The Girl Before Eve (22 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

BOOK: The Girl Before Eve
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“Charming, thanks, I feel so much better.”

“I haven’t finished.”

“Oh, I apologise. Do continue. This is helping me to no end.”

“Shut up. You have a noble profession—”


“Durrr…Adam, you’re a teacher.
women find that sexy as hell.”

He snorted. “Again, thanks.”

“You own your own home, you earn a decent wage, and you have a nice smile—”

He grinned. “I do?”

Her cheeks coloured. “According to the women I know, you do.”

“You don’t know that many women. You only know two that I’m aware of and they’re both old enough to be my Gran.”

She rolled her eyes. “Do you know what? Fuck off and I won’t try to help you then.”

Adam sniggered. “No, please do carry on. I’m sorry.”

“You have what they call the complete package, Adders.”

He felt the heat in his cheeks rise, and he placed his hands over his groin. “What do you know about my package?”

She blushed. “Not
package, you idiot! You
the complete package! I wasn’t talking about what’s in your trousers!” She shook her head. “I mean you have the full gambit. You know…the full monty—”

“There you go again talking about me getting my package out!”

She threw her arms up. “Not the Full Monty as in the male strippers, you tit!”

He pondered things for a moment. “So you think I have a lot to offer a woman and that’s why I’m getting a good response?”

She burst out laughing. “Finally, the penny has dropped. God, you can be dense sometimes.”


The club was already heaving when they arrived. Bodies gyrated on the dance floor and the lights pulsed along with the beat. Adam felt out of place.

“Lil, why did we have to come here? I’m sure I’ve just seen two girls from my S5 class.”

She slapped his chest. “Oh shut up moaning. Just don’t hit on them and you’ll be fine.”

She was already quite drunk when they left the last pub. A club was not really on Adam’s

He gasped in disgust. “I have
intention of hitting on
, never mind kids from my school who are clearly drinking under age. What if they see me in here?”

“Oooh, it’ll add to the rumours that you actually have a life. Won’t that be terrible?” she responded sarcastically.

“One drink and then I’m off. You can come with me or you can make your own way home.” He knew very well he was stuck here for as long as she wanted to stay. There was no way he would leave her to make her own way home.

“You’re a boring old fart,” she grumbled.

“Oy! Less of the

They made their way to the bar and after what felt like an age, he managed to get the bartender’s attention. “Two bottles of whatever beer you’ve got.”

The bartender placed two bottles in front of him. “Ten eighty.”

His eyes widened. “I only asked for two! I’m not buying for the whole fucking club!”

“Aye and like I said…ten eighty.” The burly looking man behind the bar stared him down.

Reluctantly, Adam handed over his cash and passed a bottle to Lily. “Savour it coz it’s all you’re getting at that price.”

She rolled her eyes. “Boring
tight with your money. Forget what I said at home about you having the whole package.”

They sat on the only two stools available at the bar. He glanced around the room and caught the eye of a dark-haired woman leaning up against a pillar by the dance floor. She smiled. He looked behind him to check who she was looking at. She laughed and bit her bottom lip seductively.
Shit, she really is eyeing me up.

Lily glanced over in the direction of his gaze. She leaned into Adam and spoke directly into his ear, no doubt so she could be heard over the noise. “I think you’re in with a chance there, Adders.” She pulled away and looked into his eyes.

He smiled and bending forward, shouted into Lily’s ear. “You think so?”

She just nodded. He glanced back over and the dark haired woman was still watching him. Lily leaned in again. “The more I lean into you, the more she licks her lips and stares. I’m making her jealous, which is making her want you more.”

He scrunched his nose. “Eh?”

Lily giggled. “Women usually want either what they
have…or what another woman
.” She fought the urge to just kiss him, consequences be damned. What would he do?

“Really? Fucking hell, Lil. You’re like a font of knowledge for all things female.”

She gaped at him. “You make that sound like a shocking thing! I am a bloody woman, you know.”

“Yeah…yeah…you are… I know, sorry.”

“I’m off to go pee.” She huffed and stormed off.

Shit, I’ve pissed her off again. This is becoming a habit
. He sat there drinking his beer and minding his own business when someone touched his leg.

“Hi…is this seat taken?” He swung his head around and locked gazes with the dark-haired woman from earlier.

Smooth Adam, very smooth

“Did you upset your girlfriend or will she be re-joining you?” The woman had a sultry smile.

He shook his head. “Erm…no…Lily’s not my girlfriend.”

“Oh good, I’ll sit then. I’m Gina.” She held out her hand.

He shook it a bit too firmly, like he would grasp the hand of a male colleague. “I’m Adam.”

“Good to meet you, Adam.”

She was quite pretty close up. Slim and petite with black hair in a very short style, a little bit like a Pixie. Her hair just covered her ears and he had to fight his semi-drunken urge to check to see if they were pointy. Her eyes were almond shaped and he couldn’t really tell how old she was.

“Erm, good to meet you too. Can I get you a drink?”
Please say no

She held up her glass. “No thanks, I’m good…just got one.”



“So, Gina…what do you do?”

“I’m a hotel receptionist at the West Sentinel. You?”

“Teacher…high school.”

“Oh wow, a brain-box then?”

He rubbed the back of his neck feeling heat rise in his cheeks. “I wouldn’t say that.”

“Are you kidding me? Teachers are hot.”
Okay, so Lil may have had a point

He smiled. “Well…thanks.”

Gina narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you sure that girl you were with before wasn’t your girlfriend?”

He laughed. “No…she’s my best friend.”

She licked her lips. “Hmmm, best friend with benefits I bet.”

He raised his eyebrows. “Erm…what do you mean? That we…have

She giggled. “Exactly. I saw how she was pawing you. She had
written all over her face. She was all possessive like.”

He chuckled a little and shook his head. “Nah, it’s not like that with us. I don’t see her that way. We don’t see
each other
that way. She’s just my friend, that’s all. Nothing more.”


No one else was in the ladies’ room when Lily pushed through the door. She breathed a sigh of relief. Why was being close to him so hard tonight? She berated herself for suggesting a night out. Seeing other women flirting with him was hard. This thought lead to her next point. Why the
was she trying to set him up with other women anyway? Had she developed some kind of masochistic streak since falling in love with him? Gazing at her reflection in the mirror, Lily tried to remember a time when she hadn’t loved Adam. Realising that the exercise was futile, she took a deep breath and made her way back to tell him she wanted to go home. Enough was enough tonight.

The woman who had been flirting with Adam was sitting on her bar stool when Lily arrived near to where she had been sitting. She slowed down and stood close enough to hear Adam refer to her as
just his friend
and nothing more.
Her eyes stung with unshed tears. He had no clue. And even if he did, it would make no difference at all. Biting her lip and taking a deep breath, she walked over to him.

Tapping him on the shoulder, she said, “Hey, Adders, I’m shooting off. I’m shattered, so I’ll grab a cab. See you later.”

He swung around. “Wait, what? No, don’t go. I’ve just met…erm…Gina. Gina this is my friend Lily.”

Gina held out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Lily.”

She grasped Gina’s hand brusquely. “Yeah, likewise. Look Adders, I’m going. You stay and have a bit of fun. See you tomorrow maybe.” She leaned in and kissed his cheek. His delicious cologne infused her alcohol fuelled senses. Her heart did a little skip and then immediately sank when she remembered he wasn’t going home with her.

He started to get up. “Look, I’ll come with—”

“Adam, I said I’m fine,” she snapped and walked away.

The chilly evening air helped to sober her completely as she stood at the taxi rank with her arms folded around her body. Her flimsy skirt fluttered around her legs like a trapped butterfly, and her visible breath came in quick puffs as she tried to calm herself down.
What’s the point in being upset, you stupid cow?
She stepped from foot to foot as her teeth chattered.
Gaawd, it’s bloody freezing considering it’s August. Where were all the taxis in this town when you really needed one?

She felt warmness envelop her and she turned quickly, feeling a little panicked. “Fuck! Adders, you scared the shit out of me.” She slapped his arm as he placed his jacket around her shoulders.

“Well, I was hardly going to let you go home by yourself, was I?” He rubbed his arms rapidly up and down Lily’s to warm her up.

“I told you I’d be fine,” she snapped, immediately regretting her tone.

“Bloody hell, Lil. Did I do something drastically wrong to you tonight? You’ve been like a bear with a fucking hangover ever since I started chatting to…” His eyes looked upward.

“I believe her name was Gina.” Lily snorted derisively.

“I know that, thank you.” He stared at her, his jaw clenching. “That’s the fucking problem, isn’t it?”

She huffed. “What are you going on about?”

“You’re pissed off coz I was chatting to that…that woman.” He gestured back in the direction of the club.


“I. Fucking. Know,” he said through clenched teeth.

“No, you’re wrong, actually.” Lily felt panicked again.
Shit, he’s seen through me. Shit, shit, shitty-shit.

He wagged his finger. “I know what your fucking problem is.” He was nodding now.
Oh nooo.
She braced herself for a frank discussion.
“Yeah, you’re all bent out of shape coz you didn’t bloody pick her off one of your dating sites. Yeah, that’s what it is, you fucking control freak.”

. “Don’t be ridiculous. God, you’re a moron, Adders.”

“Don’t try to deny it. I know you. I know your bloody game.”

Humph, don’t know me that well then, do you? “
Oooh, you got me, Adam. Ooh, you must let me pick out the girl of your dreams because I’ve got nothing better going on in my life.” She turned away from him. “And for an English teacher, you do seem to have a limited vocabulary,” she muttered.

He growled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“All that effing this and effing that. It’s not attractive, Adam.”

“Good job I’m not trying to attract
then, eh?”

She didn’t outwardly respond. How could she? He had no idea how much his words had hurt her.

A taxi pulled up and she took off Adam’s jacket and threw it at him. “Go back and find
, Adam. I’m going home,” she said feeling defeated and hurt. Clambering into the taxi she tried to slam the door, but Adam grabbed it and climbed in after her. She rolled her eyes. “Can’t you just piss off? I can’t be bothered now. I’m tired and I’ve got a headache. I just want to go home.”

“Yeah, well, we may as well share a taxi coz I’m going home too.” He folded his arms over his chest. “Ten fucking eighty.” He shook his head.

She sighed and leaned her head on the window.


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Waiting For a Girl Like You

The next morning, Lily came downstairs to find Adam asleep on the couch. He had followed her out of the taxi and tried to talk to her, but she had just walked up the stairs, slammed her bedroom door, and gone to bed. Instead of sleeping in her spare room as he usually did, he had crashed on the sofa. She had no clue why. Rubbing her eyes and yawning, she began to make a pot of fresh coffee. When she turned around, he was leaning against the doorframe in his T-shirt and boxers. His arms were folded across his broad chest, his hair was all over the place, and he had fresh stubble around his jaw line. She paused for a moment and wondered what the stubble would feel like against her soft skin, what it would be like to see him like this every morning. She shook her head and turned away when she realised she was staring.

“Morning,” he croaked.

“Morning,” she replied, carrying on with the coffee preparation.

“Look, I’ve been thinking, Lil…”

She turned toward him and mirrored his stance. Her arms crossed over her chest. “Oh?”

“Yeah…look… I know why you didn’t want me hooking up with that Nina woman.”


He threw his arms up. “

… God what’s wrong with me?”

A wry smile pulled at her lips. “You were saying?”

“Right…yes… I think that maybe you thought I shouldn’t go for the type of woman who picks up men in bars. Am I right?” He cringed. Her heart squeezed, he looked so adorable. She wanted to throw her arms around him and declare her undying love. Luckily she managed to restrain the urge.

She cleared her throat as she saw her get out. “Yes…yes, that’s exactly it, Adders. She was obviously on the lookout for a one-night shag and you’re worth more than that. You deserve the real thing, Adders. Not some desperate tart out for a quick fondle.”

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