The Full Experience (33 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The Full Experience
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“But I’m not dressed for a date,” Raven said, pointing to her black tee and pants.

“Raven, you look amazing in anything.” She smiled shyly as her face flamed. “Here we are.”

Beck had stopped next to a black Audi Q7 Sportback with five double spoked alloys wheels. It looked expensive.

“This is yours?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he chuckled. “It’s all part of the ‘business image’ as my dad puts it,” he said.

“It’s gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” he replied, opening her door for her.

“A gentleman,” she smiled. “Are you after something?” She giggled as she sat in the black sports seat, even though she was nervous.

The whole interior was black with a chrome trim on the doors.

Beck walked around to the driver’s side and got in. A gust of Beck smell hit Raven in the face, and she held her breath.

You need to hold out! Don’t give in yet!

Raven watched his arm muscles flex as he reached for his seatbelt.

“Raven?” he whispered. “Did you hear me?”


Beck smiled broadly. “I said to put on your belt.”

“Oh, yeah.” Raven blushed, just like she had a million times before when she got caught staring by Beck.

“Let’s go.” Beck reached for Raven’s hand, and she took it, as he began to drive the car.

“Did your mom take care of you?” Raven asked.

It had been playing on her mind, even though she wanted to tear Beck’s clothes off, she couldn’t help but wonder if he’d been looked after in New York.

“That’s what I wanted to tell you,” he answered, his smile slipping, making Raven feel guilty for making him sad again. “Don’t feel bad, babe,” he said. “I wanted to tell you earlier, but I didn’t want to discuss it near the others.

Beck had always been private, even with Donnie, and Raven understood why he didn’t want to continue their talk in the bar. The others had come over, making him cut it short.

Beck began to tell Raven about landing in New York, where a car had come to pick him up. His mom hadn’t been there to meet him, which Raven thought was mean.

When he’d gotten to his mother’s and told her what had happened, she hugged him. She got him settled and then went out for her spa session that she’d already booked.

Raven was mortified that she’d left him alone after what he’d been through.

Beck continued.

He went to his room and didn’t go out of the house for over a month, and then it was only to go to the gym. He worked out, went home, and studied. He also did the occasional projections figures for his dad who still only called him when it was for business.

His mom cared more than his dad, even going as far as suggesting he sought medical help for depression but still she never cancelled any of her social activities to be with him.

Beck had felt alone but, even in his state, he’d preferred it that way.

The way things were -he
they were- the least amount of people he saw, the better. The only people he’d spoken to face-to-face were his mom and her housekeeper, who he didn’t allow in his room whatsoever.

He’d received his books and studied hard. He completed his degree earlier than expected, and received his certificate. Once it was over, his dad hounded him to start at the company. He’d only been back for three weeks when he decided to go for a drive and saw Donnie’s car outside Mike’s bar.

Without thinking, he’d pulled up and walked in. That’s when he saw the whole gang, and some extras, having a little get together. It had devastated him further seeing her in Mike’s arms, until he found out the truth about their relationship.

Beck had been lonely for all that time. At least Raven had had her family and friends to support her. Beck had had nobody.

She began to think twice about her ‘making it up to her’ plan. She wanted to let Beck know how much he meant to her, that he was cared about more than he could ever know.

Raven rested her head on his shoulder, and Beck gently kissed the top of her head as his thumb stroked over hers as they held hands.

“Will you tell me what happened?” Beck asked.

Raven didn’t know if she should. The things she’d done, she wasn’t proud of. She hadn’t been herself and had turned to self destruction.

“It wasn’t a good time,” she said. “I was a mess.”

Raven reluctantly told him all the grisly details of what had happened at college after he left. Not getting out of bed, not going to class, fighting…

He was infuriated to say the least.

“I’m so sorry, babe,” he said again, his eyes filling up from what she’d gone through. “I know I should’ve called you, but I couldn’t think straight after I saw the paper. I broke down and the next thing I knew, I was getting led to the car.”

“It’s all over now,” she whispered. Joining her other hand with his.

“It is.”

Beck parked up outside the pizzeria on fifth street, and turned off the engine.

“Here we are, our first date.”

“Here?” she asked excitedly.

“Pizza brings back great memories.” Beck waggled his eyebrows.

Raven mock gasped. “Beck! Are you trying to get in my pants?”

“Oh no. I wouldn’t
of it,” he said, with a devilish grin.
“Not like someone I could mention,” he muttered under his breath, but fully intending Raven to hear it. Her gasp was real that time, making him laugh.

Raven had missed that too. Missed him so much it still hurt.

She blinked back her emotional tears and walked through the door Beck had held open for her.

Sitting side by side at their table, eating pizza, was fun. Talking about the times before they were together and the ways Beck would torment her. They’d talked about some of them in the past; there were many.

Beck’s phone rang, and he pulled it out to check the ID.

“It’s my dad,” he said, declining the call and putting it in his pocket. His phone rang again straight away.

“It’s ok, you should answer. It might be important.”

“Not important as you.” Beck gazed into her eyes as he spoke, sending shivers down her spine.
she loved how he did that.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized when his phone rang for the third time. “Hi dad,” he said into the phone.

“Where are you?” Jack’s voice sounded from the other end. Raven could hear him clearly from where she was sitting.

“I’m on a date,” Beck replied, smiling warmly at her. He was looking at her the way he used to.

Raven’s heart skipped a beat.

“A date? Why the hell are you on a date? We have work to do.”

“I’m sorry, dad, but this is more important to me.”

Raven snuggled into Beck’s side, his arm around her and his fingers tangling her hair.

is more important,” Jack said angrily.

“Not happening dad,” Beck shook his head.

“Excuse me? We have to finalize the details of this deal!”

“It can wait.” Beck’s jaw clenched. “I don’t expect you to understand, but I’m not coming back right now.”

“Understand what?” Jack spoke as though he was bored with the conversation. “Just fuck her already and get back here.”

Raven’s stomach rolled at the way Jack had spoken to Beck. It was disgusting.

Wow, what a nice guy!

“Bye dad.” Beck hung up the phone, turned it off, and put it away.

“He’s going to be mad, isn’t he?” Raven asked. From what Beck had told her in the past, Jack wasn’t going to be happy that Beck had put something before the business.

“I don’t give a shit,” he replied. “I was done when he said that.”

“Said what?” Jack had said many things.

“He said to fuck you.” Beck moved his mouth to her Raven’s ear, and her breath hitched. “We don’t fuck…remember?” His words flowed through her making her eyes flutter

Raven pulled her lower lip into her mouth to stop a moan from escaping. She pressed her knees together under the table to calm the storm brewing there.

She wanted Beck so much. Her body was fighting her, virtually screaming at her to make up for the lost time. The gray in his eyes had almost disappeared with his dilated pupils. He was feeling the same way… and she was torturing them both.

Beck moved so his face was mere inches from hers.

“What are you thinking?” he asked. A slight curl on his lips.

“I…I… I have no idea,” she whispered. Her mind was blank except for the one focus that remained.

Getting Beck naked.

Beck licked his lips, his eyes glancing down to hers. Raven swallowed hard. Beck was doing the same things to her as he had in college.

The looks, whispers, low voice, licking his lips… They were working too.

She was worried that if he were to touch her in a certain place, she’d fall apart right there in the restaurant.

“I missed seeing this,” he said, a smile spreading on his face. “The way you react to me. It’s so sexy.”

“Beck, don’t,” Raven pleaded. She was losing her resolve quicker than her heart was racing.

Beck chuckled. “You know that’s not how this works,” he grinned. “It doesn’t matter where we are, or what you’re doing, babe.” He raised his hand and stroked down her cheek with his fingertips. “Have you forgotten how persistent I am when it comes to you?”

“No,” Raven said with a shaky breath. “Not in the slightest.”


Raven’s core throbbed painfully as they left the restaurant.

Beck had touched her like he had in their economics class. He’d let his fingers graze across her shoulders as they sat together. He’d made sure he leant in close as he spoke. And the tone he used…. Raven had to bit her lip from whimpering at the table. Her eyes closed automatically as the prickles over her skin had her body lighting up like she was on fire. He thought it was amusing as hell.

Beck opened her door, and closed it when she sat. Raven took a breath before she put on her seatbelt, being careful not to aggravate the intense pulsing between her thighs.

“Where to?” he asked, his eyes roaming over her, enjoying watching her in agony.

“Louise Avenue, just off eighty fifth,” she replied.

Without saying another word, Beck pulled away from the curb, and drove the short distance from the pizza restaurant to Raven’s apartment.

Beck had barely stopped the car when Raven opened the door.

“Come in,” she said quickly. She wasn’t giving him any doubts that she wanted him to go inside with her.

Raven knew what she’d said earlier, but her mind had won out. She’d missed him too much to hold back.

With shaking hands, Raven opened the door to their ground floor apartment and walked inside. Beck followed, closing the door behind him.

“This is a nice…”

Raven cut him off when she crashed her mouth to his, her arms wrapping tight around him holding him close. She felt his hard body press into hers then his hands in her hair. He returned the kiss in a second, and he licked into her mouth, feasting on her lips as though he was a man suffering from starvation.

Raven captured his tongue between her lips and gently sucked down the length, swirling hers as she went. She then nipped his bottom lip, letting her tongue lick across it.

“Raven,” Beck whispered into her mouth, before capturing it again.

His hands released from her hair and ran down her back to her ass. He gripped her cheeks, leaving one hand in place as the other ran up her front, cupping her breast in his hand. He ran his thumb over her hard bud, making her core tighten in response to the pleasure she received from his touch. She was aching all over and longed for his hands to be all over her; for him to be inside her again.

As they walked backwards further into the apartment, they kicked off their shoes.

Raven stroked down Beck’s solid torso, wasting no time in finding the bottom of his tee and pulling up. Beck released her, raising his arms and helping her to remove it. Hers was discarded just as quick, her bra flung across the room a second later, and their bodies pressed together again. Her hands caressed frantically over his muscles, before lowering to his belt.

Raven pulled back from the kiss, trying to catch her breath.

Her hands worked quickly as she unfastened his belt and unzipped his jeans. Beck paused their movements, and cupped her face in his warm hands, tilting her head back.

He looked into her eyes, his dark with arousal, and he smoothed his hands from her face, down her neck to her breasts. He turned his hands, palming her orbs, lifting them and dipping his head to kiss them.

Raven’s head fell back when his mouth closed around a nipple, and he thumbed the other.

“Oh God,
she sighed. Her core burned as he ran his tongue over her hard peak. The heat radiating from the center out.

“Raven,” he whispered against her skin. Kissing back up to her neck, then to her lips.

They sucked on each other’s lips as their tongues swirled around. Tasting, playing, loving.

Raven felt one of Beck’s hands glide down her stomach. Her skin prickled under his touch sending shocks through her. His fingers found the front of her pants popping the button there. He released her breast, and both hands tugged on her pants letting them drop to the floor.

Raven stepped out of them, as Beck led her back again, gripping his waistband and pushing his jeans over his thick thighs, and he shucked them down, kicking them off his feet. His hard length bobbed in the front of his black boxers, gently hitting her lower stomach.

Raven’s behind came into contact with the kitchen counter. Beck hands were at her waist, and he gripped before gently hoisting her up, sitting her on the cold surface.

He stood between her thighs, and she lifted them around his waist, all the while they kissed passionately.

Raven held onto Beck’s wide back, letting her fingers dig into the tight flesh. She raked them down, feeling his muscles tense under her touch. When she reached his firm ass, she gripped tight. Pulling him closer to her center, desperate to feel him there.

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