The Girl Before Eve (13 page)

Read The Girl Before Eve Online

Authors: Lisa J Hobman

Tags: #Edinburgh, #friendship, #overcoming tragedy, #Scotland, #Unrequited love

BOOK: The Girl Before Eve
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She followed his instructions. Joe from the desk pulled up a chair and sat in front of her. “Want me to keep you company until you get used to the sensation?” His head cocked to one side.

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Oh yes, would you? Thanks.” He pulled his chair nearer as Stubbs prepared the positioning of the script.

Joe leaned forward resting his elbows on his knees. “So, what’s the occasion?”

She sighed. “It’s a long, complicated story.”

He shrugged and held out his hands. “I’m not going anywhere.”

She took a deep breath and was about to speak when Stubbs interrupted. “Erm, sorry there, Lily, but I’m about to start now. Are you ready?”

She glanced over her shoulder. “Yes, ready as I’ll ever be.” The buzzing began again and she gritted her teeth.

“So…you were going to tell me, Lily?” Joe pulled her focus away from the sting that had begun near her bottom.

“Oh…erm…yes… Well, I fell in love with this guy years ago.” She flinched at a particularly sore patch.

“Is he your boyfriend, then? I don’t see a wedding ring.”

“Sadly no… He’s…he’s my best friend.”

The look on her face must have spoken volumes as Joe simply nodded and said, “Ah.”

“Anyway he doesn’t feel the same way about me.”

“How do you know? Have you told him how you feel?”

“No, but it doesn’t matter. He’s getting married.”

Joe mouthed the word
, and then sitting back in his chair he rubbed a hand over his close cut hair. “That’d just about ruin things for you, I guess.”

She nodded. “Little bit.”

A look of confusion spread over Joe’s face. “So can I ask why you’re getting that
tattoo done? I’ve seen the translation.”

She rolled her eyes again. “I know…I know… It makes me look pathetic, but I felt I needed to express how I felt even if he never knows. You know? It’s out there. If ever he does see it he’ll never know it’s for him. He’ll never know what it means, but somehow I feel I need to do this.”

He folded his arms across his chest. “Lily, people come in here having all sorts of tattoos done for all sorts of reasons. We don’t judge. We just aim to do exactly what the customer wants. And as long as you leave here happy with our work, then we’re happy.”

The phone began to ring and Joe cringed. She waved him away. “Go on. I’m actually pretty fine.” She smiled. The pain wasn’t quite what she had expected. It wasn’t excruciating. It was okay. Suddenly a sense of pride washed over her and she drifted off listening to the music of
as it ironically played in the background.


Once Lily’s newly inked back was covered in special lotion and covered in film, she left the tattoo parlour, saying good bye to the artists who had made her feel so welcome and at ease. The whole experience had been fantastic. All of her preconceived notions had been blown out of the water. And in a strange way, she could understand why people went through this more than once. Although she was sure she might think differently at bedtime when she had to figure out how to lay down.

Adam texted and invited her around for a take-away with him and Eve and a guy from Eve’s work. She knew this was a lame-assed way of trying to fix her up with Dominic. She had mistakenly commented on the fact that he was cute when she had met Eve for lunch at the newspaper one day. She wished she had kept her opinions to herself. Dominic was cute, yes. But that was it. She wasn’t about to embark upon any kind of relationship with him or anyone else for that matter. Not for a while. She had plans, plans that didn’t involve her staying put. Plans that involved more travelling, but this time the travel would be work related.

Another text arrived.

A: Come on, Lil. Don’t be a mardy cow. Dom fancies you and he’s a really great bloke.
Adam was persistent, that was for sure.

L: Sod off, Adders! I said no! Stop trying 2 fix me up. Am happy being a singleton.
Lily insisted.

A: Well when u decide 2 get a house full of fucking cats for your spinster lifestyle don’t forget I’m allergic!!

L: How can I? U were a wheezing blotchy mess at my Auntie’s that time! Was hilarious!
Lily sniggered as she typed.

A: One word Lil… BOLLOCKS!
Came the reply.

L: Language Adders! Remember you’re a teacher. Now eff off n leave me alone. Have a hot date with John Cusack.

A: You wish, you bloody nutcase. See u 2morro Cheesy.
Adam had given up finally.

Back at her tiny flat, she slipped into her most comfy jim-jams, poured herself a glass of red wine, and opened a packet of popcorn. She stuck in the DVD of her favourite film,
, and gingerly curled up on the sofa to have an evening of ogling John Cusack. Lily had thought long and hard about this. Of all the men in the world John Cusack and Chris Cornell were the only two men who Lily could
imagine replacing Adam in her affections. So that was it. She would worship John Cusack from afar tonight and tomorrow her Soundgarden CDs would be played for the first time in ages.


Chapter Fifteen

Goodbye My Lover
(James Blunt)

August 2005

Lily stood before the mirror. She was impressed with the way she looked in her grey pin striped trouser suit.
Best woman, a little ironic really. Clearly not the best woman for Adam.
She sighed and fiddled with her hair, which was already perfect. There was a knock on the bedroom door.

“Come in,” she called.

The door opened and Adam walked in. She gasped at the sight before her. There he stood. The man of her dreams in a grey suit that matched hers. The stunning crimson red tie and vest to match her silk blouse. He looked so nervous.

He looked

He stepped forward and threw his arms around her. “Oh God, Lil, you look amazing… I mean really beautiful.” His voice wavered as he spoke.

“Oy, you’ll crumple me, you soppy git.” She forced a laugh but had to bite the inside of her cheek to halt the threatening tears.

He released her and held her at arms-length. “Sorry, Lil. I’m just a wee bit overwhelmed today, you know? Terrified actually.”

She nodded as she pursed her lips, struggling to keep her emotions in check. “I know…I know.”

He smiled with glassy eyes. “You look how I feel.” He wiped at his tears.

If only you knew.
“Yeah, well, it’s not every day you get to marry off your best friend in the world, eh?”

He shook his head. “True…very true.”

She pondered for a second. “Do you know I was expecting you to go all out tartan, Adders? Yet here you stand with not one scrap of it to be seen.”

A grin spread across his face. “Erm… Well, I’ve not completely let you down there, Lil.” He pulled up his trousers to show the bright Stewart tartan socks he sported.

She laughed “Ahhh, that’s more like it.”

“But that’s not all.” He dipped into the front of his trousers, and she wondered what on earth he was doing. Fumbling a little, he retrieved the waistband of his boxers.

She gaped at her friend. “Tartan knickers, Adders? Really?”

He continued grinning and bobbed his head rather like a nodding dog. The doorbell chimed and she looked out of the window before heading for the door. “Come on, Adders, the car’s here.”

He eagerly followed. “Oh great! I’ve been waiting to see what you organised. I hope it’s not a tractor!”

She stopped in her tracks and turned. Adam almost barrelled into her. “Oh, Adders, you’ve spoiled it now!” she said, her face deadpan.

Adam opened and closed his mouth like a goldfish. “You didn’t? No, tell me you didn’t get me a tractor to transport me to my wedding.”

She burst out laughing. “Ha ha! You tit! As if I’d hire a bloody tractor to take you to the church. Honestly, do you know me at all?”

He breathed a sigh of relief and followed her to the front door as she flung it open. He gasped. “Fucking hell, Lil! You hired me a Bentley?” His eyes were wide like a kid on Christmas morning. “I can’t believe you did this!” He grabbed her and hugged her so tight she had to fight for air.

She gasped into his chest and patted his back. “Dead best-man-woman can’t breathe…dead best-man-woman…”

Evidently he realised he was almost suffocating her and released her with a laugh. “Shit, sorry, Lil. I’m just…I can’t believe…thank you so much!” He grabbed her once again.


After an exhilarating drive to the pretty little church in the village where Adam’s parents lived, she stood beside him at the front by the altar. Best friends. Suddenly the wedding march began and everyone stood.
This is it. This is goodbye. This is forever
. Lily’s heart pounded in her chest and she felt like her legs would buckle. Tears stung her eyes. Adam linked his hand with hers, making the pain in her chest so much worse. He glanced at her with a beaming smile on his face and mouthed the words, “Thank you”. She wasn’t sure what he was thanking her for. But she held on tight to his hand trying her best not to cry.

Suddenly she heard Adam gasp and her eyes followed his. Eve was walking down the aisle. She really was a vision. Her long blonde locks had been pinned up and curls cascaded down around her beautiful face. The dress was off shoulder and fitted to the waist where it fanned out. Not huge…but just enough to be Princess-like. Her bouquet of crimson red and cream hung before her and her arm was linked with her father’s. The look of pride on that man’s face was enough to make the hardest heart melt. It was clear why Adam loved her so very much. Not only was she stunning but she was the warmest, kindest person you could ever wish to meet. Once again, Lily was reminded that Eve was everything she wasn’t.

Seeing Adam look so adoringly into Eve’s eyes as they exchanged their vows was the most excruciating thing Lily had ever witnessed. The ache in her chest was so real and so painful she had to take deep breaths and clutch the pew behind her for support. What was to come would be harder still.
The speech


The meal was lovely but Lily could hardly stomach anything. The champagne was flowing and just about took the edge off her nerves. The time was looming when she would have to stand and tell the world how happy she was to be losing the only man she had ever loved. The one man she could envisage marrying. The only man she could ever imagine having children with. He was lost. He was in-love. She was happy for him. But in being happy for him, she’d had to say goodbye. How could she ever let go? A love so deep wasn’t something you could just forget.

After a nod from the master of ceremonies, she stood and clanked her glass with a fork. The room fell silent. All eyes turned to her.

She cleared her throat. “Erm…as many of you know, Adam and I go way back. Way back to little school in fact. He used to defend me against the bullies who tried to take my crayons and pinch my carton of milk. In that first few years I knew…” She glanced at her mother who had tears in her eyes. Lily swallowed hard. “Erm…sorry…in those first years I knew that Adam and I would be friends for life. We’ve been through some entertaining experiences together…like the time we got locked in an old house down his street that everyone said was haunted. We sat there for ages hoping someone would realise we were missing, but really I think they were relieved to have a break from our constant chatter. Anyway, Adam was a big baby and cried the whole time, but I let him wipe his nose on my T-shirt so he was fine in the end.”

Laughter travelled around the room. “Oh…and there was the time he spilled juice on his crotch at my house, when we were about eight…” Lily sniggered at the memory. “My mum had to dry off his shorts, but he had to borrow a pair of my knickers to go home in!” The laughter grew louder and Lily glanced over at Adam who was beet-red and peeking through his fingers as Eve laughed heartily beside him, squeezing his leg. “Yep, he’s never lived that one down.” Lily took a deep breath. “Anyway, I’m not going to embarrass him anymore. In fact, I’ve written a little poem that I’d like to read out… So okay, I might embarrass him for a few seconds longer.” The room fell silent again

Taking a deep breath and glancing over at Adam and then down at the paper she held in her trembling hands, her emotions began to get the better of her again. She began to read aloud.

As little kids we’d graze our knees

We’d laugh and climb and know no fear

The path we took toward this day

Who would have thought we’d end up here?

You’ve been my rock and my big brother

You’ve fought my enemies ‘til the end

My best friend, protector, and confidante

The someone on whom I could always depend

I’ve watched you grow and been so proud

The secrets kept are ours forever

I won’t tell if you don’t tell

The trouble we’ve caused will be known never

We always stuck together fast

Nothing could put our friendship asunder

But we knew it couldn’t last

I got fed up of you…there’s really no wonder

You’ve met your love and your heart is whole

You share a love so deep and true

I’m so glad for you my dearest friend

And know how much she truly loves you

So when it all is said and done

And all the joking’s put aside

I’m sure you know but I’ll tell you now

You really do have the most beautiful bride

And so you go off to married life

Here I stand and say goodbye

I wish you both happiness, love, and joy

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