The Millionaire Falls Hard (24 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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Carrie had simply glowed with happiness as she'd walked down the aisle towards him. She'd worn a cream, strapless lace gown with a crown of flowers in her hair. Flowers that had blended with the abundance of displays filling the church. The dress had been gathered to one side under her bust and fallen in gentle folds to the ground, subtly covering the beginnings of her bump. Jake had had eyes only for Carrie that day, many of his other memories had come from the videos they'd watched since. He remembered the love song Carrie's friend Rob had sung. Written especially for them, it had been his gift to them. With their blessing, it had been released as a single and been the year's best seller. It had raised thousands for charity.
'Will you ever sing in public with Rob?'
Carrie looked at him confused.
'Just remembering Rob's song on our wedding day.'
'Ah. It was beautiful, wasn't it.' Carrie sighed. 'I think I'd rather keep that as something private. I love the times we all get round the piano, but no, that's not something I'll ever make public.'
'Rob will be disappointed. I think he sees you as his next meal ticket!'
'Hah!' Carrie punched him gently on the shoulder. 'We all know he doesn't need another meal ticket.'
'Dad! DAD!'
Jake sighed, much though he could spend all day with Carrie in his arms, they had a christmas day to enjoy with their family and friends. He let go of her and turned towards the living room.
He looked back at her. 'You're about to see a lot of testosterone flying around the room as us guys pit ourselves against each other playing Charlie and Josh's christmas presents! Coming to watch?'
'Wouldn't miss it. Is Phil joining in or staying with Lynne? I feel for her having day long morning sickness with her new pregnancy. On christmas day too! She's trying hard for everyone but you can see she just wants to stay curled up with Phil and let the day happen around her.'
'I think Phil's just going to shout encouragement to the boys from the sofa. Which means we all stand a better chance of winning!'
'Admitting there's something Phil can do better than you?'
'Mmm, must be getting soft. I'll deny it if you tell Phil though!'
Carrie laughed. 'Come on Mr Softy. Help me take these drinks in.'
With a tray of drinks each they returned to the living room and surveyed the scene before them.
The boys were on the floor with Alan and Glenn setting up the latest game.
Alan had retired from the police force and married Moira. They now lived in one of the flats at the Estate House and Alan managed the Estate grounds. Glenn and Suzanne had moved into Jake's old apartment once they'd married and moved to Scotland. Glenn was an asset to the business and had bought into it. As a director he worked two days a week.
Nearby, by the fire, Phil sat on a sofa. Lynne was stretched out with her head on his lap, her three month old pregnancy not yet showing. They looked so much in love.
On one of the other sofas, Moira and Suzanne sat chatting, surrounded by toddlers. The twins were asleep either side of Suzanne and Phil and Lynne's little boy was resting against Moira. They were both amazing grannies.
Presents and wrapping paper littered the floor, with Pongo and Skippy lying in amongst it all, exhausted from their mad charge into ripping all the paper to shreds.
Jake and Carrie turned to each other and shared a smile. A glorious and messy sight surrounded them. A sight that spoke of love and happiness, and one they would revel in and treasure as their family continued to grow over the coming years.
Preview Sarah's next novel
Sarah's next novel is due out Summer 2012.
It is called 'Heat in the Kitchen' and is the first in a series of four books, featuring the Duval-Adams family.
Matt and Zander are identical twins, who jointly assumed responsibility for their identical twin sisters when they were just eighteen and their sisters, Tess and Ronnie, were twelve. Now, Matt is an internationally acclaimed, michelin starred chef and Zander is a financial and business genius. Tess is a successful jazz singer and Ronnie a translator for spanish and french languages. Whilst each twin's story is told in their own book, readers can follow the lives of them all throughout all four stories. In addition, the family have their own website and Facebook page where you'll be able to keep up to date with their news.
In 'Heat in the Kitchen' we meet Ella who is a professional pianist and long-standing friend of Tess and Ronnie. Ella has the family from hell who get a real kick out of stirring things up for her, some with near disastrous results. She has known Matt for most of her life, although Matt was oblivious to her existence. From the moment they meet as adults, Matt wants her. He gets confused by the mixed messages Ella sends out as well as his overwhelming desire to care for her. Their story is a beautiful love story tracking their relationship from barely concealed resentment on Matt's part for her intrusion to when one of her sisters arranges a near fateful event.
This is a classic tale of love conquering all, but the journey along the way is a rocky one.
There are explicit sex scenes in this novel.
Excerpt from 'Heat in the Kitchen'
Matt was dog tired but knowing Ella was in the room next door was keeping him awake. His performance in there a short while ago had been on a par with his first youthful foray into sexual encounters. He'd seen plenty of naked women in his time, but none of them had been friends with his sisters. If only he could get past that barrier and treat her as he would another woman he fancied.
He punched his pillow, hard, as if that would somehow make him feel better! It certainly changed the direction of his thoughts. Ella's behaviour had been strange. He'd definitely caught a glimmer of desire in her eyes. Why then had she gone all coy and embarrassed on him? It didn't make sense. It had certainly had him scuttling out of there as quick as his feet would take him. Back full circle, now he was thinking about his performance again.
Just as he tossed himself over onto his front he heard movement from the guest suite.
'What's the matter? Can I get you anything?'
Ella jumped at the sound of his voice and blinked against the bright hall light Matt had just flicked on.
She turned. 'My ha….' Matt was stood at the end of the hall with just a pair of lounge pants on. Ella could only gawp at him.
He moved down the hall towards her and placing his forefinger under her chin, closed her mouth. He gave her a gentle smile. 'Can't sleep either huh?'
'I… it's not what you think….'
'No?' he cut in. 'And just what am I thinking Ella?' Matt inclined his head to one side.
'Um,' Ella felt herself redden again. God, she hadn't blushed this much since she'd left school. She looked away and tried to calm her racing thoughts. When she was ready, she turned back to face him.
'My hand's throbbing. I thought I might find some painkillers somewhere.'
Matt groaned. His thoughts were in the gutter and Ella was in pain. Way to go Matt!
'They're in the kitchen. Come on down and I'll look at the hand as well. I'm sorry, I should have done that earlier, but I wasn't really thinking….' He grimaced as he just admitted how distracted he'd been.
As Ella sat in the kitchen waiting for Matt to return with his first aid kit, she realised how little she had on and shivered. Not just from the chill night air but also with anticipation and desire.
'Here, keep this over your shoulders.' Matt placed a fleece blanket around her.
For the next few minutes Ella concentrated on her hand as Matt sat opposite her to clean and redress it. When he'd finished he took the kit away and returned with painkillers and a glass of water.
'I'm sorry.'
Ella looked at him, confused.
'For my part in your hand. Not my finest moment!'
Ella acknowledged his apology, surprised, but impressed that he'd made it.
'Here, take a couple of these. They're strong so they should ease the pain and help you sleep.' He paused midway to handing them over. 'Oh, you're not allergic to anything are you?'
'No. Thank you.' She took the glass from him and swallowed the pills down with a couple of mouthfuls of water.
Matt smiled at her. 'You're welcome. I've put a cotton mitt over it to give it added protection and help the healing process. We'll see what it's like in the morning. It will probably still be a bit sore and tender but there shouldn't be any lasting damage.'
He continued to stand there and held her gaze. Now that there wasn't anything to concentrate on, the tension between them soared again. Matt gave in.
'Ella,' he whispered her name as he gently pulled her up from the chair and drew her towards him. 'Maybe I wasn't altogether truthful earlier when I said I wouldn't jump you. I know I shouldn't do this, but I can't deny it again. I need to kiss you.' He lowered his head towards her, his breath caressing her lips. 'If you don't want this, you need to stop me, now.'
Ella tipped her head so her lips brushed against his. Her breathing became faster as she anticipated his touch. At this moment, the part of her that had loved him for years was screaming at her to feel, just this once, what it was like to be kissed by Matt Adams.
His lips danced over hers as she closed her eyes. It was the softest of caresses but it felt like home. Ella moaned into it and parted her lips in invitation for more. Matt deepened the kiss as Ella responded. Instinctively, she matched his response as their tongues performed the age old ritual of dancing, of tasting.
The taste of her was intoxicating. He didn't remember any other kiss feeling this good. He couldn't get enough as he stood there and pulled her closer until he held her flush against his naked chest. His pulsing shaft could leave her in no doubt what he wanted.
Ella had been drowning in the sensation of his touch, of his lips on hers, of the seductive invasion of his tongue. But the touch of his body, the feel of his arousal shocked her out of it and she froze.
'No!' She pushed away from him, her breathing laboured.
'Matt's eyes flew open and he stared at her, struggling to get his own breathing under control. 'What? Ella, you were into that as much as I was.' He searched her face for an answer.
Ella turned away from him, flustered. 'I'm sorry. That shouldn't have happened.'
Matt looked at her, confused. 'I gave you the chance to stop it. You didn't. What's going on here?'
'I… I'm sorry. I can't do this. It's not you, it's me.'
Matt ran his hand through his hair in exasperation. 'I never thought for a minute it was me sweetheart!'
Ella turned back sharply. The look of pain on her face made him contrite. 'I apologise. That was out of order.'
Matt reached out for her and pulled her into his arms. Ella froze. 'Hey, it's just a cuddle. They always make us feel better in our family.'
Ella relaxed a little and let him put his arms round her.
Matt rested his chin on top of her head. 'I am so confused where you're concerned. One minute I'm kissing you senseless and wanting to drive myself into you over and over until we're both satisfied….' Ella's tenseness at that wasn't lost on him. '….and the next minute I just want to comfort you and tell you everything will be all right. I don't know how many times Zander and I did this with the girls. Still do when one of them needs comforting.'
'I'm not your sister.' Ella muttered into his chest, which was still bare. She was beginning to get hot again.
'Thank god for that. I've never had lustful thoughts about my sisters.' Matt had been absentmindedly rubbing Ella's back but now noticed how much more relaxed she seemed - felt a shift in her body and sensed her renewed awareness of them. He gently created space between them before she could feel his response.
'I'm tempted to talk about what's going on here, but it's two in the morning and we both need some sleep.'
He gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek and turned her towards the door. With softness in his voice he told her to go to bed. 'Tomorrow's a busy day.'
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One minute she was treading water, the next she was coughing and spluttering as a pair of hands grabbed her ankles.
Then she found herself held close in strong arms, her breasts crushed against his hard chest. Automatically she placed her hands behind his neck and curled her legs around his waist to hang on. His erection brushed up against her soft flesh. Just like that, heat filled her. Their mouths met in a fusion of need. Ella found herself kissing and being kissed as if it was their first time and last time all rolled into one. Their teeth clashed and their tongues tasted, tangling with each other as they circled and plundered.

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