The Millionaire Falls Hard (7 page)

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Authors: Sarah Fredricks

BOOK: The Millionaire Falls Hard
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Jake sensed her vulnerability and it pulled at something inside him. He didn't understand why his body reacted as it did towards her, particularly when Gemmell had done such a good character assassination on her. His body was sending him strong signals and he was feeling incredibly frustrated, but now wasn't the time to do anything about it.
Carrie unlocked the front door and opened it to let him through, trying to avoid his gaze. Jake noticed her unlock it and thought it strange that she'd locked it in the first place. That was another piece of information he stored away, there was definitely something going on here.
As he stood level with her, he put a finger under her chin and raised her face to look at him.
He couldn't ignore what she was doing to him.
'I don't bite Carrie,' he said softly and brushed her full lips with a gentle kiss.
Carrie had never felt anything quite so erotic and yet it had been so light she'd hardly felt it. It was as if a butterfly had fluttered across her mouth.
She involuntarily let out a soft moan.
That was all the invitation Jake needed to deepen the kiss. He licked and nipped at her lips, encouraging them to part. His tongue entered her mouth and danced across her teeth, exploring the inner sanctuary and encouraging her to do the same. Carrie felt on fire and placed both hands against his chest to stop herself falling over. Jake put his right hand around her back and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss even more.
Carrie responded with a passion she hadn't known existed within her. It frightened her and eventually she pulled back, breaking the kiss. Jake placed a wayward curl behind her left ear as he gazed longingly into her eyes. He saw a reflection of his own feelings in Carrie's eyes before she masked it. Confirmation, as if he'd needed it, that she felt the same attraction he did.
'Once we've sorted Phil and Lynne, we're going to do something about this attraction between us.' Jake promised softly.
Carrie had recovered slightly from the earth shattering experience they'd just shared, 'In your dreams Mr. Calderwood. Let me know what day you arrange.'
Jake was amused by her reaction and rose to the challenge. 'Oh, I think in yours too Carrie. Good night'. And with that whispered remark, he walked past her and down the drive.
Carrie shut the door behind him and leaned hard against it as if she needed it to keep her upright. Her legs felt weak beneath her. Her breathing was still ragged as she put her finger to her swollen lips reliving the pressure of his lips on hers.
Something about Jake awoke something primitive in Carrie that frightened her and yet excited her at the same time. Her ex-husband had never stirred feelings like that in her even when they were in the early, heady days of their courtship.
If anyone had ever asked her if she could respond so wildly, so passionately, she would have laughed at them and denied that such feelings were possible with another person. How wrong she would have been. For a divorced woman with a child, she was such an innocent. Did she want to see where this attraction went? An inner part of her most certainly did, but she couldn't deny the fear she felt at where it might end up.
She wondered if this was how it was for Lynne and Phil and if so, why were they both so miserable. As her thoughts turned back to her friend she finally felt able to walk away from the door.
For once her dreams that night were not about the threats but were no less disturbing as she imagined Jake lying naked beside her, kissing her senseless and satisfying newly awakened desires.
Jake had phoned Carrie earlier in the week to let her know he'd arranged for a suite at the Treffell Country House hotel. Carrie knew the local hotel, located near to the west coast about twenty minutes from the Estate. It was a place she'd frequented on many an occasion and thought it the perfect venue for Phil and Lynne to talk and spend quality time together.
As she drove there with Lynne beside her in her renault clio, she felt nervous. She wasn't sure what she was more nervous about though - upsetting one of her dearest friends further, or spending time with Jake afterwards. He'd invited her to stay for dinner with him and she hadn't felt able to refuse, although she wasn't sure she'd clearly accepted either. She knew she would stay though and had dressed carefully as a result. She felt good in her black linen trousers and pale yellow cashmere jumper that hugged her curves. She'd had to be careful not to overdress which might have alerted Lynne to something other than a quiet meal between friends.
Carrie thought back over the last couple of days. Lynne had been even quieter this week than previously and the more she had tried to find out what was going on the more Lynne had clammed up. It had taken some convincing to get her to come out tonight. In fact she hadn't so much agreed, she'd just become resigned to the fact when Carrie had turned up on her doorstep half an hour ago and almost dragged her out to the car. Moira was looking after Josh so no excuse for her there. Carrie was jarred from her thoughts when she realised Lynne had said something.
'…. it's better this way.'
Not wanting Lynne to know she hadn't been listening when she finally seemed to have broken her silence, Carrie just asked 'Why?'
'Then he can't walk out on me when he finds out.'
'Phil?' Lynne gave an almost imperceptible nod of her head. 'Finds out what?' Carrie continued gently, wanting to keep her talking.
'I'm pregnant.'
Carrie tried to hide her shock. Now wasn't the time to discuss that piece of news. 'Why would he walk out?'
'That's what my ex did, I couldn't bear for Phil to do the same.'
'Why would Phil do that to you? He's not your ex.'
'I'm not giving him the chance. It's easier this way.' Lynne sighed.
'But aren't you doing to him what your ex did to you? He deserves to know he's going to be a father Lynne.'
They'd just pulled into the hotel car park as Carrie heard a sob escape from Lynne. She turned off the engine and pulled her friend into her arms.
'It'll be OK Lynne,' she soothed.
They sat there for a few minutes while Lynne got herself together.
'Come on, let's go. You're eating for two now, no matter what the circumstances are surrounding that.'
Carrie felt a little stronger as she took Lynne's hand and led her into the restaurant. Given Lynne's bombshell about her condition she was sure now that her and Jake were doing the right thing. At least they'd have to talk tonight.
Jake had told her to meet him and Phil in the lounge. Carrie stood in the doorway and looked around. She noticed them sitting in a quiet corner and made her way over, still holding on to Lynne's hand. Jake was right, Phil did look miserable if the set of his shoulders was anything to go by. Jake stood up as they approached. Phil turned round wondering who Jake was looking at and saw her.
'Lynne!' Phil shot out of his seat and gathered Lynne into his arms. She seemed stunned to be there and started sobbing openly. Phil looked questioningly at Jake.
Jake shrugged his shoulders as he handed Phil a key. 'You're booked in, here's the key to your suite. You have to talk about this buddy. You're both off work until this is sorted. Everything you might need is in your room.'
Lynne looked up and snapped out of the trance she'd been in since feeling the warmth and comfort of Phil's arms. 'Carrie!' she cried, pulling away from Phil's embrace. 'I can't do this.'
'Yes you can. Talk to him Lynne. Phil looks as broken as you do. He's different. This is meant to be.'
Carrie noticed Phil's confusion. 'Take her to your room and get her to talk Phil.'
As Phil gently led Lynne away, Carrie let out a sigh of relief. She hadn't even noticed that she'd been holding her breath.
Carrie looked at Jake as if just realising that he was there. Her nerves returned. Now it was just the two of them and there was no way of escaping the meal. At least it would be in a public place and she had her own car for getting home. She nodded and Jake led her into the dining room.
Chapter 5
As Carrie finished her refreshing starter of melon with elderflower sorbet, she realised how relaxed she felt. Jake was proving to be good company, as if he'd noticed her tension and had set out to put her at her ease, talking about everything and nothing and steering clear of events of the last week. He'd certainly succeeded, she felt as if she'd known him forever and couldn't remember why she'd disliked him.
'You sound as if you love living here.' Jake said, as Carrie finished telling him about the work she did with the school.
'I do, it's a wonderful community, they're a great bunch of people. I've got to know so many of them in the past few years. There's a mutual respect there I think. I've certainly never had any need to doubt their respect for my privacy.'
'Phil mentioned you give a lot to the community through your Trust?'
Carrie looked a little uncomfortable at that. She kept her charitable giving very quiet, never courting publicity. 'Some. I'm not comfortable talking about any of that.'
Jake had been enjoying her company and didn't like it that he'd touched a sensitive spot with her. He tried to move onto safer ground. 'So, how come you chose this spot to live?'
He'd done a bit of research on her and knew she'd come over from the States. 'You could have chosen anywhere in Scotland, what was it about this place that appealed?'
Carrie shrugged noncommittally. 'I was left the land by Lord Gemmell.'
At Jake's questioning look, she continued. 'It's private, I'm not talking about that either.'
To get the subject away from herself, she decided to turn tables. 'What brought you here Jake? An Estate in the heart of Scotland is a long way from the cut and thrust of London and international business.'
'I found out the Estate was for sale and I had a longing to come home.'
This time it was Carrie's turn to look questioningly as she raised her left brow, waiting for him to continue.
'I spent the first seven years of my life playing on the Estate. My father had been head groundsman.' Jake looked as if he'd been transported back in time as he continued.
'My father fled to England when my mother died, dragging me along with him. He couldn't stay where everything reminded him of her. He never recovered from the heartache. He even seemed to forget I was with him at times. He took odd jobs here and there, earned enough to scrape by. He was never there when I got in from school, no-one was. I learned very quickly to fend for myself if I wanted to survive. The only highlight of my childhood was swimming - I had something I was good at.' Jake smiled to himself as he remembered his determination to win.
'Despite being told I had a brain in my head, school didn't do it for me and I learned most of my important lessons on the streets of London.'
Carrie felt for the lost little boy he must have been, hardly much older than her own son. With a catch in her voice she asked 'how did that little boy become the international businessman you are today?'
Jake looked at her then, having almost forgotten she was there, so lost had he been in his past.
'You know, I've never spoken out loud to anyone about that time in my past.' He was surprised that he'd spoken of it now, with a woman that confused him. His eyes narrowed as he tried to puzzle it out.
Carrie felt slightly guilty that she hadn't spoken of her past. Her mother must have known Jake as a toddler, before she left with Carrie in her womb. Carrie pushed that away and prompted him for an answer.
Jake gave a half shrug as he was telling himself that he might as well finish now he'd started. 'I found a wallet lying in the street one day. I was just walking back from my father's funeral, an orphan at the age of seventeen. When I looked inside I discovered it belonged to Lord Gemmell. I felt like I'd been hit in the stomach, so strong was the emotion of seeing a name from my past. I just saw it as a sign. You know, a link with the place where I'd been part of a happy family, on the day I said goodbye to my last remaining parent. Anyway, there was a hotel key card in it as well so I took it back to him. We got talking and he found out who I was.' Jake took a deep breath.
'To cut a long story short, he set up a scholarship for me to get through further education and I vowed to make sure he would always think the money had been well spent. Despite the swimming successes, he was the first person to show any faith in me in over ten years. He followed my progress right up until the day he died.'
Jake looked at Carrie. 'I'd like to think I'd made him proud after the start he gave me.'
Jake felt emotionally raw. He'd pushed all that to the recesses of his mind and it hurt talking about it. He looked at the steak that had been placed in front of him minutes before and couldn't face it. His appetite had gone. Carrie saw the pain in his face and reached out her hand to his in a gesture of comfort. Jake turned his hand over and held hers in his, squeezing it as if he was gathering strength from her. After a moment Carrie removed her hand.

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