The Irresistible Bundle (65 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"You aren't staying for
stick the dick in the hole
?" Carina chortled.

"Nope" Desirae tossed her hair over her shoulder. "I'll see plenty of action where I'm headed. Are you judging on this one too or spanking?"

"Beatriz is executioner" Carina's eyes twinkled with delight. "I get to watch all the action."

The girls watched four staff members line up in the center of the room. Jaxon carefully cuffed their wrists and ankles as the competitors were chosen. Carina stood behind Jaxon to ensure the cuffs were comfortably but securely in place. The girls could only assist the guys with minimal angling of their hips. They were otherwise practically immobile.

Four eager members stood before their partners. Their rigid shafts were covered in latex as Leticia blindfolded each man.

"Blindfold the women too" Carina exclaimed. "The blind leading the blind!"

"Fucking brilliant" Marco applauded. Jaxon shuffled over to the bound women and blindfolded them as well.

"Can we talk to each other?" one of the men asked.

"Yes" Carina replied "But you can only place your hands on her hips. If you use your hands to locate her hole you're automatically eliminated."

"I want to enter from behind" another guy anxiously called out. Several eyebrows raised with intrigue.

"Plenty of lube" Marco barked.

"Only if your partner consents" Leticia added. The room's occupants stared at the unknowing woman.

The guy hesitantly stepped forward. He reached his hands out but thought better of it and rested them at his sides. He timidly leaned forward until he was sure the person before him knew she was the one being addressed.

"Do I have your permission to enter through the backdoor?" He asked.

Leticia cringed at his choice of words. The blindfolded woman flushed brightly but nodded her consent. Jaxon grabbed the guy by the arm and walked him to the opposite side of his partner.

Beatriz stood between the couples and smacked the wooden paddle against her open palm. The sharp strike cracked through the air making the contestants jump in place.

"If your hands wander you'll get paddled" Beatriz commanded. "If you cheat I'll flay you and if you get it in you can go at it like rabbits." The blindfolded men smiled broadly as Jaxon blew his whistle.

"Game on" Leticia shouted. Hips thrust forward as genitals clashed. Carina smiled at Jaxon before turning her attention to the competitors.

New School Year, New Status

Chapter Sixteen

"You know we are some lucky bitches" Andrea gloated. Carina looked around their 2-story, 4-bedroom, and 4-bath apartment. Their new place really felt like a home-away-from-home.

"I wanted the rooms to be bigger" Desirae pouted. Carina's jaw dropped in disbelief. Sure their rooms were smaller if you only compared the actual square footage to the other apartment complex's bedrooms.

"We sacrificed a little in the bedrooms to have walk-in closets and private bathrooms in each room. The other places either had NO walk-in closets with two bathrooms or the sinks were in the hallway!" Carina scoffed.

"And we have a loft on the second floor that we've designated the study area so you don't have to be cooped up in your room" Andrea added.

"AND" Sati interjected" We have two living rooms all for $100 more a semester. You can't beat that!"

"I think Dean Richard moved us to the top of the list" Desirae snickered. "I've heard several people bitching that only upper classmen get this complex because of the long waiting list."

"He has a vested interest in keeping us happy" Andrea giggled. "I'm sure it has nothing to do with Desirae's family throwing their weight around in donations or anything."

Desirae scowled at the remark. Carina threw her arm over her best friend's shoulders. "I'm grateful regardless of however we got in this year. I'm looking forward to living with you heifers and the place is big enough to give us privacy."

"Ohhh" the girls cooed. "Are you bringing the boys over to spend the night?" Sati smiled wickedly.

Carina shrugged. As tempting as it was her room couldn't accommodate them. "Bed isn't big enough" she lamented.

"We'll make room" Sati waggled her brows suggestively. The girls howled with laughter as they exited the apartment. They still needed to get things for the kitchen and living rooms.

"Let's have a girl's night tonight" Andrea bounced with excitement.

"No offense" Carina scrunched her face. "But can we leave Chelsea and Melissa out of this?"

"Yes" They replied in unison. Andrea grabbed her phone and texted Ariel and Beatriz.

"I'd like to invite Leticia" Carina looked at her new roommates. Leticia and Desirae got along; she wasn't sure what the other two thought of Marco's cousin.

"Sure" Sati shrugged. Andrea smiled her approval. Carina quickly texted Leticia as they shuffled into the car.

"Did anyone make a list of the things we need" Andrea inquired as she drove away from campus to the store a few minutes away.

"Carina did" Desirae mocked. "She's so responsible."

"Listen stupid" Carina playfully hit her friend. "I'm not going to remind you what you need... And when you need it you're going to have to go upstairs to get it."

"Blah, blah, blah" Desirae stuck her tongue out at Carina.


"Okay, which one of you bitches are sleeping with the Dean?" Beatriz demanded. She narrowed her eyes at the four beauties. "I can't imagine it's Carina" Beatriz ranted as she waved at the luxurious apartment. "She's stuffed with so much cock I swear it's coming out of her nose and ears!" Leticia and Sati gaped at Beatriz while Desirae howled with laughter.

"I don't know if she was trying to insult or compliment you" Andrea scratched her nose in confusion. "But I can tell you that Dean Richard has been completely professional with us whenever we encounter him at the estate."

"So him being Jaxon's uncle means nothing" she challenged.

"Not in this case" Sati huffed. "Stop making that face" she scolded a scowling Beatriz. "It makes you look constipated."

"Let us hate a little" Ariel whined. "I mean you got into
apartment complex! The place is already fully furnished! You have a 60-inch flat screen TV for God's sake!"

"Walk-in closets!" Beatriz screeched. "Fucking walk-in closets! Forget the fact that this place not only has granite counter tops in the kitchen, but in the bathroom too! The bathroom?!"

"Don't forget about the washer and dryer upstairs" Ariel huffed.

"I guess we shouldn't mention that all utilities are included, with no caps; that means cable TV with premium channels too." Desirae blew on her nails and polished them against her shirt.

Beatriz growled with frustration. Why hadn't the girls picked her instead of Sati?

"I heard they had a 2-bedroom, 2-bath corner unit available" Carina offered.

"Already checked" Ariel grumbled. "The place is out of our price range. We'd do better in a 3 or 4-bedroom place splitting the rents."

"Can we eat now? I'm freaking starving!" Leticia held up the Chinese food. The place was fucking amazing but it made no sense to cry over something you couldn't have.

"Beer or wine" Sati called from the kitchen.

"The beer better not be that shit that tastes like piss" Carina growled. Diego's friends always bought the watered down crap that didn't really constitute as beer.

"Heineken it is" Sati agreed. She passed out the beverages while Leticia opened the cartons of Chinese food and handed out paper plates. The girls filled their plates with a variety of meats, rice, and noodles. They ate in companionable silence knowing they had the rest of the evening to talk.

"Why hasn't anyone addressed the elephant in the room?" Beatriz squirmed. She couldn't hold it in any longer. Everyone was done eating and it was fair game now to address the issue no one dared to mention. Why did everyone look so unaffected?

"Which is" Sati impatiently waved her hand in the air. No one knew what the hell Beatriz was referring to.

"That Jaxon lives on the second floor of this same apartment complex" Beatriz scoffed. She sure as hell knew that Carina was aware of that fact.

"He does" Carina shrugged indifferently.

"Do Marco and Valentino know"? Leticia asked. Now she understood why Beatriz was spazzing. It was in fact the million-dollar question.

"They do" Carina deadpanned. She wanted to add that it wasn't any of their business but Marco was her cousin and Carina understood her reticence. "And we have an open door policy. They can drop by anytime they want."

Carina expected Jaxon to visit. She wasn't deluding herself that she'd be able to avoid the man when they lived in the same building. If anything the truce they'd found over the summer helped to cement their
relationship. Sure they still flirted but there were clear boundaries now.

"Why do I have a feeling that Carina will have more overnight visitors than the three of us combined?" Andrea groaned.

Carina chugged the rest of her beer. She hated drinking it warm; the colder the better. "I'll probably spend the night more often at their places. There's no way we can all sleep comfortably in these beds."

"Marco didn't move in with Valentino?" Leticia asked somewhat surprised. The guys always seemed to be at the clubs or at Valentino's high-rise condo. Leticia was waiting for the day that Marco offered his nice townhome. She didn't mind living rent free in one of their rental properties but Marco's place was a dream.

"No" Carina shook her head. She dreamily smiled as her eyes glazed with fond memories. "We alternate places. The guys are waiting on me to say the word..."

"You can't move in with them until you graduate!" Desirae shrieked. She'd heard Valentino and Marco's playful banter but she knew they were trying to wear Carina down. The guys were ready to settle down and apparently Carina was the woman for them. Desirae didn't want to lose her so soon.

"Calm down" Carina rolled up her napkin and threw it at her. "I'm not going anywhere for a while."

"But it sure is nice to crawl into bed with two hot bodies pressed between you" Sati sighed. The others giggled as Carina bobbed her head in agreement.

"Sharing time" Desirae squealed. Carina groaned knowing this meant the nosy bitches were going to interrogate her first.

"Wait" Carina barked. She eyed each girl before she continued. "Since I already know y'all planning to play 20 questions with me; it's only fair that everyone in this room has to answer equally personal stuff."

"Fine" they grumbled. Carina slowly exhaled. She warily eyed the group as they huddled together. Her jaw dropped open in utter disbelief as Sati began jotting down their questions. No fucking way! She narrowed her eyes at the girls. She could play this game too. There were things she wanted to know about them. Carina grabbed her phone and tapped on her touch screen. She typed any questions that came to mind.

"We're ready" Ariel chirped. "Each of us gets to ask you one question." The group smiled evilly at Carina who sat poised and ready for their interrogation. Carina wanted to growl with irritation. That meant
at least
six questions.

"Ask it now... This is your only chance." She groused.

"What's it like consistently having two guys in bed with you?" Ariel inquired. Carina smirked at the group. Some of the girls like Sati and Desirae had been involved in threesomes before but it wasn't on the same level as what Carina had with Valentino and Marco.

"You sound like a fucking journalist" Carina teased.

Ariel smiled proudly, "That was the intention."

Carina nibbled her lower lip contemplating how to best answer the question. Valentino and Marco were phenomenal men in every aspect. Everyone in this room knew it. "It's never boring" Carina squirmed in her seat. The girls leaned closer, even Leticia. "The guys always change it up. Sometimes they take turns, one right after the other; other times one just watches."

"For real" Ariel squealed. She fanned her overheated skin. "No wonder you guys love
so much!"

Carina's lip curled. "Other times they double penetrate... but I love it when one of the guys is balls deep inside me and the other is pressed against me holding us both."

The girls groaned. "So it doesn't matter what position they're in, the other finds a way to be all up in that too" Beatriz mused.

"Nothing better than having Valentino deep inside me on my backside while I'm lying on Marco and he's stroking my clit with his dick. Messy but fuck-tastic!"

"The guys never tag team us" Andrea pouted. Marco was a generous lover. She could only imagine what it would be like having Valentino and Marco at the same time.

"Because that's something special between them hoochie!" Desirae playfully admonished. "They may invite us into their circle but certain things remain all them."

Carina nodded. She wasn't surprised that Andrea wanted to experience them both at the same time but shit, she needed something entirely hers. Carina appreciated that Desirae understood that.

"But you've had Nicholas and Valentino at the same time right?" Leticia inquired. She'd heard the guys mention it in passing. Apparently Marco wasn't the only man Valentino had shared his women with.

"Yeah but the interaction isn't the same" Carina replied. "Nicholas and Valentino never kiss or touch each other like Marco and Valentino do."

"Does that count as her question?" Beatriz pointed at Leticia. Carina looked at her. If anything Leticia probably had the most questions out of the group.

questions stems off that" Leticia hedged. Technically Carina could tell her to fuck off. "Just to sate my twisted curiosity then" Leticia hedged. "Whenever Marco and Valentino opt for other partners... Do they ever choose to play with men?"

Andrea and Desirae trembled with excitement. Carina always willingly shared with them about her nights with the guys; especially if they weren't involved or watching.

"I don't think so" Desirae slowly stated for Carina. "I can't recall the guys partnering up with anyone besides Nicholas... And Carina's right. Watching Valentino and Marco together is a whole different level of fuck-me hotness than Valentino and Nicholas."

"We didn't even suspect either man of playing for both teams until Carina showed us the picture." Andrea sighed.

"What picture?" Leticia smirked at Desirae and Andrea with their flushed faces and dilated pupils. They were having some serious flashbacks.

"Carina, show them" Andrea giggled. "You know even now most people wouldn't suspect Marco and Valentino's bisexuality unless they're openly affectionate with each other. Those sexy fuckers attract both sexes but rarely react to another man's attentions."

"It's so fucking hot to watch Valentino and Marco going at it" Desirae crowed. "That little bit with Carina and Jaxon was nothing compared to their threesome."

"I bet" Leticia surmised. She couldn't recall a time in her life when she'd suspected Marco of being attracted to men. She'd seen the way Marco looked at Valentino throughout the years but figured it was deep friendship and hero worship. Both men were sex-on-legs. Who could resist them?

"Here's the picture" Carina turned her cell phone towards the group of girls. Leticia and Sati gawked while Beatriz openly drooled.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Beatriz groaned. Valentino and Marco's naked figures appeared on Carina's phone screen. They were facing stomach down without any bed sheets covering their muscular backs and asses. Their arms extended towards each other to the vacant space between them where Carina supposedly slept.

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