The Italian Boy (60 page)

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Authors: Sarah Wise

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Great Windmill Street School of Anatomy

Green, Joseph

Green Ground.
St. Clement Danes Church

Grey, Earl

Guildhall magistrates court

Guthrie, George

Guy’s Hospital.
See also
United Hospitals of St. Thomas’s and Guy’s

medical education and

Hackney Express and Shoreditch Observer

Haldane, Mary

Hall, Mary Ann

Halls, Thomas

Hare, William

Harmer, James

Hart, Mr.

Head, George (Williams’s father)

Head, John (brother of Thomas Head/Williams), birth and death of

Head, Mary (Williams’s mother)

Head, Rhoda.
Williams, Rhoda Bishop

Head, Thomas.
Williams, Thomas (
Thomas Head)

Henoge, Charles

Henry VIII, King of England

Higgins, Constable Joseph

High Church Anglicans


Hill, William

Hilton, John “Anatomical John”

History of the London Burkers, The

Hitchcock, Mrs.


Hollis, (body snatcher)

Holloway churchyard

Holywell Mount (burial ground)

Hood, Thomas

horse market

Horse Patrol

Horsey, Samuel

hospital medical schools.
See also
anatomists; medical profession; surgeons;
and specific hospitals

Houseless Poor Association

House of Commons.
See also

House of Lords.
See also

Hue and Cry
Police Gazette


Hunt, Henry “Orator”

Hunter, John

Hunter, William

Hunterian Museum

Hyde, David

Image Boy, The

image boys, defined.
See also
Italian boys


payments to

Isaacs, James

Islington workhouse

Italian artisans

Italian Boy, The

Italian Boy case (Bishop and Williams case).
See also
drover’s boy from Lincolnshire; Ferrari, Carlo; Italian boys; Pigburn, Fanny; resurrectionists;
and specific anatomy schools, hospitals; legal proceedings, lodgings, pubs, suspects, and victims

Anatomy Act passage speeded by
awl and
“blood money” to witnesses and
bodies of convicted murderers, after execution
Bow Street magistrates hearings on
burial and exhumation of body
cause of death
cause of death, Bishop’s confession on
clothing, as evidence
confessions and
confessions and, official
confessions and, unofficial additional, in newspapers
continuing mystery of extent of murders and identity of body
coroner’s inquest and early story on
corpse, delivered to King’s College
corpse, viewing and early identification of
crime scene analysis and detection and
decline of, into obscurity
destitute parents view body, in hopes of finding lost children
entertainment about, after execution
executions and
eyes of nation on
fiction inspired by
furry cap and
hamper and
heart empty of blood, significance of
identification of body, as “Italian boy”
identity, Bishop’s confession and
identity, continuing mystery of
illustrations of
indictments and
jackdaw story and
last seen alive
lessons drawn from, in England
likely solutions to puzzle of
metal implements and
mice and
Old Bailey trial and
Partridge stories on
Pigburn murder and
police searches of Nova Scotia Gardens and
prints, poems and broadsheets on
revelations about anatomy schools and
rumors of more murders and accomplices, after execution
teeth, displayed by dentist
teeth sold to dentist
temple wound
tortoise and
unpleasant aspects of life in London revealed by
well and

Italian boys

child-trafficking and
display of animals and figures by
seeks help from Dicity, in 1834

“Italian Savoyard Boy, The” (Bayly)

Jack Ketch’s Warren

Jerome, John

Johnson, Black Joe

Johnson, Dr. James

Johnson, William

Jones, William.
Williams, Thomas (
Thomas Head)

Joseph (victim of Burke and Hare)

Justin, John


Kahn, Dr.

Key, Charles Aston

Key, John

Keymer, Abraham

King, John

King, Margaret

King, Martha

King of Denmark pub

King’s College

Kirkman, John

Knight, Charles

Knox, Dr.

Laing, Allan

Lamb, George


Laurie, Peter

Lewis, Jane

Life in London

Lillie, Sir John Scott

Littledale, Sir Joseph (judge)

“Little Italy”

Little Windmill Street School of Anatomy.
See also
Great Windmill Street School of Anatomy

Lock, Henry

See also

beggars and street life of
gaslights in
jails, registers of
lessons about, from Italian Boy case
loneliness in
Metropolitan Improvements, underground discoveries and
migration into
migration of Italians to
physical layout of
place and district names of
police reform in
prices of early 1830s
safety and violence in
settlement system and
sewage problem
street boys, attitudes toward
unrest in

London Apprentice pub

London Hospital

London Society for the Suppression of Mendicity (Dicity) (Red Lion Square)

Long, George

Loniski, Antonio

Low, Mrs.

lower classes.
See also
beggars; poor and destitute; working class

Macaulay, Thomas Babington

MacFarlane, Charles

Macher, (son of army surgeon)

Magendie, François

magistrates’ courts, records of.
See also
Bow Street magistrates

Malvarham, Barnard

Mann, Henry

Marine Society

Marquis of Anglesey pub

Marshalsea debtors’ prison

Martin, Col. Richard “Humanity Dick”

Martin’s Act

Mary Adelaide, Princess, duchess of Teck

Mary Tudor, Queen of England

Massa, Pietro

Maule, G.

May, James

additional confessions and
alibi of
appearance of
arrest of
background of
Bishop’s confession exonerates
Bishop vs.
Bow Street magistrates hearings and
confessions of, on resurrectionists
coroner’s inquest and
criminal career of
Culkin and
death of
list of potential killers and
lodgings of, searched
medical profession and
nickname of
Old Bailey trial of
pardoned from execution
physiognomy of
in prison after trial and
as resurrectionist
sale of body and
smock-frock and
teeth of boy and
verdict and

Mayhew, Henry

Mayne, Richard

Mayo, Herbert “The Owl”

M’Dougal, Ann

meat markets.
See also

medical profession.
See also
anatomists; surgeons;
and specific doctors, hospitals, and private academies

attacks on
education and
memoirs of, on resurrectionists
Pilcher on resurrectionists and
reformers and
revelations about dissections and
secrecy of, about dissections
students and burking charges and

Melbourne, Lord

Mellon, Harriot.
St. Albans, duchess of


abandonment of families by
selling of wives by

Merritt, Charles


Metropolitan New Police

resistance to
wages of

Metropolitan Police Act (1829)

middle classes


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