The Italian Boy (61 page)

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Authors: Sarah Wise

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Middlesex Hospital anatomy school

Millbank Penitentiary “Panopticon”

Mills, Thomas

Minshull, George Rowland

animal cruelty cases and
arrest of Sarah and Rhoda and
Bow Street magistrates hearings and
cause of death and
murder weapon and
Nova Scotia Gardens search and
Old Bailey trial and
parents of missing children and
Pigburn murder and
revelations about dissections and
Shields and
Thomas and

Minto, earl of

Montero, Giacomo, (possible identity of Italian boy)

Morgan, Henry

Morning Advertiser

Morning Post

Mortimer, Robert

Murder of the Italian Boy, The

Murders in the Rue Morgue, The

Murphy, (Holywell body snatcher)

Mysteries of London, The

Mystères de Paris, Les

Nag’s Head Court

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleonic Wars

National Guardian Society

National Union of the Working Classes

New and Comprehensive Vocabulary of the Flash Language

Newgate Prison

Debtors Door
press rooms
Press Yard

Newgate Shambles meat market

New Inn (inn of court)

New Monthly Magazine

New Poor Law (1834)


additional confessions and

Newton, Sir Isaac

Newton, William

Nightly Shelter for the Houseless

Nottingham riots of 1831

Nova Scotia Gardens

condition of, after murders
description and history of
killing at, in Bishop’s confession
neighbors’ testimony and
obscurity of
topography of, described at trial
tours and crowds at, after executions

Nova Scotia Gardens, No. 2

Nova Scotia Gardens, No. 3 (Bishop’s House of Murder)

admission booths in
description of
men seen moving sack from
police searches of
survey of, for trial

Observations on Injuries and Diseases of the Rectum

Observations on the Vagrant Act


Old Bailey

as center of carting trade
executions at
resurrection culture and
Sessions House

Old Bailey Experience
(penal-reform volume)

Old Bailey Sessions House trial

aftermath of
date set
defense attorneys
difficulties of prosecution
length of
model of Bishop house made for
summing up
witnesses for defense
witnesses for prosecution

Old Red Lion Tavern

Old Slaughter’s Coffee House

Old Street

Oliver Twist

On the Truths Contained in Popular Superstitions

Otter, Rev. William

“outdoor relief”

Oxford Street

Padmore, Robert


Palmer, William, the Poisoner

Paragalli, Joseph

Paragalli, Mary


abattoirs of
Revolution of 1789 and

parish constables

parish relief

See also
House of Commons; House of Lords

Parliamentary Select Committees

on Anatomy (1828)
on Destitute (1816, 1821, 1828)
on Fleet River (1837)
on Medical Education
on Policing (1828)
on the Police of the Metropolis (1828)
on the State of Smithfield Market (1828)

Partridge, Richard

background of
dissects Bishop’s body
grants to, for corpses
Italian Boy case and
life of, after trial

Paterson, Mary


Peel, Robert

Pelham, Cresset

“penny gaffs” (performances)

Perceval, Alexander

Phillips, Charles

Phillips, S.M.

Philosophy of Living, The


of Bishops and Williams


of Bishops and Williams


Pigburn, Fanny (Pighorn, Pickbourne)

cause of death
child of
confessions and
indictment and
lessons of murder of

Pilcher, George

Place, Francis

plague of 1664–65

Plough Inn, Smithfield

Poe, Edgar Allan

See also
Metropolitan New Police

Police Gazette
Hue and Cry

police levy or rate payments

Police Select Committee Report

Pontifex, Henry

poor and destitute.
See also
beggars, children

Anatomy Bill and
areas inhabited by
causes of poverty of
charities attempting to deal with
history of
lack of social justice for
legal restrictions on
living conditions of
meat bought by
Metropolitan New Police drawn from
middle classes separate from
number of
ordinary working classes vs.
policing of, as game
poor laws increase
settlement and
Smithfield market and
as source of wonder and intrigue

Poor Law Amendment Act (1834).
See also
New Poor Law

poor laws.
See also
Vagrancy Act

poor-rate levy

poor relief.
See also
parish relief; settlement system

Prior, James


children in
floating, or “hulks”
religious reform and
vagrants in

prosecutors, private


See also
specific pubs

order of visits to
as resurrectionist meeting places

Pye Corner (meat market)

Quadrant (County Fire Office)


Queen Square magistrates office


Randall, John

Reform Act (1832)

Reform Bill (1831), defeat of

civil unrest following
satirized as “burking”

resurrectionist(s) (body snatchers)

Anatomy Act and effort to end
anatomy schools pay, not to supply rivals
Bishop’s success and early arrests as
Brookes’s dispute with, over prices
convictions and punishments for
demise of, as trade
fiction on
gangs and
Holywell Mount feud among
lack of historical information on
May becomes
meeting places and
methods of
number of
panic over murders by
payments to, by surgeons for legal costs
piecing together criminal careers of
prices for corpses and
slang names for
tools of
Williams becomes

Revelations of Prison Life

Rex v. Lynn

Reynolds, George William MacArthur

Richardson, Ruth

Rippingille, Edward

Rockingham Arms pub

Roe, Mr.

Ronchatti, Alexander

Ross, Eliza

Rotch, (magistrate)

Rowan, Charles

Royal College of Physicians

Royal College of Surgeons of England

Russell, Rev. Dr. Whitworth

St. Albans, duchess of, Harriot Mellon

St. Albans, duke of

St. Andrew’s parish, Holborn

St. Bartholomew’s Hospital

St. Clement Danes Church burial ground (Green Ground)

St. Clement Danes workhouse

St. Giles parish

St. Leonard’s Church

St. Luke’s

St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields watch house

St. Mary’s parish

St. Matthew’s parish

St. Pancras parish

St. Pancras workhouse graveyard

St. Paul’s Church

St. Paul’s parish

St. Thomas’s Hospital.
See also
United Hospitals of St. Thomas’s and Guy’s

Scharf, George

Scotland Yard, Detective Branch

Scott, Sir Walter

Seagrave, James

settlement system

Sewell, Sir John

Shearing, John

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