The Italian Boy (59 page)

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Authors: Sarah Wise

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parents of missing children and

Bow Street Night Patrol

Bow Street Runners

Brand, Caroline (missing child)

Brenton, Edward Pelham

Bricklayer’s Arms pub

Bridewell prison

Bristol riots of 1831


Brockway, Constable

Brookes, Joshua

Brookesian Comparative Osteological Museum

Brown, (Newgate turnkey)

Brown Bear pub

Brun, Augustine

Building Act (1774)

Bull’s Head pub

Burdett-Coutts, Angela

Burke, William

Burke and Hare killings (Edinburgh Horrors)

method of killing used by
victims of


attempted, newspapers on
rumors and fears of

Burrell, (magistrate)

Butler, Elizabeth

Buton, Anne

cag-mag meat

Calcraft, William

Campbell, Eliza

Campion, Mr.

Cane, Mary

Cannell, Ann

Captain Swing riots of 1831

caravan shows

Carpenter, Rosina

Carpue, Joseph.
See also
Dean Street School of Anatomy

Carroll, Mrs.

Catnach, James

Chapman, John

Chapman, Thomas

“Chapters of Old Shoreditch” (column)

charitable organizations

Charleys, policing by

Chesterton, Capt. George Laval

See also
Italian boys

apprenticeships and
child labor laws and
gangs of
increased concern for
missing, number and types of
missing, possibly killed by Bishop
in prison
runaway, Thomas and
sleep in Covent Garden
as street entertainers
traffic in

Children’s Friend Society

cholera epidemics

Christison, Robert

Christy, Miss, body of

Churchill, Henry Blencowe

Church of England (Anglicans)

City of London Truss Society

City (Square Mile)

excluded from Metropolitan Police

civil unrest

Clare, John

Clare Market

Clarke, Samuel

Clarkson, William

class consciousness

Clerkenwell New Prison

Clift, William

Cobbett, William

Coldbath Fields Prison

Coldbath Fields Riot (1833)

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor

Colla, Andrew

Columbia Market

Columbia Square apartments

Company of Surgeons.
See also
Royal College of Surgeons of England

Connolly, Patrick

Conway, John

Conway, William

Cook, Edward

Cooper, Bransby

Cooper, Sir Astley

Corder, James

blood money and
evidence and

Corder, William “Red Barn murderer”

coroner’s inquest

difficulty of identifying body at
jury of
report of, sent to Melbourne
story of attempt to sell body emerging from
testimony of Bishop at
testimony of Hill at
testimony of May at
testimony of Shields at
testimony on cause of death at
verdict of jury

Corporation of London


Bishop’s and Williams’s, taken to Royal College of Surgeons
methods of procuring
“offcuts” of
preferences of anatomists in
prices of
problems of surgeons in obtaining
resurrectionists refuse to supply King’s College with

Cotton, Dr. Horace

Coutts, Thomas

Covent Garden

homeless children in
Metropolitan Police and
Watch House

Cribb, William

Cries of London, The


aliases and identities of
clothing of
fraud by beggars and
“mask of decorum” and
petty, punishments for
Smithfield and
social concerns about
treatment of, at Newgate Prison
Vagrancy Act and

Cromwell, Oliver

Cross Keys Inn

Cruikshank, George

Culkin, Bridget

Cunningham, (Kent Street boy), murder of

currency, conversion chart

Cursory Remarks on the Evil Tendency of Unrestrained Cruelty

Curwood, John

Customs and Excise

Daily Police Report

Dance, George, the Younger

Dancing Doll Man of Lucca

Darbishire, Henry

Davies, Jeremiah

Davis, James

Davis, William

Dead Man’s Walk

Dean Street School of Anatomy.
See also
Carpue, Joseph

Death, Dissection and the Destitute

death sentences and executions

debtors’ prison

De Quincey, Thomas

Dermott, George

See also
evidence; forensic medicine

eyewitness accounts and
informants and
as new science

Deville, (plaster-cast maker)

London Society for the Suppression of Mendicity

Dickens, Charles

Dingle, John


Docherty, Mary

Dr. Kahn’s Anatomical Museum

“Dr R”

Dodd, (jailer)

Dodswell, George Henry

Dodswell, Mary

Donald (victim of Burke and Hare)

Douchez, George

D’Oyly, Rev. George


drover’s boy from Lincolnshire (White)

Drury Lane Theatre

Duffey, Margaret, murder of

Duffey, Mary

Dunkley, William “Boney”

Dunn, Mr. (dissector of Pigburn)

East End.
See also
specific locations

Eastern Division of the Political Union of the Working Classes of the Metropolis

economic depressions of 1815 and 1825

Edward, Henry

Edwards, John

Egan, Pierce

Elephant and Castle

Eliot, George

Elizabeth I, Queen of England

Ellenborough, Lord

Elliotson, Dr. John

Elliott, (owner of Charles Street lodging house) 94

Ellis, Robert

See also



calls for change in
census of 1801 vs. 1831

Etchings of Remarkable Beggars


Evans, Mr. (toy shop owner)

See also
forensic medicine

found at Nova Scotia Gardens
not pursued by authorities
science of, at time of case


death sentences and executions

Exposure of the Various Impostures Daily Practised by Vagrants of Every Description

Factory Act (1833)

family life, fragility of

famines of 1816 and 1817


Feathers pub

Ferrari, Carlo (Carlo Feriere/Charles Ferrier).
See also
Italian Boy case

attitudes toward, vs. Pigburn
Bishop, Williams and May charged with murder of
Brun on
cap of, Paragalli on
Colla on
confessions and identity of
engravings of
eyewitnesses and possible killing of
identity seems established
Italian Boy body first identified as
Italian Boy body never positively identified as
Paragallis and
reported alive

Ferrari, Joseph

Fielding, Henry

Field Lane

Figaro in London

(wax and plaster artists)

Fire of London (1666)

Fleet River

Flowerpot pub

Fontblanque, Albany

forensic medicine

Fortune of War (
Naked Boy) pub

Forty Thieves (children’s gang)

“Four Views of London” (essays)



free trade

French Revolution

Friends of the Bill for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Friends of the Oppressed

Gall, Dr. Joseph

Gardner, Mr. and Mrs.

Garibaldi, Giuseppe

Gavin, Dr. Hector

General Illumination of 1831

George IV, King of England

George pub

Gissing, George

glass manufacture trade

Globe and Traveller

Godwin, George

Gordon Riots of 1780

Grainger, Edward

Grainger, Richard Dugard

Grainger’s private anatomical school (Webb Street)

Anatomical Theatre of Medical Specimens
dissecting-room book of

(prison hospital ship)

Grant, James

Great Expectations

Great Marlborough Street magistrates office

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