The Italian Boy (56 page)

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Authors: Sarah Wise

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Old Bailey Sessions Roll



Clerkenwell New Prison Committals Lists


Key Rep 1831/32


Report Delivered to the Court of Aldermen by the City Gaols Committee on the Conduct of the Reverend the Ordinary Cotton




Minutes of King’s College Council Meetings




Histories of Specimens in the Museum


Manuscript diaries of William Clift






St. Leonard’s, Shoreditch, Marriage Registers


The Place Papers, BM Add Mss 27,789, Vol. 1, ff184–186.


P40/68 to P40/71


Registers of St. Leonard’s Church, Bridgnorth, 1803–08


H864 and H865


St. Paul’s, Covent Garden, Parish Records, Letter Books



St. Paul’s, Covent Garden, Parish Records, Annual Accounts, 1829–54




Shoreditch workhouse admission and discharge registers, 1832–36

Reports of Parliamentary Select Committees

Report from the Select Committee on the Existing Laws Relating to Vagrants
, 1821
Report and Evidence of the Select Committee on Anatomy
, 1828
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Report and Evidence of the Select Committee Appointed to Inquire into the Cause of the Increase in the Number of Commitments and Convictions in London and Middlesex
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Report of the Select Committee on That Part of the Poor Laws Relating to the Employment or Relief of Able-Bodied Persons from the Poor Rate
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Report and Evidence of the Select Committee on the State of Smithfield Market
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Report from the Select Committee on Allegations Relative to the Conduct of Certain Magistrates in the Holborn Division of Middlesex in Granting Licences for Victual Houses
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Report and Evidence of the Select Committee on Medical Education
, 1834
Second Report from the Select Committee on Metropolis Improvements
, 1837–38
Fourth Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners for England and Wales
, 1838
Hansard Parliamentary Debates


5 Geo IV c 83 An Act for the Punishment of Idle and Disorderly Persons, and Rogues and Vagabonds, in That Part of Great Britain Called England, 1824

Newspapers and Journals

All the Year Round
Bell’s Weekly Messenger
City Press
Cobbett’s Weekly Political Register
The Examiner
Figaro in London
Fraser’s Magazine
Globe and Traveller
Hackney Express and Shoreditch Observer
Household Words
Hue and Cry
(from 1828
Police Gazette
Morning Advertiser
Morning Chronicle
Morning Herald
Morning Post
New Monthly Magazine
Strand Magazine
Sunday Times
Weekly Dispatch

Contemporary Books, Articles, and Pamphlets

An Exposure of the Various Impostures Daily Practised by Vagrants of Every Description
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Authentic Memoirs of the Lives of Mr and Mrs Coutts, Communicated by a Person of the First Respectability
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———. “Mr Adolphus and His Contemporaries.”
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Report of the Evidence, with Bill of Costs in a Suit Promoted in the Consistory Court by the Reverend Theodore Williams, Vicar of Hendon, against James Hall, a Resident of That Parish, for Brawling at a Vestry Meeting, Held for the Purpose of Making a Church Rate
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———. “The Schoolmaster’s Experience of Newgate.”
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Smithfield and the Slaughterhouses
. London, 1847.
Ballantine, Serjeant William.
Some Experiences of a Barrister’s Life
. London, 1882.
Brenton, Edward Pelham.
Letters to His Majesty, to Earl Grey, the Duke of Richmond, the Bishop of London, Lord Melbourne, Lord Kenyon and Capt the Hon George Elliot on Population, Agriculture, Poor Laws and Juvenile Vagrancy
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Burking the Italian Boy! Fairburn’s Edition of the Trial of Bishop and Williams
. London, 1831.
Burn, Richard.
Justice of the Peace and Parish Officer
. 5 vols. 22nd ed. London, 1830.
Catalogue of Dr Kahn’s Celebrated Anatomical Museum
. London, 1871.
Catnach, James, publisher.
The Trial and Execution of the Burkers for Murdering a Poor Italian Boy
. London, 1831.
Chesterton, George Laval.
Revelations of Prison Life
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Churchill, Henry Blencowe.
Arabiniana; or, The Remains of Mr Serjeant Arabin
. London, 1843.
Cooper, Bransby.
The Life of Sir Astley Cooper
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De Quincey, Thomas. “The Nation of London” (1834) in
The Selected Writings of Thomas De Quincey
, ed. Philip Van Doren Stern. New York, 1939.
Dickens, Charles. “A Curious Dance round a Curious Tree.”
Household Words
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———. “The Demeanour of Murderers.”
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———. “A Detective Police Party.”
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———. “The Murdered Person.”
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Nicholas Nickleby
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A Tale of Two Cities.
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———. “A Visit to Newgate.”
Sketches by Boz
. London, 1836.
Diprose, John.
Some Account of the Parish of Saint Clement Danes Past and Present
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Egan, Pierce.
Life in London
. London, 1821–28. Reissued as volume 2 of
Unknown London: Early Modernist Visions of the Metropolis, 1815–1845
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Evidence of the Reverend William Stone, Rector of Christ Church Spitalfields, and Others as to the Operation of Voluntary Charities
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Fontblanque, Albany. “The Diseased Appetite for Horrors.”
, 11 December 1831; reprinted in his
England under Seven Administrations
. London, 1837.
Gavin, Hector.
Sanitary Ramblings, Being Sketches and Illustrations of Bethnal Green
. London, 1848; reprinted Leicester, 1971.
Goddard, Henry.
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Godwin, George.
Town Swamps and Social Bridges
. London, 1859.
Grant, James.
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Grose, Francis.
Lexicon Balatronicum: A Dictionary of Buckish Slang, University Wit, and Pickpocket Eloquence
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Guthrie, George.
A Letter to the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Home Department Containing Remarks on the Report of the Select Committee of the House of Commons on Anatomy
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Hall, Samuel Carter.
Retrospect of a Long Life
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The History of the London Burkers
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Old Bailey Experience: Criminal Jurisprudence and the Actual Working of Our Penal Code of Laws
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Hogg, John.
London as It Is
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Hood, Thomas. “Mary’s Ghost.”
Hood’s Whims and Oddities
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Hunt, William H., ed.
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