The Girl Before Eve (7 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

BOOK: The Girl Before Eve
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She placed her fingertips over his lips. “Shhh, no pressure, remember? Do you have protection?”

He nodded and leaned over to his nightstand. He shot a glance back over at her. “Oh God, Eve this doesn’t mean I expected… I mean I hoped that someday… I mean—”

She stopped his mouth with a kiss and an encouraging, tender smile that told him he didn’t need to explain. He took out a small foil packet and placed it beside them on the bed. He lay beside her and covered her mouth with his own. As theirs tongues danced, he smoothed his hand gently downward to her breast and caressed her nipple. She moaned into his mouth and gripped him tighter. Her skin was so soft, and he loved how she shivered under his gentle touch. With feather light movements, his fingertips travelled down her body until he reached the junction of her thighs. He slipped his fingers into her dampness and stroked her there for a while, taking note of the things that pleased her and the things that made her grab for him. Her breathing rate increased into breathy gasps and moans, which spurred him on. His movements became faster as Eve became more vocal.  He touched and caressed until she tightened and cried out his name, clinging onto his shoulders, her eyes closed and her head back. He had made that happen. A sense of pride washed through his veins, the likes of which he’d never experienced before.

Nervously, as she watched, he sheathed himself and hovered between her thighs looking to her for consent. She stroked his cheek and pulled at his waist, urging him on.

He entered her on a long, low groan. “Oh, God, Eve…I love you so much… I never expected this… I never—”

She covered his mouth with hers once again and inhaled sharply. He watched her clamp her eyes shut tight. He knew she must be hurting but she continued to pull him in. Carefully at first, he moved inside the woman he loved, holding her close until he could hold back no longer and his movements became more urgent. He thrust into her one last time as pleasure rocketed right to his very core. Stars appeared and fireworks exploded throughout his entire body, the most wonderful sensations taking over him. He collapsed onto her and nuzzled her neck for a moment until his breathing returned to normal and his heart rate slowed. She held onto him and kissed his cheek and ear, sighing as she did so.

He pulled away from her and propped himself up on his elbows. Staring into her eyes he asked her, “Are you okay?”

She nodded. “I’m so much more than okay, Adam. I love you.”

He kissed her again. “And I love you. Thank you. That was the most amazing feeling I’ve ever experienced. Thank you so much.”

Suddenly feeling a little overcome with emotion, he bit the inside of his cheek and pulled away to unsheathe himself. Eve climbed under the covers and held her arms out to him. He climbed back in next to her and pulled her in to rest her head on his chest.

Wow. Just wow


Chapter Seven

It’s My Party
(Lesley Gore)

June 2001 – Edinburgh University

“Adam! We’re going to be late for Lily’s party! Come on!” Eve shouted through the bathroom door of the shared house. He had been waiting ages to actually get in there thanks to the fact that all six housemates (including Lily) were invited to the party. Moving into a house with only two bathrooms and so many people was the most ridiculous decision Adam felt he had ever made.

“I’ll be out in a minute, gorgeous!” he shouted back, nicking his chin with the razor. “Ah, shit!”

“You okay, honey?”

“Yeah, just bloody cut my chin.”

“Oooh. I’ll kiss it better when you come out,” Eve replied.

He smiled at his reflection. “You can’t talk about kissing me if you want to get to this damn party, Evie.”

“Just hurry up, okay?”

“All done.” Adam opened the door and scooped his girl up in his arms, kissing her neck.

Edinburgh was heaving with Saturday night revellers as Adam and Eve travelled to the party venue in the taxi. Many of the stone buildings on the Royal Mile had long since been converted into bars and restaurants giving the age-old road a modern twist with its bright signage and trendy exteriors. When they arrived at the club everyone was already there. Lily greeted them, glass in hand. “You made it finally! Thought you’d bloody decided not to come!” She hiccupped.

“How much have you had already, Lil?” Adam scrunched his brow at his best friend as he noticed the bruise on her cheek. “And what the hell have you done to your face?” He lifted a lock of her hair.

“Oh that…I walked into the door in my room, can you believe it?” She laughed. “Bloody clumsy cow, I am.”

Adam shook his head. “Well, you need to stop drinking so bloody much.”

Lily rolled her eyes in an exaggerated manner. “Okay,
.” She turned and walked toward the bar. Adam followed her with his eyes.

Eve squeezed his arm. “You shouldn’t be so hard on her, Adam. She’s not your responsibility.”

“So you keep telling me. But she doesn’t take responsibility for herself, does she?” he snapped.

“It’s her life, honey. Give her some breathing room.”

He turned to her and slipped his arms around her waist. “What would I do without you to keep me level headed, eh?” he asked, leaning down to kiss her.

“Well…I think poor Lily would get even more stick than she does right now.” Eve giggled.

They walked over to the bar which was brightly lit in contrast to the rest of the club.  The optics hung with their multi-coloured liquid contents, almost like works of modern art.  All Adam wanted was a beer, but it looked like he may end up with some fancy cocktail concoction instead.  He scanned along the row of fridges and spied his favourite tipple hiding amongst some bright blue monstrosity that wouldn’t be out of place in a laboratory.  After ordering their drinks, he glanced over toward Lily, who was now tongue deep in her current boyfriend’s mouth.
Carl. Dickhead
. Adam wasn’t a fan. He pulled Eve onto the dance floor when a slow number came over the sound system. She nuzzled into his chest and he kissed the top of her head.

Later on, after the third or fourth song, he glanced around the club realising he hadn’t seen Lily for quite a while. Scanning the dimly lit place as best he could, his search was in vain. She was nowhere to be seen. Worry set in.

“What’s wrong Adam? You’re so distracted tonight.” Eve stared at him, lips pursed. He could see the frustration in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Evie…it’s just Lily. She seemed…odd. Don’t you think? And now there’s no sign of her. I feel uneasy about it.”

Eve sighed. “To be honest, Adam, I’m getting rather fed up of this. You aren’t
Lily. You’re with
. Now I get that your friendship is strong but this is just getting—”

Adam gripped her arms. “Evie, I love you. And I’m sorry, okay? It’s not like that between me and Lil. You’ve known that for two years now. But something’s not right. Please believe me. I
her. I know something is off.”

Eve gazed at him and then nodded. “Okay…I’ll go check the ladies.” She turned sharply and walked away.


Lily sat in the end cubicle. Tears fogged her eyes and the bruise on her cheek throbbed. She wondered why things had started to go so horribly wrong. She blew her nose, which made her cheek hurt even more. The door into the restroom opened and closed.

“Lily? Lily are you in here, honey?”
. Lily remained silent. “Adam’s worried about you. If you’re in here can you just say, so that I can tell him you’re fine?”

Lily sniffed as more tears came. “Lily? Is that you? Are you crying?” Footsteps moved closer to the end cubicle and the door rattled. “Okay, now I’m worried too. I was trying to defend you to Adam, saying that you were fine, but now I’m not so sure. Open up, okay?”

Lily stood and unlocked the door. Eve pushed it open. “What on earth is wrong, honey? What’s happened to make you cry?”

Lily shook her head and crumpled her face as she began to sob uncontrollably. Eve enveloped her in her arms. “Oh honey, please tell me what’s going on. Is it Carl? Have you split up?”

“Eve…please…please, don’t tell Adam, please.” She squeezed Eve’s arms.

Eve narrowed her eyes. “Tell him what? What’s going on?”

“He hit me,” she whispered.

“What? Who hit you?”

“Carl…but it was only once.” She widened her eyes pleadingly.

Eve’s mouth fell open. “What? He
you? Oh my God, Lily, why on earth would he do that?”

“It was only once and he said sorry. He got a bit drunk when I missed a period and thought I was pregnant. He…he said I was stupid and careless… He was right. It was my fault.”

“No…hang on a minute. It takes two to bloody tango. That’s just ridiculous.”

“I know, but he said he was sorry. I…I think he meant it.”

Eve gripped Lily’s arms. “I don’t give a flying
if you thought he meant anything. He shouldn’t have laid a
on you. And what happened was not your fault okay?”

“But it was my responsibility—”

Eve’s eyes were wide and her face had lost its colour. “Bullshit, Lily. You know that’s a load of rubbish. You’re an intelligent woman, for goodness sake. Don’t you dare defend him for doing that to you.” Lily felt the inappropriate urge to snigger. She had never heard Eve swear before. The realisation that Eve must be very angry and worried enough to do so was quite a sobering thought.

“Please don’t tell Adam, okay? Promise me?”

Eve shook her head slowly. “You know I can’t make that promise. He’s your
and he cares about you deeply. He needs to know.”

Tears spilled over once again. “No! I trusted you, Eve. You can’t tell him.”

“Where’s Carl now?”

“He went out for a smoke. He said… Never mind.” Lily shook her head.

“He said what?”

Lily dropped her gaze to the floor. “He said my party was shit and my friends are pathetic. He thinks my friends are beneath him.” She sobbed, feeling ashamed.

“Right. Come on. Get some water splashed on your face. We’re going back out there to get Adam and we’re going home.”

“No…no, I’m fine… I’ll just put more make-up on. I’ll be fine,” Lily insisted.

“No. We should get you out of here until we decide what to do.”


Adam paced near the bar. What the hell was taking Eve so long? He decided she must have found Lily in some kind of drunken stupor in the toilets. Worry got the better of him and he marched toward the ladies’ room. Without stopping to think he pushed the door open. Eve and Lily swung around as he entered.

“What the fuck’s going on with you two?” He clenched his jaw as he watched the two girls acting suspiciously.

Eve looked toward Lily. “Please tell him, Lily.”

“No!” Lily’s voice was strained.

Adam frowned. “Tell me what?”

Lily shook her head at Eve.

“Tell me what?” Adam raised his voice.

Eve cupped Lily’s bruised cheek. “Lily, please.”

Lily crumpled to the floor and Adam rushed to her side, crouching beside her. “Lily? What’s going on?”

“He hit me.”

“What?” His voice was calm, belying the storm that had begun to rage beneath his skin. “Who hit you?”

“It was my fault. But it’s all fine now.”

He took Lily’s face in his hands and wiped the tears away with his thumbs. “Did Carl hit you?”

“Yes but it was my fault.”

“Okay, on what planet is it ever okay for a man to hit his girlfriend?” he asked her gently. “Lily, answer me that. When is it ever okay?”

“I…I…but he thought I’d trapped him.”

“What? What do you mean?”

“I missed a period. He thought I was pregnant. He said if I was that I’d done it on purpose.”

“So he fucking
you when he thought there was a chance you could be
?” Adam spoke through clenched teeth. Lily just nodded. “Where is he now, Lily?”

“Adam, no…it’s fine…he said sorry.”

Adam let out a derisive laugh. “Oh well that’s fine then…as long as he apologised.” He turned to Eve. “Where is the lowlife piece of scum?”

Eve bit her lip. “He apparently went out for a smoke.”

Adam stood slowly. “Keep Lily here.” He flung the door open so hard it bashed into the wall and left a huge dent.


Carl was leaning against the wall, puffing on a rather large cigarette that looked distinctly like a joint. Adam ran toward him, and before Carl had a chance to figure out what was happening, Adam’s fist connected with his nose. “You bastard!” he shouted as he repeatedly punched Lily’s boyfriend in the face. “You lay one finger on her again, and I swear I will fucking

Carl flailed his arms before curling into a ball on the ground. “Whoa, mate, stop hitting me! What the fuck? You’ve broken my fucking nose!”

Adam stood over Carl, fists still clenched, chest heaving. “You stay away from her, do you hear me?”

Carl laughed through his blood stained teeth. “Whatever she’s told you, mate, it’s all lies.”

“Don’t you call me your fucking mate, you prick!” Adam’s heart pounded in his chest and he had to will himself not to continue with the beating.

“She tried to trap me! She tried to get pregnant. You know what they can be like. They see a good thing and they don’t want to let it go.” Carl held his hands up.

Adam grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him to his feet. Moving to within an inch of Carl’s face, Adam gritted his teeth. “You’re not a fucking good thing! You’re a fucking coward. If I
hear that you’ve stepped within a foot of Lily again I swear to God I’ll kick your fucking arse from here to Australia. Do you hear me?” Carl nodded. “Because next time, pal, I won’t be as kind as to let you walk away with just a broken nose, you get me?” he shouted. People had begun to congregate outside the club where they were.

Adam shoved Carl again and he fell to the floor, hitting his head on the wall and yowling. Before he opened the door, Adam turned back to Carl. “Oh and while I remember,
Carl Denton
, if you decide that you’re going to involve the police, don’t worry, I’ll be sure to tell them about the joint you’ve been smoking along with the fact that you hit your girlfriend when you thought she was pregnant and trying to trap you.  As if anyone would want to trap
, you arrogant piece of shit!” Gasps travelled around the crowd that had gathered.

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