Taboo: Lesbian Intergalactic Space Ranger (Scifi Romance, Lesbian Romance Book 6) (4 page)

BOOK: Taboo: Lesbian Intergalactic Space Ranger (Scifi Romance, Lesbian Romance Book 6)
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The panel slid open and Gaya found herself stepping out in to a long, narrow corridor. The snap of the panel closing behind made her jump. She looked at the wall and couldn’t see a thing, there was no way back into the room. But she didn’t care and turned around, setting off on a brisk pace down the corridor not knowing where it led to. Jenna was nowhere in sight. Either she decided not to come or the secret panel in her room led to some other corridor. Either way, she could find her later, once she had her bearings of the place and found a means to get off the cursed moon.

After a while of fast walking and a few running steps now and then, Gaya reached a bend in the narrow passage. It opened up into a larger passage and she could see a few shadowy forms moving around in the distance. She was vulnerable without her guns, but she was also a trained expert in unarmed combat and could defend herself in a crisis. A shadow fell across her and she whirled around, hands raised to block and jab.

“Hey, easy there, Marshall.” Jenna took a step back, panting. “Didn’t run all this way down an endless tunnel to get my head knocked off by you.”

“Damn, Jenna.” Gaya sighed deeply. “I hate the sight of you, but right now you’re the best thing in my life.”

“I’m so glad you finally see things my way.” Jenna raised her arms high and sashayed her sexy hips.

“No, I don’t mean in that sense, you lovely lesbian.” Gaya laughed and kissed her on the cheek. “But still, I could use the company. Come on.”

They ran silently through the widening corridors, keeping to the shadows. The few alien women they passed by seemed too pre-occupied to notice them and soon Gaya and Jenna found themselves in what looked like a large room full of equipment and strange softly blinking lights.

“This must me some sort of control room.” Gaya whispered, looking around the dimly lit surroundings.

“It looks more like a lab of some kind.” Jenna said, sticking close to the space cop. “I think our alien friends are into some kind of genetic engineering.”

“What ever they are into, we have to get the fuck off this moon.” Gaya hissed, running her hands over the rows of consoles that lined the room. “If we can locate some kind of central command unit, maybe we can find out where they keep their ships.”

“Have you noticed there are no men around anywhere?” Jenna said thoughtfully. “Not that I want any but how do they… you know, grow in numbers?”

“There’s the answer… they make clones, genetically engineer copies of themselves.” Gaya pointed at the rows of cylindrical tanks filled with a blue gel like substance. Each tank contained a humanoid body, in various stages of evolution.

“Whoa, looks like we hit the mother lode of Larktopia.” Jenna said softly, as she ran her hands over the smooth glass-like surfaces of the tanks. “This is so cool; all of them are female… at least in physiology.”

“Yeah, but don’t get too excited, or you may find a clone of yourself…” Gaya stopped in mid-sentence and froze in place before a tank filled with a greenish gel-like liquid.

“Holy double vision, law-woman,” Jenna whispered sharply. “Looks like you spoke too soon… that’s an exact copy of you in there.”

“What the fuck?” Gaya shook her head in astonishment. “What do they need a clone of me for?”

“Look, the lights are blinking green under the control panel of the cell.” Jenna pointed at the base of the tank. “This one’s ready to be popped out of the oven.”

“Let’s leave it as it is and keep moving…” Gaya hissed, anger pricking at her.

“Don’t you want to know why they cloned you?” Jenna asked. “I wonder if there’s one of me.”

“I don’t care why?” The Space Marshall exhaled deeply. “Let’s get the…”

A sharp hiss sounded from the tank and the lights on the bottom blinked slowly. The gel inside the tank began to recede downwards.

“What the fuck did you do?” Gaya stared at Jenna in alarm.

“Me?” I did nothing.” The space pirate was taken aback. “It must be on auto eject or something.”

“Stay back; find something to fight it with if it attacks us.” Gaya warned, looking around for a possible weapon.

“What the fuck?” Jenna rolled her eyes. “It’s just a clone… not some monster, but then again, it is a clone of you.”

The last of the liquid drained out of the tank and the glass-like tube rose up revealing a naked and young, powerfully built woman, dark haired and light of skin, tight and toned, with full round breasts, a narrow waist and wide flaring hips. Her face took Gaya’s breath away. She looked just like she had when she was nineteen or twenty. The clone’s eyes opened abruptly and they were the same emerald green of the Space Marshall’s. She smiled at them and stepped down from the platform on unsteady feet, taking Jenna’s offered hand.

“Hello, my dear.” The blonde pirate smiled. “What is your name?”

“I doubt if she can understand what you’re saying.” Gaya snorted, giving the clone a disgusted look.

“Oh, I do understand,” the lovely clone smiled. “I am Lanis-Lark, cloned from your DNA, Gayalanis.”

“For what purpose?” Gaya asked brusquely.

“We are part of the army Lotus-Lark is building, your skills as a warrior are well renowned and your DNA makes us the best fighters we can get.”

“I think I should be honored.” Gaya said sarcastically. “But you said we. Why?”

“I am the first of many to follow.” Lanis-Lark bowed slightly.

“They’re making an army of clones of you, Marshall.” Jenna said with a shiver.

“What is the need for this clone army?” Gaya asked the clone.

“For War. Lotus-Lark intends to declare war on Loseitall for past crimes against the Larks.”

“Hm, but how do you know so much when you’re just a newborn.” Gaya eyed the young woman with open suspicion.

“Oh, I am connected to the collective consciousness of the hive,” She replied, smiling pleasantly. “All through the gestation process and even now.”

“When are you not connected to the hive?” Jenna wanted to know, her eyes openly lusting for the sleek young beauty before her.

“During times of pleasure as it is our individual need that we have to focus on.” Lanis-Lark looked back at her with her green inviting eyes.

“Do you have the need now?” Jenna caressed the young woman’s cheek with a seductive smile.

“I am always ready for pleasure.” She smiled back, shaking her naked body for emphasis.

“Now is not the time for this!” Gaya snapped. “Do you know where the ships are docked?”

“Yes, Gayalanis, I do.”

“Show me.” The Space Marshall demanded.

“I cannot.” The clone looked down at her feet.

“Why?” Gaya rounded on her.

“I can only share that with the hive.” She looked back up at Gaya apologetically.

“But we are part of the hive now, when we fucked with Lotus-Lark last night.” Gaya said impatiently.

“You must conjugate with me to increase the circle of connectivity.” The clone smiled brightly.

“I love the sound of that.” Jenna piped up. “And there’s no time better than now to do it.”

“But we...” Gaya protested weakly.

“Jennatuzla is right.” Lanis-Lark said in a husky voice, “and my fresh body is yearning for your touch.”

“Then let’s not waste another moment.” Jenna smiled and hugged the naked clone, her lips closing in over Lanis-Lark’s juicy ones.

“Come, Gayalanis, you must join us…” The clone whispered. “…to complete the ritual.”

Gaya gave in to the desire flooding her mind. She was amused at being turned on by a younger version of herself. Though she had always admired her body, at times quite narcissistically, but she had never had the notion to want to make out with herself. Jenna Tuzla, the notorious space pirate, that kindled new fires in her and she discovered that she liked that. She reached out and cupped one of the clone’s pert young breasts, enjoying the sensation of smooth softness in her fingers.

“Oh, yes.” Lanis-Lark moaned. “Touch me, caress me, and make my senses come alive. Reach into me, let our bodies entwine and our minds meld, sweet Gayalanis.”

“Mmmhh, fresh pussy out of the oven.” Jenna moaned and buried her face into the clone’s bald pussy. “So sweet, so juicy and tender.”

“Oh, yes, yes.” The clone whimpered.

Gaya took each of the clone’s supple breasts in one hand and kissed the erect nipples alternatively as Jenna slurped away at the clone’s dripping pussy. Lanis-Lark arched her back and her mind exploded in a myriad of colors. Her senses, new and uninitiated, took her body to the limits of its sensitive threshold. She came instantly, her first orgasm, even before her first meal or drink.

“Mmh, sweet virgin cum, sweet virgin pussy.” Jenna grinned, her face covered in the clone’s love juice. “Gaya, you’ve go to try this hot pussy, it’s fresh and fruity.”

“Oh, I will.” The thirty nine year old law enforcer admired the nineteen year old body of her own clone. “Come to me, my dear.”

“We must, uh, meld our minds and unite our consciousness… to be a part of the hive.” Lanis-Lark said, amidst gasps.

“Yes, we must.” Gaya said huskily, rubbing her naked body against her clone’s and shivering at the sensation.

“We must let our love unite, press your pussy against mine… hurry, there is little time.”

“Press our pussies?” Gaya looked at Jenna questioningly.

“She means scissoring, or tribbing.” The blonde lesbian explained excitedly. “Cross you legs with hers and touch your pussy to hers.”

Gaya smiled in bemusement and did as Jenna instructed. She moved her hips and slid up between Lanis-Lark’s outstretched legs until her pussy squashed against the tight young woman’s.   

“Ah, yes.” Lanis-Lark moaned. “And now, hold on to my legs as I hold yours, and rub your pussy against mine, yes, yes, yes… rub my pussy…. Harder, ohhh, harder.”

“Oh, fuck!” Gaya groaned as she ground her hips against the clone’s with excited urgency. “This is so good, ohhh wow, I’m going to cum… cum so hard.”

“Yes, yes… we must cum, we must cum together…” Lanis-Lark’s high pitched wail echoed all over the lab.

“Yeah, baby, yeah!” Jenna yelled and stuck her hungry lips over the two grinding pussies, lapping up their flowing juices. “Cum hard, cum all over the place… Mama Tuzla’s got an appetite the size of the moon.”

Suddenly Gaya and the clone began to shake and shudder violently, throwing Jenna off their jerking pelvises. Lanis-Lark screamed and stiffened as if she was being electrocuted. Then both women were pushed away from each other like repelling magnets. Gaya slid a few feet away on the slippery floor, her eyes wide in shock as she watched the clone move away in the other direction. Suddenly her mind went black and when she opened her eyes a moment later, she found herself staring at her own body a few feet away from her.

“What the fuck is gong on?” Gaya scrambled to her feet and stumbled backward, her eyes wide in disbelief as she stared at her own body writhing on the floor.

“Gaya? What the…” Jenna almost choked. “You’re in the clone’s body… and the clone is in yours.”

“What the hell does that mean…?” Gaya trembled, looking at her own smooth and tight body in the reflection on the shiny metal walls.

“Somehow, your consciousness, or mind… or soul, if you so believe, has been swapped with the clone’s.” Jenna stood up, staggering backward. “It’s totally freaking me out.”

“Gayalanis?” The clone trapped in Gaya’s body looked up at them. “The melding of your consciousness into the hive did not work… you have instead hijacked my body and ejected my mind into yours.”

“How the fuck could I do that?” Gaya sounded skeptical, but she began to like the feeling of being younger again in the tight, sexy body of the clone. “And I can tap into the database now with my mind. Holy Mother of the Muses, I know where the docking bay is with all the ships and I can already see the one I want.”

“Man, this is absolutely wacky.” Jenna took a deep breath, calming her shot nerves. “What next?”

“We get the hell off this fucking moon. Come on, this way.” Gaya said and moved her new, more energetic body with an excited laugh.

“No, I can’t let you do this.” Lanis-Lark, trapped in Gaya’s original body, leapt up to bar her way. “I can’t access the hive mind link, but I can trip the alarm and youuuuu….”

Jenna grinned at Gaya as the clone in her body went down in a heap from a two fisted blow to the back of her head by the space pirate. “Man, I’ve been longing to do that so bad.”

“Let’s go.” Gaya gave her a curt look and turned to run.

“I mean, now that you’re not using that old body…” Jenna laughed nervously as she ran after the teenaged Space Marshall. “I would have never done that if it were still you in there.”

“Forget about it, Jenna.” Gaya laughed. “Let’s get off this mud ball before all this makes any sense to me.”




 ‘I can’t make any sense of it, my Queen.” Lanis-Lark slurred, looking blearily at the goddess-like woman leaning over her.

“What has happened to you?” Lotus-Lark gripped the dark haired woman by the wrist. “Why do you speak so incoherently, Gayalanis?”

“I am not Gayalanis.” She looked woozily at the beautiful queen’s confused face.

“Not Gayalanis?” Lotus-Lark looked ashen. “Then who are you?”


“Lanis-Lark, I am Lanis-Lark.” Gaya yelled as she ran ahead of Jenna, in the mad confusion all around the crowded docking bay. “Give me access to the Lexicas scout schooner. I want all the navigational charts programmed in.”

“As you command, great Lanis-Lark.” The tall alien woman bowed before her. “The fastest scout vessel is being primed with your unique DNA stamp; it shall be ready in thirteen clicks.”

“This is a highly secret mission, even Lotus-Lark must not know of it.” Jenna screamed above the roar of turbine engines at the others in the docking bay. “When we return she will be informed.”

“Lotus-Lark knows all.” The docking bay security personnel shook her head in confusion.

“Well, then that’s good for us all, isn’t it.” Gaya waved, stepping into the sleek craft and closing the hatch after Jenna.

“Come on, Marshall; let’s get the hell out of here,” Jenna hissed, strapping herself into the seat next to the naked young brunette. “…before that sexy goddess finds out that we’re no longer her guests.”

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