The Girl Before Eve (4 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

BOOK: The Girl Before Eve
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He nodded. “Yeah…like a date.” He felt the heat rise in his own cheeks, too.

She bit her lower lip and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “That…that would be… I would like that, yes… Thank you,” she stuttered.

Adam wanted to thrust a triumphant fist into the air but reined himself in. “Great…great. That’s great. How about Friday? We could go into town to this great place I know called
Jekyll and Hyde
bar. It’s really good… They sometimes have live music and the drinks aren’t too expensive…not that it would matter… I’m not saying I’m broke… I just…well—”

She shrugged. “Adam, we’re students. We’re

“Yeah…I suppose that’s true. So Friday? Half seven? I’ll pick you up here?”

She smiled. “Lovely. I’ll look forward to it.”

“Me too, me too. But of course I’ll see you before then.”

“I’m sure you will. Bye for now, Adam.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. His hand came up to touch where she had kissed. A huge grin spread across his face.

“Bye, Eve,” he almost whispered. As he backed away, he stumbled and nearly fell over the edging stones that surrounded the borders outside her building. She covered her mouth as she laughed and his cheeks burned with embarrassment. He waved, turned, and jogged away, trying his best to remain upright.


Lily lay on her back in bed…wide awake. Checking her watch, she sighed when she realised it was seven o’clock, and she had been awake almost all night. Ditching Adam and Eve yesterday had been a pretty cowardly thing to do. She could admit that, as she lay there alone. Just seeing Adam gawping at Eve had made her chest hurt. She regretted introducing them the minute she saw the expression on his face. And of course Eve was everything she wasn’t. She was pretty, blonde, and demure. Lily saw herself as gawky, plain, crass, and a bit clumsy, not to mention brash, opinionated, and well…the very antithesis of Eve. Okay, she had only just met Eve, so she couldn’t really tell
what she was like, but…well, it was obvious.

Sighing, she clenched her fists and punched back onto the mattress, kicking her legs and growling at herself. Why couldn’t she just effing get over him? He was out of bounds. He was her bestie. Her BFF. Her bro. Her buddy. Her pal. Except that wasn’t
he was. He was tall and broad and muscular and strong and handsome and intelligent and funny and sweet and sexy and…
Shitty shitty shit! This is doing me no bloody good.

She sat up and took in a deep breath. An inner conflict sprang to the forefront of her mind.
Maybe I should talk to him….and say what though? Adam…you know that you and I used to climb trees together and play cops and robbers in your back garden? And you remember that time you punched Stewart whatshisname because he pinched my snack? Oh and you remember when I drew flowers all over your cast when you broke your arm and you sulked because I couldn’t draw dragons instead? Well the thing is, I’ve been in love with you for a while now, and I’d like you to forget about Eve and be my boyfriend, and maybe one day marry me so I can have your babies. Is that all alright with you?
She laughed out loud at the ridiculousness of her train of thought.

She trudged down to the shower and tried to scrub anything other than platonic thoughts of Adam away. Her first lecture wasn’t until ten, and Adam hadn’t called in last night to arrange breakfast, so she decided she would study. That would take her mind off him.

She had been back in her room for ten minutes when there was a knock on the door. Reluctantly, she opened it.

“Bloody hell, Adders, you’re up early. Did you pee in your bed or something?”

He pursed his lips and frowned at her. “I fucking regret telling you that story, you know. I was twelve and I’d had a
for fuck’s sake.”

Lily shook her head. “Actually, I had totally forgot—”

“Anyway, you can’t spoil my mood today.”

“Oh damn, and I make it my life’s work to do so.” She smirked as he pushed past her and plopped down on her bed. “Come in, why don’t you?” She snorted sarcastically.

“Get the kettle on, Lil. I’m parched.” He flung himself back on the bed with his arms behind his head.

Sighing, she went over to the tiny table where her travel kettle, mugs, coffee, and little cartons of UHT milk—discretely pinched from every café they went to—sat in a pyramid. “So what’s making you so chipper at this early hour?” she asked turning around to face him, her arms folded across her chest.

He sat bolt upright with a grin on his face. “I owe you a huge thank you.”

Feeling a tad confused, she scrunched her nose. “For what?”

“For yesterday, silly. I know what you did.” He grinned as he pointed a finger at her. “You could tell I was into Eve, and so you made excuses and left so that I could get to know her a little better.”

Realisation dawned on her and a nervous giggle escaped. “Oh…yes, busted.”

“Yeah…well, we had a lovely afternoon just chatting and walking. She’s a great girl, Lil… Anyway, I asked her out on Friday and she said yes.” He beamed and punched the air with both fists.

Her heart sank. It was what she’d expected but maybe not this quickly. “Oh…that’s…that’s great, Adam…great… I’m happy for you.”

“Bloody hell, you must be
shocked that a girl like her could fancy me! You called me
That’s only reserved for when I’ve pissed you off or…” He looked to the ceiling as he contemplated. “Well, mainly when I’ve pissed you off.” He laughed.

She forced a laugh, too. “Yeah, shocked is about right.” The kettle clicked off, making her jump. “Oh shit, Adders, I’ve just remembered I need to…erm…nip out. Can we do coffee later, maybe?”

He frowned. “You have to go out at
eight o’clock
on a Tuesday morning with wet hair?”

Thinking on her feet, she nodded emphatically. “Hmmm…yes, women’s things.” She cringed. She knew that would make him leave without asking.

His cheeks coloured and he stood quickly. “Oh right, right. I’ll be off then. Catch you at lunch?” She nodded. “Okay, see you at the refectory then. Bye.” He ducked out of the door.

Amazing how quickly the hint of the feminine monthly cycle could relieve a woman of an unwanted male presence. As soon as the door slammed shut, she walked over to her bed and slumped down.

With her head in her hands, she began to sob.


Chapter Four

Blue Eyes
(Elton John)

October 2000 – Edinburgh University

Adam simply couldn’t wait until Friday. It was all he had thought about since…well…Monday. It was the light at the end of the weeklong tunnel where he would get to spend the evening with the stunning Eve. And hopefully, if he had the guts, he would kiss her. He’d seen her on a couple of occasions during the week but only to wave to or say a quick hello in passing. She had smiled shyly and tucked her hair behind her ear in that cute way she had, but he hadn’t even had a chance to check that their date was still on
. Shit, what if she doesn’t show up?
Nah, he was picking her up so that was fine.
What if I call on her and she turns me down?
Nah, she didn’t seem the type to do that

He would just have to wait.

He was sure he’d driven Lily completely mad talking about Eve. He had asked her advice on all sorts of stuff…her being a girl and all. For the most part, she’d been really great. But she had been very moody. Mind you, she did mention
women’s stuff,
so that would explain a lot.

Sitting at the table at lunch on Thursday, he was too nervous to eat. He had been waffling on at Lily for ages. So much so that she appeared to have glazed over and drifted off.

That is until she suddenly interrupted his latest round of
Oooh isn’t Eve pretty
by blurting out, “I’ve met someone.” The interjection pissed him off a little.

Adam huffed. “Have you? That’s great. Who is he? Need me to vet him for you?” He smirked with enthusiasm. He enjoyed intimidating Lily’s conquests.

She snorted. “Adam, we aren’t at school now.”

He felt a little stab of hurt at her tone and the fact that she seemed to be calling him
a lot lately. “Oookay…so who is he then?”

She sat up straight. “His name’s Elliot Longthorne and he’s studying music. He’s in his final year. He looks a bit like Chris Cornell, and he likes Soundgarden and all the other music I love.” She smiled enthusiastically.

“Oh…great. When do I get to meet him?” Adam was trying not to smirk, thinking that Elliott’s name sounded like a cross between a
Harry Potter
character and something out of
Lord of the Rings

“Dunno. He’s taking me out Friday. So you’re not the only one with a date. We’re off into Edinburgh. Think we’re going to a party after at his mate’s house.”

Warning bells sounded in Adam’s mind. “Well, just be careful, okay? You hardly know him and going to a house party might not be a great idea.”

She rolled her eyes. “God, you sound like my dad.” She huffed folding her arms in a teenager type strop.

Adam pointed a finger at her. “Yeah, well.
Your dad
trusts me to look after you whilst we’re here, remember?”

She sighed as she leaned toward him narrowing her eyes. “Adam, how many times do I need to remind you that I’m an
and I can watch out for myself?” She stood and stormed off. He followed her with his eyes. She made her way over to a group of longhaired
types. She locked mouths with the one he now presumed to be Chris Cornell or Pippy Longstocking or whatever the fuck he was called. What did he care anyway? He had Friday night to look forward to with Eve.


After asking Lily’s advice about what to wear, Adam had settled for dark jeans, a plain white T-shirt, and a pale blue shirt open over the top. He pulled on his brown suede jacket and his boots and set off. Lily told him there was no point taking her flowers because she wouldn’t have brought a vase to uni. And a basket of flowers was something you bought for your Gran. Chocolates were a no-no simply because if Eve was like
women she would be weight-conscious, and it was far too early for jewellery. So he knocked on her door on time, but empty handed and feeling rather uncomfortable with the fact.

When Eve opened the door, he couldn’t help but inhale sharply. She stood there in a long flowing multi-coloured skirt, a fitted white T-shirt, and a cropped denim jacket. Her golden locks fell just over her shoulders, and he had to fight the overpowering urge to take the shimmering strands into his fingers to feel their softness. She was utterly mesmerising. She smiled widely and blushed.

Realising he had stared open mouthed at her—
—he felt his cheeks heat. “Wow…you…you look…beautiful.”

Eve bit her lip. “And hello to you too, Adam.” Her warm smile melted his heart. He had to stifle a groan and cleared his throat.

“Are you ready to go?”

“Yes, I just need to grab my scarf and bag. She stepped over to her bed and did just that. “Ready now,” she chimed, closing her door behind her. He held out his elbow and she linked arms with him.

After a walk filled with conversation, they arrived at the
Jekyll and Hyde
with its black paintwork and poster-laden windows.  Dim lighting in the interior created an eerie, Halloween-esque atmosphere, which was enhanced by black chandeliers, dark gothic seating, and carved woodwork.  The ambience was spooky but with an element of fun, too. There was a lively buzz of chatter, as it appeared that much of the student population had descended on the place at the same time. The bar staff weaved around each other with ease, and Adam and Eve chatted as best they could whilst they waited to be served. With drinks in hand, they went through to a quieter, separate little area off to the left and grabbed the last remaining table.

A shy silence descended on the couple. Then the typical situation where two people start talking at once occurred.

“So what music—”

“Have you made any—”

They laughed and then both gestured simultaneously. “
You first
.” It was enough to break the ice and they both relaxed.

Eve took a breath. “Okay…I was just going to ask what type of music you like.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He loved how she did that.
So very cute.

“Well, I have quite eclectic taste really… I love rock and Indie stuff. I’ve just bought Pearl Jam’s latest CD.”

She frowned. “
? That’s been out ages.”

Adam cringed. “Yeah…never got around to buying it when it first came out.”

A wistful look washed over her face. “
is my favourite. I just love
Given to Fly.
It sends shivers down my spine.”

He smiled widely. “Hey, that’s my favourite too.” He took a sip of his beer. “It’s funny, I never would have taken you for a grunge rocker.”

She tilted her head to one side. “Ah well, they do say never judge a book by its cover.”

He grinned. “They certainly do. So what else do you like?”

“I have a huge soft spot for Jeff Buckley. His music is just…well…transcendent.”

“Yeah, he was a talented guy. I was shocked when I heard he’d died. Such a waste.”

“I cried for days when I heard about it.
is one of my all-time favourite albums. Listening to
still makes me cry now.” She cleared her throat as if the emotions were bubbling to the surface.

He leaned forward, filled with enthusiasm that this beautiful girl seemed to be the whole package, stunning, intelligent, and a brilliant taste in music. He couldn’t believe his luck. “The guy had an amazing voice, didn’t he?”

“Oh yes, his vocal range was astounding.” A glass collector came and removed some empties left by the table’s previous occupants. Once he had gone, Eve turned to Adam. “What were you going to ask me? When we both started talking at the same time, I mean.”

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