The Irresistible Bundle (51 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"I don't like it" Valentino sighed, "But I understand why you're doing it. No matter what Jaxon says you can't deny us access to watch the performance live."

"What if it's Carina who doesn't want you there?" Nicholas challenged.

"Then allow us the opportunity to speak with her about it beforehand." Valentino shook hands with his friend and business partner. "It's been a long few days. We're heading home."

"Fair enough" Nicholas stated walking with Valentino. Marco growled as the two men exited the office but he said nothing else.

Chapter Seven

"Carina's in trouble! Carina's in trouble!" Desirae chanted as their phones registered the same text message. They needed to head over to
but the big cheese was summoning Carina to his office before she clocked in.

"Shut up" Carina slapped Desirae as her best friend continued to dart around the room taunting her. "Maybe he's calling me into the office to fire all of your stupid asses."

"Not possible" Desirae confidently stated as she crossed her arms over her round breasts.

"And why's that" Carina challenged.

"Because I have become the most highly demanded Dom for the dungeon" she taunted. "Those pussies need someone to whip them into shape."

"And you're the lady for the job" Andrea snorted.

"She's no lady" Carina tittered.

"Listen sluts" Desirae flicked her wrists making the flogger snap against Carina's thighs.

"You bitch!" Carina howled as a red welt appeared on her thigh. Andrea fell off the bed barely avoiding Desirae's next flick but luck wasn't with Andrea for long. Desirae flogged her ass while she pinned her to the floor.

"That's for doubting my mad skills" Desirae scolded as Andrea rolled around rubbing her reddened ass. "You better recognize" Desirae strutted away while her two friends scowled.

"Paybacks a bitch" Carina grumbled as she limped behind a waddling Andrea.


Carina walked into Nicholas' office with a false sense of confidence. The man exuded power and sensuality and it distracted Carina from focusing on his nonverbal clues. She couldn't tell if he was happy, content, angry, or irritated because he hid it so well. The man didn't wear a mask of indifference he just hid his true feelings well. Even his hazel eyes kept Carina off balance.

"I don't want to take much of your time" Nicholas greeted the raven haired beauty. He waited until she sat down before tackling the elephant in the room. "I'd like you to do something that may be uncomfortable for you..." Nicholas chewed his bottom lip trying to decide how much to reveal. He knew Carina wouldn't entertain it if she knew of Jaxon's wishes.

"I was made aware of some footage online between you and Mr. Wright" Carina cringed the moment he mentioned the videos. She cursed the person who invented the fucking camera phone. Nothing was sacred anymore. If it was even remotely worthy it was being posted somewhere on the World Wide Web.

Nicholas ignored Carina's visible flinch and continued on as if she hadn't reacted. "Then I saw your interaction when you performed that little lap dance of yours. Although you'd given me a personal show during the number, watching you and Mr. Wright together was combustible. Carina, your chemistry with this guy is off the charts and I think we should capitalize on that."

Carina's mouth dried as his words bounced around in her head. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? There was no way he'd be insinuating that she and Jaxon...

"I think the audience would love to see you two performing together. From what I understand you both are musically talented, you have great chemistry, and you're former lovers. I'm only asking you to do a musical number and maybe even a dance number next weekend. If all goes well then I think I'd like you two to do an erotic scene for the July 4
bash. It's another big event and you two can perform for members only."

Carina's heart hammered in her chest. She swore her lungs were shrinking. "Are you saying you want me to be
with him?" She squeaked.

Nicholas tilted his head. Carina was visibly affected and he knew he needed to tread carefully here. Carina was liable to jump ship and not look back. "I don't expect you to have sex with him on stage at
." He corrected. What he didn't say was that he was thoroughly looking forward to the day he'd direct a scene in the estate. But that was for another day and another discussion. "But I do expect you two to touch. I don't know if you want some kind of contact with the lips. It doesn't have to be kissing. What you and Sati did on stage was as erotic, if not more, than if you'd actually kissed. Sati understands the less-is-more concept and I think you and Mr. Wright can portray that onstage."

"What do Valentino and Marco think about this?" Carina inquired. Anything and everything having to do with
was run through all three men. There was no way Nicholas would be proposing this to Carina without forewarning the other two. She couldn't imagine that her lovers were eager to see this sort of thing played out. As flexible as she was allowing a previous lover into the mix several weeks ago, it paled in comparison to this scenario. The other woman had been both Marco and Valentino's lover at one time - though not at the same time. If anything she'd been a reoccurring lover and it'd made Carina curious to see how familiar she was with both of her men. Carina was surprised that although they'd interacted in a threesome with her, Marco and Valentino hadn't been intimate with each other. They'd focused their attentions on the ex-lover. Carina's chest swelled as she thought of her inner circle. No matter what, the affection and intimacy Carina and her men shared never extended beyond them. They played with other lovers but never in the same way that they expressed their love for each other.

"They aren't thrilled" Nicholas drawled. "But Valentino understands how this would be good for the club. They want to be present when you perform but they don't want to hinder you. This interaction should be like all your other numbers. You should give 110% of yourself with each set."

"That's easier said than done" Carina ruefully replied. "You're asking me to act out an erotic scene with Jaxon and not expect him to take it to the next level."

"Carina, this is the kind of thing that differentiates
from all its competitors. YOU'RE a part of that." Nicholas emphasized.

Carina's blood heated at the prospect of openly dancing, singing, and acting a scene out with Jaxon. If she couldn't do it with Marco or Valentino on stage... Well, Jaxon was one hell of a replacement. Her skin hummed with anticipation of Jaxon's touch. She squeezed her thighs as her womb clenched. This could all go brilliantly or it could all go to hell.

"Can we have Sati coach and direct the numbers" Carina asked. Sati would be a good buffer between her and Jaxon.

"She's done a superb job thus far" Nicholas stated. "I don't see why that would be a problem. You all just need to situate your schedules. I'd like you and Mr. Wright to perform two numbers for next weekend. It'll alleviate the number of performances expected from the other groups as well. If things go as expected we can discuss the July 4
event and what I'd like from you then."

Carina nodded her head. There really wasn't much to discuss. Her stomach churned with thoughts of this commitment causing a chasm in her still budding relationship. As gracefully as she, Valentino, and Marco had coasted over any waves these past few months, she didn't want something like this rocking their boat. All was good in her world and she wanted to keep it that way but damn Jaxon Wright and his tenacity. He'd be over the moon with this news.

"I'll speak with Sati immediately" Carina stated as she stood up. She had a lot to do. The first thing was to call Marco and Valentino. They needed to have a heart-to-heart about this.

"I look forward to seeing what you all come up with next weekend" Nicholas smiled as he escorted Carina out of his office. He didn't allow her to think about it any longer. The most challenging hurdles had been crossed. Now the rest was up to Jaxon and as much as Nicholas hated to admit it, he was looking forward to seeing what they would do.


"What did sex-on-a-stick want with you?" Desirae demanded.

Andrea giggled as Carina rolled her eyes. She knew she wouldn't get far without them tracking her down. She sighed heavily, still unable to process what Nicholas had said. "It's about the performances for next weekend." Carina bit her lip in hopes that it would hold back the rest of that statement.

"Okay well Sati and the girls are waiting for us in the practice room" Andrea cheerfully stated. "It makes more sense to just tell everyone at the same time, right?"

Carina led the way to the practice room. She wasn't sure if she was ready to let Melissa and Chelsea know about Jaxon's involvement but it was inevitable that they'd learn about it anyways. She strode into the room with Andrea and Desirae right behind her. Des knew her best friend well; the little bitch was holding something back but Desirae let it slide. They'd all know soon enough.

"Group meeting" Carina called out. The girls huddled into a circle eagerly awaiting her next decree. They were performing because of her and were tremendously grateful for it. Carina looked at each of the girls but stopped when her eyes locked onto Sati. "Do you have any co-ed performances you were hoping to do?"

"Like the one we did with Marco and them at Club 69?" Desirae asked. She sighed with appreciation as she reminisced on the smack down the girls had laid on the guys. Girls versus guys... those were the days.

"Maybe more intimate" Carina hedged. "Like a dance number with partners."

"I'm dying to do a Rihanna or En Vogue number" Sati gushed. "We'd only need like 3 or 4 guys for one of the numbers..." Her eyes glazed with pleasure as she envisioned the erotic performance to the pulsing beat. "But I think my other number should be simplified to only one couple. Still toying around with ideas; figured I'd mention it to you after this next weekend."

Carina nodded in agreement. Maybe this would be easier than she thought. Her eyes darted between Sati and Desirae, knowing she was about to get an explosive reaction. It had been awkward enough hearing Valentino's uncomfortable acceptance to the plan. "Nicholas has requested that I perform at least two numbers with Jaxon..." Before she could finish her statement Andrea and Desirae flew to their feet while Sati gaped.

"Fuck no" Desirae huffed. That only spelled disaster of the biggest kind. Jaxon couldn't keep his dick in his pants and Carina had a very difficult time keeping her hands to herself.

"Apparently the decision was made for me" Carina drawled. "Valentino and Marco consented before Nicholas even brought it to my attention."

"No way" Ariel breathed.

"Fuck" Chelsea snickered.

"What exactly do they want you and Jaxon to do?" Sati the ever-present-calm-in-the-midst-of-chaos inquired.

Carina swallowed as her skin heated. She hated to admit how much her body was looking forward to this. "Nicholas liked the way I danced with him last weekend."

"I think he came in his pants" Beatriz giggled. Melissa jerked off as Chelsea cackled with laughter.

"Well apparently at the club that is highly approved of so the owners are asking for more... If it goes well I suspect Nicholas will want us to do an erotic number onstage."

"Like what you and the guys did in that glass room?" Andrea squawked.

"No" Carina reassured her friends. "Something similar to our dance number "
. He claims he wants the whole

"That I can do" Sati exclaimed. "When can Jaxon join us?"

The girls looked at Carina expectantly. There was no avoiding the issue. Carina grumbled to herself as she called Jaxon from her cell phone.

"Belleza" Jaxon's husky voice caused a trail of fire to erupt across Carina's skin. The man was lethal in every sense.

"Hi Jaxon" Carina's sultry tone made Jaxon gasp with pleasure. "Where are you?"

"Heading to the estate" Jaxon replied. "Are you working tonight and already missing me?" Carina could hear the smile in Jaxon's voice.

"Nicholas has requested for you and me to perform" Carina began. She hesitated, waiting to hear his reaction. She'd really wanted to tell him in person to see if he'd been surprised about the announcement or already completely up to date.

"Okay" Jaxon dragged out each letter of the word. He didn't want Carina to hear how excited he was that she was already calling. He'd hoped to run into her at the club and see if she'd bring it up.

"Sati has a number that she'd like us to do" Carina stated professionally. His voice screamed sex and his body radiated sensuality. Carina needed every bit of her willpower to resist temptation.

"Where you at" Jaxon inquired as his car door shut. Carina heard the hostess in the background as Jaxon waited for her response.

"Tell the hostess to bring you to the practice room. The girls and I are all here." Carina hung up before he could say anything else. She was sure he'd try to get everyone to leave but there was no way in hell Carina was allowing that to happen. In a way she wanted Marco and Valentino to supervise but in another she didn't.

In moments the door opened to the golden boy on campus. Chelsea and Melissa jumped up to greet Jaxon with hugs and kisses while Ariel and Beatriz swooned from the floor. As much as everyone disliked Jaxon's man-whore ways he was still irresistible. Sati motioned to Jaxon in a completely businesslike manner. It was no-nonsense time. Sati barked orders at Desirae and Beatriz while she forced Chelsea and Melissa to sit in a corner. Sati shared her vision for the weekend's performances and waited for everyone's consent, including Jaxon's...

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