The Irresistible Bundle (133 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Where are we going?" Marco asks as if he's familiar with the area. Maybe they've done their homework and want to visit a specific nightclub. The guys are always looking for ways to improve their processes and do whatever necessary to remain at the top.
is just one of those examples. From what Carina explained to me they always wanted to open a fetish nightclub but didn't want it associated with their other establishments. Their reasoning doesn't make 100% sense to me since the name of their most successful club is named after a sexual position, but whatever.

"Did you have a preference?" I offer them the opportunity to choose although we're almost to my chosen destination.

"As long as it isn't some shit bar we're pretty flexible" Marco shrugs. He isn't particular to little holes in the wall; I guess I can't blame him. After spending years acquiring and improving places like that I'm not sure he'd voluntarily hang out in one unless he's scouting it for business purposes.

"Told Griffin to take us to
" I point as the flashy club comes into view. The line to get in is nothing like the lines at the guys' clubs but it's enough to make Griffin slow down and look at me before pulling into the parking lot.

"We don't have the girls with us tonight" he pouts.

"Really" I scoff in disbelief, "And what about the years we got in without them."

Valentino quietly chuckles making Griffin scowl. He says nothing as he finds a decent parking spot. Valentino and Marco have on slacks with button-up shirts while Griffin and I sport jeans. The club allows it as long as we're not wearing sneakers and hats.

It feels like every set of eyes within sight follow us as we approach the bouncer. Sighs and giggles sporadically bubble over conversations while the bouncer barks at us for IDs. Marco laughs amused at the notion that he's being ID'd but produces it anyway. Valentino pays the cover fee although Griffin isn't happy about it. The moment we enter the darkened club we're assaulted by the blaring music and sea of bodies. Marco immediately nudges Valentino pointing to the second floor. It's so fucking loud in the place that I can't hear whatever they yell to each other even though they're only a foot away from me. Marco motions for us to follow. He heads to the stairs and is stopped by some big burly dude. Girls try to get our attention while Marco converses with the dude. Whatever they're talking about takes a freaking eternity before we're permitted access but it doesn't pass me that Marco's handed him money and a business card.

"Holy shit" Griffin crows, "He got us into a room!"

Marco turns around and winks before tapping in a code against the wall. The pocket door slides open to a spacious private room with glass walls and a mirrored ceiling. The music is muted in this room and a server patiently waits in the corner.

"Are you required to be in here all at times" Valentino immediately asks.

"No sir" she professionally replies. Marco smirks as we watch her ogle every damn one of us. "I'm here to take your orders and be readily available for when you call." She proceeds to show us how to contact her. She takes our orders at the same time. The moment she leaves, Marco turns around looking at us like some kid in a candy store.

"V it's so simple yet brilliant" he flails his arms around as if we should know what the hell he's talking about. Apparently Valentino understands as he slowly walks around the room. His eyes seek out every nook, piece of furniture, and décor.

"Legally it has to be a two-way mirror" Valentino murmurs aloud. I'm not sure if we're meant to hear it but Marco acts like we were.

"Not if the upper half is and the mirrored ceiling provides the view they're legally required to have. Security can see if there's any funny business going on and voyeurs can take a peek at what's happening in the rooms without getting to see everything." Marco motions to the walls where we can see out to the entire nightclub but feel protected from them looking in on us.

"That would work" Valentino looks to the other rooms trying to see what their occupants are doing. The server slips in with our drinks and a menu. She reminds us how to summon her before disappearing.

"Why are we wasting such a swanky room with just the four of us?" Griffin peers out to the dance floor noticing a few girls looking toward our private room.

"V and I find it easier to avoid disasters. This room allows us to enjoy the club without dealing with all the drama of being down there. You boys are free to come and go as you please but I ask you to limit the company to whoever you plan to take home with you tonight."

Griffin looks at each of us already knowing the answer; he'd be the only one who would go looking for any nookie for the night. Des and I are still teetering on that precarious ledge. I don't want to do anything to fuck it up anymore than it already is.

"I want to explore this level" Marco downs his drink looking between me and Griffin. "I'd gladly follow you down but I won't be dancing or anything."

"Good enough for me" Griffin beams. He chugs his beer slapping me on the back before heading to the door. My best friend knows me well. I have no intention of mingling down there. The guys exit the room leaving me alone with Valentino. I don't feel uncomfortable in the least. Ironically if I didn't know that Marco and Valentino actually have sex with each other I'd never suspect he was into guys. It hurts my head too much trying to grasp the complexities of their relationship but it works for them and they love Carina. That's all that really matters.

"Have you made any progress with Firecracker?" Valentino asks.

I smile at his endearing nickname. It really does suit her. Valentino and Nicholas are the primary ones who call her it. I don't want to use the same endearment for Des. Griffin and I affectionately refer to her as Freckles but the one that I use most no one else does. No, mine is more intimate, completely unique.

"I don't know" I admit. My shoulders slump in defeat. Desirae is stubborn as hell. She doesn't love or trust easily but when she does, it's completely. She's proven it through her friendships with Carina and Valentino. I rub the aching spot in my chest at that uncomfortable thought.

"Carina's attack triggered some bad stuff from her past" he offers like he has the key to her secrets. "Be patient with her; I really think she'll come around."

I can't help the snort that escapes with his words of wisdom. "We've been tiptoeing around each other for a year and a half. How much more time do you think she needs? The only thing she's ever offered me is her pussy. I want more than that."

"From what I've heard you haven't given in right?" He confirms. I roll my eyes knowing my sister probably knows a little too much about my non-existent sex life. Don't know if she's thrilled to hear any details but I don't feel bad since I suffer from the same shit. Griffin forgets himself sometimes detailing shit that I wish I could unhear.

"I've gotten her off but I've never let her touch me." I admit. My dick stiffens as the memory of her sweet scent overcomes me. "I want her to realize that what I'm offering is real, that she can trust it, me."

"What do you know about her past?" Valentino leans back expecting to hear some long spiel. Um... no.

"She avoids home like it's the plague" I offer. "Her parents rarely call her and she never calls them. Not even for holidays or birthdays." I decide to confess my observation because I haven't mentioned it to anyone else. I missed it the first time Des came home with us but I've seen it every time afterward. "And she doesn't allow my father to hug her. She doesn't really make physical contact with older men aside from you guys."

Valentino doesn't act the least bit surprised. There's a story there, I know it but Des is like a fucking fortress when it comes to guarding her secrets. If it weren't for Carina's attack I'd still be convinced that the woman was invincible. It never appears as if anyone or anything gets to her. She rules the dungeons with an iron fist and has men twice her size cowering in fear and submission.

"What I tell you doesn't leave this room" his lethal tone stiffens my spine. I'm slightly insulted at the insinuation but I also understand the brevity of what he is and isn't saying. He trusts me with information that Desirae's imparted on him and no one else. That fucking stings though. She doesn't have that level of trust with me.

If Carina doesn't already know then she'd be hurt knowing this too, but Desirae's demons are hers and hers alone. I can't make her ask for help. I can't do anything but show her that I'll be there no matter what she does or says to me. She thinks I don't know what happened after I left the dungeon. I can't fault her for going back to her old coping methods. I wasn't there for her and Valentino couldn't be either. She had no one to turn to so she went out and did what she does best. I want to hate her for it but I can't. I know it's as much my fault as it isn't.

"Carina's attack triggered several events" he repeats. I want to snap at him to get on with it but Valentino is a man of few words. If he repeats something it's because it's worthwhile.

"Nic and I noticed that she and Carina had dark circles under their eyes after Carina returned to the apartment. Jaxon confirmed that they're both having nightmares. He stays over the night with them enough to know that it's not just Carina but Desirae too. He tells me she cries out the name
over and over again. She hasn't told me about her yet but these nightmares only triggered after the assault."

If I wasn't already sitting I would've fallen flat on my ass. I was so wrapped up in my rage and grief that I didn't notice how Desirae reacted. I didn't have room in my heart to worry about anyone else at that time. Piper... I'd never heard her breathe that name. How could I get her to tell me the story without revealing that I knew the name meant something to her?

"No one was surprised when she attacked Chelsea"

"Because the bitch deserved it" I growl. That's the one thing Desirae and I can say. We defended Carina without thought even if it was at the expense of our freedom.

"Regardless that set into motion the next thing" he stands up looking out to the dance floor. I don't like staring at his back but apparently he isn't going to talk about this next part while facing me. That doesn't bode well at all.

"A gentleman came to the estate claiming to represent Desirae regarding Chelsea's case. Nic and I found that suspicious since we were taking care of the situation and Des never once made a phone call. The moment the guard at the gate said the man's name Desirae looked like she'd seen a ghost. I won't sugarcoat this to you Diego. Desirae's been through a lot. Her father is a monster of the worst kind. She has every reason to not trust men in general, especially older men in suits. She didn't know the meaning of consensual sex until she entered college."

I shoot up from my seat in horror, not being able to remain motionless while he continues to assault me with devastating truths. I wanted insider information making Valentino the ideal informant but fuck this is too much. He pauses sensing my distress but he doesn't move from his place by the glass partition.

"You mean to tell me she was raped as an adolescent" I whisper the words too horrified with the possibility that it was only the tip of the iceberg.

"Yes" he quietly replies but even then I know there's more.

"Repeatedly; by the same man" I'm speculating now. Valentino said her father was a monster. Oh God... "Her father" I reply in horrifying realization. It all makes sense now. Why she won't touch my father. My stomach clenches. I have to cover my mouth before I vomit all over the pristine floor.

"No" he growls, "But he might as well have. It was her father who selected the men and forced her to service them in whatever capacity suited their business transactions. She's never hinted at him doing anything directly to her but I suspect he's watched a time or two. I don't ever think anyone will know the depths of depravity done to her."

His words take a few minutes to register. I stayed stuck on the fact that her father was the biggest bastard on this planet but then one word continues to echo in my head. "Wait" I turn to him wanting to shake every bit of information out of him. How did Carina and I not know any of this? "You said
like it was more than one who did this to her."

If I hadn't been looking at him I would've missed the fact that he'd nodded his head. "I know of at least two but I suspect plenty more. The way she worded it made it sound as if two men in particular were involved in this nightmare the longest and were the meanest to her. Nicholas and I are doing everything possible to make sure she never has to ask her father for anything."

"I'll kill him" I'm seething with building rage. I've never seen or talked to the man but I wouldn't hesitate for even a moment to wrap my hands around his throat until he turns different colors. My hands ball into tight fists. I'm livid and frustrated with no way to expel the powerful emotions. Desirae deserves to be cherished. She should only know acts of reverence. She should be drowning in love. Not what those bastards have done to her.

"What about her mother?" Surely she must've had someone in her life who loved her and tried to protect her.

"From the little she's told me and Nic I gather she loathes her mother and the feeling's reciprocated. Diego understand this," Valentino finally turns around to face me and I know that he's about to end the conversation. All he's accomplished to do is add more pieces to her already complicated puzzle but I can't fault him for it. "She only told us that tidbit of information because we needed to know what we were dealing with. She hasn't voluntarily provided us with anything."

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