The Irresistible Bundle (52 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Jaxon drove like the hounds of hell were chasing him. All week he'd practiced with Carina and the girls and he'd loved every fucking minute of it. His
still couldn't deny their off-the-charts chemistry. Every one of the girls had left all hot and bothered after each and every rehearsal. The only thing that bothered the ever loving shit out of Jaxon was knowing that Carina was leaving the estate and getting fucked by those two asshats from the club.

Jaxon skidded to a stop at the entrance of the club. The valet attendants scurried over to be the first ones to his car. It didn't matter to Jaxon, as long as his car was returned in one piece and scratch free. Jaxon chuckled at himself as he damn near skipped to the dressing room with the girls. Their wing was so spacious that Chelsea and Melissa had graciously offered to share it with him. And who was Jaxon to refuse? That would've been rude!

Jaxon stepped into the dressing room and stumbled at the sight before him. Half the girls were practically naked while they fixed their hair and makeup. Jaxon's blood rushed south as his eyes searched for his Latin beauty.

"You're late" Desirae snapped her fingers at the glazy-eyed fucker. "Put these on and let Ariel touch up your hair."

Jaxon caressed the soft leather material in his hands. "No makeup" he growled in warning. Desirae shrugged her shoulders and sauntered away. She had enough shit to do without dealing with another bigheaded ego.

Jaxon removed his shirt and jeans as he looked at the two pieces of clothing Desirae had given him. He slipped on the vest, nearly moaning as the supple material stroked his skin.

"No underwear" Sati barked as Jaxon grabbed the leather pants. Jaxon's eyes momentarily widened before a huge smirk crossed his face. Jaxon took his time peeling his boxer briefs off his body. Every female in the room stopped to stare at his sculpted body and rigid cock that popped out of the snug material.

"No fucking way" Ariel breathed as Beatriz licked her lips. Jaxon closed his eyes savoring the heat and desire coming off the group in waves. He slowly stepped into the leather pants as his eyes scanned the room. He stroked his erection a few times before tucking it into his pants. The discomfort was worth the dilated pupils and panting breaths from the girls.

"I'm sure he'd let you suck it" Desirae's disgusted voice snapped the group out of their lusty haze. Her words were like a bucket of ice water. Jaxon winced as he realized that Carina had her back to him. She'd purposely turned away as Jaxon starred in his own strip tease.

"I'm all good" Beatriz waved away her momentary slutty moment. "Brody is working here tonight so I'll be well taken care of."

"Cupcake's here" Desirae exclaimed. Beatriz's oversized man-candy from Club 69 held special affection to Desirae's ministrations. "He's gonna get a taste of this baby tonight." Desirae waved her riding crop and whip around as the girls scattered out of her way.

"Focus" Sati snapped. "If everyone's dressed and ready, then let's head backstage."

"Yes ma'am" the group mock saluted as they filed out of the room. Jaxon pried Chelsea's overeager body off him and stood next to Carina. She still hadn't said anything to him since his striptease and Jaxon knew that it didn't bode well for him. He held his breath, allowing his lungs to burn with the deprivation of oxygen. It helped him from saying anything to Carina because Lord knew that she was always mind-fucking him. How was his striptease inappropriate but she could dry-hump the girls on the dance floor?

"No deviations from the routines" Sati's voice cracked like a whip as she narrowed her eyes at each person performing. She really wanted to impress the crowd tonight hoping that the place would be at maximum capacity for Independence Day.

"Good luck" the other performers whispered as they exited the stage. Their eyes bulged at the sight of Jaxon within the midst. One girl stumbled as her eyes grazed over his tanned muscular body and golden hair.

"Ladies" Jaxon purred while Sati shoved the others onstage. Carina rolled her eyes as the girls giggled at Jaxon's attentions.

"Let's go lover boy" Carina drawled dragging him onstage. Jaxon beamed like a little boy as he followed Carina onto the dark stage. Her red and black corset with skin-tight leather shorts already had Jaxon panting. Jaxon's eyes drifted down her long legs until they stopped at her spiked heels. They were the kind of heels made to be fucked in and Jaxon wanted to be the one to help Carina fulfill that wish.

Carina's voice filtered through the speakers as the music started. Jaxon fucking loved their song selection. Rihanna's "
song was the best choice to get their night started. Jaxon got into position, allowing himself to be chained to a post by Andrea and Beatriz while Carina sang to the audience. Desirae commanded the stage in thigh-high boots and a one-piece leather outfit that barely covered her nipples and sex. Desirae flicked her whip out to the audience and narrowly missed the cocky guy seated at a nearby table. Members laughed as the guy almost fell out of his seat in a feeble attempt to dodge the whip.

Jaxon licked his lips as he watched Carina saunter over to him. She brazenly stroked his dick through his pants as she sang about loving the smell of sex and getting excited by chains and whips.

Jaxon arched into Carina's touch as she continued to stroke him as she sang. Belting the next set of "na-na-na", Carina walked away from a whimpering Jaxon Wright. The audience shifted in their seats and leaned forward as their eyes hungrily devoured the stage. Melissa wriggled in a corner of the stage completely tied up and at the mercy of Sati as she pinched her nipples and massaged her inner thighs. Desirae continued to walk the stage and flog the performers or flick her whip out at the audience.

Carina returned to Jaxon as she sang the next verse. She rubbed her body against his as Jaxon struggled against the straps. His swollen dick pressed against the supple material allowing everyone in the club to see exactly what he had to offer but Jaxon didn't give a shit. All he wanted to do was grab Carina and fuck her until they both passed out from pleasure.

Jaxon stilled as Carina got on her knees and caressed his dick with her face. Groans erupted from the audience as they verbally voiced their envy. Jaxon groaned knowing that he wouldn't get to experience Carina's exquisite lips wrapped around his throbbing dick. This was all just a part of the number.

Jaxon nearly screamed with relief as the song finally fucking ended. His lust-addled brain couldn't even register who released him from the chains. Jaxon staggered behind the girls barely able to walk with the monstrous erection in his pants.

"Great performance" Desirae snickered as Jaxon stumbled into the room. No one denied Carina's affect on him. Their practices had only gone through the motions. Carina had gone no-holds-barred for the performance.

"How long do I have until the next set" Jaxon croaked. His eyes locked on Carina as she allowed Andrea to untie the tight corset lacings.

"You have to be back in 45 minutes" Ariel warily replied as her eyes bounced from Jaxon to Carina. Did he really intend to do something with her?

"I'll be back then" Jaxon stiffly turned around and headed to the door praying that Carina would call him back.

"Don't stain the leather" Carina called out instead. Jaxon clenched his jaw as he strode out of the room. Carina wasn't celibate so he had no fucking reason to feel bad about taking care of his own needs. No fucking way was he going to jack-off if he could get some good head within the estate walls.

Jaxon sought out his favorite little nympho and pushed her to her knees. He moaned as warm lips wrapped around his nearly purple shaft. He felt like a motherfucking teenager with his first hard-on. How the fuck was he supposed to survive the next set and not fuck Carina right there on stage? Lightning ripped up Jaxon's spine as his orgasm shot through his body and into her mouth. The temporary reprieve was enough to clear his mind and get him back to Carina the minx.

Jaxon waltzed back into the girls' dressing room as if it was just another day. Andrea and Desirae snickered as he walked by while Chelsea blocked his path with her arms crossed over her silicone breasts. Jaxon arched his brows in silent inquiry as Chelsea pouted at him.

"I could've taken care of your needs" Chelsea whined. Jaxon didn't move or say anything in response. The girl didn't understand when she'd been used and tossed aside like yesterday's garbage. He was fucking sick of her shit. No wonder Desirae treated her like the slut-bag that she really was.

"Didn't need you... Thanks" Jaxon retorted as he firmly moved Chelsea aside. Chelsea huffed as she stormed away towards a broody Melissa. Apparently both girls felt cheated by Jaxon seeking relief from a club member. "Like I would fucking pick her" He grumbled under his breath as he grabbed his next outfit.

"But you did" Carina softly replied as she bumped his shoulder. Jaxon sighed in defeat. Yes he had fucked Chelsea but she was just like the countless faces he'd bedded before.

"And I've been regretting it ever since" He scowled while looking at Chelsea and Melissa blatantly eye-fucking him. Chelsea had no fucking dignity. She just took without thought or concern of any consequence.

Carina stared at Jaxon's twisted expression. It expressed both disgust and remorse. Everyone but Chelsea understood that Jaxon wasn't interested. Carina's thoughts flitted back to their dramatic break up. Her stomach still twisted as she remembered Jaxon's drunken state and the countless bimbos at his disposal.

"But you don't regret banging the entire sorority?" Carina's voice betrayed her. The momentary trip down memory lane hadn't been a pleasant one.

Jaxon swallowed the rock in his throat. He hated the fact that he still couldn't remember that night. Carina still didn't talk about everything that had happened. All he knew was that he'd forever lost her after that night. Jaxon had woken up from a whiskey-induced stupor in a sorority house with a bunch of naked girls and his friends. Once Carina had slammed the door shut, she'd practically sealed it. Every now and then Jaxon swore he could see enough cracks and crevices to allow him entry.

"How can I regret something that I still don't remember?" Jaxon shrugged. Although Carina had shown him photographic proof of that night it was permanently blacked out of his memory. In a way Jaxon was actually grateful for that. He hated to think about what he and Carina had discussed before he stuck his dick in every available hole that night.

"That was an epic fuck up" Jaxon's eyes glistened as he looked at his former lover. Carina was everything to him but Jaxon meant nothing to her. Karma was a spiteful bitch.

"Yeah it was" Carina whispered. She cupped his cheek as a tear escaped. She held her breath wanting to wish Jaxon well. But another part of her, the selfish bitch that she sometimes was, wanted Jaxon to continue pining over her. Maybe then he'd truly cherish what he had
he had it.

"Get dressed" Desirae snapped as she wedged herself between them. Carina smiled at Jaxon before stepping away to fix her hair. Jaxon slipped into his pants and shirt before sitting by Carina's hair and makeup station. He watched as she tied her hair up and allowed sexy loose curls to fall on her shoulders. His fingers itched to touch her silky curls.

Carina ignored Jaxon's sharp inhalation as she completely stripped in front of him. She froze as his hands extended toward her body. "No" she whispered before his hands made contact. Carina closed her eyes until she was sure that Jaxon's hands had retreated. She slipped on the silver backless mini dress that hugged her curves. Jaxon growled his appreciation as she slipped into heels.

The silver dress was going to fucking kill him. It showed nothing while hinting at everything. Jaxon palmed his erection as Carina leaned over her vanity to apply makeup to her face. As much as he enjoyed their rehearsals and time together, Jaxon wasn't sure if he'd made the best decision. Carina seemed indifferent to their proximity while he could barely refrain himself from lifting Carina's dress and ramming his dick deep into her wet pussy.

"Showtime" a voice called from the doorway. The girls scurried towards the door while Jaxon patiently waited for Carina. He wouldn't perform unless she was on stage with him.

"Ready" Carina wrapped her arm around Jaxon's arm making him feel like a million bucks. It was minor contact but she'd freely initiated it.

"I'm nervous" Ariel confessed as Jaxon and Carina met the others. "You're always the main singer."

"You and Beatriz have this" Carina encouraged her. "You both have phenomenal voices. It shouldn't be all about me."

"We got this" Beatriz winked at Carina as she dragged Ariel to the front of the line. The other girls were the backup singers while Carina and Jaxon were the centerpiece of the performance. Carina gripped Jaxon's bicep as they got into position. The last performance was doable because Jaxon was chained. This time he'd be interacting with Carina and that was a very dangerous thing.

The spotlights snapped on as the girls sang out the first line to En Vogue's "
Don't Let Go
". Jaxon forgot about the others onstage and the audience only a few feet away from him as Carina wrapped her arms around his neck. She mouthed the words to the song as her body gyrated to the beat of the music. Jaxon grabbed Carina's hair and nuzzled her neck just as Sati had instructed. His skin sizzled as Carina shivered under his touch. Fuck yeah they still had it. Jaxon spun Carina around and palmed her breasts as she reached up to grab his hair. The girls sashayed around them as Jaxon pressed his hips against Carina's ass.

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