Taboo: Lesbian Intergalactic Space Ranger (Scifi Romance, Lesbian Romance Book 6)

BOOK: Taboo: Lesbian Intergalactic Space Ranger (Scifi Romance, Lesbian Romance Book 6)
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Lizzy Black



Copyright 2015 by: Lizzy Black

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted to any form by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the Publisher except where permitted by law.



Table of Contents








The flash of blue and white light erupted in a shower of sparks above her head as she dropped into a roll. Her fit and sexy body supple and at the same time tough as nails, Gaya Lanis, Intergalactic Space Ranger, Marshall Class, was up on her feet instantly, her two laser guns blazing red hot hellfire. Three of the Lizard-men fell to the dirty ground, stunned and frozen, their forked tongues lolling out of their great maws. The other two turned tail and ran.

“Journal entry 1806 Beta, 2215,” Gaya whispered into the comm. link on her collar. “Now entering the public tavern registered as the Green Mucus Larder, in the Cesspool sector. Intermediary hostiles eliminated. Quarry is in sight.”

She deftly side-stepped a few of the frantic denizens running out the squalid place and moved silently through the damaged furnishings of the intergalactic watering hole. Her crisp, body hugging uniform of a United Space Marshall showed signs of damage and dirt as she weaved her way towards her target. Seventeen years on the job, since she was only twenty two, made her a hardened law keeper with a nose for hunting down the criminal kind all over the Milky Way Galaxy.

“There is no where to run, I have the entire planet under lockdown.” Gaya announced to the shadowy figure crouching in the corner.  “Come out quietly.”

“Alright, I surrender.” A sultry voice called out from behind an overturned counter and a pair of slender arms rose above the ridge, a pulse rifle hanging loosely by the trigger ring on one thumb. “You got me, Space Marshall, you got me good. I surrender.”

“Drop that weapon and step out where I can see your hands, your feet and everything else.” Gaya barked. “Now!”

The blonde young woman stepping out from behind the wrecked bar counter dropped her weapon to the debris strewn floor and smiled at the grim faced Marshall. She wore a black shiny synthetic body suit that delineated every sexy curve of her tight body, making it impossible for her to conceal another weapon on her.

“Jenna Tuzla, you are under arrest for crimes against the Federation of United Planets.” Gaya said curtly as she cuffed the other woman’s hand behind her with an electro-magnetic link. “On charges of immoral trafficking, slave trade and smuggling contraband, among other things.”

“Hey, a girl can only do so much.” Jenna laughed, her large breasts jiggling. “You can understand that, you’re a woman too… and you’re from Earth. We are the same, babe.”

“You and I are nothing alike.” Gaya hissed and pushed her captive before her. “Now move… and don’t call me babe.”

“Well, I’m honored.” Jenna nodded as she trudged along towards the Marshall’s waiting space craft. “The Intergalactic Space Ranger Corps had to send the legendary Marshall Gaya Lanis to apprehend little ole me.”

“You’re wanted on six different star systems, Tuzla.” Gaya remarked as she hit the button on her belt to lower the sliding door of her space craft. “It’s about time someone put you away for good.”

“And you’re the one to do it.” The fugitive leaned over and kissed a surprised Gaya on the cheek. “Maybe after all this is over, we can hook up in the nice cozy cell they will lock me up in.”

“Getting caught has addled your brain.” Gaya growled, shoving her into the small space craft. “Do that again and I’ll give you a fat lip.”

“Or maybe you can spank my luscious bootie.” Jenna purred and stuck her butt out at Gaya.

“Get in, perp.” The Marshall jabbed the cold hard nuzzle of her gun into blonde’s lower back, pushing her into a holding pen with bright lasers for bars.

“Don’t leave me here all alone, Marshall.” Jenna cried petulantly. “I’m so cold and scared.”

Gaya ignored her and climbed up the stairs to the cockpit of the ship. Settling into the pilot’s seat, she flicked all the switches and primed the engines. With a deep sigh she relaxed. The hard lines on her face receded and the beautiful softness returned once more. She took a glass of juice from the food processor to the left and sipped on the iced liquid. The coordinates were set and the ship lifted off easily in the light atmosphere of planet, Sogross-3. She hated coming to this world of decadence and squalor, but most of the wanted scum of the galaxy were sure to be found here.

“I-N-Sty-N, set up entry for hyperspace.” Gaya stabbed at the keys on the console before her. “Warp Ten, nineteen seconds and counting.”

“Affirmative, Marshall.” The monotone response from the ship’s navigation computer, I-N-Sty-N, confirmed her request.

She closed her eyes, breathing deeply. The last six days had been grueling and she was tempted to make a stop over at the Pleasure Pits of Venus Delta 7, but it was important to get her captive to justice without any interruptions. Her body relaxed and her mind began to drift. The ship’s hyper-drive bent space and time as it crossed light-years in seconds, the resonant hum making her drowsy. She felt light headed and a comforting darkness enveloped her senses, luring her into a blissful sleep.




“Alert! Alert! System breach.” The incessant droning of the ship’s security system jarred her out of the dream she was lost in.

Gaya quickly rubbed the sleep out of her large green eyes and peered at the overhead view screens. In a flash, she drew her laser-pistol and slid down the ladder to the brig. Her eyes went wide at the site of a naked Jenna Tuzla writhing around on the floor, her hands caressing and stroking herself.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing, Tuzla?” She yelled.

“Oh, baby, yeah!” The sexy naked blonde moaned. “This warm, clammy air down here… it’s making me so horny. Come on in, darling, the water’s fine.”

“Stop this nonsense. Your elevated body temperature is affecting the life support.” Gaya deactivated the laser bars of the cell and stormed inside.

An intense odor assailed her senses, making her stagger. The blonde must have some contraband hidden on her person and was using it in the cell. Gaya’s head began to spin and she dropped to her knees beside the writhing woman on the floor.

“Ah, Gaya, so glad you could join me,” Jenna purred, intoxicated by her own lust and the pheromone drug. “Come, let me feast on you… it’s never a good thing to use good Saugus alone.”

“Saugus?” Gaya struggled to keep herself from succumbing to the powerful aphrodisiac that filled the cell. “That’s a class AA illegal substance. You’ll get fifteen years for…”

“Oh, be quiet for a moment.” Jenna grabbed her arms and dragged Gaya down over her. “Give in to your needs, old girl. How long has it been since you relaxed and unwound with some good girl-on-girl action.”

“Girl-on…?” Gaya gasped, feeling very light headed. “I have never done such a thing.”

“There’s always a first time.” The blonde pirate said huskily. “Come on, baby, let your feelings go… I know you want me, I can smell your need, and it’s so strong that I can taste it.”

“Oh fuck, I don’t know what’s happening to me… but your words are making sense, your touch feels so good.” The Space Marshall felt herself beginning to relax. “I’m feeling this urge to take off all my clothes and do these icky things with you.”

“Yes, baby, do it.” Jenna urged her. “Take it all off and do things to me, like you’ve never done before.”

“Yes, I must… I need to.” Gaya succumbed to the power of the illegal lust drug filling her senses.

She peeled off her uniform and began to slowly caress her own body as Jenna looked on and whispered encouragement. Gaya’s hands roamed all over herself, cupping her big soft breasts and squeezing them, sliding over her quivering belly and dipping in between her legs to the moist cavern waiting for her touch. She closed her eyes and sighed as Jenna’s hands joined hers in exploring her supple and ripe body.

“Gaya Lanis!” Jenna breathed. “Oh, I’m going to make out with the legendary Gaya Lanis. Wait till all the inmates at Hardixon Prison hear about this. I’ll be so much more infamous than I already am.”

“Shut up, Perp.” Gaya groaned. “And put your yapping mouth to better use on my throbbing pussy. Show me how much better you are at it than a man.”

“Oh yeah, baby… I’ll show you.” Jenna mewed and slipped down between Gaya’s spread, her salivating tongue running along the naked Space Marshall’s long sexy legs.

Gaya threw her dark haired head back and moaned aloud as Jenna’s long slimy tongue lashed over her wet pussy, covering her from puckered butthole to pulsing little clitoris. The blonde dug her slim fingers into the law-woman’s soft, yielding buttocks and pushed more of her sweetness into her mouth. The Space Marshall gasped at the wild sensations running all through her. She had never felt the tender touch of woman on her body before this and her prisoner was driving her crazier that all the male lovers she had ever had in the past.

Jenna savored every inch of Gaya’s quivering pussy. She kissed the soft petals of her labia, licking and sucking on the squishy flaps with her lush lips and torturous tongue. Gaya’s erect clitoris throbbed wildly as Jenna took it in her mouth and sucked in teasingly at the same time inserting two slender fingers into her dripping pussy and wiggling them. The law enforcer thrust up her sexy hips, pushing more of her pussy into the blonde’s face. She reached down and caressed one of Jenna’s large and yielding breasts. This was the first time she felt up a breast other than her own, and she liked it. She squeezed the soft flesh lovingly and caressed the risen nipple with her thumb making Jenna moan into her pussy.

“Oh, dwarf stars and quasars!” Gaya moaned. “If I’d only known I could get this much pleasure from another woman… oh, all the missed opportunities.”

“Hey, you can always make up for lost time… with me.” Jenna looked up. “We can run off to some tourist planet and live there under new names. Or I can hide at your place for the rest of my days.”

“Shut up, bitch, and use your big mouth on my pussy.” Gaya replied in a high pitched voice. “After this, you’re going straight to jail… though I may visit sometimes.”

“Oh, I’m going to change your mind after this, my love.” Jenna grinned and dove back into the moist feast before her.

Gaya stiffened as the blonde went wild over her pussy; licking, sucking, kissing, biting, with her fingers running amok all over her sensitive areas. Electrical impulses raced all over her body and Gaya felt the familiar sensation of an orgasm building up to explode out of her. Jenna sensed it too and intensified her assault. She licked her pussy lips and sucked on her clit, inserting three fingers into the slushy hole. The blonde grinned and stuck a saliva coated index finger suddenly into Gaya’s little butthole. Her body jerked and she clenched her belly. Her ecstatic wail echoed around the tiny brig as her orgasm hit her like an exploding nova, filling her body with an indefinable rush of orgiastic bliss.

The Space Marshall’s body shook with every wave as her cum cascaded over Jenna’s eager face. The fugitive lapped up her juices, running her hands all over Gaya’s shivering belly and thighs. She was shaking like a leaf in a snowstorm. So was Jenna as she licked away at the last few dribbles of her orgasm. And so was the cell. Everything was shaking and vibrating all at once.

Gaya shook her head to clear it. She re-set her earpiece and I-N-Sty-N’s metallic monotone jarred her out of her lusty stupor.

“Danger! Danger! We are veering off course. Report to the bridge at once.” The computer droned.

Forgetting her state of undress, Gaya raced up the embedded stairway, leaving the laser bars of the cell turned off. Grinning from ear to ear, Jenna followed Gaya up, her lust hazed leer fixed on Gaya’s naked ass as the Space Marshall raced up the ladder above her.

She leaped into the cockpit seat, unaware of her nakedness, her focus on all the alarming readouts on the screens all around her. The ship was way off course and they were being drawn into the gravity well of a nearby star. A medium class one, just like the Earth’s sun.

“How the fuck did this happen?” Gaya growled at the computer.

“Magnetic disruption in the hyper-drive ejected us out of Warp Speed. Coordinates unknown, we are in uncharted territory.” The machine responded without emotion.

“If we carry on this course, we’ll fall into that star and burn to hell.” Gaya yelled into the computer screen. “We have to find something to land on real quick, break away from the force that’s drawing us in, or else we’re toast.”

“Isolated planet, nine parsecs away.” I-N-Sty-N reported in a tedious tone.

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