy to let me be his dad?'
'If you promise to let him have Skippy and Pongo, he'll be ecstatic!'
That prompted something she'd wondered a while ago. 'Why did you keep the names Charlie chose by the way? I felt sure you'd change them.'
'Why? They're great names.'
'I wasn't feeling very charitable towards you in the early days.'
'Hmm. I didn't notice!' He gave her a quick cuddle. 'To be honest, I felt bad about how rude I'd been the first day I met him. I wanted to make it up to him.'
'I misjudged you so badly, didn't I?'
'We both did a fair bit of that.' Jake grabbed her hand and hurried her along.
'Come on, I want to find out what's happening with our baby.'
Telling Jake it was Sunday fell on deaf ears and an hour later, Carrie found herself lying on a bed with cold jelly being wiped across her belly. Both her and Jake stared at the screen as the consultant gynecologist performed the ultrasound.
'From what I can see and what you've said for date of your last period, I'd say you're about ten weeks. The gynecologist continued to tell them what he could see.
'Ah. Would you look at that now. If I'm not mistaken there's two heartbeats there.' He looked across at them.
'I'd say you're expecting twins. Congratulations.'
Carrie and Jake left the private hospital in a mixed state of euphoria and fear.
'Two! How will we cope with two?'
'Together. I'll take time off when the babies arrive. Your mum will be here by then. Moira's here. We could also hire a nanny if we need to.'
'How can you be so matter of fact about it? I can't believe I'm carrying twins. I barely coped with one when I had Charlie. I'm scared Jake.'
'I'll be here for you. Every step of the way. You're also in a better place now. And don't underestimate my usefulness - I organise remember.'
That raised a smile. 'Yes, you do.'
'Come on, let's get you home. We've got some celebrating to do, planning to do and people to tell. Not necessarily in that order. If we celebrate I guarantee nothing else will happen 'til morning.'
With that he kissed her, deeply and passionately, a kiss on account for later.
'Hi Phil,' Jake said down the 'phone. 'I need a best man, time off and a godfather. In that order.'
Jake? That was my line a few months ago. Is this some kind of wind up? You're not in a relationship. Oh, hang on. That woman in your hotel in Miami who was doing wicked things to you when we were on the phone.' Phil groaned down the phone. 'Please tell me you're not serious about a bit of floozy.'
'Philip Tennant. That is no way to talk about your wife's employer!' Jake said in mock indignation. He was enjoying this.
'Carrie? It was Carrie in your hotel room?' He sounded incredulous. 'I did wonder but…..' Phil broke off.
Jake could almost hear his friend's brain whirring round to the right conclusion. He grinned across at Carrie as she listened in to both sides of the call. She tried hard not to laugh out loud.
Jake reached for her hand and raising it to his mouth kissed the palm. 'I love you,' he mouthed.
'You're marrying Carrie! What did I tell you my friend? Never say 'never'.' Phil whooped with delight. 'Lynne! Jake's marrying Carrie. She's pregnant.'
He realised what he'd just said.
'She's pregnant?'
'Got it in one buddy. See you tomorrow.'
'Hang on Ja….' Jake hung up just as Carrie's phone rang.
She picked it up.
'I'll see you tomorrow Lynne.' Carrie smiled as she put down the phone.
Jake picked her up in his arms.
'Come on, let's go to bed. We've got some celebrating to do.'
'OK?' Jake asked as he came up behind Carrie and put his arms around her expanding waist line. He placed a kiss on the side of her neck as he pulled her in against his body.
Carrie leaned back into his embrace and sighed with complete contentment. She took Jake's right hand and placed it at the side of her swollen belly.
'Oomph! He's active just now,' said Jake as he felt the force of the baby's kick. 'Is he bothering you a lot?'
'Mmm, on and off. He's been restless today. Must be able to sense the excitement! He's certainly more active than I remember the twins being at this stage.'
'Maybe it has something to do with the fact you haven't stopped long enough to draw breath in the last six months. Promoting one film and on the set of the next one, being a mum and still writing. It's exhausting just thinking about it.'
Carrie smiled and turned in his arms. 'You've been there for much of it too as well as growing your 'empire'!'
'Mmm,' Jake nuzzled her neck, 'but I haven't been pregnant as well. I saw how much it took out of you in the early stages.'
'Yeah, it did,' Carrie thought back to those weeks of endless morning sickness when Jake had waited on her hand and foot.
Carrie placed her hands either side of Jake's face and held his gaze.
'I love you Jake Calderwood. With all my heart.' She kissed him.
'I love who you are as a person.' She kissed him again, this time nipping his bottom lip.
'I love who you are as a businessman.' Another kiss.
'I love who you are as a dad to our children, and as a friend.' She paused.
'Most of all I love you for all the support and love you give to me.' This time the kiss was hot. Carrie could feel Jake's reaction against her bump and smiled. She drew back slightly.
'Have I told you that lately?'
Jake smiled in response and held her tight. 'I love you right back. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else other than with you, our family and our friends. Before, I was completely driven to build the biggest and best organisation. To have a world-wide presence. Now, I'm happy with the smaller, more focussed company. Since you came into my life, I've been so much more fulfilled, working less, being there for you and helping to bring up the kids.'
Jake gave a self-deprecating smile. If anyone had told him before that he would find children more fulfilling than running a business he would have laughed in their face.
'The twins are a joy albeit grossly messy at times.' Jake pulled a face at the amount of mess two baby boys had made from each end of their bodies since their birth twenty months ago! Carrie laughed. She'd had to deal with just as much poo and puke.
'Watching Charlie grow and learn has been such a pleasure. Knowing that I'm playing a part in the person he is becoming gives me far greater pleasure than any business take-over ever did.'
He placed a gentle, loving kiss on her mouth as the baby kicked out at him. He caressed her tummy, softly speaking to the child nestled within.
'Two more months and we'll meet this little guy. Another boy! I wonder if we'll ever have a little girl?'
'Charlie's happy that we keep having boys. He's fine about telling his friends he has baby brothers but girls? They're 'yuck'!'
Jake laughed. 'He'll not be thinking that way in a few more years! Heaven help us when his hormones kick in.' Jake shuddered at the thought.
'Dad! Come on! We're waiting for you.' Charlie called out from the lounge where he and Josh were waiting with Alan and Glenn to play a game.
Charlie had been excited about Jake becoming his dad. Just after their glorious wedding two years earlier, the vicar had blessed their new 'father/son' relationship. They'd become very close since and frequently went off to do 'boy things' along with Phil and his stepson Josh, who was still Charlie's best friend.
Calling back that he was coming, Jake pulled Carrie closer into his arms and rested his head alongside hers. He never tired of holding her in his arms. He thought back to how it had felt on their wedding day to finally hold her as his wife. Absentmindedly he kissed Carrie's hair as he remembered. Close friends and family had filled the Estate chapel which had basked in the late autumn sunshine.

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