The Irresistible Bundle (54 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Damn that's hot" Griffin croaked before Diego smacked him upside the head.

"What kind of numbers" Marco's chiseled body vibrated with anger.

Carina shrugged trying to play things off. Nicholas had royally bent her over and fucked her up the ass this time. They were being blindsided by this. It was Thursday night; they should've reviewed and approved the performances for the weekend already.

"Jaxon is doing an opening number where I'll be high in a cage where no one can touch me. The second number is a contemporary piece that Sati choreographed."

"Hasn't Sati choreographed damn near everything you ladies have performed" Valentino challenged.

"Yeah" Marco leaned forward. "We're talking sex swings, stripper poles, and girl-on-girl strip teases."

"Fuck me, we missed all that" Griffin groaned as Diego elbowed him.

Diego looked murderous as he stared at Carina. "What the fuck have you been up to muñeca?"

"Making money" Carina casually stated, "Hey, we're guest services at

"What kind of fucking services do you offer" Diego's eyes bulged as he looked between Carina and Desirae. "And you're in this too?" He pointed at Desirae.

"She rules the pleasure dungeon" Andrea proudly boasted as she patted Desirae on the back. Desirae turned bright red rather than elaborate on her dominatrix prowess.

"That isn't the worst part though" Desirae quietly stated to the group. Carina closed her eyes as she felt everyone's stares on her. She swallowed knowing Desirae wasn't going to be the one to let them know.

"Nicholas expects me to do a scene with Jaxon" Carina mumbled. Valentino shot out of his seat as Diego paled. The group watched Valentino storm out of the private room while cussing Nicholas out on the phone.

"That went well" Andrea stated as a flustered waitress scurried in.

"I need a drink" Diego announced.

"I need to get laid" Griffin proclaimed.

Desirae flicked a glop of garlic mashed potatoes on the side of Griffin's face in response; trying to change the mood of the room. Diego froze as the others gasped.

"Children" Valentino growled as he re-entered the room. Desirae appeared contrite while Diego held his breath. Griffin had clumpy potatoes sliding off his face as he glowered at Desirae.

"I honestly thought you two already knew" Carina stated as she stood up to meet Valentino.

"We'll talk tonight love" Valentino kissed Carina's temple. He was fucking pissed at the situation as a whole but there was nothing that he or Marco could do. Nicholas had to make amends to Jaxon and the fucking prick was taking full advantage of the situation. Valentino's stomach churned at the thought. He never dreamed he'd be in a relationship like this. Marco and Carina were everything he ever needed or wanted, and more. But they all knew that Carina was young. So much could happen. All Valentino wanted to do was permanently lay claim to his two lovers. He didn't know how he could accomplish such a thing. In the meantime, all he could do was remind Marco how much he loved him and keep their circle tight and impenetrable.

"Does that mean we're not going out anymore" Leticia spoke out for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

"Let Carina hoard these two like she always does" Andrea waved between the trio. "You can come clubbing with us" Andrea offered.

"That definitely means that I need to be there" Marco rolled his eyes. "You may have met your match Leti" Marco teased as he winked at the girls.

"Certified grade-A" Desirae solemnly nodded as Carina and Valentino laughed.

"This is one of their sexual inside jokes" Griffin complained. Desirae winked at him confirming his suspicions. Andrea opened her mouth to say something but Diego didn't let her.

"I do NOT want to hear about my sister's sexual accomplishments. It's enough I have to know that she goes home with these two every night."

Leticia turned her shocked body to Marco who attempted to look innocent.

"You let the cat out of the bag asswipe" Desirae snickered as the group watched Marco's mouth open and shut like a flopping fish.

"Let's try this again" Andrea calmly stated. "Leticia, meet Marco's girlfriend Carina and his boyfriend, Valentino. Desirae and I have seen these three go at it and they're fantastic to watch."

"Smooth" Desirae scoffed. "Why don't you let the whole table know that you've had a piece of the action too?"

Leticia's jaw dropped in utter disbelief as she looked between the bickering duo and Marco. No one denied nor confirmed what the girls were claiming.

"You have too" Andrea sniffed. "I'm still working towards my gold status."

"What does Marco and Valentino have to do with your gold status" Griffin retorted.

"In order to achieve Carina's level" Andrea began.

"Enough" warned Diego. "Muñeca I swear you've shaved off ten years of my life these last few months."

"I'm in good hands" Carina quietly stated as she grabbed Valentino and Marco's hands. Leticia watched in quiet awe as both men held her hands. Marco nuzzled her neck while Valentino kissed her cheek.

"Lucky bitch" Andrea muttered as Desirae sadly nodded. Diego rolled his eyes at the sight. Leticia silently agreed. Marco and Valentino looked happy. She never would've guessed this.

As the waitress took Valentino's American Express the group spilt in two. Valentino, Marco, and Carina were heading back to Valentino's place while Desirae, Andrea, and Leticia were going out clubbing. Diego and Griffin claimed to be going as their bodyguards but the gleams in their eyes said another story.


"I can't believe you're okay with this" Marco hissed.

Valentino scowled at his lover. "I never said I was okay with this but there's nothing we can do. Nicholas wasn't happy to hear that the next time we open the circle he's not invited."

Marco's face lit up. "Serves the bastard right! He's always sniffing around wondering when we're going to let Carina loose. I swear he thinks that he has first rights into our circle."

Valentino leaned into Marco's warmth. He loved Marco's tall, chiseled frame. Marco was all masculinity with just the right touch of passion and sensitivity to balance Valentino. Carina was all female sensuality. She was the glue that held them together. If it hadn't been for Carina's willingness to try something new and her perceptive nature - Valentino never would've attempted a relationship with Marco. Marco was his best friend, business partner, and now lover. They didn't flaunt their relationship for the world to gawk at but they were true and loyal to one another.

"It's just you, me, and Carina" Valentino quietly stated. His lips caressed Marco's lips seeking the reassuring contact to know that it was just them three at the center of their world. The other people they welcomed into their open relationship meant nothing.

Marco shivered under Valentino's quiet intensity. He moaned with pleasure as Valentino trailed kisses from his jaw down his neck. Marco willingly followed Valentino's lead as his lover hovered over him. Their erections jerked in unison at the brief contact. Valentino kissed Marco deeply; their tongues danced together as their hands wandered. All their insecurities melted into a puddle on the floor as the temperature in the room skyrocketed. Valentino grunted as he tore Marco's boxer briefs off eager to get him completely naked.

Marco was barely lucid through the blanket of lust that surrounded them. Valentino was desperate to get inside him and Marco was okay with that because the few seconds of foreplay was all he was going to get. Marco trembled with anticipation as he felt Valentino's need pulsating in waves. Valentino pulled Marco lower on the bed keeping his back flat on the mattress. Marco's dick twitched with the knowledge that he wouldn't be on his knees taking it from behind. Valentino pulled Marco's knees up to his chest giving him better access to his tight hole.

Marco reached out to stroke Valentino's cock but his hand was smacked away. He held his breath as he watched Valentino squeeze the tube of lubricant over his engorged cock. Valentino smeared the lubricant onto Marco's dark hole before slowly but steadily penetrating Marco's ass. Marco loved this position. It left him completely vulnerable to Valentino but he loved to look his lover in the eyes as their bodies connected. It also allowed for Valentino's body to rub against Marco's needy cock as his ass got pummeled. Marco groaned with pleasure as Valentino's thrusts deepened.

Valentino refused to close his eyes. It felt so fucking good to be inside Marco but he wouldn't look away from the overwhelming love that poured out of Marco's eyes. This strong independent man loved Valentino completely and unconditionally. Valentino wasn't even sure if he had anything remotely as deep with Carina. Valentino's hands tightened on Marco as his body coiled with pleasure. He growled as he felt himself on the precipice of a mind-blowing orgasm. Marco's moans let Valentino know that he was right there with him. Valentino's toes curled; his skin tingled as he focused all his attention on his dick. Something was off; he couldn't get to his release without the missing piece...

Carina heard her two men passionately going at it from the kitchen. She grabbed her bottle of water and rushed into the bedroom. She couldn't believe they were starting round two without her. She watched as Valentino pistoned his hips into Marco. The sight was absolutely erotic. Carina squeezed her thighs together as her center moistened. Her nipples hardened as Marco threw his head back in ecstasy. Carina stumbled forward as she watched Marco's seed spurt from his cock onto his stomach and Valentino's sweaty chest. Carina kissed Valentino's rigid back wishing that she could have both of them inside her. She always felt the most complete when surrounded by her two lovers.

The moment Carina's lips touched Valentino his body exploded. He closed his eyes against the flashing spots as his orgasm ripped from his spine and shot at lightning speed through his dick. He roared through his release. Valentino blindly reached out for her. Carina was the missing piece. His body refused to come until she was with them. Valentino rolled off Marco as Carina snuggled between both men. In moments the trio fell asleep, sticky, sweaty but thoroughly sated.

Chapter Nine

"You better bring the fucking house down" Nicholas growled as Jaxon entered the estate. Nicholas scowled at the world; he was royally pissed at Valentino and Marco. Somehow their personal affairs had gotten entangled with the business.

Jaxon tilted his head at the seriously pissed off club owner. "Have we done a number yet that's disappointed the crowd?" Jaxon challenged.

"My balls are on the fucking chopping block" Nicholas snapped as they walked to his office.

going to be a problem?" Jaxon asked emphasizing on the word. He didn't need to say Valentino and Marco's names for Nicholas to know who he was inquiring about. It was a fucking miracle they hadn't thrown a fit before this. He wondered if Carina confessed to their little backstage foray the other night.

Nicholas merely grunted. Valentino and Marco weren't going to interfere with the performances and scenes but they were punishing him for it. Nicholas gritted his teeth as his pants tightened with the memory of the last time he played out a scene with Carina. He'd been looking forward to this weekend knowing that Valentino and Marco wanted to play. Shit he'd suck Valentino off to ensure playtime with Carina and he'd never done anything to a man. Now he was excluded from anything and everything having directly to do with Carina.

"Make it so good that Marco and Valentino won't be able to deny why I approved this."

Jaxon nodded his head. That wouldn't be a problem. Their rehearsals and the girls' reactions let him know how good they looked on stage. Lucky for
the weekend was only open to club members. Hedonism's hefty annual fees ensured smaller member numbers for the sex club. The elite members, like the Wright family, got unfettered access to events like the 4
of July weekend. The estate was buzzing with sexual anticipation. Community rooms were sanitized and themed. Private rooms had been reserved months in advance. Few if any guests were permitted into the estate during these events.
provided that nudge Nicholas had always been looking for.

Jaxon smiled as wicked thoughts flashed before his eyes. He knew there would be a few members of the audience seeking relief during their scene. "See you later" He called out as he strode toward the nightclub. Tonight was their foreplay. Tomorrow night was the main event. Jaxon eagerly looked forward to both interactions with Carina.


"There he is" a male voice called out as Jaxon approached the dressing rooms. Jaxon nodded his head at his other companions but didn't stop. He was the exception; while all the others had to get dressed in the common rooms Jaxon was permitted to be with the girls in their massive suite. He knew Carina could deny him entry but she didn't. Even though she didn't hang all over him like the skanky duo did, he'd take her silent acceptance.

"Ladies" Jaxon greeted as he strolled through the door. Melissa and Chelsea squealed with delight while Desirae sneered at them. Ariel and Beatriz waved a greeting from their makeup stations. Jaxon looked around for Carina. Sati and Andrea rustled through drawers looking for something.

"Jaxon" Sati commanded, "Jeans, go commando."

Jaxon smirked thoroughly enjoying her orders. "No shirt again right?"

"Nope" Sati replied. "No shoes either. Jeans need to be low on your hips so they can show off that yummy line going down."

Jaxon chuckled, loving Sati's attempt at being nonchalant with her request. Her olive skin flushed as he took off his shirt and pants. All eyes landed on Carina as she strolled towards him. She handed Jaxon a pair of jeans just as he kicked off his boxer briefs. Ariel squeaked at the sight of Jaxon's naked form while Melissa and Chelsea positioned themselves for a better view. The girls never tired of seeing as much of Jaxon as they could.

"Your jeans aren't going to fit comfortably if you don't calm him down" Carina playfully replied motioning toward his rigid erection. She felt better about the night's performance after talking with Valentino and Marco. Although they were trying to play it professionally, she could sense their jealous envy.

"No she can't help you with that" Desirae yanked Carina away before Jaxon could reply. Andrea snickered at Desirae's brashness while Jaxon shrugged it off.

Jaxon slipped into his jeans mindful of his overeager cock. The girls groaned as his erection pressed against the denim material showcasing a bulge in his pants. He positioned himself accordingly as a timid Ariel rubbed oil on his back and chest. Sati growled at Melissa and Chelsea to stay away knowing that neither would be helpful.

Although Ariel's touch was nice, Jaxon's entire focus was on Carina. He watched as she slipped into a tiny silver bikini bottom that barely covered her ass crack. He shifted his painful erection as Desirae helped Carina into her silver corset. Carina's breasts screamed to be touched but he held back. He'd get the opportunity later. His eyes followed the girls' movements. Large white feathery wings were placed on Carina with a hidden headband that sported a halo. Sati and Desirae fussed over belleza, making her into the perfect untouchable angel. Everything was covered but barely. Viewers could see the globes of her ass, the top of her breasts, and a glimpse of her tight belly. Jaxon's mouth dried as Carina bent over to strap on silver glittery stiletto heels.

"Two minutes" a voice called from the doorway. The voice trailed off as Carina turned around in her costume. The girls giggled as the guy practically drooled at the sight of angelic Carina.

"Are the others out there already?" Sati asked the semi-comatose stagehand.

The guy nodded backing out of the doorway. Another male voice cried out "fuck me" as everyone in the hallway got a glimpse of Carina. Andrea sighed shuffling the others out. Unfortunately they weren't performing in this number. Carina always got to have all the fun.

"Save me a seat" Sati called out as the girls headed to the reserved table. Desirae gave her a thumbs-up before they disappeared around the corner. Sati led Carina backstage and maneuvered her into a cage. Jaxon and the guys watched Sati position the feathers and adjust Carina's stance.

"You have the easy role this time" Jaxon teased as someone attached a headpiece to him.

"Looking this good takes hard work" Carina winked. Sati slapped her on the ass in retaliation. The guys groaned their appreciation while Sati scurried off. She didn't want to miss one moment of this performance.


Leticia watched the massive bouncer approached the table. The club was already at capacity and it was barely ten in the evening. Valentino spoke with the bouncer as a server waited by the table. Leticia slowly looked around; according to Marco this weekend's events were open to the elite few. Only invited members and approved guests were permitted entry. Leticia couldn't fathom what the place looked like on nights it was open to the public.

"Cupcake" a familiar voice called out. Valentino shook his head in humor as the bouncer beamed at the group of females about to tackle him. Leticia smiled as she recognized Desirae and Andrea from the other night. The bouncer caught Desirae and another girl in his arms as they jumped on him. Andrea rolled her eyes but waved to the mammoth man.

"Leticia let me make some introductions" Valentino stated as the group calmed down. "This is Brody" Valentino gestured to the giant. "He's head of security at Club 69. We have him here tonight for this special event."

Brody nodded his head at Leticia as one of the girls wrapped her tiny self around him.

"You already know Desirae and Andrea" Valentino continued as the girls hugged Leticia in greeting. "The one attached to the big man is Beatriz."

The group chuckled as Desirae informed Leticia of Brody's nickname. Apparently there was some inside joke with the endearment but no one offered to elaborate.

"Melissa, Chelsea, Ariel" Valentino pointed to the other girls. "Where's Sati?" Valentino asked as he looked around.

"She's getting Carina situated backstage" Desirae replied.

The server took the opportunity to get their drink orders as the group slid into the oversized booth. "There they are" Valentino beamed as Marco approached the table.

"Why the hell are they here" Desirae demanded as she watched Diego and Griffin follow Marco.

"It's nice to see you too" Diego snapped as Griffin playfully grabbed his chest and staggered back. Ariel giggled at his antics while Diego crossed his arms over his chest defensively.

"Did you jackasses invite them?" Desirae narrowed her eyes at Valentino and Marco.

"What crawled up your ass and died" Griffin scoffed. The girls snickered as Leticia shifted in her seat. Although she liked Desirae she sure as hell didn't appreciate the way she was speaking to her cousin and his best-friend-slash-boyfriend.

"I invited them" Nicholas' sensual voice interjected. The girls swooned at all the potent males in their immediate vicinity.

"Did you happen to mention to Diego that his sister is acting out a scene tonight?" Desirae challenged.

"Diego" Diego waved between Desirae and Nicholas, "Is right here and knows."

Desirae's jaw dropped. "You want to watch your sister doing the nasty with Jaxon" she scoffed.

Andrea's jaw dropped as Diego's body stiffened. Diego glared at the club owners. "I was under the impression that they were performing an erotic scene and nothing more." Diego snarled.

"They are" Nicholas calmly stated. "Desirae get yourself under control before I take your hot ass into the dungeon and punish you."

The girls' jaws dropped while Diego bristled with anger. Desirae's mouth dried as she looked at Nicholas' muscular frame. The man looked like he could handle any implement and use it on her well.

"Devon's here" Brody called out as the bartender personally delivered the drinks to the VIP area.

"Baby" the bartender greeted Desirae. "Tell me no one's got claim on you tonight" he purred while placing drinks on the table.

Desirae looked over Devon's milk chocolate skin and heated eyes. He was one of the more popular bartenders at Marco and Valentino's other club. Apparently the men were bringing their best staff in for the weekend. "I'm all yours big boy" Desirae wrapped her hands around his neck and kissed Devon so thoroughly that his knees almost buckled. They'd rolled around enough in the sheets for Desirae to know his wants and weaknesses.

"Des you and that mouth" Marco shivered while Devon tried to compose himself.

"Gotta one up Carina on something" she winked at the flushed men. Valentino and Marco adjusted themselves as Nicholas eyed her with appreciation.

"TMI" Diego covered his ears refusing to hear any more. As much as he enjoyed spending time with his sister and her friends, they were just a little too free with themselves for his taste.

"Showtime" Nicholas proclaimed; the dance floor cleared out. Everyone settled into their seats as the lights dimmed. The curtains slowly opened revealing an angelic Carina locked in a cage high off the ground.

"Fuck me" Marco muttered as they all gawked at Carina's outfit. The silver corset and stilettos shined under the stage lights. Carina's dark hair and golden skin glowed. The music began as Jaxon and three other guys strutted onstage.

"Which one is the infamous Jaxon" Leticia asked her cousin.

Marco pointed to the guy singing. "That's him" he said. Leticia's eyes widened as they locked onto the man-candy center stage. Leticia watched as the blonde haired guy turned and looked up to Carina singing about her sex taking him to paradise. His chiseled abs begged to be licked. Leticia groaned as the guy she now knew as Jaxon flexed his muscles and humped the air right along with the other guys. Carina grabbed onto the cage bars and swayed her hips to the music as the guys danced below her.

"He's fucking amazing" Melissa openly gushed. Leticia silently agreed. Jaxon's ash blond hair had Leticia wanting to run her fingers through it. The man had a bedroom voice that dared any woman to deny his advances.

Chelsea and Melissa squealed as Jaxon got on his knees singing. Jaxon and Carina maintained eye contact for much of the song. All the women in the club gave Jaxon a standing ovation as the song ended. Jaxon winked out to his adoring fans. Before the curtains closed everyone got a glimpse of Jaxon blowing Carina a kiss.

"Let's go help Carina" Sati dragged Desirae away from the table. Valentino's gaze remained fixed on the closed curtains. This was exactly what he was concerned about. Everyone gushed about the flawless performance but all Valentino could focus on was the undeniable chemistry between Carina and Jaxon. Their history didn't make him feel more secure in their relationship. Jaxon had been with Carina first and although she'd walked away from him, Carina had been unable to ignore Jaxon's persistence. The man hadn't let up for weeks until Carina had finally given in.

Valentino's chest hurt as he recalled those early days. His club's annual Halloween party was where the story began for him and Carina. Even Marco wasn't involved back then. Valentino smiled fondly as he remembered Sati's acceptance to spending a night with him. The Indian beauty was decked out as a belly dancer; she'd captured the attention of every hot-blooded male that night. Then there was Carina. She was unforgettable in her barely there cave woman costume. Valentino swallowed the groan as his fingers flexed at the memory of the soft fur outfit. That night had changed everything. It was Carina's first time in a threesome. It was the first time he'd had Carina in his bed. It was the first time Valentino realized that he'd found what he was looking for.

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