The Girl Before Eve (10 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

BOOK: The Girl Before Eve
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She gaped, open mouthed. “Good grief, Adders, what’s happened to you whilst I’ve been away? You appear to have grown up.”

“Bloody cheeky sod.” A car horn beeped outside. “Right, that’s us. Come on. Let’s go party!”


Getting a table at Glitterati was no mean feat. Securing several was a pure miracle. Adam was eternally grateful to the people who had made the cancellation, considering this was the space his party was now filling up. He was over the moon to be celebrating in such style. He and Lily walked through the glass doors into the open expanse of white walls, white chairs, and white booths. And to top off the white…a little more white. All this was married with a gazillion sparkles donning the expensive looking chandeliers. As they moved in the breeze from the opening door, tiny rainbows were being cast on every spare area of wall and floor. It really was stunning.

“Bloody hell, Adders, you’ve gone all out.” Lily gasped as she took in the luxurious surroundings.

Adam breathed in a contented relaxing breath, a wide smile fixed on his face. This was perfect. Just perfect.

A group of people were waving at them from a seating area over by the bar where white leather sofas surrounded a large faux-sheepskin rug. A long glittering chandelier hung just above the low glass table.

Adam’s parents, as well as Max and Tia and a few colleagues from Adam’s current workplace, all shook his hand and greeted Lily. But his eyes soon settled on his most desired guest.


His breath caught and most of his blood made a rapid journey south when he saw her. She wore a fitted silver dress that showed off the curves he adored to perfection. On her dainty feet were silver stilettos, and she carried a jewel purple clutch. Long silver strand earrings fell to her shoulders and her golden blonde hair had been straightened, hanging just below her shoulders. A heart-melting smile spread across her face as his eyes trailed up her body to meet her shimmering blue depths. Quickly he made his way over to her and slipped his arm around her waist.

“My goodness you have to be the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” he breathed into her ear and felt her shiver at his words.

“You look rather gorgeous yourself. I can’t wait to get you home.” She playfully squeezed his bottom. It didn’t help the rush of blood below his belt-line. He kissed her neck and waited for his insides to settle before turning to greet her parents.


The meal was as wonderful as they had all hoped. Everything cooked to perfection. Portion sizes meant everyone was satisfied but not overly stuffed. Everyone was happily chatting and drinking while Massive Attack’s
played in the background. Adam smiled as he lazily stroked a finger up and down Eve’s wrist.

After the whole party was finished with desserts, Adam nervously stood and clinked his glass with a spoon. The tables closest to him quieted. “Sorry to interrupt your wee chats everyone, but I just wanted to say a few words if that’s okay.” He smiled as he looked around the area of the restaurant where his nearest and dearest sat. “I can’t tell you how wonderful it is to have you all here with me to celebrate tonight. Getting this role as English teacher in such a fantastic high school is a massive thing for me and I’m absolutely thrilled about it.” Rumbles of appreciation travelled amongst his friends and family.

Adam took a deep breath. “But I’m afraid I lulled you all here under false pretences.” Confused looks were exchanged but he continued. “Getting this job means the world to me…obviously…but there is one thing that means even more to me than that…well I say one thing…I mean one
.” The Wannadies began playing in the background and Par Wiksten’s quirky vocals filled the air with the sweet lyrics of
You and Me Song
as it floated out above the low mumblings of the restaurant clientele.

Adam turned toward Eve and took her hand. “Eve, you mean more to me than any job…than any other woman…than anything in this whole world, in fact. I wasn’t unhappy before I met you but I was incomplete. Meeting you wasn’t just an accident. We were meant to be. We go together like…like haggis and tatties…like bees and flowers…like fish and chips… Okay, enough with the food comparisons when we’ve just eaten.” Giggles and chuckles traversed the group. He fumbled about in his pocket and retrieved a small box.

He dropped to one knee in front of Eve and gasps filled the air as he spoke with trembling lips and fingers. “Eve, if I’m honest, I think I’ve loved you since the moment I first met you that day Lily brought you into the refectory, and if it’s possible, I love you more each passing day. You’re the sun in my sky…my light in the darkness. Okay, the clichés are coming out now but… Well I don’t care. You’re the most stunning woman in any room you walk into. You make me laugh. You even laugh at my jokes and that’s a sure fire way to show you’re a keeper. You rein me in when I’m impulsive…but I really hope you don’t rein me in this time. You’ve filled my heart with a love I could never have imagined feeling. And if you’ll have me, I’ll try my very best to make you as happy as you make me feel with just one of your beautiful smiles. Eve…will you marry me?”

Eve’s eyes were glassy; her fingertips were resting on her lips. Her bottom lip quivered. “Yes, oh yes.” She lurched forward and wrapped herself around Adam as the whole restaurant burst into spontaneous applause. Adam and Eve kissed passionately to seal their engagement.


Tears streamed down her face, as Lily watched the scene unfold before her. She didn’t try to stop them. People hugged her, presuming she was overcome with happiness for her best friend and his romantic proposal. After all, she’d been the one to introduce them. But deep inside, unbeknownst to anyone else, her heart broke all over again. The ache in her chest was almost unbearable, but she put on a brave face and applauded along with the rest of the witnesses to this magical event. Her smile was forced and felt like a mask. But it was a mask she would have to wear for the rest of her life. And wear it she would. Just for Adam. Just because all she wanted, apart from Adam, was his happiness.


Chapter Eleven

Move On Up
(Curtis Mayfield)

August 2003

“How many more boxes are there, Adders?” Lily called from the top of the staircase. Her arms felt like jelly and her legs weren’t much better. Eve was in the kitchen unpacking all the necessary bits and pieces to make cups of coffee for everyone.

“Oh, only another fifty or so. Don’t worry…it’ll keep you fit,” Adam mumbled over the top of the large box marked
that he was manoeuvring through the front door of the new house.

Lily sighed and growled. “Why did I stay for this? I could be sunning myself on a beach in bloody New Zealand next to a half-naked male underwear model right now.” She had extended her stay long enough to help Adam and Eve move into their new place. They were renting with the option to buy, which meant things were easy and would speed along nicely once their finances were all in place.

Eve came through with two mugs of coffee and the end of a packet of chocolate cookies grasped between her teeth. “Awww, Willy, we weally appweciate dis you know.” Lily came sliding down the stairs on her bottom and took the packet of biscuits from Eve’s mouth. “Thanks, I’m not sure if you caught any of that but I was just saying—”

“You appreciate it. Yes, I got it. And I know you do. And I honestly don’t mind. I’m just knackered.” Lily ripped open the packet and shoved a cookie into her mouth. Whole.

Adam returned from the lounge and took a mug from Eve, kissing her on the cheek. “Thanks, gorgeous. Have I told you today how much I love you?”

Eve rolled her eyes. “Yes about a million times.”

Lily’s stomach lurched as the happy couple kissed. “Oh good grief, get a bloody room. In fact, there are three of them upstairs, go take your pick.” She slapped Adam around the head.

“Ouch! Watch it or you’ll get all the heavy boxes next.”

She huffed. “Yeah? Like I haven’t been getting them already?”

“You two have a wee break, and I’ll go out to the van and bring some stuff in,” Eve suggested.

“No, you have a break too. We’ve all been working bloody hard this morning.” Adam glanced around the hallway. “Awww, Evie it’s going to be fantastic, this house. I can just see it now.”

The terraced cottage was fairly plain which—Eve had insisted to Adam—was a very good thing as they could easily put their stamp on it. They had both been saving for a while and had managed to purchase some extra pieces of furniture to make the house feel like a home.

Downstairs had a small entrance hallway and to the right was a good-sized lounge. Through the lounge was a newly fitted kitchen. It was fairly modern but had a country feel to it. Cream shaker style units sat under solid wood block work surfaces. Silver coloured appliances finished off the smart room nicely. The previous owners had bought the cottage as a shell and had gutted the insides, modernising it with a view to sell it for profit. The cottage garden at the back had an area to sit and a small lawn. Right at the back was a veggie plot that Adam couldn’t wait to get stuck into. It was an exciting prospect, growing his own spuds.

From the small hallway led a wooden staircase and on the top floor was a small but perfectly formed bathroom complete with roll-top bath. There was a small room that would be great as an office and then two further bedrooms, one of which Lily had named as her room and the other which was earmarked, obviously, for Adam and his gorgeous future wife.



After unloading the last of the boxes, Lily had declined the offer of a take-away, a bottle of wine, and crashing at the new house. She had informed Adam that he should spend the first night in his new home with his fiancée. He hadn’t taken much convincing.

He stretched and looked at the clock. It was only ten thirty, but he was keen to get to bed. He yawned dramatically and slipped his arm around Eve’s shoulders, leaned in, and whispered into her ear, “I think I’m going to turn in. Can I tempt you?”

She visibly shivered, turned to him, and breathed, “I don’t think I’ll take much tempting.”

Leaning forward he covered her mouth with his own and slipped a hand through her hair. “I want to take you upstairs, undress you, slide inside you, and stay there all night.” His voice was a low growl.

She gasped as she ran her hands up his chest. “Well, what are you waiting for?”

He scooped her up in his arms and made his way to the hall. Careful not to drop his precious cargo, he climbed the stairs and pushed open the bedroom door with his foot. Placing her on the floor he gazed down, deep into her vivid blue eyes, which had darkened slightly now that lust had taken over. Her hands slipped around his waist and tugged at the old T-shirt he wore. She pulled it upward and he stooped to help her remove it.

He inhaled deeply as she smoothed her hands over his bare chest and around his neck. She laced her fingers, tugged at the dark strands of his hair, and pulled him down so that his mouth was over hers again. He went willingly, darting his tongue into her mouth, desperate to taste her. Everywhere. Slowly he pulled her tank top over her head until her lace-covered breasts were revealed to him. He dragged his fingertips down from her collarbone to the rise of her soft curved mounds. “You have the most beautiful breasts I’ve ever seen, Evie,” he said as his thumbs circled her hardening nipples through the lace. She moaned. He hardened.

Slipping the straps of her bra down, he freed each breast, caressing each nipple in turn with his tongue. Her head rolled back and she sighed her pleasure. Sliding down her sides and enjoying the curve of her hips, his hands dipped into the waistband of her yoga pants and down to her perfectly rounded bottom. He squeezed and slowly descended to a kneeling position in front of her. “I want to taste you.” He gazed up at her through hooded eyes. She leaned on his shoulders whilst she stepped from her pants. The lace panties followed very soon after. Adam kissed her smooth skin just below her naval making her groan again.

She grasped his hair as he peppered kisses across her lower abdomen until he slid his tongue into her sensitive flesh. She gasped and he felt her legs almost buckle. Lightly he pushed her back so that she tumbled onto the bed directly behind her. He moved forward to blow through the soft curls at the apex of her thighs and she grasped at the soft, silky comforter.

“Adam…please…I need you…now.” Her breathing was ragged and her voice huskily caressed his senses. Kissing all the way around the tops of her thighs and prolonging his own delicious agony, he eventually slipped his tongue into her heat again and groaned as he took his prize. He could stay there all night, just tasting, kissing, and caressing her with his tongue, but he had promised her other gifts. Once she had cried out his name, he stood and removed his jeans and fitted boxers. Never taking his eyes from hers, he climbed onto the bed between her thighs and lay on top of her. He rolled onto his back taking her with him until she straddled his waist. And then he guided her down onto his arousal, gripping her hips so that he could move her. Her head rolled back, and it was evident she was beginning to climb once again. He could feel her tightening around him and it pushed him over the edge. His hands reached for her and pulled her into his chest as he thrust into her one last time, calling her name and then kissing her deeply.

He stroked her back as they both fought to calm their breathing. “Evie.” She pulled herself back to look into his eyes. “Evie…don’t ever leave me. I don’t know what I’d do.”

She smiled as she stroked the hair back from his damp face. “I’m going nowhere, Adam.”

“I…I just…I could never love someone as much as I love you…you’re it for me. This is it. I don’t want to be without you. You’re my life. You have…all of me.”

“And you have all of me. I’m yours.”


Chapter Twelve

Don’t Say You Love Me

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