The Millionaire Falls Hard (14 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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How would she ever face him again? Attack was her best form of defence, she decided. She looked around her and acknowledged the sumptuous bathroom and walk in shower. As quick as her weakened body would let her she grabbed a shower, relishing the hot water cascading down her body and luxuriating in the wonderful smelling shampoo and shower gel. She towel dried her hair, ignoring the dizziness she felt as a result of moving her head around. She wanted to dress quickly and get out of the bedroom before he returned and made her get back into bed. She was walking out of this house and going back to hers no matter what he had to say about it.
She found her clothes in the bedroom. While she was dressing she noticed a rumpled quilt on the sofa and realised that Jake must have slept there. She felt herself redden again at the thought that he mustn't have left the room. How much more embarrassing could this get for her.
Carrie left the bedroom and heard familiar voices. All of a sudden dogs were barking, the noise of which freaked her out for a moment, but then she heard a child's giggle. Charlie! Carrie hurried to where the voices were coming from.
'Charlie!' Carrie grabbed him in a tight hug and held him as if frightened he would disappear. 'I've missed you Charlie. I love you so much!'
Charlie wiggled out of her arms and gave her a puzzled look. 'Hey Mum! Look at what Pongo and Skippy can do.' All the adults collectively breathed a sigh of relief that Charlie didn't seem affected by Carrie's absence, but then she went away frequently, and he hadn't been told anything about the attack.
Carrie realised that Moira, Lynne, Phil and Alan were all there. Both Lynne and Moira descended on her at the same time.
'We're so glad to have you back…'
'We've been so worried about you…'
They hugged her and laughed as they both spoke at once.
'How are you Carrie?' Alan asked during the pause. She looked over to him.
She shook her head. 'I don't know. Light headed. Hungry. Confused. Embarrassed.' She looked over to where Charlie and Josh were playing with the puppies. 'Come on Charlie, it's time to go.'
'But Mum, the flight doesn't leave yet.'
'What flight? What are you talking about? It's time to go home.'
'Now you're back with us, you're going to the South of France for the rest of the week.'
Carrie hadn't seen Jake until he spoke just then. Unable to look Jake in the eye, she turned to Alan.
'Why? Why can't we just go home?'
Moira and Lynne looked over to Alan wondering what he would say, how he would handle telling her about the devastation.
Jake observed the scene with interest. Carrie had obviously withdrawn from him, embarrassed in some way by what she imagined had gone on while she was out of it. Well, he could be patient. In the meantime he was happy to play the bad guy.
Sparing Alan and turning so his back was towards the kids, he quietly answered her.
'The house is uninhabitable at the moment. We thought it would be best if you all went away while it was being repaired.'
'Oh did you? And who's 'we'? And who's authorised repairs on my house? I want to see my house. Now!'
If anyone thought Carrie was behaving strangely, no-one mentioned it but they all waited with baited breath for Jake's reply.
'We,' Jake motioned the others in the room, 'thought it would be less traumatic for you to return to your house if it looked as it should look.'
Alan helped him out. 'Jake's organised everything that needs to be done and there's an army of people in there, repairing the living room walls, the flooring and furniture and shattered glass wall. We think that should be laminated glass for extra protection which is going to take a few days extra to get.' His voice softened, 'You've no idea what it was like love, and you really don't want to be seeing it. It would only upset you.'
'I agree with the men Carrie. I've seen it and it came as a terrible shock to me. You know we all care about you, we don't want to set you back again.' Moira added her support to the men.
'Dinner is served.' called Eve.
'Come and get something to eat. You'll think more clearly when you've got something inside you.'
Jake waited for the fall out from Moira's patronising comment, but Carrie just allowed herself to be led to the table.
Interesting, he thought, it's just me she wants to fight with. He sighed at the seemingly uphill struggle he had ahead of him to get Carrie to accept him. Before the attack he thought they were at least friends. Now he didn't know what they were.
Chapter 9
Carrie let out a sigh of contentment as she lay back on the poolside recliner. At four in the afternoon, the sun was still blissfully warming her skin. As she felt herself drifting off again she wondered if she would ever get back to normal. All she seemed to have done since they'd arrived was eat and sleep, with the occasional dip in the outdoor pool.
They were staying in a beautiful five en-suite bed-roomed villa just outside Cabonnes. As they'd been chauffeured the short distance from Avignon airport, Moira and Lynne had 'oohed' and 'aahed' over the passing scenery but Carrie couldn't remember seeing much of it.
She knew Moira and Lynne were both concerned about her - they'd made it their mission to keep an eye on her. The few times they'd gone off to explore, they'd ensured the housekeeper had been there to make sure she was OK. If she'd had the energy she would have told them how suffocating it was but every time she'd thought it, her eyes had drifted shut under the warmth of the sun.
In the distance she could hear children laughing. Charlie and Josh had certainly had a good few days playing in the pool and exploring the nearby play park. She wasn't sure she approved of them being out of school during term time but her brain was too tired to get upset about it. The warmth of the sun - the not having to think about anything - had been soothing to her mental stress but she still felt completely and utterly washed out. Unable to concentrate on anything or remember things.
Female voices faded in and out of her consciousness. She could hear Lynne and Moira discussing ideas for Lynne's forthcoming wedding as they sat at a table just behind her. Carrie couldn't remember if she'd contributed any ideas or not. Dammit, she wished her brain could function.
'I've found it!' Lynne squealed with delight. She showed Moira the picture in the wedding magazine. The fourth magazine she'd pored over.
'This is it! This is my wedding gown, now I just need to find a local stockist. That's….'
Moira shushed her as she saw Carrie jump at the sudden noise. Lynne and Moira started whispering over the picture and their voices faded away again. Once more Carrie felt herself drift away, to a place where she felt safe. She felt herself floating, as the warmth carried her into a subconscious state.
As the early evening sun became blocked by heavy clouds, Carrie felt her skin cool. It roused her from her blissful state. Goosebumps broke out on her body and she shivered. It was as if a sinister force had crawled over her. She started breathing more quickly. Her body cooled further as she broke out in a sweat; a sweat that became chilled by the breeze. She started to shake, wanting to run, to escape, but her legs wouldn't move. The gun fire came again, then flying glass. Oh God, a bit was heading for her! She screamed and screamed!
Jake's authoritative voice finally made it through the fear.
'You're safe. You're in the South of France, with friends. Carrie, wake up.' Jake shook her gently then wrapped a towel round her to give her some warmth.
'We'll go in and give you some privacy Jake. We'll have dinner in an hour.'
As she spoke, Moira shepherded everyone indoors. She kept Charlie close in an embrace to calm him. He hadn't witnessed his mum's nightmares until that moment.
It seemed perfectly natural to everyone that Jake should be the one to comfort. Jake shook his head slightly in disbelief that he'd been accepted so readily as a part of Carrie's life. He turned his attention back to the woman he held in his arms and stroked her hair away from her face.
Her name was a mere whisper on his lips as he longed to pull her into a deep embrace. His arms involuntarily tightened as he reigned in his desire.
As she felt herself held in a strong embrace, Carrie opened her eyes and looked at Jake with confusion. It seemed every time she came out of a nightmare, he was there. She blinked a few times, trying to clear her head.
'What….. what are you doing here?' She tried to pull away but Jake held her fast.
'You were having another nightmare.'
Carrie looked unsure. 'But, I haven't had one all week.'
She then shook her head, continuing. 'No, I don't mean 'here',' indicating the close proximity of them. 'I mean, what are you doing here, at the villa?' She waved her arm in a wider arc to indicate the area.
This time Jake released his grip but stayed sitting on the edge of the recliner. 'I've just arrived for the weekend with Phil and Alan. Phil did mention to Lynne that we were coming.'
'Yes, he did, but he didn't say that
were coming. When he referred to 'we', I thought he meant himself and Alan. So……
are you doing here?'
Jake looked at her for a long moment. Two things were clear to him.
One, that she didn't think he had any right to be a part of the group. After being there for her over the last few weeks, helping her and caring for her, that hurt. He knew she'd withdrawn from him in the aftermath but he'd hoped she would have recovered from her embarrassment with time and distance. Clearly not. Jake felt frustrated to be back at square one with her. He blew out a sigh and continued to look at her.
The second thing clear to him was that she obviously didn't know who owned the villa she'd been recuperating at.
He instinctively raised his eyebrows as he pondered which one to tackle first. If he told her it was his villa she was likely to retreat even further from him and feel she'd been manipulated, particularly as she'd just wanted to go back to her home at the beginning of the week.
Carrie continued to look at him, waiting for an answer. Becoming uncomfortable with his increasing silence, she looked away and made a move to rise from the recliner.
Once on her feet Jake put his hand out to stop her walking away.
Feeling like he was treading on thin ice, he stood and took a deep breath. This moment seemed more complex than any difficult business negotiation he'd ever faced.
'I didn't get to run my own multimillion pound business without knowing how to step up to the plate and make decisions. When I saw how you needed support, I provided it. No having to second guess myself, no having to wonder if it was the right thing.'
A self-mocking smile formed on his face. 'I'm a take charge and get things done kind of guy.'
His smile gentled. 'You also bring out a caring instinct in me I didn't realise was there!' He reached out and ran the knuckles of his right hand gently down her face.
Carrie stood emotionless.
Jake had no idea how he was doing, but as she was at least still there, he carried on.
'It would seem that everyone else,' with his hand he pointed towards the group who had gone into the villa, 'also accepts my role in your life.'
That comment got a slight rise from her, but she continued to say nothing in return.
'You got hurt in London, I demanded a doctor, I ensured you got home quickly and privately. You needed additional security, I arranged it.' He ran his hands through his hair.
'You seemed to be beginning to trust me!' Jake felt his frustration coming to the surface and tamped it down.
'Carrie, you turned to me in your time of greatest fear. I responded to that and took you to my home. I can only guess at what caused you to retreat when you became fully conscious of your surroundings, but by then, others had accepted my presence. Your home was damaged and left hugely exposed, I put in all the calls to arrange for it to be restored. I thought you could all do with a few days away while that was happening and arranged for you to come here….'
Still no movement from Carrie.
Jake took his final breath. What the hell, he may as well say it all.
'This villa is mine Carrie, and apart from wanting to be here with you, that is why I'm here. I own all this,' he indicated to the property and land, 'and have a right to come here any time I wish.'
Somewhere deep down, Carrie felt the stirrings of anger. Anger at being played as a puppet. Anger that her life was no longer her own. The fact that part of the temporary loss of control of her life was due to the threats didn't register in her irrational brain. One thing that did strike her though was that at last she seemed to be feeling something, even if it was an emotion alien to her. She didn't normally do anger, but then these hadn't been normal times. No, correct that, before Jake came along she'd rarely been angry. It seemed he didn't bring out the best in her. She closed her eyes, willing her inner turmoil to settle. She opened her eyes and looked straight at Jake. As calmly and coolly as she could muster, she started to speak.

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