The Irresistible Bundle (134 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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Hot stones lodge in my throat. I can't speak. I can barely breathe. I knew she was harboring secrets, battling demons... but shit... Desirae doesn't let anyone see what she's been through or what she's still dealing with. How can I save her? Hell, will she even let me...



We've been at the estate three days in a row and it doesn't look like Rafe or Griffin cares to do anything else. It isn't that they're sexing it up under the estate roof; there's just so much to see it takes several days to absorb it all. Rafe's reaction to the dungeons was completely different to Griffin's. I wouldn't even know this if Rafe hadn't pushed for me to go down to the lowest level. He refuses to go anywhere within the estate without me by his side. The dude's confident, intelligent, and well-spoken. I don't know why he feels the need to have me along for the ride but regardless I'm immensely grateful. It's the first time in weeks I've gotten to be within the dungeon. I haven't forgotten the last time I was here. The memory constantly chafes me.

"What room do you usually interact in" Rafe asks completely oblivious to my internal crisis. Desirae isn't in the main room but it doesn't mean it'll stay that way for long. Will she throw me out again? The behemoth security guard from last time is here again and he's kept his eyes on me the entire time. Everyone's noticed but they haven't said anything.

"Diego" Bambi saunters up to us. Her eyes glow with excitement; too bad she's about to be disappointed. "Did you come to play?"

Rafe smirks having his question answered. Both Griffin and Rafe openly ogle Bambi but she ignores them.

"He still hasn't been cleared" the black wall of muscle barks. Bambi's eyes dim with disappointment. "Boss man said they can only walk through; no participation."

"What's with the babysitter" Rafe grumbles. Members eye us as they enter their designated rooms. Bambi kisses my cheek and winks before marching back to her room. In moments she has someone pleading for mercy while we watch.

"Gentlemen" an unfamiliar voice greets us. The cold tone instantly has me on alert. Why does the sound grate on my nerves? We turn around making me instantly regret it. My hands ball into fists. All I want to do is smash his face in.

"Diego I wasn't aware of your banishment being rescinded" he doesn't bother to hide his gloating tone or smother his smirk. Fucking rat bastard.

"What do you mean you've been banished?" Rafe's caught between wanting to defend me and wondering if I'm in a pile of deep shit.

"He can't return until Mistress D says so" Greg the fucktard continues to gloat. He hasn't won any fucking prize.

"We're only here to tour the premises and then we'll be out of your space" Rafe intercedes. He knows I'm about 0.3 seconds away from smacking the smile off this chump's face. Damn, I swear I didn't have anger management issues until my sister went to college and became best friends with Desirae.

"Very well" Greg regally nods his head. Yeah, let me snap his neck too. Then he'll definitely be useless. "But if Mistress D comes..." He lets the sentence hang not needing to articulate the rest.

I silently follow as Greg the fucktard gives Rafe a tour of each room. It's different seeing the rooms being presented from a potential employment side as compared to a member. The details are significantly different making it rather informative. Rafe's in his element asking questions about each room, various toys, and the people involved on this level.

"Do I get to meet Mistress D?" Rafe asks. Greg's repeated more than once that although Nicholas gave him free reign to explore and decide what he wants to do within the walls of the estate that it required more than his approval to work within the dungeons.

"You've already met her" I dryly reply. Apparently my good friend hasn't quite connected the dots yet.

"This is my first time down here" his brows furrow with confusion.

"Dude it's Desirae" Griffin shakes his head in disbelief. Every person under this roof knows who Mistress D is, even those who'd never step foot on this level.

"No way" Rafe gawks.

"Way" Desirae barks from the doorway. "Now what the fuck are y'all doing in my domain?"

My body roars its appreciation as my eyes devour her outfit. Desirae and leather; synonymous with each other. I don't have to touch her pants to know they'll be that soft, supple material; the kind that hugs her every curve and feels like a second skin. Her red leather bustier competes for attention. That's another of her quirks too: red and black. The woman knows how to drive me batshit crazy.

"Nicholas' instructions" I interject. She hasn't looked at me once and I'll be damned if she ignores me the entire time.

"Maybe I'll lift the ban if you can prove your worth in this room" she purrs as she saunters over to me. My brain melts as my dick turns to granite. Bad combination.

"Only if it's you" I whisper. I know Freckles all too well. She'll get me to say yes only to have that bastard quietly watching from the corner call the shots. No-fucking-way. She wants this she has to get her hands dirty.

"I'm booked solid right now" she taunts. It's true. It's no secret that she has members on a waiting list wanting to get beneath her stiletto heels and dangerous toys.

"Greg I have a question" Rafe asks rather loudly. My eyes tear away from Des. He motions for me to follow. Desirae's appointment walks in the door. It takes everything within me not to yoke her out of this room demanding her undivided attention.

"I see a few ropes and things for binding" Rafe states the moment I join them. I want to hug and curse him for interrupting. "Does the estate have specific people for Shibari?"

Greg's brows lift almost to his hairline. The eager gleam in his eye catches all of our attention. Yet another thing I don't know about my childhood friend. "Are you self-taught or by a Master?"

Rafe chuckles while shaking his head no. He reverently fingers a few of the beautiful ropes. "I was taught by a Master" Rafe looks at me and Griffin trying to bring us up to speed. "It's a Japanese art form that involves ropes, spirituality, and release."

"It involves sex too right?" Griffin inquires. "Like when a dude ties up a girl and fucks the shit out of her."

"Not necessarily" Rafe rolls his eyes. "Does everything down here involve sex afterwards?" He challenges.

"Not always" I reply before Griffin says something immature or ignorant. This level isn't like the main floor and private rooms. It's for a different kind of fulfillment. "It's about several things: release, submission, control, domination, pain, surrendering..."

"Exactly" Greg quietly states. I look at Rafe trying to ignore Greg's intense stare. Desirae may've kicked me out but it wasn't for lack of understanding to the wants and needs of this lower level.

"I used to love going to watch the Master just artfully tie someone up. He didn't always get her off and he usually didn't get himself off."

"Would you be willing to do a demonstration for us?" Greg grabs his smart phone tapping away on the screen. I know what he's doing. Nothing goes on without Nicholas' knowledge. I'm pretty sure he'd want to see it too.

"Sure" Rafe shrugs like it's no big deal. "I used to help teach the Shibari private classes too."

My skin tingles with anticipation. I've heard bits and pieces about this kind of thing. It's something I've always wanted to try. My eyes travel to Desirae. What I wouldn't give to see her tied up giving herself completely to me. My dick twitches with thoughts of intricate knots rubbing against her clit and nipples.

"I'd be your student" the words escape in a rush. I'd meant to say them to Rafe alone not with an audience.

"You want Rafe to tie you up" Griffin asks incredulously.

"I want to learn how to do it" I bop him in the back of the head. Our group may have an interesting mix of sexual deviants but I won't go as far as Valentino and Marco by playing with other dudes. Thanks but no thanks; to each their own.

"That could accomplish several things at once" Greg agrees. He continues tapping on his phone while we impatiently wait. "Nicholas wants to meet upstairs. Let me get a few things first."

It's not up for negotiation. Our easygoing tour just changed. My blood hums as I watch Greg grab several ropes. Desirae's so wrapped up in her submissive that she doesn't even notice what we're doing. I look over my shoulder one last time before following the others out of the dungeon. She never once glances my way.

Upstairs we follow Greg past the main area and common rooms. Several vacant suites greet us. According to the girls they're reserved for themed events or small parties. We enter a room already occupied by Nicholas, Valentino, Marco, and Leticia.

"Damn y'all are fast" Griffin greets surprised to see the intimate group. It's not often that the guys and Leticia are away from the club all at the same time.

Nicholas looks directly at Rafe not really paying attention to anyone else in the room. "I have a Master who specializes in this but he travels often. When he does come to the estate it's a big event and we're always filled to capacity. He's taught me so I'll be able to recognize technique and artistry but I still want you to talk us through parts of it for everyone else's benefit."

The group quietly assembles around Rafe and Nicholas. I maneuver myself trying to get the best view. I don't want to miss anything. Rafe is quiet, intense. Greg hands over several items before sitting beside Leticia and Griffin. Excitement washes over me as Rafe explains the history of the art as he knows it. Everyone listens intently to his every word.

Leticia volunteers to be his subject. She strips down to her bra and panties. Everyone's so excited to see what Rafe can do that it doesn't feel dirty or sexual. It's more like an artist willing to let you watch as he paints a masterpiece right before your eyes.

"By the time you're done she shouldn't be able to move even a fraction of an inch." Greg informs the group. He's testing Rafe even before he's started.

"Correct" Rafe replies, unaffected by Greg's passive-aggressiveness. One moment it seems like the guy genuinely wants to see Rafe succeed and then he does something to show otherwise.

"At any time you want me to stop just say the word." Leticia nods. She looks a little nervous but appears eager for this.

Rafe gently pushes Leticia to lay flat on her back. He doesn't say anything to her or the group. Instead, he gently massages her arms and legs until she's loose and languid. Every bit of tension disappears beneath his large tanned hands. My hands ache to do the same to Freckles. I can't help but to envision Desirae in Leticia's place.

He loops the long rope around her left ankle, then tightens it. He checks it ensuring it isn't cutting into her skin while explaining to us the mechanics of his every move. Rafe wraps the rope down around her foot tying small intricate knots here and there. Leticia curls her toes as he presses the rope into the sole of her foot. He presses another knot at her instep. It's easy to forget its Leticia as we watch the rope with its knots go from her foot up her calf, behind her knees, and around her thighs. Leticia's breathing changes, her body begins to tremble.

"Are you okay" Marco softly asks his cousin. He places a kiss on her forehead as Rafe works on her right leg.

"I've never experienced something like this" she breathily replies. Her skin flushes. She closes her eyes as Rafe manages to wrap the rope from her knees to around her waist. Her chest arches forward as her thighs fall open. Leticia doesn't appear tense but it's a position that she wouldn't be able to hold without the assistance of the ropes.

"The friction's better without any garments on" Rafe quietly informs the room. He proceeds to tie the rope over her pubic bone ensuring that a knot rests directly over her clit. Leticia gasps trying to arch her hips. The rope doesn't allow her to move but as Rafe continues to tie the rope throughout her still form the knot rubs back and forth against her clit.

"Damn that's hot" Griffin reverently whispers. Nicholas, Valentino, and Marco all carefully watch Rafe as he crisscrosses the rope up her torso and back. It's impossible to look away as the rope binds her arms and breasts. He ties more knots against her heaving chest and onto her puckered nipples making her entire torso look like an artful rope ladder. There are so many knots that I've lost count but Rafe doesn't look tired or bored. And Leticia, she looks on the verge of an orgasm.

"Normally I use different colored ropes" Rafe points to Leticia's legs, "And entwine a design at the waist to join them."

"This is impressive" Nicholas praises. He looks at Valentino and Marco and some sort of silent conversation is had right in front of us. Whatever it is I hope he permits Rafe to teach me. Everything in me screams to learn how to do this the right way. If I can give something like this to Desirae then there's a possibility she can give right back.

"Oh God" Leticia gasps, "I'm going to come." Rafe presses the knot against her clit causing Leticia to moan and shudder through her orgasm. It's a wondrous sight. I don't feel the least bit embarrassed to be a part of it. Is this what the others feel when they watch Carina with the guys?

"I'm going to cut the rope off you" Nicholas calmly states. Leticia's staccato breaths and glassy eyes make every one of us want to have the same experience.

"We can untie them together, it shouldn't take too long" Rafe offers. I don't blame the guy. We've been in this room watching him for the last hour and Nicholas wants to take a pair of scissors to his breathtaking work.

"I want to inspect the knots... Without them still being attached to Leti." He muses. Leticia smiles blissfully. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't mind the guys letting her stay like that for a while longer.

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