The Full Experience

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

Tags: #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: The Full Experience
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Title Page




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12


Bonus scenes

Beck finds out.

Lost in New York

Kato's comeuppance.


Other Books by Dawn Doyle

The Full Experience


Dawn Doyle

Copyright © 2015 Dawn Doyle

This is a work of fiction.

Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Published by Dawn Doyle
Smashwords Edition

Edited by Dawn Doyle

Book cover design by Dawn Doyle

Original unedited photograph, courtesy
Love Couple Photo


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Chapter 1

It was the start of the new academic year, and once again it was time to welcome Freshman students to Gable College.

Raven normally kept herself busy during those times, but her friend and roommate, Ava, had begged her to help. She’d only given in when Ava had promised to help her unpack her case from her trip to see her parents.

Her mother had needed her help over the summer, and Raven hated being so far away from her whilst she was swamped at the surgery. Raven’s mother, Jayne -Rita-Jayne, but she hated her first name- was a veterinarian and the usual staff who worked had vacation time. Raven had gone home during those weeks to cover for them. Just some reception work, but she liked to check on the animals that had to be kept in. Her father, Georgio, was a police detective and had been busy working on a couple of cases; so she didn’t see too much of him.

She missed them both, but she was also glad to be back to finish up her final year.

One thing she
looking forward to was seeing

Beck Traynor.

The campus stud, if that’s what you wanted to call him. Raven preferred ‘guy-slut’ or ‘man-tramp’.

Beck Traynor, upon first sight, looked like a walking wet dream.

His dark hair, silver-gray eyes, model good looks, and muscular build, were what made the girls go crazy.

Not Raven, though.

He’d tried to charm her from the day they started college, but she wouldn’t give in, no matter how much he tried. He wasn’t going to get in her pants and claim her as a statistic on the ever growing chart on his bed post.

It wasn’t as if he bullied her, or tried to intimidate her. He was actually a nice guy when he wanted to be; even funny at times. What got on her last nerve was his ‘list’.

He called it ‘The Full Experience’.

It was a sort of ‘bucket-list’ for college.

Raven cringed just thinking about it.

Number One: Skip at least one class. (Bonus points if it’s to complete number five.)

Number two: Go to a party at least once a year. (Possibly to complete number five.)

That one had a stipulation. It couldn’t be a quiet get together. Oh no. It had to be an all-out-jam packed-body crushing-deafening music- party.

Number three: Get trashed at least once at said parties. (
to complete number five.)

Number four: Crash in somebody else’s dorm. (Even better if it’s so fulfill number five.)

And finally,
as mentioned previously, for the complete experience (only available to girls)…

Number five: A meeting with Beck. (Better to coincide with number One, two, or four.)

Not a ‘meeting’ in it’s usual sense. It was the getting naked sense.

That’s how Beck got his title. He offered ‘the full experience’.

Raven had completed everything but number five, and that wasn’t going to happen any time soon. Not even if he was the best looking guy she’d ever laid eyes on. Or even if just the sound of his laugh gave her goosebumps.

It was all an act. That’s all it was, nothing more.

“Ray? Is everything ok?” Ava asked from beside Raven, waving her hand in front of her face.

“Oh, yeah. Everything’s fine, Ay. Just thinking about how it’s our last year.”

“Yeah,“ Ava sighed happily. “Time sure has flown by.”

“Well, these cases won’t unpack themselves,” Raven said, patting her bright red luggage carrier. “I’ve been walking the newbies around all morning. Now it’s
turn to help

“Not a problem,” Ava smiled.

Raven knew why. She always had her clothing ironed and folded. It just needed to be moved from the case, to the closet.

“Have you seen him yet?” Ava asked, wiggling her eyebrows.


“Don’t play coy with me, Ray. You know who I mean. The one who’s been trying to wear you down since he met you.”

Raven shook her head. “Only because I keep turning him down. He just wants what he can’t have.”

Ava snorted a laugh as she put the remainder of their things away.

“Look, and don’t take this the wrong way, I’ve told you enough times that if a guy can have whatever girl he wants then why would he waste his time chasing somebody who constantly refuses?”

Raven shrugged. “Maybe he sees me as a challenge.”

“Then why doesn’t he pursue the rest of us like that?”

Ava had a point.

Along with their friends, Kerry and Leila, they’d had vowed never to have sex with Beck, which he’d thought was hilarious. He’d still gone after
though; not that he
to chase anybody.

That was another thing with him. Girls just seemed to fall in his lap.


“Because I give him shit about it instead of dropping my pants,” Raven finished, wanting to end the discussion.

Ava turned on their stereo and Raven thought about the times Beck had approached her.

“Ow!” Raven said when a huge body slammed into her, knocking her down.

“Whoa, sorry. I didn’t see you there.” A deep voice sounded from above her where she’d fallen to the ground.

He held his hand out to help her up, and she took it.

Once on her feet, she got a good look at the guy who’d knocked her on her ass.

He was gorgeous.

All built with mussed up dark hair, piercing gray eyes, and long eyelashes. Full lips that stretched out into a smile as she looked up at him.

“What’s your name?” he asked, not letting go of her hand.

“Raven. Raven Valiente.”

“Hello, Raven Valiente. I’m Beck Traynor. Are you a freshman too?” he asked, finally releasing her hand when she pulled back.

It had made her a little uncomfortable that he held on for so long.

“Yeah. I just got here.”

“Cool. Look, some of my friends are coming for the orienteering. Wanna join?”

The way he smiled with a single eyebrow raising had Raven feeling that he was trying to be nice because of what happened.

Raven opened her mouth to speak when she heard her name being called by another girl.

“That’s me!” she called out to the blonde haired girl that held a clipboard with the college logo on.

“This way. I’ll show you to your dorm first. Your roommate is already there.”

“I guess this is goodbye, Raven Valiente,” Beck said looking her right in the eye. His gaze fixed firmly on her. “For now.”

Raven swallowed and turned to walk with the senior student.

It was later that day when Raven and her roommate, and new friend Ava, made their way to the meet up in the main hall. All of the new students were gathering for a get together to get to know one another before classes started the next week.

“What should we put on it?” Raven heard a guy say from a few feet away.

A few of the new guys were huddled around a table. They looked to be writing some sort of plan, or list.

“How about ‘things to do at college before you leave’?” One suggested.

“That’s so lame! What about ‘the
college to-do list?”

They guys started laughing, Raven thought the name was pretty poor too, when the voice from the morning spoke up.

“How about ‘the real experience’?” He nodded as he smiled. “Better yet, add another on the list…” he took the pencil from the other guy and wrote something on the bottom. “Now it’s ‘the full experience.”

The group burst into laughter and cheered for whatever Beck had written on the sheet, talking about getting copies printed and given out to the girls around campus, with their own versions.

Raven continued to watch them when Beck looked over to her. His smile widened, and she flushed bright red. He bit his lower lip into his mouth, and she swallowed.

Raven turned away quickly and tried to listen to the conversation Ava was having with two girls, Kerry and Leila. The girls were friends from high school and shared a dorm a couple of doors down from them.

They walked around the room, meeting a few other students and talking about the activities for the week, when they were approached by the group of guys from earlier; along with Beck.

They began to talk about their ideas for college when they mentioned the list they were devising. Some of the girls thought it was a fun idea to tick off the experiences as they achieved them.

“You could get started on your list right now,” Beck said quietly, moving his head closer to her. “Especially the last one.”

“A meeting with Beck? What does that mean?” she asked, confused.

“Fucking,” he winked at her.

Raven’s eyebrows shot up, and her mouth popped open. “Are you serious?” she asked in

“I am,” he smiled. His lips parted displaying his perfect white teeth.

Raven thought he was going to laugh and say he was kidding, but he didn’t; he just stared.

“Oh my God, you
serious,” she shook her head. “No!

Beck’s smile slipped and his eyes darted to the other guys, seemingly checking to see if they were watching.

“We could go right now; nobody would mind.”

“I said no, Beck. I don’t even know you.”

“You could get to know me extremely well,” he smiled again.

It wasn’t going to work on her. She’d met him a few hours earlier, and he was already trying to have sex with her? He was unbelievable.

“I tell you what, go fuck
she spat, turning her back on him.

Ava had seen and heard what had happened, and made excuses for the girls to leave.

After discussing it, the four girls decided that none of them were going to fulfill any of the guy’s lists, and
not the one for Beck Traynor.

From then on, Beck had made a joke saying she was too much of a goody-goody to get the full experience. The other guy’s lists had disappeared during the first year, but Beck being Beck, his had only gotten more popular and it was a sought after thing to get the final check on the list before graduating.

The only good thing about it? He was actually picky about what girls he had sex with.

There were also a couple rules to go by which were strange to say the least.

No kissing on the mouth, and no full contact.

Raven snorted and shook her head.

“He’s annoying you already isn’t he?” Ava asked as she sat on her bed.

“Yes. I sincerely hope this first semester goes by without incident.”

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