The Irresistible Bundle (49 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"You got me down on the floor... So what'd you bring me down here for?"


Nicholas looked throughout the club. As much as he wanted to watch the girls perform he needed to see how the club's patrons reacted to the performance. Women in the audience danced to the rhythm of the girls on stage. Men leaned forward with obvious appreciation. Even staff members beamed with approval.

"She commands the stage" Nicholas murmured to Valentino. Carina was center stage. Marco nodded his head as the girls fanned out across the stage. Each flapper girl made eye contact with the audience - never discriminating between its male and female patrons. Nicholas watched Melissa carefully ensuring that she didn't flash anyone.

"Yvette did an amazing job" Valentino stated admiring each costume. Even Melissa's questionable outfit meshed with the group.

"Yes" Nicholas' awed voice made Valentino chuckle. Some of the girls had tossed away their headpieces and flipped their hair to the tune of the music.

"Is it me or can you see..." Marco's jaw dropped as he saw the outline of Carina's breasts through the sheer dress.

"Fuck me" Valentino leaned forward as Carina weaved in and out of the light.

The crowd roared as the song ended. Each of the girls held hands and bowed as patrons gave them a standing ovation. Marco scurried to the stage while Nicholas tried to regain his composure. Carina and the girls disappeared behind the curtains as Marco introduced the next act.

"Hope they're as good as the opening act" Valentino smirked. The girls had just set a high precedence every time they stepped on stage.

"Give me feedback on this next act" Nicholas instructed Marco and Valentino. "I have to situate the girls for their next performance."

"Like they can't handle it themselves" Marco snickered.

Nicholas shrugged as he walked around the tables and headed backstage. He tried to ignore Jaxon's glare as he passed but it didn't work. Jaxon smoothly got up and followed Nicholas to the dark hallway.

"Let him pass" Nicholas sighed to security manned at the back hall. Jaxon remained on his heels as Nicholas headed to the private wing. "I'm working Jaxon."

"I'm aware Nicholas" Jaxon growled. "We still don't have an agreement."

"Little busy right now" Nicholas drawled as he rapped on the door. He knew the girls weren't ready but this was the best part. "I'm not sure if everyone behind this door will be thrilled to see you."

"We'll just have to see about that, won't we" Jaxon challenged.

Nicholas shook his head chagrined as he opened the door. Most of the girls were still dressed. They were helping each other remove accessories and undo their hair before touching the costumes.

"That was a hell of a show ladies" Nicholas boasted as he sauntered into the room. The girls jumped in place, thrilled to hear his approval.

"Any constructive feedback" Carina inquired, trying valiantly to ignore Jaxon. She removed the beaded halter before proceeding to slide off her stockings.

"What did you think Jaxon" Melissa cheerfully inquired. The girls froze in place as they realized who was behind Nicholas.

Jaxon walked in further but his eyes never strayed from Carina who still hadn't acknowledged him. Nicholas elbowed Jaxon making him blink a few times before looking around the room.

"Excellent song choice" Jaxon croaked. He fought through the cloud of lust to provide genuine feedback. It could get him the in he needed with Nicholas. "Loved the costume choices. Bea..." Jaxon looked directly at the sultry gangster. "You fucking rocked as the badass! Great vocals overall - nothing pitchy or out of tune."

Nicholas nodded as Jaxon voiced his thoughts. Jaxon's observations were the same as his. "I liked that you intertwined solo dances with the group number." Nicholas added.

Sati beamed at Nicholas. The choreography for the group's performances was her baby.

"We have a request" Carina stripped out of her dress as she asked the question. Nicholas and Jaxon gawked as their pants tented. Carina fisted her hands on her hips waiting for the Neanderthals to regain brain function.

Desirae sighed grabbing a silk robe. She tossed it at her best friend. Apparently they'd stare at Carina all night if she wasn't covered up. Desirae marched up to the stunned men and snapped her fingers in their faces. Nicholas shook his head and looked away. He clasped his hands in front to block the girls from staring at his hard-on.

"What's the request" Nicholas' gravelly voice made the others squirm as the sexual tension in the room increased with every passing minute.

"We'd like to be the last ones to perform the second set" Sati stated for Carina. They'd just been discussing that very thing before the men walked in the door.

Nicholas wanted to automatically say no but their request was reasonable. If anything he needed to ensure to mix things up to keep everyone on their toes. "We can make it work" he affirmed.

"Excuse us ladies" Nicholas stated as he dragged Jaxon out of the room. Jaxon growled but followed Nicholas.

"I know what I want" Jaxon demanded. He didn't give Nicholas a chance to rebuff anything. "I want to perform with Carina. It can be these kinds of sets on the weekends."

"That would be working backwards" Nicholas replied with exasperation. "Not only will I have to keep the wolves at bay but then I need to compensate you for your time. I can't let you perform without pay and in case you forgot I'm the one in the red."

"Semantics" Jaxon waved him away. "You deal with Valentino and Marco. Tell Carina you want her to do a few numbers with me. If we don't set that stage on fire like they did then all bets are off."

"I'm still not seeing how this will settle your account" Nicholas groused. "But I'm liking the idea. None of my acts are performing erotic numbers so this might be that edge we need." Nicholas slowed down as potential scenes played in his mind. As much as he wanted to do a number with Carina he couldn't risk the professional environment.

"You inform her and we can have something ready by next week." Jaxon confidently stated.

"It won't just be you and her" Nicholas warned. "Either Sati oversees your rehearsals or I have some other staff do so."

"Maybe you didn't hear" Jaxon snickered as thoughts of Halloween night flashed through his mind. "Sati and Carina had a threesome with Valentino. That's what started that whole three-ring circus."

"Shit" Nicholas murmured. "Let me talk to the guys. Go enjoy the rest of the evening" Nicholas commanded. He stalked away from the pain in the ass before he made any more demands.


"Hot damn you're going to make them come in their pants" Desirae fanned herself as she walked around Sati. This was the most risqué she'd ever seen the exotic beauty. Melissa and Chelsea were dressed in the same exact outfit but Sati managed to make it appear tastefully scandalous rather than trashy.

Melissa squealed as Carina slapped her on the ass. "I wish we were in the audience for this set" Carina bit her lip as she looked at the three scantily dressed women. They wore black bikini tops sprinkled with rhinestones. The matching bottom was a thong that attached with a single string in the front to a choker around their necks. Carina squatted behind Chelsea and tied the strings that wrapped around one leg and attached at mid-thigh to a rhinestone studded black garter. Their stiletto heels and flowing hair made it impossible to remain fixated on only one part.

Carina walked over to the other girls and looked over their outfits. They were dressed completely different from the three that were going to be center stage. Carina, Andrea, and Desirae were dressed in the same red floor length 'lingerie' dress. The dress parted at the thighs allowing full view of the sides of their legs and attached at the hip with silver circles causing the material to barely cover their round bottoms. The backless dress connected with three silver strands to keep the dress together. The front featured an open neckline that revealed the skin between their breasts all the way down to their navels.

Ariel and Beatriz wore similar dresses with slightly different features. The floor length, grey sheer material was decorated with colorful gems and attached from rib to hip with black laces. They showed more side skin while the other dress showed more back and belly.

"Let's do this" Melissa fist pumped in the air as she led the way backstage.

"Do you think she's excited" Andrea drawled as they followed the bikini clad figures.

Carina laughed at the overexcited group but shivered with anticipation the moment she heard Marco's voice. No one knew about this performance and they wanted to make an unforgettable impression.
would be talked about after this night.

Stage hands scurried around as the previous act exited. Carina watched as props were efficiently placed on stage beneath a dark set. She was impressed with the amount of work required with each new set and was glad that Nicholas had changed the number of sets to once every two hours. It gave them enough time to recover and refocus between each performance.

"Showtime" Chelsea whispered as the trio positioned themselves on stage. Carina found her designated spot and kneeled down on the stage. She adjusted her dress to remain comfortable while revealing just the right amount of skin.

The lights snapped on as Imagine Dragon's
echoed through the club. Carina focused on the beat ready to bang her drum to the rhythm.


"Why would they pick this song" Marco stated to no one in particular as he looked at the DJ's song queue. He hopped off stage and stood next to Valentino. Their eyes damn near popped out of their heads as three shiny poles emerged on stage. The crowd hushed as Sati led the way with Melissa and Chelsea flanked at her sides. The rest of the girls quietly kneeled before a drum and waited for the song to play. The drummers' dresses revealed enough skin to keep eyes darting from the pole dancers to them.

Marco palmed his erection as he watched the three girls time their movements to the music. It wasn't the traditional type of pole dancing music but their routine flowed perfectly with the slow beat. Carina, Desirae and Beatriz pounded their drums to the heavy beat while Andrea and Ariel tapped the faster beats. Suddenly they stopped, dramatically inhaling and exhaling to match the song's words. Five sets of hands beat their drums while their bodies swayed to the music but did nothing more to draw attention to them. This number wasn't about them.

Men whistled while servers cheered as the trio effortlessly climbed the pole. Sati, Melissa, and Chelsea hooked their undecorated legs around the pole and began with a basic invert that quickly morphed into more complicated moves. Melissa and Chelsea stayed in sync with Sati the entire time making the breathless performance absolutely mesmerizing. The crowd
as the girls contorted their bodies to the rhythm of the music, sometimes hanging on by one leg, other times performing a split from the top of the pole to the bottom. Sati jumped off her pole and performed a double handspring and double stargazer with Melissa then gracefully moved onto Chelsea and performed more advanced moves with her.

As the song ended the others on the floor curled around their drums and disappeared as the spotlight focused on the three girls who slid down their poles and ended with their hands behind their heads holding onto the pole while their toes touched doing floor splits. All eight performers remained frozen as the crowd roared with elation. Once again their memorable performance impressed all.

Although the exotic Indian girl and the two sluts were on the pole Jaxon's eyes never strayed away from his
. It was like she was making love to that drum. Jaxon suspected that Carina didn't even realize when she caressed the drum like a lover. It was absolutely erotic to watch and he had every intention of being touched by her in the same manner. Jaxon groaned with anticipation as he envisioned the different numbers he and Carina could perform. Fuck Valentino and Marco. If Nicholas did as he asked, they couldn't do anything but watch.

"Why didn't we think of this" Marco whined over the boisterous catcalls and whistles. The girls once again disappeared as the stage darkened. It was a fucking brilliant plan on Nicholas' behalf. Allow the girls the flexibility to be creative with the underlying theme of sensuality and eroticism.

Valentino laughed as they watched men adjust themselves and servers answer questions about the
Irresistible 8.
The girls were already well-known at his nightclub. Now they'd be treated like celebrities in whatever club they entered.

Chapter Five

Nicholas leaned back looking around. Things were running smoothly within the estate walls and opening night was a success. They were at maximum capacity and the crowd was receptive to every number performed. There was still much to do after opening weekend but Nicholas wanted to see what kind of adjustments they needed to make for next weekend.

"Boss" a female voice called from the performer's area. Nicholas walked over and leaned into the barely dressed female. He was pleased with her dance numbers that incorporated sex and sass. "You still want us to bow out?"

Nicholas bit his lower lip. This was a gamble but everything in him said they'd had enough performances for the night. He didn't want every to reveal all their tricks and have nothing for tomorrow night.

"You ladies are done tonight but you'll be the opening number tomorrow night" he compromised. Her face lit up in agreement. Nicholas breathed a sigh of relief with her acquiesce. He didn't know what the eight troublemakers had planned as their last number for the night but no doubt it was just as brilliant. Carina and her friends had not only done as he'd said but they'd exceeded his expectations.

Nicholas walked into the private wing and knocked on the door. His skin prickled with anticipation as he envisioned Carina stripping before him again. This time he didn't have Jaxon by his side pestering them. Nicholas walked in as the girls rifled through the dress rack.

"I think every man had to go to the bathroom or back alley to relieve themselves after that performance" Nicholas greeted.

Melissa and Chelsea cupped their bare breasts and jumped up and down with joy while Sati smiled proudly. "Thank you" she beamed.

"I've got you ladies closing out the night. The other groups will open tomorrow night." Nicholas informed the girls.

"We don't want to step on any toes" Andrea squawked. The three groups got along beautifully and she didn't want them turning into catty bitches over this.

"I already explained it to them. As successful as tonight has been I don't want us to fall on our faces because we performed all our numbers the first night."

Sati waved Nicholas' concerns away. "We have enough material to last us the next four weekends and that doesn't include doing any repeat performances from Club 69."

"Marco and Valentino mentioned that" Nicholas looked at the group. "From the video footage I saw it's definitely worthwhile having you do something similar. We'll have to iron out the details that will allow club goers the ability to situate themselves to be chosen for a lap dance. I don't imagine that you eight can cover the entire club but it would be fun to watch."

"Why don't we add the other girls to that?" Carina suggested. "That way we can cover as much of the club as possible..."

"Since we don't have an actual dance number to that they can do their own thing" Ariel suggested. It made sense to do something like that.

"Think that kind of thing should be the closing number" Desirae offered.

"Brilliant" Andrea crowed. "We can totally do that tomorrow night."

"I'll speak to the others" Nicholas nodded with approval. "Anything you need for this last number?"

"Nope" the girls replied in unison as they waggled their eyebrows at him. Nicholas laughed and shook his head. It was time for him to get out of there.

Chaos ensued the moment the door closed behind Nicholas. Sati yanked a blue scrap of material off the rack causing Beatriz to huff with indignation. A server froze at the doorway terrified to enter the room of growling women.

"Bring it in" Carina called out to the hesitant staff member. "We're dying here... This might make these animals feel better."

"Meow" Desirae cried out as she bum-rushed the scurrying server. Andrea bent over laughing as they watched Desirae chase the poor guy around the room. "I just want to hump you" she howled before jumping on his back.

Ariel stood frozen completely appalled with Desirae's sexual harassment while Melissa and Chelsea guffawed with laughter. Carina huffed with exasperation as she pried Desirae off the flushed server. His visible erection only made the girls laugh harder.

"Stop molesting the staff" Carina scolded her best friend. "Go on before Melissa and Chelsea join her." Carina gently nudged the server away.

The server placed the tray over his erection and hustled out of the room. Carina smiled as she looked around the dressing room. This might prove to be a fun gig; as long as everyone got along. Carina headed to the clothes rack and peered at what the other girls had chosen. Sati slipped on a royal blue one-piece romper. The shorts hugged her ass and showed off her shapely thighs while the soft material hugged her body. The one-shoulder fly sleeve was characteristic of Sati's style.

Beatriz wiggled into a beige and black striped one-piece jumper. The shorts were more the classical style with a sleeveless top that showcased her beautiful shoulders and neckline. Beatriz chose mile-high stilettos while Sati opted for high calf pull-up boots with heels. Andrea waved her white one-piece romper in the air before heading away from the others. The moment she slipped it on she received nods of approval. The cotton material hugged her curves and the shiny belt in front added the nice touch to the all white ensemble.

Ariel chose a denim romper with heels while Desirae selected a sleeveless teal colored denim-material romper with knee-high boots. Melissa wore a camouflage printed jumpsuit with matching boots while Chelsea wore a coral colored satin jumpsuit with lace trimmings. Her outfit looked more like nightwear rather than a romper. She chose stylish sandals that gave her outfit a sophisticated flair.

Carina shimmed into a red, sleeveless romper with a tunic front and belted shorts. The polyester material accentuated her every curve. Carina slipped into heels and motioned for the girls to exit the private wing. Rather than heading backstage they separated ways throughout the club. As the lights dimmed Carina crept behind the bar and climbed onto the bar.

The spotlight flared onto each girl around the club as the upbeat music pounded through the speakers. Carina sung out Karmin's song
to the avid audience.

Carina remained on the bar while the girls danced around club patrons who willingly danced beside them. The final number was fast and fun ending the night of performances on a high note. Carina jumped off the bar with adrenaline flowing through her veins. They'd chosen more conservative outfits for their last number so that they could mingle with club goers. She laughed as she watched most of the girls head to the dance floor.

Desirae hugged Carina before ordering a drink. They toasted to a successful night as patrons congratulated them as they passed by. Carina was exhausted but thrilled with the night's events. Although the girls hadn't gone out for the night they'd had the time of their lives. It didn't feel like a job. It felt like they ruled this small part of the world.


Carina's last little number almost caused Jaxon to lose all sense of self-control. Uncle Richard laughed as Jaxon's jaw hit the table. Carina stood on the bar in some sexy as hell kitten heels while she strutted her stuff. The lucky bastards at the bar had prime view of all her assets. Fortunately she wasn't wearing a dress or skirt or there would've been fists flying. Jaxon was relieved that at least she didn't look his way at any of the song's less pleasant parts. He didn't want to be referred to as the trash that needed being taken out or anything of that sort. Their time for dedications would come soon enough. He was sure of that.

Jaxon growled as he watched countless men approach Carina and Desirae after their final performance. They graciously interacted with all of the club patrons but never accepted a drink or dance from the plethora of offers. Jaxon rolled his tense shoulders fighting his instinct to go approach Carina. It'd taken a Herculean effort to stay away from Carina after his visit to her dressing room. He'd already seen her once tonight and he didn't want to blow this opportunity that Nicholas was giving him. He wanted to sing a love song with Carina. He wanted to dance a number so fucking sexually intense that people would be running to the bathroom or into the estate to relieve their needs. Jaxon knew it'd be that fucking hot.

"Time to go" Richard motioned as the DJ announced last call. Jaxon nodded and followed his Uncle out of the new club. If this was just a taste of
then everyone was going to want a piece.

Jaxon slowly exited the club but not before he made eye contact with Nicholas. As much as he wanted to brush up against Carina he refused to give in. Soon enough his Latin beauty wouldn't have anywhere to go but under him.


"Are you ladies doing all dance numbers tonight?" Nicholas inquired as the group settled into their private suite. The jittery nerves from opening night were gone; now the ladies appeared confident and ready to take the place by storm.

"Are you asking or suggesting" Carina smirked knowing Nicholas all too well. This was technically opening night for Club Hedonism's members. Those who weren't on the VIP list the night before had exclusive privileges tonight. The general public would pout at being denied access but it made Friday and Saturday nights all the more unique.

"Last night was phenomenal" Nicholas once again praised, "But I want to ensure that tonight's set matches our clientele."

"All three sets do" Sati assured him. Desirae grinned like the Cheshire cat making Nicholas' brows raise.

"I'll leave you to it then" Nicholas laughed as he exited the room. They hadn't even let him glimpse at their costumes for the first set.

"Get dressed" Desirae barked. "We've got to finalize some of the choreography" she snapped at Melissa and Chelsea.

Each girl slipped into a lacy bra and matching panty before putting on their garter and thigh-high silk stockings. Carina placed killer stilettos before each of them as they slipped on a man's dress shirt and tie. They left the shirt unbuttoned allowing everyone to see plenty of skin and their undergarments.

"How do you guys even come up with the songs?" Ariel asked as she looked at the night's song list.

"Sati and I decide it" Carina shrugged. "We don't want to be so predictable with what we do."

"Did you remind the light technician?" Sati asked before heading to the door.

"Yup" Andrea quipped as they crept backstage. The other two acts had performed first allowing the girls some time to relax.

"Showtime" Desirae whispered as sweaty bodies slipped passed them. The eight girls positioned themselves on the dark stage and waited for the music. AWOLNATION's
boomed through the speakers. For 15 seconds the girls remained frozen while the music began. At the first loud musical pulse the spotlight shined on Melissa but kept the others in the dark. The second loud pulse revealed Beatriz followed by a third pulse highlighting Ariel. Consecutive pulses revealed pairs: Sati and Carina lit up moments before Andrea and Desirae did. Chelsea was the last to be revealed before the eight girls stalked forward to the rhythm of the music. The moment the audience heard the singer's voice the girls positioned themselves. Sati, Melissa, Ariel, and Desirae remained frozen while the others stood directly behind them. The audience shifted as they realized what the girls had in store for them.


"Hot damn" Richard choked as he watched Carina strip Sati of her white dress shirt. The entire club froze as they watched four girls stand in nothing but a man's tie and lacy undergarments.

"Take it all off" someone shouted as the girls changed positions. Carina, Chelsea, Beatriz, and Andrea stood side-by-side while the others removed their shirts to the beat of the music.

Jaxon stretched out as he watched Sati rub herself all over Carina. His dry mouth and hammering heart let him know he was still alive but damn it felt like he'd died and gone to heaven. Club members whistled as Carina grabbed Sati by the necktie and pulled her in. Everyone leaned forward anticipating the girls to kiss but groaned when Carina only rubbed her face into Sati's neck. The girls danced in synchronized motions with their corresponding group.

"Fuck me" Richard moaned as they watched Carina bend over with Sati directly behind her. The men shifted in their seats while Sati caressed Carina's back as they slowly stood up. Richard didn't know whether to watch Carina and Sati or Desirae and Andrea who seemed just as familiar with each other. Even Melissa and Chelsea emitted an intimate familiarity that couldn't be faked. Only Beatriz and Ariel weren't as freely intimate with each other on stage.

As the word "Sail" repeated over and over the girls separated into two lines. They danced in erotic unison that had the temperature in the club increasing by several degrees. The four-minute song lasted an eternity but wasn't enough. The shocked audience took a minute to recover before they stood up cheering.

"Something tells me this will be an interesting evening" Richard mused. Jaxon's husky chuckle confirmed his uncle's thoughts. He was thrilled that Nicholas had moved them to a more accessible table. There would be no way that Carina was going to ignore him tonight.


"She is something" Nicholas beamed as he approached Valentino and Marco.

"Is that what you got Halloween night" Marco waggled his eyebrows as he motioned between Carina and Sati.

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