Taboo: Lesbian Intergalactic Space Ranger (Scifi Romance, Lesbian Romance Book 6) (5 page)

BOOK: Taboo: Lesbian Intergalactic Space Ranger (Scifi Romance, Lesbian Romance Book 6)
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“All systems go, and we’re off.” Gaya grinned, as the sleek craft silently rose into the air and shot off toward the crimson skies.

“Fifteen seconds to hit escape velocity.” Jenna remarked, watching the readouts. “And we have ten seconds to hit hyperspace before that star’s gravity well sucks us in again.”

“I got that covered, pirate.” Gaya smiled, looking down at her tight new body with admiration. “I’m beginning to enjoy being naked like this.”

“Yeah, with a sexy new body like that, who wouldn’t.” Jenna eyed her with lust. “And you have a whole new lifetime now to patrol the space ways for twenty five more years.”

“A long way to go, all over again.” Gaya sighed. “No, I think not.”

“So what are you going to do?” Jenna eyed the wise young woman beside her.

“I’m not too sure yet, but you’ve opened my eyes to alternatives, Jenna.” Gaya smiled at her blonde captive. “In more ways than one.”

“So what are you saying?” Jenna asked curiously. “Are you going to try being a space pirate or something now?”

“You could say I’m acquiring a taste for it.” The brunette laughed.

“And about sex…” Jenna asked eagerly. “Are you thinking of going my way too on that?”

“Sure, that’s another one of the options I could consider.” The young woman’s green eyes shone as she stared ahead. “Get ready, we’re hitting hyperspace in three… two… one… yee-haw!”

“Whoa, what a rush.” Jenna stared at the front screen as time and space were bent and stretched before them.

“This is going to take couple of hours, getting back to the point where we got lost at, before we can map new co-ordinates back to Earth from there.”

“And what are we going to do for all that time?”

“Well, the old Gaya Lanis would have suggested sleeping.” Gaya smiled and reached over to caress Jenna’s left breast. “But for the new and improved Gaya Lanis, sleep isn’t a priority when she has such sexy company to spend her life with.”




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