The Irresistible Bundle (66 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"So you crawled out of bed and took a picture of them?" Ariel's awed voice broke through the heavy breathing and raspy moans.

"That was our first time together as a threesome" Carina reverently whispered. She remembered that night well. Although she'd jokingly invited Marco to join them in bed his response had blindsided her. She shouldn't have been surprised since she'd had the threesome with Valentino and Sati last Halloween but Marco and Valentino always maintained such a professional relationship that she never suspected it. They'd gone back to Valentino's place that night and spoken in detail about their desires and hopes. She could see it in Marco's eyes, even then, that he loved Valentino. She couldn't understand how Valentino had been blind to that for so long. That night was their test to see if the three were compatible in bed together. And fuck yes they were. Carina remembered slipping out of bed to pee and she couldn't resist the temptation to take a picture of the men asleep. It was the image that popped up anytime Marco called.

"Wow" the girls whispered. They wanted details but Carina had limited them to one question each. Leticia had already pushed by asking two and no one else wanted to toe that line.

"Has anyone walked in on you having sex before?" Sati asked. "And Marco or Desirae and Andrea don't count."

"I love walking in on them" Desirae laughed.

Carina rolled her eyes at her best friend. "And we won't mention how you go out of your way to find us!" She huffed. Desirae eagerly nodded; completely unashamed with her blatant voyeurism. "Some of Club 69's staff members have caught us in the act. Devon walked into the office one time without knocking to drop some paperwork off. He thought since the door was unlocked and boss man was MIA; that it was safe to do so."

Desirae roared with laughter. "He told me about that!" She howled. "Devon said boss man had you bent over the desk fucking your brains out!"

"Good times! Good times!" Carina laughed.

"Remember how things got started with us" Andrea chortled. She blushed at the memory.

"Tell us the story! We never really knew how the hell you two got in" Sati pressed. At one time she'd been sure that Valentino would invite her into their "inner circle" when they'd added Marco but Carina nor Valentino had ever asked her. Sati knew she wasn't bad in bed but she couldn't fathom another reason why they wouldn't invite her on occasion like they did with Nicholas, Andrea, and Desirae.

"Valentino and Marco had to complete a walk-through of one of their rental units before we headed out to dinner. We joined them while they inspected the duplex. The group split up. Desirae, Valentino and I were in one room while Carina and Marco were in the other. All of a sudden I'm hearing this
against the wall. I told Valentino to listen thinking that something was wrong with their place. It took us like three seconds to realize what the noise actually was. We ran next door and gawked at the two horny asses that couldn't make it out of the place. Marco had Carina against the wall with his pants down and his dick pounding into her." Andrea recalled.

"And did they stop when they realized they had an audience?" Desirae quipped.

"No" Andrea and Desirae replied in unison. "So Carina being the good friend and all encouraged her men to take care of us.... That was the day Valentino learned how good Desirae is with her oral skills. Marco laughed at him but not for too much longer," Andrea replied as she high-fived Desirae.

"Well hot-damn" Ariel breathed. She looked at Beatriz wondering if Carina would've been equally "generous" had they been there too.

Sati stood up and grabbed the empty beer bottles. She tossed them in the recycle bin before grabbing more from the fridge. The group waited for her to return before they asked Carina the next question.

"Do you think the guys would ever do a threesome with Jaxon in the picture?" Beatriz asked. Some of the girls looked shocked at her question but it was a valid one. Carina and Jaxon's sexual chemistry and tension were off the charts.

Carina wasn't surprised to hear the question. "The guys and I had a lengthy discussion about Jaxon. The scene we did Independence weekend opened our eyes about a lot of issues. I'd been trying to ignore Jaxon and it obviously wasn't working. We did the scene, hashed out some things and came out better as friends."

Several of the girls made faces. Carina heard someone snickering
friends with benefits
and once upon a time that might've been true.

"There may be a time when Valentino and Marco would allow Jaxon to have sex with me in their presence. Obviously it wouldn't be if he was involved with someone and it's just a possibility. The guys aren't ready for something like that and Jaxon and I are too new into this
platonic friends
phase to even test those waters."

"So they didn't automatically forbid you" Desirae added.

"Nope... there's a possibility Jaxon and I may never have sex together again."

"Do you think Jaxon would join if Marco or Valentino were the third person?" Ariel inquired. She knew Carina said that the guys didn't do anything physical with another man but it didn't mean they wouldn't want to be front and center in the action.

"I think more than anything that Jaxon wouldn't be comfortable with that. As sexual as Jaxon is he still has his limits and that's one of them. It's why we finally have closure with our so-called relationship. He was okay with us adding a third person into the mix but only if it was a female. I'm not okay with that. Valentino and Marco are perfect for me. They understand my needs, they own my heart, and it works."

"I admire you for that" Desirae admitted. "You understand that you're not built like everyone else and you found someone who can take care of all your needs."

"You mean she found two men who understand and take care of her needs" Sati chuckled.

Carina shrugged. "Maybe one day it'll just be me and the guys. Even now it's not like I'm having sex with random people all the time. It just depends on the situation and the person who's caught our interest. It's rare for the guys to initiate with another woman but I encourage them because I don't want to feel guilty when I ask to go play with Nicholas or someone new."

"Good for you" Leticia raised her beer to toast Carina. "If it weren't for your bravery my cousin might still be silently in love with Valentino from a distance."

"Cheers" the girls toasted. Carina smiled glad that this group didn't judge her. Not everyone felt the same. She couldn't justify to people who refused to even open their minds about her relationship with Valentino and Marco. Was it the kind of relationship everyone should have? Hell no. But was it right for her and the guys? Absolutely.

"Does it ever bother you when the guys are with someone else?" Andrea asked. Carina constantly reassured them that she was okay with their arrangement but Andrea sometimes wondered. She wasn't sure if she could watch her close friends having sex with the
she loved and not feel an ounce of jealousy or insecurity.

"I'd be a hypocrite if I was" Carina replied.

"But you're human" Leticia interjected. "You don't feel even a smidge of insecurity or bitterness with the partners they choose or anything?"

"Desirae sucks dick like a champion" Carina replied making the girls laugh. "I'm only partially as talented. I can make my men come but I can't bring them to their knees the way Des can and I'm okay with that. I love being able to watch them in complete ecstasy as Desirae sucks them off. The girls know I encourage the guys. I love watching Marco
Andrea something new. I'm fulfilled sexually and emotionally when I see my men loving on my favorite girls. Desirae and Andrea know the score. They can love Marco and Valentino as intimate friends but there will never be another person added to our permanent circle."

"Never say never" Beatriz wagged her finger. "If that's the case I'd be glad to do a trade off one night. Brody for the men."

The girls howled with laughter as Leticia looked around. "This is another one of those times I don't understand" she groaned.

"Brody is that big ass bouncer you met over the summer" Beatriz replied. "He's my number one bed buddy. That man has got a nice package!"

"We've noticed" Desirae chortled.

"You mean
noticed" Carina snorted. "I swear Desirae can't help herself. She looks at every guy's dick when she first meets them. She won't give them the time of day if their pants don't bulge the right way."

"That's not true!" Desirae huffed. "I gave Devon a chance before sneaking a peak at those pants."

"Because his dreads and upper body were already to die for" Carina snickered.

"You didn't deny Carina's statement" Leticia observed. Desirae flushed with embarrassment further confirming it. "I look too" Leticia dramatically whispered. She winked at Desirae making the others laugh.

"Carina I wish you'd say my name like that" Ariel whined. The group scrunched their faces in confusion as they stared at the red-head.

"What do you mean?" Carina asked.

"You roll your r's when you say Andrea's and Beatriz's names. You even give Leticia a Spanish flare to her name." Ariel observed.

"I say their names like I would in Spanish. If I said yours in Spanish it would be similar to how Sebastian says it in
The Little Mermaid
." Carina replied.

"Would you" Ariel's face lit-up. The girls rolled their eyes but smiled with appreciation. Carina let a hint of her Spanish accent slip into her everyday language. It made her stand out even more.

"Des should I be afraid of your question?" Carina asked. "You're the only one who hasn't gone."

"I don't know" Desirae mused. "I'm afraid to know what you intend to ask me."

Carina smiled wickedly. There was only one question she was willing to ask in front of their roommates and friends. The other questions were family matters, far more personal and not appropriate for tonight's girls' night.

"I'll play nice" Carina assured her.

Desirae frowned. Carina's face spelled all sorts of trouble. Desirae looked at the group. They were all relaxed and happy. If this is what their weekends were going to look like for the school year then it was going to be a fabulous year. Desirae might not even have to go back home at all.

"We all know you're an exhibitionist. We've seen you get tied up, blindfolded and double penetrated."

"I haven't seen that" Leticia's hand shot up in the air. "Me neither" Beatriz scoffed. Ariel pouted in agreement.

"We'll make sure Nicholas invites you to their next scene" Desirae assured the others. It was easy to forget who actually had free access to the estate. Leticia had watched the scene between Carina and Jaxon but she'd never seen Valentino and Marco with her.

"Wait would you even want to see Marco in action?" Desirae asked Leticia. It was a valid question to ask!

"I would" Leticia shrugged. "He's my second cousin. I can look I just won't touch."

"I don't blame you" Beatriz giggled. "I would too!" The girls nodded in agreement.

"I want to know your level of kink with the guys... Or maybe what you would
do. Either way..." Desirae stated. Everyone knew she ran the dungeon and she'd never seen Carina with the men down there.

"Valentino loves to spank me and then take me from behind. Marco loves to make me walk around with a butt plug for hours on end until I'm so desperately horny that I tear his clothes off and fuck him until we both pass out."

"Damn" the girls breathed.

"We've used all sorts of toys. You already know we love to watch and be watched. I won't let them use a cane or whip on me. I'm not into that kind of pain. Fortunately they aren't either. We haven't done any kind of dress up stuff. Valentino mentioned installing a sex swing after watching Sati's performance."

"I'm sure Sati would be more than willing to provide lessons" Beatriz humped the air while Sati looked down.

"I'll mention it to the guys" Carina warmly stated. Sati looked uncomfortable with Beatriz's suggestion. Carina knew it was partly her fault. She'd distanced herself from Sati when it came to Valentino. She didn't want Sati to get too attached.

"Your turn Carina" Andrea proclaimed.

Carina looked at the group. There were only two girls she really had questions for. Maybe she could make the others do something in exchange.

"Desirae first" Carina exclaimed. Desirae groaned and threw herself onto the floor. She should've known Carina was going after her first.

"I'm still a virgin" Desirae deadpanned, "Thinking about becoming a nun."

Carina rolled her eyes. "You haven't been a virgin since you hit puberty - try again!"

"You either" Desirae shrilled. She wasn't the only one who'd begun her sexual explorations early in life.

"You're right" Carina conceded. "Now focus" she snapped her fingers at her best friends. She ignored Desirae's panicked expression. Fair was fair. The heifers had all asked detailed questions. Nothing had been a simple yes or no. "When are you finally going to give in and go for it?"

"What the fuck kind of question is that?" Desirae huffed. "Let's be as vague as possible here!"

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