The Mammoth Book of Tasteless Jokes (117 page)

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Authors: E. Henry Thripshaw

Tags: #Jokes & Riddles, #Humor, #Form, #General

BOOK: The Mammoth Book of Tasteless Jokes
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Whose lineage was noble all through.

It’s surely not crud,

For not only his blood

But even his semen was blue.

There was a young man of Australia

Who painted his arse like a dahlia.

The drawing was fne,

The colour divine,

But the scent, alas, was a failure.

There was a young girl from Hoboken

Who claimed that her hymen was broken

From riding a bike

On a cobblestone spike,

But it really was broken from pokin’.

There was a young fella called Taylor

Who seduced a respectable sailor.

When they put him in jail

He settled the bail

By doing the s

ame to the jailer.

There was a young man from Nantucket

Took a pig to a thicket to fuck it.

Said the pig, “No, I’m queer,

Get away from my rear,

Just come to the front and I’ll suck it.”

A mathematician named Hall

Had a hexahedronical ball

And the cube of its weight

Times his pecker’s, plus eight

Is his phone number - give him a call.

There was a young maiden called Randall

Who caused quite a neighbourhood scandal

By walking out bare

To the main village square

And poking herself with a candle.


There was a young dentist called Stone

Who saw all his patients alone.

In a ft of depravity

He flled the wrong cavity,

Good Lord! How his practice has grown!

There was a young tyro called Fyffe

Who married the love of his life.

But imagine his pain

When he struggled in vain,

And just couldn’t enter his wife.

A remarkable race are the Persians;

They have such peculiar diversions.

They make love the whole day

In the usual way

And save up the nights for perversions.

There was a young virgin from Bude

Whose proclivities were often viewed

With distrust by the males

For she’d fondle their rails,

But never would let them intrude.

There was a young woman called Dexter

Whose husband exceedingly vexed her,

For whenever they’d start

He’d let fly a great fart

With a blast that damn near unsexed her.

There was a young lady named Sapphire

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