The Irresistible Bundle (136 page)

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Authors: Senayda Pierre

BOOK: The Irresistible Bundle
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"Wow this is unheard of" Griffin proclaims as Jaxon approaches. "The mighty Mr. Wright is not with the girls on ladies' night."

"They finally ditch your ass" I tease. I don't know how the hell he managed to weasel his way into their girls-only Friday night rituals... but he did and they've included him every Friday night since.

"Nah" he drawls, always confident about his status with the girls. They've somehow found a balance between their group, with Jaxon in the mix. "They're doing spa stuff and that's where I draw the line. I can get a massage once in a while but I refuse to sit through hours of facials, manicures, and all that girly shit." He grumbles. We laugh at his misery. Apparently he assumed the girls would always consider him regarding their plans. Not.

"So because they abandoned you
you come hang with us" Marco smirks. He loves giving Jaxon shit. None of us can hang with the flock of girls like Jaxon can. I don't even know how he handles the amount of estrogen and drama that flows through them on a daily basis.

"I'm surprised you're not working" Jaxon responds, completely ignoring the jab.

"It's amazing the girls haven't killed you by now" Nicholas chuckles. Instantly I straighten my spine. Carina hasn't mentioned any dramas going on.

"Haven't killed me and haven't gotten tired of me yet" he gloats. It is amazing how close they are. Jaxon sees the girls every day between classes, eating lunch and dinner together, doing that self-defense course during the week, practicing for their performances, and their weekend gigs at the estate and nightclub.

"Your uncle mentioned the girls are excelling in the course" Nicholas leans forward wanting to hear his take. All eyes land on Jaxon wanting to hear his response.

"They are" he agrees. He's no longer gloating but there's a flash of pride in his voice. "They've taken really well to it. Every one of the girls has found their strengths and they're working really hard on the things they're not good at to become competent. Desirae and Carina have killer instincts."

"We saw that when Des hit Chelsea with those viscous elbows. Maybe we should get her training for MMA. She's hot and violent. Could make us a ton of money" Griffin jokes. The guys all laugh but I can't. If I hadn't pulled Desirae away she would've been arrested for attempted murder. Griffin's right though; her punishing elbows did maximum damage in the least amount of blows.

"She makes me a ton of money already" Nicholas snorts. "She doesn't need to go anywhere else."

"I'm sorry I missed that" Rafe joins in. He looks at everyone hoping to hear the story but his words instantly sober us.

"It should've never happened" Valentino's quiet, sharp tone shuts everyone up. He really is the guy in the group that everyone notices but he doesn't always speak up. Around Carina he lights up and comes out of his shell but everywhere else he's reserved yet well-spoken.

"Regardless" Nicholas sighs. Marco pats Rafe on the back trying to reassure him that he hasn't said anything wrong. I cough trying to hide my laugh as Valentino glares at Marco. Really? The dude just patted Rafe and Valentino's jealous.

"What about the others?" I ask. I'm most interested in my two troublemakers but it's only fair to know how Andrea and the other girls are faring.

"I think Andrea lied when she said she was inexperienced with a gun. She beats all the other girls in target practice every week. Ariel is the only one that I think isn't really committed to this. She hasn't shown up to every class and she does a half-ass job most of the time. It's starting to piss the girls off but they need her for the weekend performances."

"That can be easily remedied" Nicholas' brusque tone surprises us. "Ariel has a nice voice but she isn't as valuable as the others. She's replaceable and if I need to remind her of that fact I gladly will."

"Things haven't been the same since Desirae attacked Chelsea" Valentino adds. "From what I've seen Ariel doesn't hang out with the girls anymore. Beatriz balances her time between them. If it wasn't for these performances I think Ariel wouldn't associate with them anymore."

"Have you talked to the girls about it?" I ask. Isn't that the easiest solution? Plus with Leticia around, I'm sure they can more than make up for it.

"I intend to" Nicholas sighs. "I just need them to get through the next few events and then if she wants to walk she can."

Murmurs of approval fill the air. "How are things with you and Desirae?" Nicholas asks. The smirk on his face reveals plenty. He must've talked to Freckles recently.

"On some days I'm trying to hold onto fistfuls of sand and other days..." I shrug not even sure how to describe the tenuous grasp I have on anything pertaining to Desirae. "I've had to get down and dirty in the trenches as of late to even break any ground."

"You aren't following her around like a lovesick fool so I'm guessing she hasn't put her mouth on you yet" Marco snickers. I bite my lip refusing to react. He should know. I still can't put my head around why my sister would allow her two closest friends to do
to her men.

"You run like hell when she starts licking her lips" Nicholas chuckles. Rafe's eyes widen with interest.

"Because I know what she's capable of" Marco admits. "I've been sucked by plenty of talented mouths and none come close to Troublemaker's."

"That's not the kind of progress I want to make" I snap. I'm not like Valentino and Marco with their countless one-night stands and casual affairs. They hit the fucking jackpot when Carina stepped into their lives. Not everyone gets that lucky. No with Desirae sex can't be a part of the main equation. Sex is her armor. She uses it as a shield and a weapon. I've loosened the reins and given her a little of what she wants but something has to give before I go any further with her.

"Keep at it" Valentino urges. "You've knocked her off balance, now work with it." There are more words like
gain the momentum
and blah, blah, blah but I'm still stuck on knocking her off balance. Desirae confides in Carina and Valentino most. Do they know something that I've overlooked?

"She's worth it" Nicholas enunciates like he's said it more than once already.

"I agree." I can't talk about her anymore. The battle to win Desirae's heart is exhausting. Is it too much to ask for her just to give in and take a chance? Taking that strategy would probably get me laughed at for the rest of eternity. But trying her method hasn't garnered me as much success as I'd hoped. There has to be some middle ground for both of us. I just have to identify it and plan accordingly.

"Let's go do something manly" Jaxon exclaims before chugging the rest of his beer.

"Hanging out with the guys isn't enough?" I taunt. He's probably overdosed on estrogen as of recently. But his antics are exactly what I need to clear my head.

"Dude you guys are talking like chicks sharing your feelings and shit. Let's go break something or piss over the railing. Something macho."

"And stupid" Marco shakes his head. "Macho doesn't mean being ignorant."

"Whatever" Jaxon waves him off. "Anything but sitting here talking about our feelings and asking for advice."

"I've got an idea" Nicholas rubs his hands together while looking at each of us. I don't really like the wicked gleam in his eyes. "Follow me" he states. Everyone looks at each other suddenly unsure about what he intends to do. But like good little sheep we follow. Hopefully it's not to our slaughter.



"Guess who booked a room tonight?" Leticia saunters into our apartment. It's just me, Andrea, and Jaxon; which is kind of weird. Carina's with her men and Sati is helping one of the other groups from the nightclub to come up with a choreographed routine. The girl has a brilliant mind for that kind of stuff.

"Tell me its Carina and the guys" I waggle my eyebrows suggestively. It's been weeks since they've done anything big for the estate. I know Nicholas is dying for them to put on a scene. Apparently V had a big fetish in his day, before Carina and Marco claimed him. Doesn't mean his fetish disappeared, he just reins it in more now.

"It is" Leticia sings. She's like a fucking kid in a candy store right now. My eyes widen realizing that the little horn ball wants to watch them in action. She plops onto Jaxon's lap giggling the moment he nuzzles her neck.

"You realize Marco will be in on this" I drawl. Leticia's let everyone know she wants to see Carina and Valentino going at it but who really wants to watch their cousin having sex with someone? Well, if my cousin looked like Marco....

"It's such a sacrifice" she groans. Andrea snorts while Jaxon watches her carefully. They've only been "officially" together for a few weeks but they'd been circling each other for some time before that. His eyes rove over her face trying to get a read on her. It's no secret that Jaxon loves watching Carina in whatever capacity. Best friend or not those two still have a nuclear level of sexual tension, they've just found other ways to deal with it.

"Is it an open voyeur room?" He asks. When Valentino's feeling extra frisky they do a scene in the main room welcoming just about anyone to watch. Well, except Diego of course. Sometimes I'm amazed how Carina can still walk the next day.

"Invite only" she smirks. Leticia passes out our invitations. That's all I need to know. I hustle into my room to get ready for the evening. I caress the leather pieces hanging in my closet. I'm so glad we finally got our own rooms. As much as I enjoyed sharing a dorm room with Carina it hindered my clothes fetish. I had to store half my clothes and shoes elsewhere in order to keep a somewhat organized room.

My fingers toy with several leather bottoms. I fucking love my leather pants. Their sexy, supple; really to die for... but I don't want them for tonight. I grab a leather skirt, thongs, and an off-the-shoulder top. I hop in the shower with a shit-eating grin. No bra tonight; letting the girls hang loose. If Diego gets an eyeful he'll either be pissed or horny as hell. I'm really hoping for the latter.

The outfit covers everything while revealing plenty. Fucking love it! I grab one of my beloved pairs of black Louboutins, slather on some eye makeup and lipstick and strut out of my room. I'm going for the messy hair look tonight so I don't have to do anything special to it. Andrea whistles as I enter the living room eyeing me from head to toe. I whistle right back at her and all her sexiness. She's wearing a red lace halter top, red and black checkered high-waist short-shorts and black leather thigh-high boots. She is smoking hot.

"You jetting into the dungeons afterwards?" Andrea's eyes glitter. It's typical for me to go to the dungeons when I'm hot and bothered.

"Nope" I go for nonchalance. I've got Greg and Bambi covering things for the night. I haven't spent any alone time with Greg since we fucked and I prefer to keep it that way. I know he wants a casual thing with me but how can I want anyone else when I have Diego? I fucked up that day, me and Diego. But it won't happen again.

"Let's go sexy ladies!" Jaxon calls from the doorway practically dragging Leticia with him. Somehow the man makes low hanging jeans and a cotton t-shirt sexy as fuck. My stomach tightens with anticipation as we hop into his car.


"They already started" Leticia chides us as we walk past the common room. "Hurry up" she squeaks. She's practically jogging while Andrea and I saunter through the luxurious estate. I never get tired of being here. I really could live beneath this roof. I suspect Nicholas does. I swear the man doesn't own a home.

"Where you guys headed?" Griffin comes from the dining hall looking surprised to see us. He looks between the four of us, instantly picking up on what we're about to do. "Dude I'm out" he calls out behind him. I don't have to look to know he's talking to Diego. I pick up the pace not wanting to be stopped. One thing Diego's going to have to learn is that I have my quirks. The dungeons and watching Carina and the guys is one of them. Take it or leave it.

"Why is firecracker running away from you?" Rafe sniggers. He says it loud enough for all of us to hear but I don't care.

"Fucking-A" Diego moans. "Are you serious?"

"Yep" I call out knowing he's figured it out just as quickly as his best friend. Too bad he can't join in on the fun. I'd love to feel him up while watching them.

"You better not fool around in there" he hollers.

"Where are they going" Rafe's flustered voice echoes behind us. If the trio hadn't already started I would've gladly informed him on where we were headed. But no one else seems concerned so I won't be either. Maybe he can keep Diego company while we have our fun.

Leticia waves the security guard away from the door allowing us all entry. Rafe comes barreling through the door looking thoroughly chagrined. His cheeks flush as he feels all eyes on him.

"What" he mutters, "Y'all don't want me in here?"

"Enjoy the show pretty boy" I purr. Rafe isn't pretty like Jaxon but it's fun giving him a hard time about it. Jax has the perfect features and body type. He's aesthetically pleasing to look at. Eye candy I tell you. He could be a fucking model if he wanted. Instead he chooses to use his brains. Fucking nerd.

Rafe has a more exotic look with his olive skin, dark hair, and crazy gray eyes. He has such an expressive face. My eyes graze over his handsome face, hard body, and artist's hands. Now that I know what he's capable of with those hands... Hmmm.

Carina's moan turns everyone's heads in their direction. An entire wall made of one-way glass sits in front of us. This isn't like the other rooms they usually do their thing in. Valentino doesn't mind having sex in a glass enclosure, open spaces, or a private room with viewing holes. He gets off knowing people watch him, anywhere, anytime. I swear the man can stay hard for hours on end with just that knowledge alone.

Marco's on the bottom, flat on his back with Carina straddling him. I know this is one of their favorite positions. Everyone gets in on the action without having to constantly double penetrate her. Carina thrusts her hips back and forth against Marco's dick while Valentino pounds into her from behind. He's the only one penetrating at the moment but everyone's thoroughly enjoying themselves.

"Are you serious?" Leticia grumbles. I giggle knowing what she's complaining about.

"He has a nice dick" I point out. She may not want to look at it but I damn sure do.

"Couldn't they have picked a different position?" She whines, "They knew we'd be watching."

"Listen sugar, you're the only one complaining" Rafe smirks. His eyes remain riveted with the threesome in front of him. Even when Carina leans to the side so that Valentino and Marco can open-mouth kiss, Rafe doesn't look away. He absently palms his erection causing my lower muscles to clench. Fuck maybe watching my favorite trio with all this testosterone in the room isn't the best idea.

"What are you doing?" Leticia squeals. Jaxon briskly pulls his hand away from her breast. He whispers apologies into her neck.

"No sense being a prude in here" I drawl. "I might be playing with my clit before they're through."

"Can't you behave for one night?" Griffin wails. "I don't want to have to report anything to Diego."

"Don't fucking start with me" I growl.

Carina screams as Marco pinches her nipples. Valentino slams into her hips. He shudders and roars before collapsing onto the bed bedside them. Carina topples onto Marco but they aren't finished. Marco gives her a brief reprieve but he doesn't wait a moment longer. Just as my core cools down he grabs his dick sliding right into Carina.

The room echoes Carina's groan as she sits up riding him. She twirls her hips changing the angle and depth every few strokes. Marco tilts his head back grunting with pleasure. His hands are everywhere, on her tits, hips, and thighs. Carina shifts from her knees onto the soles of her feet, riding him high, slamming down hard. Our room quickly increases in temperature.

Marco sits up so they're chest to chest. He grabs her by the hips slamming her down onto his pelvis. Her lips part; her cheeks flush; she throws her head back. My body's on fire with no relief within reach. Marco growls a command instantly making Carina fall apart in his arms. He slams her down onto him a few more times before he follows right behind her.

"Damn" Leticia's awed voice echoes in the enclosed space. We're all breathing raggedly. The smell of our arousal permeates the room. Although we're even numbered it's probably the first time where only one couple will actually act on their desire. I ignore Andrea and Griffin's incognito attempts to touch themselves. Leticia's finally given into Jaxon, allowing him to finger fuck her with an audience present. Now that would be something fun to watch: Jaxon getting Leti to completely let go in front of an audience... The man's a little too like Valentino in that department. Maybe that's what had Carina torn between the two for some time.

"I'm out people" my husky voice has Rafe groaning in frustration.

"I'm out too" he announces. I instantly freeze. My heart picks up its pace. Would he seriously approach Diego about a threesome? I don't see Diego being as open with his friends as Carina is with Andrea and me.

"I can approach anyone right" his gruff voice moistens my already soaked thong. Damn I should've worn more material down there.

"As long as they consent you're good to go" I reply. We walk out of the room and down the hall. Rafe should have no problems finding some pussy for the night. I just hope the same can be said for me.... At least when it comes to Diego and his dick.

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