Taboo: Lesbian Intergalactic Space Ranger (Scifi Romance, Lesbian Romance Book 6) (2 page)

BOOK: Taboo: Lesbian Intergalactic Space Ranger (Scifi Romance, Lesbian Romance Book 6)
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“Recalibrate the course, get us over there.” Gaya barked, hammering in a few commands into the console herself.

“Time insufficient.” I-N-Sty-N made obvious. “Only option is to crash on one of the planet’s moons.”

“Let’s do it.” Gaya hissed, clutching absently at her naked left breast. “Better than falling into that sun.”

“Course plotted.” The machine said immediately.

“Execute!” The Space Marshall cried hoarsely.

“Affirmative.” I-N-Sty-N sounded almost caring. “Hold on to something.”

“We are, we are.” Jenna yelled as she hugged a surprised Gaya from the back.

“Ten seconds to impact.” The computer informed.

“Countdown, I-N-Sty-N.” Gaya said softly, grasping at Jenna’s arms around her.

“… five …four … three … two… one… zerrrrrrbbrrpp…”

A sudden jolt shook the ship to its nuts and bolts. More pressure than she had ever felt crushed down on her like a mass of an entire planet as Gaya held on to Jenna tightly, strapped down on the chair. Her head pounded, she looked at her prisoner. Jenna had passed out and soon the cold darkness forced its numbing charm over the Space Marshall. The ship was rocked to its foundations and then everything went still.


The low incessant sound of dripping water echoed inside her head, getting amplified into thunderclaps and finally waking her up. Gaya looked around bleary eyed at the dismal surroundings; the air had a metallic flavor to it. She was on firm ground, that was for sure, and apart from the dull ache in her head, she seemed to be fine. The little space carrier however was broken into two. The emergency crash landing had saved her life, but now she was stranded alone on a strange moon of a stranger planet in a galaxy she didn’t recognize. When her ship was functional, the onboard computer, I-N-Sty-N, informed her that they were in uncharted territory and to save themselves being sucked in by a star’s gravity, they forced a landing on a moon of one of the planets that whizzed around the star. That much she could remember after waking up and finding that her ship was beyond any kind of repair. She felt sure she was forgetting something, or someone.

She stood up and stretched herself. Not sure of how long she was unconscious, she stepped gingerly out of the wrecked spaceship. The air on the planet surface seemed a bit metallic but still normal; she would have been dead otherwise with the ship’s hull cracked in half upon impact. The sky had a pale crimson hue and a few pinkish clouds floated over head, looking like cotton candy. Suddenly she felt hungry and cold. She looked down at herself and was stunned to find that she had nothing on, not even her boots.

“What the hell happened to my clothes?” She muttered, looking around the wreckage. “I remember the ship hurtling for the moon’s surface, but how did I end up naked?”

A soft groan made her whirl around swiftly, her hand instinctively groping at her hip for her non-existent blaster.

“Damn, no guns too.” She grumbled and cautiously peered into the wreck form where the sound came from. “Who’s there?”

“Oh, fuck!” Someone said weakly. “We’re alive… oh, praise something, we’re freaking alive.”

“Tuzla?” Gaya’s eyes widened as memories of her captive came flooding back into her mind up to the point of when she had locked her in the brig. Everything after that until the imminent crash was a haze.

“Hey, Marshall.” The blonde crawled up to her knees, smiling weakly. “This looks like a good spot for a picnic.”

“You bitch, you did this.” Gaya hissed. “You filled my head with that odious narcotic and made me lose control… and we crashed. I ought to wring your scrawny neck for this.”

“Hey, if I remember right, you were having the time of you life… sitting on my face.” Jenna held her hands up.

“And why in the name of Uranus’ rectum are we naked?” The Space Marshall spat, her hands on her curvy hips.

“We were in the thick of it when your ship got crazy and went off course.” Jenna shrugged. “Don’t you remember a thing?”

“Unlike you, I’m not addicted to hallucinogens.” Gaya gnashed her teeth, twisting her lovely face. “My mind’s a blank of whatever we did before the crash.”

“Ah, too bad,” Jenna cupped her own naked breasts and examined her erect nipples one by one. “…because we had loads of fun and you said you’re my lover forever.”

“Fuck off; I’d never say anything so… so lame.” Gaya looked away as Jenna played with her own breasts.

“Whatever you say, you’re the space cop and I’m just a too bit hustler.” Jenna rolled her lovely blue eyes. “Now what, Miss Marshall of the Century, Top Class; where do we go from here?”

“More important than that, where is here?” Gaya sighed, looking around the barren alien landscape.

“Judging by the stars in the sky…” Jenna walked up beside Gaya, equally unharmed and naked.

“Yeah?” The space cop eyed the pirate with interest.

“I’d say we are screwed” Jenna grinned sheepishly.

“Dumb bitch, for a moment I thought you had something useful to say.” Gaya grated, walking away from the twisted wreck.

“Okay, so you’re in charge.” Jenna said docilely, running up after her. “Which way do we go then?”

“How should I know?” Gaya exhaled in frustration, looking up at the huge planet looming over the sky to the west. “This is a moon; we couldn’t make it to the planet… I don’t think we can find any life here.”

 “Well, I supposed we are doomed.” Jenna shrugged. “But at least we can have some fun with each other before we keel over.”

“Is that all you can think of, you stupid cow.”

“Well, yeah, that and money, a lot of it.”

“Neither money nor sex is of any use to us here if we’re stuck on an uninhabited moon.” Gaya scanned the horizon for any signs of life, even plants or trees. “And I hope we don’t run into any nasty predators if there even is any life on this mud ball.”

“What about food and water?” Jenna looked at the wreckage behind them. “Can we salvage anything from there?”

“No, the wrecked life support’s damaged the food processors. That ship’s as useful to us as the gravel and rocks here.”

“Maybe if we keep going in a straight line, we might find something... of use.”

“Let’s hope so.” Gaya scratched her left buttock, her skin felt dry and itchy. “I can’t even find my guns.”

“Gee, the great Space ranging Marshall Gaya Lanis caught with her pants down and unarmed.” Jenna laughed hard, jiggling her naked breasts wildly. “Why, I could paste you one and run away scot free.”

“Yeah, just you try it, sister.” Gaya smacked a tight fist into her own palm, making her vivacious breasts bounce. “You’ll see that I’m far from unarmed.”

“I may be crazy, but I’m not an idiot, Lanis.” Jenna continued laughing. “My best bet to surviving this is sticking around with you.”

“If we do survive this.” Gaya shook her head and continued walking further west, toward the setting planet before them.

“Oh, look… there.” Jenna said excitedly. “That’s a cave of some kind, in that rock face.”

“Hell, you’re right.” Gaya said, crouching low. “Let’s take this real carefully. Stay low and behind me.”

“Sure will.” Jenna smiled. “The view I’m getting is worth playing second fiddle.”

“Keep your mind on the task at hand, you idiot.” Gaya hissed. “I think that cave has inhabitants.”




 “Well, if it did have any inhabitants, it must have been a few million years ago.” Jenna stretched her back, stepping out of the small cave and into the darkening surroundings.

Gaya looked around inside the small cave in disappointment. There was nothing there to indicate any kind of life ever existed near by. The small hole in the elevated ground seemed like a good place to take shelter for awhile though. The Space Marshall sighed, wondering how long they could survive on this alien moon without any sustenance.

 “It’s getting dark outside, Gaya.” Jenna called to her, peering inside.

“Let’s get some rest in here then, Tuzla.” Gaya said softly, leaning her back on the warm stone wall with a sigh. “We’ll think up something when the sun’s back up.”

“It’s going to be cold night. We could share body heat and keep warm.” Jenna smiled as she slid in beside the naked space cop.

“You’d really love that, wouldn’t you, Tuzla?” Gaya smiled at her captive for the first time.

“More than anything else in the world right now.” Jenna snuggled up to her, pressing her soft naked body against the law-woman. “And you can call me Jenna, you know.”

“Sure, Jenna.” Gaya closed her eyes and sighed, a great weight seemed to lift off her as the pirate’s tender arms encircled her welcoming body. “Let’s get some sleep now.”




Gaya’s bright green eyes opened wide with a start as strong hands grasped her arms and legs dragging her out of the cave into the searing sunshine. She instantly shielded her eyes with her hands, but could not stop them for watering. The sun was high in the sky and brighter than any she had known, but the air was still cold.  As her sight got accustomed to the light, she noticed the blonde space pirate looking at her from across the hard baked floor, four powerful humanoid arms holding her down.

“Looks like the intelligent life we were searching for found us first.” Jenna said with a smile, before passing out.

Gaya gasped and looked up at her captors. Before her stood a tall humanoid form, rich violet skin gleaming in the sun, the body type definitely a female. Round powerful shoulders, upright heavy breasts, a narrow tapering waist and wide flaring hips held up by sexy muscular legs spread apart in a warrior stance. Long dark hair fell in a tight braid to the bubble butt, and a face that looked carved in stone featured large pupiless eyes, a sharp hook nose and tight but full lips. Apart from what looked like strips of metal jewelry and chain links, the alien standing before her was as naked as she was.

“What are you?” Gaya managed to whisper before a strange odor filled her senses and everything blurred to nothingness.


“Where the hell is this and who are you?” Gaya Lanis, Intergalactic Space Marshall demanded of the tall young female humanoid seated on a throne before her.

“I am Lotus-Lark and you are in my queendom, the legendary Larkatus.” The exquisite beauty smiled in response.

Gaya found it hard to believe that anything could be as ethereally beautiful as the creature seated before her. Lotus-Lark, as she called herself, was almost human in appearance, with the possible exception of her elf-like pointed ears and sharp, hawk-like nose. Her pale skin was smooth and glowing, playing off her rich dark hair. A heart shaped face, with large dark eyes and full red lips enchanted any who were privileged enough to see her. And her body, if only Gaya wasn’t a woman, she would have fallen to her knees in worship. The Queen on Larkatus had a body most women would kill for and men would die for. A neck like a swan, shoulders broad and rounded, delectable breasts with cherry red nipples and a tight belly that invited to touch. A narrow waist gave way to round flaring hips that swung mesmerizingly like a perfect hourglass and shapely sexy legs that could go on forever. Lotus-Lark sat naked on her throne, a few metal trinkets was all she wore, just like the Amazonian women that served her.

“What… what planet is this?” Gaya asked, struggling to tear her eyes away from such artistic beauty.

“What is a planet?” Lotus-Lark looked puzzled.

“This place, this moon… that’s spinning around that planet.” Gaya explained patiently.

“Ah, you mean Loseitall, the provider.” The alien creature leaned back on her throne.

“Lose it… all?” The space cop jerked back.

“Yes, it is where we come from,” Lotus-Lark smiled sweetly. “…to make a life here on Larkatus after escaping our ravagers.”

“Holy hell, all this sounds life some cheap B-Grade sci-fi movie…” Gaya felt her patience stretch. “And how the hell can I understand what you’re saying, you’re an alien.”

“Ah, yes. We have infused you with a sensory nerve implant so that you may be able to communicate with us.” The Queen waved her hands about in a matter-of-fact manner. “We are very interested in you and your companion. You have certain attributes that we here on Larkatus find very endearing.”

“Oh man, do I need a drink?” Gaya palmed her face with a sigh. “Where is Tuzla? Jenna Tuzla… my cap… umm, my companion?”

“Ah, she roused much before you and she was more receptive to our hospitality than you have so far been.”

“We are not alike…: Gaya said through clenched teeth. “She’s a lawbreaker and a lesbian… while I am neither.”

“That does not matter,” Lotus-Lark arched her back, pushing her firm breasts even higher. “…physically you are much alike and that is all we are interested in.”

“Who is this ‘we’? All I see is only one, you.” Gaya looked around the opulent but empty throne room.

“We are the collective consciousness of all that is the Lark, call it a hive if you will,” The alien woman smiled. “…and I am the central nerve, the Queen, I am Lotus-Lark.”

“And I must have hit my head too hard when we crashed.” Gaya laughed out loud. “This is the lamest dream I’ve ever had.”

“This is no dream, Gayalanis, this is your destiny.” Lotus-Lark said prophetically, her rich voice going deep. “To be here, to become a Lark.”

“If I had a functional ship, your queen-ship,” The Space Marshall held out her hands. “You’d really get to see how much of a lark I could be.”

“Gaya, there you go again.” Jenna suddenly walked into the lavish throne room. “Don’t fight it, darling. There couldn’t be any better place than this. It’s Lesbian Central Command, baby. The females rule everything here; it’s a pure matriarch monarchy. The Queen’s promised me heaven here, but she wants to take us on together.”

“What are you rambling about, you idiot?” Gaya snapped at the giddy space pirate. “Can’t you see these aliens have some kind of crazy agenda?”

“Sure they do.” Jenna stood with her hands on her naked hips before Gaya, pouting her lips. “And unlike dissecting our brains and probing up our anal cavity, these awesome Lark babes want sweet human pussy and we have enough juicy pussy for all of them.”

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